Silence of the night

by ikko-001


The raindrops were falling on the train tracks while I was walking aimlessly trying to leave behind the city of Las Pegasus. Around me I could only distinguish the straight path of the rails flanked by wet branches of the trees which reflection with moonlight made ​​them appear to be an extension of the stars that adorned the sky. With the sound of rain was also that of my footsteps on the wood of the track and the strong smell of my mane, I still did not know if it was because of the rain or my way through the city.

In my mind was only the memories of my old home and my urgen need of a bath. Friends, family and my job all was over, past history and all for the sake of my Sugarberry.

waaank! waaank!

The distant sound of a train make me look up for a moment to a far light in front of me. Too distant that it could be describe as a star, a real one.

waaank! waaank!

The sound was more and more lauder with the time, but I was stiff in my position. I have been many things, an adventurer, a singer, a fighter, but in the end after all these masks I only found insecurity and doubt. Oh Sugarberry if only you were here with me.

waaank! waaank!

A yellow light flashed in my eyes and a big pain quickly invaded my body, but faster as it comes it went away.

If only briefly...