//------------------------------// // My name is "Xero", prepare to die! Part 2 // Story: Xero's After-the-Final Fight // by The P Co //------------------------------// *Xero Xero was almost horrified at the abomination that stood in front of him, memories flooded his mind, memories of Omega and XV, of the beast he had to kill, the beast that was his best friend. XV was more deadly in this state than Omega's body, as Omega had had no weapons when XV took over, but Twilight had powerful magical abilities. A deafening roar of feral rage shook Xero and Rainbow Dash, threatening to knock them over. Xero silenced the monster with a stab through the..... everything, really, he DID attack with the Lunar Zanbato after all. Turning on some fight music, the cyborg knew it would be a toughie. XVight Sparkle wasn't going down so easily, teleporting off of the blade, the creature used its sharp hoof holes to tear off some armor, ripping out wires and leaving the flesh underneath exposed. Xero attempting a lift on XVight, resulting only in the beast doing an avulsion on his left ring finger and right pinky. A howl of pain, followed by the brit busting the creature's jaw with a broken wolverine blade. Rainbow Dash, having been shocked still, recovered at the sight of the beast's wound, attacking immediately, shots were fired, blades were slashed, blades were forcefully removed. The spectral maned mare gasped in pain at the few feathers ripped out by the wing-blades being torn off. Xero followed in with a volley of shots from the Joy Colt, destroying one of the monster's legs and one of the wings, The Lunar Zanbato was blasted from his hand by a magical missile-type attack, disintegrating midair. Using the Light Arrow, the ninja countered with several energy bolts, destroying a hoof, blasting out a hole in the body, and blowing off part of the horn and other wing. The abomination of a pony/alien hybrid roared in a mix of carnal fury and pain, using what few teeth it had left to tear RD's Gatling Revolver to pieces. It gave a one hoof buck to the daredevil's jaw, knocking her away and almost sending her into unconsciousness. XVight turned to face its human opponent, meeting only a pair of revolver barrels in front of its eyes. "You know, it's rather quite hard to decide whether or not a stupid cunt like you needs to be shot between the eyes, but with this bloody thing, that's not a problem." the soldier explained. 1 shot, 1 kill, XVight was killed, the front of her head had a pair of half-inch wide holes. The back of the head? ..... What back of the head? There's no back of the head on this thing. <> It was a funeral, for the 5 heroines of the land, Xero shed only 5 tears, 1 for each of them, Rainbow Dash kept crying quietly, trying to control her emotions, but the thought of not 1, but all 5 of her best friends, dead, kept the tears flowing. Luna headed the funeral, as requested by Xero, seeing as she and each of the 6 mares (and Xero) were all somewhat close. "...and now, I ask Xero, a close friend to both the Element Bearers and myself, to come up and say a few words." Luna announced, Xero hadn't been paying much attention to the eulogy, but tuned in to the speech at those last several seconds. Standing up a bit shakily, he walked over to the podium quicker than necessary. "I don't know what to say, I just don't know what in the bloody hell to say about what happened, I could have stopped it, but I didn't, I was foolish, and angry, and impatient, and hesitant, and a lot of bad shit, I blame myself, for all of what happened, I don't deserve to stand up here, not when I'm basically the one who killed them, I'm a terrible leader, and an even worse friend..." Xero paused, taking a stone that was thrown at him to the head, he didn't wait for more to follow, he rather did what he did best. Run, but this time, he ran away from the opposition. <> It had been days, he was walking through the desert-like plane of dry, cracked dirt behind the Canterlot mountain range. Fatigued and dehydrated, his speed had diminished to a hobble, keeping himself standing by leaning on the Steven, which he had recovered. He felt like shit, not just physically, but metaphorically as well. He didn't deserve to live in a wonderland like Equestria, not at all. He had dropped the Steven, his fingers slipping from the handle. He brought the Light Arrow to his head, ready to cut his throat. I should have never brought them into my problems. None of them should be dead. I'm the one who deserves to die. I... I wonder...... I wonder if........... I wonder If Omega................ I wonder if Omega would............................... I wonder I Omega would have done any better....................................................................... Omega....... Kary......... Askad........... I wonder if their waiting for me? They probably are. But... ... ... ... .. ... I still wonder if Omega would have done any better..... Time to cut my throat. I'm too weak to do even that. Tired... So tired... This seems like a good place to rest. I hope nobody finds me. I leave this as my last message. Something I should have said a long time ago. I'm just going to rest now..... FATALITY!