//------------------------------// // Meeting New Faces // Story: Pony Age: Friendship is Magic // by PonyTom //------------------------------// Twilight couldn't stop looking around and taking in the scenery. It had been nearly half a day since they had fled the tower. Severl minutes spent crossing the lake, and a few hours on the road after getting a ride in a wagon, and she still couldn't get over it. She hadn't left the tower since she was a foal; the world seemed so... brand new to her. Heck, Spike had NEVER left the tower; he still couldn't get over grass. She looked to her escort; Ser McIntosh had passed out. Without any healing poultices, and having expended her only injury kit, he was still in bad shape; she knew enough about first aid to tell he likely had some broken bones and other such trauma. How he intended to go on this journey in his condition was anypony's guess - she wondered if they'd have to wait for him to heal? Did they have that kind of time? "Twilight?" The unicorn turned to the small dragon sitting beside her, staring outside of the cart. "Yes Spike?" "... Will we ever go back to the tower?" Twilight nodded. "I'm certain we will." Spike nodded. "Oh... do we have to?" "Yes." "Oh...." Twilight turned to look forward. She could see a small town coming up just ahead. "That right there is Ponyville, miss. Could ya wake yer friend n' tell 'em we're here? Think I'd like ta continue along my way if that's good with you." Twilight nodded and brought a hoof to gently shake the large red stallion, who shifted and slowly opened his eyes. "Huh...?" "I think we're just outside of town." Big Mac slowly looked up over the side of the wagon. "Eeyup..." Slowly, he stood up with a wince and trotted towards the edge of the wagon; his injuries had finally caught up with him, and such were they that it hurt to move. He felt his wounds straining to heal with certain motions, and breathing in too deeply hurt his chest. Twilight helped him get out of the wagon, and once the three had left it, the stallion gave a nod and continued trotting down the path. Twilight stayed beside the stallion as balance as they headed into the town. It seemed rather lively; ponies milling about, trading, visiting friends, etc. Twilight had not seen a town in a long time; the closest she got was years ago... Just as she was about to reminisce, she suddenly became aware of a pink pony who turned around and smiled wide. "Oh! Hi Big McIntosh! Hi New Pony!" She seemed to go on about her business before she stopped, looked to Twilight, and then leaped in the air with a gasp, before dashing off at high speeds. "What was that...?" said Spike. Big Mac groaned. "Don't ask, just move faster towards that path down that way, big red barn, can't miss it, an' move before she comes back..." Twilight, not one to question this stallion this particular day, nodded and continued her trek forward. *** Twilight had never seen a farm before. Especially not an apple farm. As far as the eye could see; apple trees everywhere. Somehow, it only served to make her miss her books and wish she could have brought more with her. She turned her attention back to the road, eventually seeing something in the distance; a small, red house, and out on it's porch, an elderly green mare. As they approached, she looked up and smiled. "Well howdy there Big McIntosh! Was wonderin' when ya'd swing by! Them there yoo-nee-corns give ya the day off?" Big Mac shook his head. "Not quite Granny... can we go inside before I talk about it?" "An' whose this?" Granny turned to Twilight, eying her, humming. "... Not sure how comfortable Ah am with ya bringin' a unicorn home, but long as she can bare healthy foals and gives me at least one strong and proud earth pony great grand child Ah ain't one ta argue." Twilight's face grew a deep red at the implications, her jaw dropping wide open and her eyes darting left and right. Big Mac glared at the elder mare. "Granny, be serious." "Ah am serious!" Big Mac groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. "Is Applejack here?" The elder mare nodded. "She's takin' a short break from 'er chores. Why ya ask, sonny?" The stallion sighed and smiled. "Jus' come on in, Ah'll explain everythin' to ya." *** "Well hooow-dee there! Can't say Ah've ever met a unicorn OR a dragon face-to-face before, but it's a mighty fine pleasure to meet you Miss Twilight Sparkle an' Mr. Spike!" Twilight's body tumbled as the orange mare shook her hoof vigorously. "Nnniiiice to meeeet you toooooo!" Applejack smiled. "Well, if'n y'all come here from that there unicorn tower, Ah'll have ya know Sweet Apple Acres grows the best apples in all of Equestria! Y'all might wanna hop to orderin' yer own fer the place, lest we run out! An' our Apple Cider? To die for!" "Applejack..." The orange mare turned to her brother, whispering. "Shh, Ah'm tryin' ta sell apples to th' fancy unicorn representative ya brought! Don't ruin this, we can use th' money! Yer pay fer yer Templar work is good an' all, but we need ta make a lil' more otherwise we're just gettin' by!" Big Mac grimaced. "She ain't a representative. She's my charge." Everything fell quiet. "Is THAT what they're callin' 'em now?" said Granny, earning another pointed stare from Big Mac. "Ah can't give y'all the details, but things... things are really bad at the tower right now. We need ta get ta Canterlot and warn the Grand Cleric before things get too out of hoof..." Applejack blinked. "Wait... so the unicorns are revoltin'? Ah heard it was gonna happen but... why ya got one of 'em with ya if they went bonkers?" Twilight seemed to withdraw herself, ears folding in obvious discomfort, to which Applejack noticed, chuckling nervously. "Not that yer bonkers! Yer great!" "Ain't the unicorns..." said the stallion. "Some of the Templars started a revolt and began killin' unicorns in their sleep." Applejack and Granny's jaws dropped at the same time. "What!?" said granny. "Ah aint never heard of no Templars revoltin' against the unicorns! Aint they the ones in charge?" Big Mac shook his head. "Not that simple. There's rules. An' they're breakin' all of 'em." Applejack turned to her brother with a brown and a questioning glare - clearly, there was some concern in her about this particular situation.. "Well what in the hills do y'all want us to do about it? We aint no fancy Templars or anythin'." Big Mac opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, and tapped his chin with his hoof. Shaking his head, he looked to his sister. "Jus'... don't panic none, kay?" Granny blinked. "Is th' unicorn pregnant?" Twilight almost grew as red as the Earth Pony she was following and bit her lip, wishing she could disappear before the embarassment killed her. Big Mac shot his grandmother another glare. "Stop that." "An old coot can hope can't she?" Big Mac sighed. Best to show them. He reached his hoves around and undid clasps in his armor, letting the plate slide down as he took it and set it aside, exposing his various injuries (most of which were bandaged, even if said bandages had already been soaked in blood). Applejack placed her hooves over her mouth, eyes wide in shock. Granny let out an impressed whistle. "Woowee, whoever got you got you good didn'ey boy?" Big Mac nodded. "Ah'm hurt bad... Ah need ta lay low while Ah recover, an' so does she" he gestured to Twilight. "Would it be alright if we stayed her a week or so? Let Twilight n' Spike take the guest room?" Granny hummed and looked to Applejack. "Well... Ah guess it wouldn' hurt. Apple Bloom might get curious but she ain't one ta blabber much... what do you say Applejack?" Applejack turned to look Twilight over. "Ah ain't sure... no offense, sugar cube, Ah'm sure yer a peach, but if they find her with us, won't they... ya know... have us all executed?" The stallion shook his head. "Technically, Ah'm her escort, an' the First Enchanter gave me permission an' her phylactery. The only thing we gotta fear is rogue Templars followin' me, an' considerin' Ah took the only available ferry on the island at that time, Ah doubt they'll catch up too soon." Granny grinned. "Well sounds good ta me. Y'all can stay here till ya get better. Who knows, y'all might meet a pretty girl! Hint hint." Big Mac gracefully ignored his granny's attempt to push his buttons this time. "Thanks, Granny." *** Twilight stared out the window of the guest room she had been given for her stay. There was a single bed with only two pillows (she let Spike sleep with her for lack of a comfortable bed space on the floor) and a single nightstand to speak of, as well as a chair. She didn't mind; she didn't need much... though some books would have been nice. Still, she stared out at the farm, her thoughts racing back and forth. Between home. Between the journey ahead of her. And the future. "Hey." Twilight turned to face the orange mare from earlier, who was wearing a gentle smile. "How are ya?" Twilight smiled a bit and shrugged. "I'm fine... a bit nervous, but fine..." Applejack gave a gentle nod. "... Ya know... Big Mac told me about what happened... when Granny wasn't around that is... about what ya saw, and what ya did..." Twilight frowned and lowered her head, her ears folding. Suddenly, she felt hooves wrap around her and pull her into a hug, and she stiffened. Twilight was not so used to being this close to a pony. "Thanks fer savin' mah brother's life an' helpin' him get outta there..." Thanks? She hadn't been thanked before. Well, she had been, but... not with so much meaning. Suddenly, she relaxed a bit, gently putting a hoof around the other pony. "It was nothing... to be fair, he helped me first..." Applejack nodded and pulled away. "Yeah. But y'all kept 'em treated and saved his hide from what Ah hear. Way Ah see it, had ya not done that he mighta been a goner twice at least..." Twilight smiled a bit, a little blush on her cheeks. "Thanks..." The orange mare turned and looked out the window. "Ya know, if'n y'all want, Ah can take ya out there n' we can wander around town a bit. Ah can give ya a hat ta cover yer horn, an' if that don't work an' anypony asks, Ah'll tell 'em yer under cover on official Chantry business or somethin'. Technically aint lyin'." Twilight thought of this for a moment. She had never left the tower before... perhaps she should see the great outdoors? After all, when would she get this opportunity again? "Alright... I think I'd like that." *** As the two mares wandered about town, Twilight couldn't help but let her curiosity get the best of her. Everywhere she turned, there were more ponies. They all seemed so... happy. Content. Had she ever seen so many ponies like this? A vague memory comes to mind, from long ago, but nothing certain. All Twilight knew was that something about this town was... different. A perfect contrast to the quiet, seemingly perpetually contemplative state her tower always lay in. "Is it always so... lively?" "Eeyup!" said the orange mare next to her, adjusting her stetson hat on her own head, then quickly helping to adjust Twilight's own headwear - a similar hat, if pulled down a bit to cover her horn - to make sure the base of her horn was well hidden. "'Specially on a market day. Few years ago, Ponyville was jus' another town that barely registered on th' map, but that 'Hero of Equestria' everypony talks about? He came from here. When everypony heard, this town became kinda a tourist attraction." Applejack shrugged. "To think, people thought he was jus' another city Pegasus who'd spend 'is life livin' in a slum." Twilight gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, her eyes still wandering the town. "Mostly Earth Ponies in this town. Got a few pegasai here n' there, but they kinda stick to the poorer parts... an' the only unicorns ta speak of are in that there Magic Shop thing... course, them fellars act awful slow..." "Oh. Are they tranquil?" asked Twilight. Applejack shrugged. "Ah dunno, they seem pretty peaceful ta me. Maybe they're jus' creepy, Ah dunno." Twilight was about to respond when suddenly a pink pony popped up in front of her, decorated with a strange contraption that added a drum, a trumpet, some cymbals, and who knew what else into one instrument. As she began to play the loud musics, everypony seemed to ignore her as if they were used to this. "Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you! Welcome welcome welcome! I say how do you do? Welcome welcome welcome! I say hip hip hurray! Welcome welcome welcome! To Ponyville today!" Applejack grimaced. "Pinkie Pie, Ah--" "Wait for it!" Silence. "Oh wait!" shouted Pinkie. "I forgot to bring my oven with me!" Somewhere in the distance, Twilight could swear she heard the sound of something... like a.... gooey explosion? Following it, of course, were short shouts of surprise. Pinkie shrugged. "Oh well! At least SOMEPONY got to enjoy it!" Applejack sighed. "Pinkie, ain't y'all supposed ta be workin' right now?" Pinkie shook her head. "Nnnope! The Cakes let me use my lunch break to welcome the new unicorn to Ponyville!" Pinkie suddenly rushed in front of Twilight. "So, are you a First Enchanter? Senior Enchanter? Mage? Apprentice? Apostate? Or were you just born with a freaky horn thing?" Twilight balked a bit, eyes darting left and right. Applejack pulled Pinkie close, crammed her hoof in her mouth, and spoke in a harsh whisper. "Hush, sugar cube! We're tryin' not ta draw attention to 'er!" Pinkie shrugged and spat the hoof out. "Oh, okay, I see. I guess the answer doesn't really matter anyway, if the rumors going around are true." Applejack quirked her brow. "Wh... rumors?" Pinkie nodded. "I welcome everypony who comes to Ponyville, so I hear a lot of weird gossip, and one rumor is that there's some kinda tension brewing between the Circle of Unicorns and the Templar Order! They say it's really bad in some places - the Circle in Hoofwall is all but dissolved after the Templars there invoked the Right of Annulment after their Chantry exploded and the High Cleric was killed! Lotsa ponies think it's gonna turn into all out war - some say it already has! But I'm not too worried, cause I also hear the Unicorn Circle north of here is quite peaceful and the Templars and Unicorns get along nicely!" Applejack turned to face her unicorn companion; Twilight's mouth was hanging open, her pupils were pinpricks, and she had gone pale. Applejack was quick to speak, shaking her head. "I-It's okay, Sugar cube! Ah'm sure they're jus' rumors!" she shot a glare to Pinkie Pie. "Right Pinkie?" Pinkie hummed. "Well, I know that the Hoofwall thing really happened, but yeah, the war stuff is kinda just rumors at this point!" That didn't help comfort Twilight at all. For such a rumor to spread, she knew, there had to be SOME grounds for it. "A war...?" Applejack scowled at her pink friend as Twilight pondered this over. "Should we tell McIntosh?" The orange mare nodded. "Ah reckon so... might not be the worst idea in the world..." Pinkie frowned. "Aww, did I do something bad?" She grabbed Twilight and pulled her close. "I have to make it up to you! Drinks! On me! I know the bar tender, he owes me one!" Applejack sighed. "Pinkie, Ah reckon ya've done enough fer today..." "Nope!" shouted Pinkie. "I've still got twenty five minutes left!" *** Twilight had never drank apple cider before. Correction: she had drank apple cider before, but this was... different? It was warm and tingly and made her belly feel warm. Also, the world seemed kind of spinny. "This cider is GREAT!" shouted Twilight. "What's so different about it!? Is it's chemical composure altered somehow? Special ingredient?" Applejack groaned to herself, placing a hoof on the bridge of her nose, muttering under her breath. "Great... now Ah got Pinkie out helpin' a unicorn get drunk... who... is clearly quite the lightweight..." She turned to face the pink perpetrator. "You do realize we're trying to NOT draw attention, right?" Pinkie shrugged. "What's fun with NOT drawing attention?" Applejack groaned, when the sound of doors opening caught everypony's attention. Standing in the doorway was a pegasus - her coat was a cyan color, her mane dressed in the many colors of the rainbow. On her face was a series of strange, intricate tattoos, and she was wearing simple commoners' clothing. She trotted towards the bar and climbed into a seat. "One Apple Cider, please." The Barkeep nodded and pulled a flagon from under the counter, filling it with cider, and sliding it to the pegasus. She took hold of it and pulled a few gold bits from her pouch, placing them on the counter, and then took a drink from the cider. Twilight stared at her in utter fascination - the only time she had seen a Pegasus that she knew of was when Snowflake came to the tower. He was big, muscular, and had tiny wings; naturally, she assumed that must be what all Pegasai looked like. Yet this one was about the same height and shape she was - a bit more athletically built, she could tell - and her wings were proportional with her body. "Holy MOLEY you're a Pegasus?" The mare turned to face Twilight and grimaced. "Yeah? Wanna make something of it?" Applejack laughed and stood between the two mares, looking around nervously. "A-Ah'm sorry fer mah friend here, she's jus' a mite drunk is all! Hehe" Twilight waved a hoof and looked over Twilight's shoulder. "I saw the uh... uhhh... Snowflake! Hero of Equestria! I saw him a few years back and he was... BIG! You're... you're not big at all!" The mare in question smirked. "What? Don't see many pegasai?" The unicorn giggled. "I don't see many things! I'm a uni--" Applejack was quick to shove a hoof into Twilight's mouth. "-A unique situation. She lived in that there Canterlot fer a few years, hailed from a noble family that never bothered with Pegasai an' such." The mare stared at the two, quirking her brow, before giving a shrug. "Alright, sounds cool. Long as she ain't starting trouble. My name's Rainbow Dash... I already know you, Applejack, but who is this?" "This is mah friend, Twilight Sparkle." Rainbow hummed. "Twilight Sparkle, eh? Never heard a pony with a name like that before. You foreign?" "You could say that!" shouted Twilight, much to Applejack's dismay. "Sugar cube, no more hard cider fer you..." Twilight grimaced a bit and sniffled. "My home is in turmoil... there's probably a war brewing somewhere that's gonna affect everypony I know... Applejack... I'm... so saaaad!" she whined, wrapping her hooves around Applejack, her sobs interrupted by the occasional hiccup. Rainbow Dash quirked a brow and looked around. "She... uh... gonna be okay?" Applejack sighed. "Ah figure so... might as well take 'er home..." Rainbow hummed. "Need help with that?" Applejack smiled. "If ya'd be so kind?" The pegasus grinned. "Hey, it's the least I could do for my favorite cider provider!" *** Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood with Twilight between them, helping her stumble back towards the farm. Pinkie had disappeared to who knows where. As they passed through the town, Applejack wondered if they should have waited until sundown to invite her new friend to drink. It was then that they both noticed something familiar. "Oh no..." said Rainbow Dash. "She's doing it again..." In the middle of town stood another pegasus, much like Rainbow Dash. Also like Rainbow Dash, she had tattoos marking her face, although they were smoother, and less consuming than the sharp and warrior-like patterns that adorned Dash's visage. "E-excuse me... c-c-could you sign this? I-I-It's just a petition for an animal shelter for--Oh... okay... uh.. ser! Ser? There are lots of poor homeless animals roaming the streets at night and--Oh... uh... th... I'm not that kind of pony, but thank you for the advice anyway..." Rainbow placed a hoof on her forehead and sighed. "Mind if I go deal with this?" Applejack simply gave a nod, and with that, Rainbow gently eased the unicorn next to her into the farm mare and floated towards her fellow pegasus, who simply looked to her and smiled. "Oh, hi Rainbow Dash. Such a lovely day to sign petitions for an animal shelter, isn't it?" Rainbow sighed and shook her head. "Flutters... again? You know nopony pays attention to you. And so you don't get upset, you know I don't mean that offensively... ponies... just aren't taking us Pegasai seriously yet..." Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, I know, but somepony has to speak for the animals! If I don't, then who will?" Rainbow shook her head. "Fluttershy... we live in the alienage. Just us being here makes ponies uncomfortable. Bonus points that we came from a caravan unlike some of these city pegasai. A lot of the prejudices maybe wearing down since Snowflake slew the Archdemon, but ponies are still adjusting. It's going to be a while before they take you too seriously." She didn't want to add that Fluttershy was also a bit of a pushover and tended to blend with the environment. "Oh, I know that too" said the butter yellow pegasus, "but that's why I keep doing it. That way, when ponies are ready to accept and hold hooves in brotherhood, I'll be ready right from the get go!" "That's the spirit!" Pinkie Pie seemed to pop out of nowhere and hug onto Fluttershy tightly, who did not seem very comfortable by the intrusion of her personal space. "After all, nopony gets nothin' done by not doing anything, Flutters!" "Where you been, Pinkie?" said Applejack, a bit shocked. Pinkie Pie stared at her and snorted, shrugging. "I have no idea!" "Well," said Applejack, "If'n y'all don't mind, can ya help us get Twilight to mah farm? Ah can't even imagine how mad Big Mac'll be when he finds out Ah got his charge drunk..." "I'M DRUNK!" shouted Twilight, much to everypony's surprise. She giggled a bit, before passing back out and snoring. Everypony stared at her silently. "Ah thought she was out cold..." said Applejack. "Me too..." said Rainbow Dash, wings flared from surprise. "What is all that racket?" Everypony turned to see a pony aproach them. Her coat was white, and she donned a hood with a hat underneath that covered most of her head. She wore a fancy looking dress, and from under her hat/hood combo came a wave of curly hair. "Oh, hi Rarity..." said Rainbow Dash, rolling her eyes. Rarity threw her nose up. "Rainbow Dash..." She looked to Fluttershy and smiled. "And Fluttershy. Dear, are you trying to sign those petitions again?" Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, yes! Would you mind?" Rarity shook her head. "Deary, you know I would if I could if not for uh... certain conditions." Fluttershy nodded. Rainbow snorted. "What, that you're an apostate?" Immediately, a white hoof was shoved into her mouth. "Quiet, Rainbow!" she shouted. "You never know who might hear you!" Rainbow Dash spat her hoof out and rubbed her muzzle. "Who might hear me? I think a bunch of ponies already know. In fact, I figure Applejack's brother is the only pony in this town who doesn't know you're really a unicorn." Rarity scowled at the pegasus and turned her nose upward again. "And if he finds out I just know they'll drag me off to one of those awful towers!" "T... they're not *hic*.... awful..." Rarity paled (as much as a white unicorn could) and turned her attention to Twilight. "Wh.... who is that..." Twilight slowly lifted her head up and blinked. "Listen you three... I grew *hic* .... grew up in one of those towers an'... an' it was great.... more books'n I know what to do with an'.... an'...." Suddenly, her eyes began to water, and she sniffled. "An'... an' now I miss my home..." Rarity stared at her for a few moments and looked to Applejack, who nodded at her. Reaching her hoof forward, she pushed the hat Twilight was wearing up a tad to reveal she did, indeed, have a horn. Rainbow Dash clopped her hooves together and pointed, grinning. "Ha! I knew it!" Applejack and Rarity both glared at her, causing her to wilt. "Er... sorry, carry on?" Rarity gently lowered Twilight's hat to be sure nopony noticed, she put a hoof over her mouth. "You're... a Circle Unicorn?" Twilight nodded and sniffled. "W-what are you doing out here? Circle unicorns don't leave unless--" she gasped. "Y.. you're not hunting apostates are you?" Twilight shook her head. "... Are.... are you trying to escape?" Twilight shook her head again. "What's wrong?" Applejack sighed and put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "Rares... it's been a tough few days for her... don't press it, please? She's seen more than anypony should have to..." Applejack gave a slow, gentle nod, her expression the definition of pity as she looked to the other unicorn. "I... I'm sorry it's just... well... the only Circle unicorn I ever knew was my mother... and besides her the only unicorn I've ever known was my sister... I've heard rumors about some of my clients but nothing I could verify..." "Well... be that as it may, sugar cube" said Applejack, "Mah brother an' her are on an important mission. We were carryin' her home so she could sober up..." Rarity nodded a bit, staring at Twilight, before turning to Applejack. "Do you... do you think you can send her my way when she does? I have so many questions to ask her..." Applejack nodded. "Ah'll tell 'er you wanted to talk to 'er, but whenever mah brother feels he should leave they're gone." The white unicorn nodded. "But of course..." she looked to Twilight and smiled. "Take care you poor thing..." With that, she nodded to each of the mares (accept Rainbow Dash, who she just huffed at) and then turned and trotted along her way. "I guess I should go home too!" shouted Pinkie. "I'm sure my break is almost over! The cakes must be getting swarmed! By!" With that, she darted off. "Oh... well, it seems nopony is helping today, so I think I'll head back to our house, alright Rainbow Dash? I'll meet you there when you finish what you're doing." "Yeah, sure Fluttershy" said Rainbow with a nod. The yellow Pegasus smiled and began to slowly hover off in another direction. "Poor mare... too good for this world..." said Rainbow. "Y'all can say that again. Speakin' of poor mares, let's get this'n into a bed so she can enjoy her first hangover..." said Applejack with a smirk. "HA!" laughed Rainbow, "I remember my first hangover... it's the proudest lesson I've never learned..."