The Enemy Within

by scarletmanuka

Chapter 1

Captain’s Log, ponydate 1314.5 : We are en route back to Earth by the order of Commander Luna. The latest intel suggests a new threat may be facing Equestria - and it’s already among us. Luna has ordered an investigative team consisting of myself, Spock and McCoy to infiltrate Ponyville and assess the situation. It is imperative to neutralise the enemy whilst keeping pony casualties to a minimum. Sulu will take command of the EQS Enterprise whilst I am on earth.

Kirk completed his log entry and then poured himself a whiskey. He took a sip and gazed out of the window. Earth loomed large in his vision and he smiled in anticipation at being back on his beloved planet. The earth pony loved his ship and he loved his job but he did it all to protect the planet he adored.

There was a knock at the door and Spock entered. Kirk smiled at his friend and first officer, then waved a hoof at the whiskey. Spock raised an eyebrow.

“We have known each other for many years now, Captain. Have you ever known me to partake of an alcoholic beverage in all that time?”

Kirk chuckled. “It’s always worth a try.”

“What news of Earth?” Spock’s pointed Vulcan ears twitched.

Kirk’s demeanor became serious. “We’re walking in blind my friend. The only thing we are certain of is that there is a threat present. We just don’t know what it is or the extent of it.”

“Do we ever?” Spock asked.

“You have a point there.” Kirk shrugged.

“I have given the matter some thought and a disturbing conclusion has presented itself to me,” Spock said.

“Sit Spock and tell me your thoughts.” Kirk indicated a chain opposite.

The Vulcan unicorn sat and used his magic to pour a glass of water. “The nature of this threat has puzzled me. If an alien lifeform was present on Earth then surely somepony would have noticed? Celestia recently had an encounter with a Changeling. Could something similar be our target?”

Kirk rubbed his chin with his hoof. “Yes, it’s entirely possible. I doubt it would be a Changeling as their recent defeat has totally demoralised them, however we know that they are not the only shapeshifters that reside in the galaxy.”

“My thoughts exactly. It is logical to assume that where there is one variation then there surely will be others. I suggest that we use local pony knowledge to pinpoint those ponies that are not acting like themselves.”

Kirk smiled. “An admirable plan my friend. Your logic never ceases to amaze me.” He downed the rest of the whiskey and wiped his mouth with his hoof. “Bones, you, and I leave at first light.Get some rest, Spock. We have a busy mission ahead of us.”


Twilight huffed as she rose from her book to answer the quiet knock at the door. The princess had set her a new assignment and she’d had nothing but interruptions since she’d begun studying after breakfast. Rarity has seconded Spike for the day to help collect gems and Twilight was sorely missing the baby dragon. She hadn’t realised how much he did to keep her from being distracted.

Twilight half yanked the door open but felt her irritability fade as she saw it was Fluttershy on her doorstep. The timid pegasus did not usually turn up unannounced so Twilight assumed there must be something amiss.

“Hello Fluttershy,” she greeted her friend. “What’s up?”

“I’m sorry to bother you, Twilight. It’s just that I really need your advice on something. If that’s okay of course.”

“Of course, Fluttershy. Come on inside.” Twilight held the door open and ushered the pegasus inside.

“I do hope I’m not interrupting you,” Fluttershy said. “I normally wouldn’t call so early.”

“Not at all,” Twilight lied. “You know I’m always happy to help.”

Fluttershy nodded and took a seat on a chair that was only half covered in books. “Oh I know, Twilight! You’re the most helpful pony I’ve ever met. I can always count on you for wonderful advice.”

Twilight used her magic to clear a dozen textbooks off the chair opposite to the one Fluttershy perched on. “So what’s troubling you?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash. She came by this morning and I told her that I’m taking some bunnies for a picnic tomorrow. She said she has the day off and that she wants to come along” Fluttershy gulped.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I quite understand. How is this a problem, Fluttershy?”

“Well Rainbow can be a little - boisterous - at times. I’m worried she’ll scare the bunnies. It’s supposed to be a relaxing picnic but I’m worried she’ll be too loud and energetic and the bunnies will freak out. I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to come along.” Fluttershy cast her eyes down.

“I’m sure you’ve had to tell her in the past that you don't need her help,” Twilight said. “How did you do it then?”

“That’s just it!” Fluttershy cried. “She’s never offered before. She’s normally so busy practising her routines or napping that she never has time to waste on picnics.”

Twilight considered this. “True. It does seem out of character. I think you just have to tell her the truth, Fluttershy. Dash knows she’s louder than your average pony. I’m sure she’ll understand when you explain the bunnies are too timid for her company.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I guess you’re right. I’d better go. I don't want to take up any more of your time.”

Twilight saw her downcast friend to the door and then returned to the book she’d been reading. She’d barely read the next chapter before the door burst open and her personal space was filled with a prancing pink pony.

“Hi Twiley! Whatcha doin? Is it study? I bet it’s study! You’re always studying. I don't know how you do it. Don’t you get bored? I’d get bored. Studying isn’t nearly as exciting as parties. Ooh! Maybe I could make studying fun. Get some streamers and some balloons and cupcakes. Oh I love cupcakes. Chocolate is my favourite. Or maybe vanilla? Which is your favourite? I bet it’s chocolate too because chocolate is just the most wonderific flavour in the whole wide world! If you don’t like chocolate you must be a little - “ She twirled a hoof around her ear and rolled her eyes around. “I could also make little books out of edible paper and have them as party favours. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Oh and we could do candy bags but the bags could be in the shape of library bags. And - ”

Pinky!” Twilight yelled.

“ - we could all dress in school uniforms and - “ Pinky trailed off as Twilight’s scream finally registered. “Yes, Twilight?”

“What are you doing here?”

“Oops. I guess I got distracted there. Sorry. Rarity asked if you could come and get Spike. He’s not feeling well.”

“What’s wrong with him?” The fact that Pinky had digressed so much made Twilight positive that whatever was wrong with Spike could not be too serious.

“I’m not sure exactly. Rarity seemed mad though.”

“Rarity? Mad? At Spike?” Something didn’t quite add up here.

Pinky nodded. “Yup. She was super cranky.”

Twilight sighed. “Okay. Thanks for telling me, Pinkie. I’ll head down straight away.”

Twilight locked the door to the library and hung a Closed sign on it. Pinkie accompanied her into town but bounded off once they reached Sugar Cube Corner. The unicorn continued past shops and houses until she was on the outskirts of Ponyville. She turned a bend and saw Rarity on the slope of the low, rocky hill where she often collected gems. Spike was nowhere in sight.

“Rarity!” Twilight called as she approached the white fashionista.

“Twilight. Good. I’m glad Pinkie found you.”

“What’s the matter? Where’s Spike?”

Rarity tossed her mane. “I’ve put him over there.“ she nodded in the direction of her small cart. “He’s sleeping it off.”

“Oh dear. Did he overindulge?” Twilight asked.

“Overindulge? Overindulge? That little glutton ate almost all the gems I’d gathered for my new collection! It’s simply a disaster. I shall never be able to find the amount I need now. I’ll have to reconsider all my designs and start afresh.” Rarity was as irate as Twilight had ever seen her.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity.” the unicorn apologised. “Can I help you with your search?”

“It’s not your fault dear,” Rarity said. “It’s mine for allowing a gem guzzling dragon to accompany me. A mistake I shall not make again.”

Twilight glanced over at the sleeping dragon. She knew Spike would be devastated to have upset Rarity so much. His gem collecting adventures with Rarity were the highlight of his month. She could only hope that the white unicorn would change her mind once she had calmed down.

“I guess I’ll take him home then,” said Twilight.

Rarity sniffed. “Thank you.”

Twilight crossed to the cart and gently shook the dozing dragon. “Spike? Wake up. We need to go home.”

Spike groaned and slowly sat up. “Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“Rarity asked me to come and collect you.”

“Rarity?” Spike looked up with a smile which turned quickly into a grimace. “Oh no. Rarity. The gems. Ow. My tummy.” He took his extended belly in his claws and gently rubbed it. “Is she really that mad at me?”

“Let’s just say I think it would be wise to give Rarity some space for a while.”

“Okay,” Spike said quietly. He climbed out of the cart and started walking home. He kept his head down and avoided looking at Rarity as he passed her. He didn’t say a word to Twilight as they walked and once they arrived back at the treehouse he went immediately to his basket . Twilight stood for a moment looking up at their room and then shook her head and returned to her desk. Rarity adored Spike and must have had a very bad day to have gotten so mad at him.She was normally very forgiving when it came to her Spikey Wikey. Twilight hoped the unicorn’s anger would pass soon or she’d be stuck with a very mopey dragon.

Twilight stretched and then resumed her place in the textbook. Surely the afternoon would be peaceful enough to get in some serious reading.

Or not.

Not even an hour later there was an urgent knock at the door.

“Urgh! What now?”

Twilight flung the door wide open and stood all but glaring at the visitor. It was Applejack and the orange earth pony looked...different. Her regular Stetson was missing - in its place was a sprig of apple blossoms. Her tail had been carefully braided and unless Twilight was much mistaken there was a hint of blush on the pony’s cheeks.

“AJ. Hi.” The snarky comment Twilight had intended on delivering was wiped from her mind as she tried to comprehend her friend’s appearance.

“Howdy Twilight. I need your help. Mind if I come in?”

Still speechless Twilight nodded.

“I called in at the boutique but Rarity was out. I had no idea what to do but then I remembered that we’re the same size. I need a dress! Real quick too. I have nothin’ at home fancy enough.”

Twilight’s eyes bulged. “A dress?”

“Yeah. Ya know, one of them things you wear to make yourself pretty?”


“Are you okay, sugarcube? You seem to be having a mite trouble hearing today.”

Twilight mentally shook herself. “Sorry, Applejack. A dress. Yes. I have dresses you can borrow. Spike is asleep so I’ll nip up and bring a few down.”

“Thank you Twilight. Appreciate it.”

Twilight crept into the room she shared with Spike and pulled out several dresses she thought Applejack might like. She used her magic to take them downstairs so as not to crease them. Try as she might she could not fathom what was going on with her friend. AJ had not offered any explanation which lead Twilight to believe it was a sensitive topic. Maybe the farm pony had a date? Dash or Rarity would demand an answer but Twilight was more polite than that. If Applejack didn’t want to talk about it then Twilight wouldn’t pry.

Applejack looked through the dresses and chose a light green one. It was one of the more casual dresses though still more frilly than anything Twilight thought the earth pony owned.

“This is perfect. You’re a lifesaver, Twi.”

“Anytime,” Twilight replied.

Applejack promised to return the dress tomorrow then carefully picked the garment up in her mouth and left. Twilight watched her friend until she disappeared from view. She was dying of curiosity but pushed it aside as she once again returned to the assignment the princess had set her.

Before she could even finish the page there was another knock at the door. Twilight gave a primal scream and leapt from her desk.

“This had better be important!” She yelled as she pulled the door open.

Three strange stallions dressed in mustard yellow shirts stood outside. One of them stepped forward and offered her a hoof. “Captain James T Kirk. Trust me - saving the world is always important.”