I Killed Fiddy Men, Not Ponies

by LtMajorDude

Mah Second Day on this God-forsaken place

Cotton woke up with a yawn.

He put his hand on his forehead...

"...wait HAND?!" Cotton shouted frantically. "But I thought I was a horse...?!"

"Good morning Cotton" he heard.

He turned around and saw Peggy Hill, who was smirking.

"What the...?" he thought. "I'm alive? I thought I died and went to that horse world or somathing?!"

Cotton gasped before he realized that he is now a pony.

"It was just a dream..." A relieved Cotton said.

Cotton got off the hay and yawned.

"Might as well visit AJ" he muttered.

He walked to her house. "Damn that gal has a LOT of apple trees." he muttered.

He reached the front door and knocked.

Big Macintosh opened the door and smiled.

"Morning Cotton." he said.

Cotton pushed Big Macintosh aside and walked in.

"Yea Yea Whatever. What's fer breakfast?"

Big Macintosh led Cotton to the kitchen table where Cotton saw Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith.

Granny Smith smiled. "Good Morning Mr. Cotton Hill"

Cotton rolled my eyes. "What's on the menu? And don't call me Mr. Cotton Hill"

She gave him a slice of apple pie. "APPLE PIE?" Cotton thought with a raised eyebrow. "First a plant sandwich for lunch and now dessert for breakfast? Eh. Food's food."

He began to eat his pie quietly until he heard Apple Bloom complain.

"Apple pie again? We just had apple pie yesterday!"

"Ah zip it young'un" Cotton told her, crumbs flying from his mouth. "One time the only thing I ever gots to eat was rats. Eventually I was down to mah last rat. I let it live so that I could eat its droppings. Called it Jungle Rice! Tasted fine."

The whole Apple family just stared at Cotton.

Big Macintosh broke the silence. "You ate mouse droppings?"

Cotton smiled like an idiot. "Can't let them know." He thought. "Um...Of course not! That was just a made up story! Uh Yea..."

Apple Bloom smiled. "Wow...you made it sound like you really DID ate mouse droppings!"

Big Macintosh nodded. "Eeyup"

Cotton's right eye twitched the second Big Macintosh said 'Yup.'

Applejack looked uneasy. "Umm...how about we go visit mah friends after breakfast?"

Cotton shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" He said as he quietly ate his pie, ignoring the worried faces from the Apples Family.

After breakfast

"So who should we visit?" Cotton asked Applejack.

"Um...how about Twi?" she asked.

Cotton shrugged. "Why not?"

She led the way to her friend 'Twi'

As Cotton followed her, he noticed ponies are looking at him.

He saw fillies and colts hiding behind their parents.

"Eh." Cotton thought. "Why do I care?"

Eventually she led him to this tree house.

She knocked on the door.

A small purple dragon opened the door.

The purple dragon smiled at Applejack.

"Hey AJ" he said.

He looked at Cotton and looked a bit scared.

"Whoa. Who are you?" he said.

Cotton rolled his eyes.

"Your mom" he replied with a smirk.

The dragon, who was Spike, looked confused.

"You're not my mom." Spike said.

Cotton sighed.

"Whatever" Cotton said.

Spike smiled. "Hey, you must be the stallion Twi was talking about"

Cotton glared at him. "Yea so?"

Spike looked scared. "Whoa. Your eyes freak me out."

Cotton smirked. "Good"

Spike smiled nervously. "Umm...Hey Twi! That stallion you were talking about is here!"

Cotton snorted. "You look like Spyro the Dragon."

Spike chuckled nervously. "Um...thanks?"

Cotton pushed him out of the way.

"Hey Breaking Dawn!" Cotton shouted.

Twilight came into the room. "Good Morning Cotton." she said with a smile.

Cotton didn't pay attention to her. He was just looking around.

"Damn you have a lot of books." Cotton said. "You really ARE a nerd!" he thought.

"You want to borrow some books?" Twilight asked.

Cotton shrugged. "Sure. What do you got?" he said.

"I can give you a book about the history of Equestria." Twilight suggested as she used her magic to levitate a book to Cotton.

Cotton smiled. "You got porn or pictures of women?"

Everypony, and Spike, looked confused.

"What the hay is porn?" Applejack asked.

Cotton groaned. "The whole planet is full of women and yet there is no porn..." he thought.

"Can we go now?" Cotton asked Applejack.

Applejack was confused. "We just got here"

Cotton glared at her. "I said, CAN WE GO NOW?"

Applejack sighed. "Fine, just wait outside please"

Cotton rolled his eyes and went outside.

Spike scratched his head.

"He was...um...nice..."

Twilight sighed.

"He's a little bit meaner than I thought."

Applejack smiled weakly.

"Maybe we'll git used to him. But first things first!"

Twilight nodded.

"Right! I told Pinkie Pie to set it up in the barn."

Applejack smirked.
