//------------------------------// // In a World... // Story: Dude, What the FFFF!! // by Vallis //------------------------------// Hey! So guess what? I'll be doing perspective changes occasionally! It'll be stated in BIG! COLORFUL! LETTERS! Nice and clear! Hard to miss! So I don't want any confusion going on, Okay?? Thank you. POV: 3rd Person Far, far away from Earth, not even relatively close to Earth's galaxy, residing near the middle of a "magical" galaxy with different properties, is Equestria. In a high class city called Canterlot, there are the two rulers of the entire land, in their own luxurious and beautiful castle. The white royal alicorn, Celestia, awakens early in the morning, feeling the sun buzzing into her spirit, letting her know that it was time to raise the sun. With an irritated groan, she removed the silk covers off of her body, and lazily slid off the side of the bed; blowing a few stray strands of her ethereal hair off of her face. She groaned again, rubbing her eyelids with her hooves. "Uhhhgh... 2 hours of sleep. How can something so heavenly as sleep be so cruel at times?" She mumbled to herself. Celestia trotted slowly to her balcony doors, barely pushing them apart. She squeezed through the gap, and took in the fresh morning breeze with an inviting smile. "Mmm. That always does the trick." She gave a blissful sigh. Closing her eyes, she began to prepare her ageless spell of raising the sun, a bright golden hue of magic surrounding her horn. The sun progressively began to shower its rays across the land, taking a few minutes to fully rise over the horizon. Once the sun fully emerged from the horizon, it buzzed into the alicorns spirit, letting her know that it could take it from there. Celestia stretched her legs one by one, then giving her neck and back a stretch. Time to take a shower. As she trotted back inside her room, she stopped and levitated her neatly folded bright yellow towel from the top of her dresser onto her back. She then continued her way to the bathroom. 'Hm.. I could sure use some coffee afterwards.' She thought to herself. Luna stared into her mug of steaming hot coffee which stood on the counter, her baggy eyes showing some type of troubled thought that was harassing her mind. She levitated the mug with her magic, gently moving the mug in a circular motion to spin the coffee around as she poured french vanilla into it. "Luna?" Celestia called from behind as lovingly as a concerned sister could. It caused the alicorn of the night to jump a bit, spilling a tiny drop of coffee out of her cup. "What? Oh, curses." She tore a piece of napkin from the counter's dispenser and soaked the drop with it. Meanwhile, Celestia grabbed a mug from one of the cabinets, and levitated the pot of hot coffee over to pour some into her mug. "My apologies, sister. But is everything alright? You look troubled? Are you tired?" Celestia asked, yawning at the end of her sentence. Luna threw the soaked piece of napkin into a small trash bin. "Well... not really. It's nothing serious, but have you ever... sensed a thought that something was going to happen? Not a bad thing, nothing threatening. Just, something?" Luna asked. Celestia thought about it for a moment as she added sugar into her mug of coffee. "Mmm. Yes, but it was never too serious. Why? Do you feel something larger than normal is going to happen?" Celestia cocked her eyebrow. "Well, it hasn't let me sleep much lately for the past few days. Last night in particular." Luna stated in a half trance-like state as she stared into her mug. Celestia stirred her coffee with a spoon, taking a small amount with the spoon to sample. She sipped the sample, smacking her lips afterwards. "That's odd. But you say it isn't troublesome?" Celestia asked. "No, it just... in a way, makes me extremely curious." Luna took a sip of her coffee. "Mmm... heavenly." "Well, let me know if it continues to become worse, okay? It's most likely just a little subconscious paranoid thought. Happens often to my pupil." Celestia giggled. Luna joined in with a giggle of her own. "I guess so. I've had paranoid thoughts before, this is nothing new. Anypony has had them at some point... Although, I don't know why this one is being so irritating though." Luna gave a subtle shrug, along with a lazy sip of her coffee. "Tell you what." Celestia spoke as she was in the middle of sipping her mug. "I'll cover you for an hour today. Hopefully that will take some stress off your shoulders and let you take a nap meanwhile." She smiled. "Really? Oh, thank you Tia. Very much." Luna gave her a grateful hug. "Wait, what will we tell everybody?" "Oh, we'll just give them the usual slip. You had to attend more important matters." The alabaster alicorn chuckled. Both sisters shared a quiet laugh, then gave each other one last hug before they left the kitchen. Luna tossed and turned in her bed, making slight grunting noises. She then sat upright, and slipped her eye mask off. "Blasted eye mask didn't help at all." She tossed it aimlessly to the side of her bed. She checked the time on her clock, mildly stretching her legs at the same time. "Still have half an hour to try and sleep..." She mumbled outloud. Suddenly, an idea emerged itself from nowhere. She could swear she felt the metaphorical lightbulb shining above her head. A smile crept onto her face. 'One of the maids a few months ago mentioned to me something about this... Chamomile tea' Luna took no longer than 5 minutes to prepare the tea, and arrived back to her room with the tea being levitated carefully behind her. She laid herself on top of her bed, levitating the covers over herself as she got comfortable. "Now, let's see... I'll just take a few sips. I don't need much for half an hour." She did as she said, and took about 3 sips. "Hm, not bad." She gently placed the teacup onto her nightstand, and flopped her head into the pillow. The dark alicorn closed her eyes, and began counting sheep. She was sound asleep within a minute, breathing peacefully with a small grin.