//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: Ace Combat: Sundered Wings // by Subatomic Seal //------------------------------// Year: 1045. Location: Stormfeather Airbase. [[Equestria has hired Mercenaries to assist them in their efforts of defeating the Gryphons. These mercenaries have been sent to Stormfeather Airbase, which is closest to the Gryphon front lines. One of the pilots stationed there, however, is not happy about this.]] “I still don't see how they can trust those mercs,” A grey pegasus said. This is Ashenwing Nicholas Salvatore. He will be the main focus of our story here. “Not all of them are so bad. I mean, Cipher seems to be a good pony,” This speaker was Nightshade Morrigan Evangeline. She is a friend of Ashe. “How would you know? He never says a word,” “Well, he's been with the Equestrian Airforce for a while now, and has never shown signs of defecting,” Ashe sighed. She was right. Cipher, the leader of the two pony Garm Team, had been with the ponies since the beginning of this war. That was fifteen years ago. Peace seemed so far off. You might be wondering exactly who these people-or rather, ponies, are. Ashe is the leader of the three-well, two now, pony Comet Team, and very effective at his job. He has bagged a total of sixteen kills since he enlisted, five years ago. Nightshade is Comet Two, and, while Ashe is a tad better at general combat then the squadron leader, she is better at choosing the correct tactics and maneuvers for the job. She has shot down ten planes since she joined the ERAF, a year after Ashe. “Well, what about Pixy? I wouldn't be surprised if he was with the Gryphons this whole time,” “Ashe, you can't go around accusing ponies with no proof,” “He's a mercenary! If the Gryphons pay him one bit more then we do, he will be aiming for us!” “But they haven't paid him more. And besides, even if he defected to the other side, our other aces should be able to shoot him down,” “But our aces won't be able to bring back all the other pilots he would have shot down before then!” “I know that Ashe. No one will be able to bring him back,” Him. She said him, not them. It had been two years since that incident. “Just be happy that he hasn't started shooting at us already,” That seemed to close Ashe's mouth finally. “I....Sorry. About snapping at you,” “It's okay. But you really should trust people more easi-” She was cut off by an alarm. It was the air raid alarm. "All pilots, report to the briefing room immediately!" That was the base commander's voice over the PA system, easily identifiable from it's high-pitched tone, as if he had just entered puberty. Ashe galloped to the briefing room, leaving Night behind. "Ashe! Wait up!" She cried as she ran after him. He didn't seem to hear, or maybe he just didn't listen, as he skidded to a halt outside of the briefing room. Night caught up to him, panting. "What do you think's going on?" Night asked. "I'm guessing a bomber squadron. Probably ten or so," "How do you know?" She said. "I don't," Ashe replied as the rest of the pilots, most of them just coming out of tactical training, arrived. -------------------------------------- "I'll give you the lowdown on the situation," The commander said with his irritating voice. "A flight of sixteen B-52 bombers have penetrated our airspace,escorted by F-16s. They are most likely here to destroy this base entirely. Don't let them get the opportunity. Get to your planes immediately!" Ashe hopped into the cockpit of his F-15 about ten minutes later, checking all the gauges and systems. "Alright, everything seems to be okay... Let's go," He said as his plane taxied onto the runway. "Comet One, you are cleared for takeoff," The tower operator said. "Roger that. Comet One, taking off," Ashe stated as his engines widened. The fire from his afterburners emerged soon after, causing his plane to slowly move down the runway, quickly picking up speed. He moved the stick so that the ailerons tilted upward, allowing his plane to raise off the tarmac. "This is Airborne Warning and Control System Fireball," The AWACS team said. "A group of bombers are heading towards Featherstorm Airbase. Shoot down every last one! Don't let any of them get through!" Ashe leveled his plane, and looked back towards the runway, looking for his wingpony. Right here, Comet One, Night said as she cam up next to him. "Ready, Comet Two?" He said. Affirmative, "Then let's go," The different squadrons came up around them, forming a large orb of aircraft, all armed to the proverbial teeth. THe bombers, along with their escorts, came into view. "There they are..." Ashe said to himself. "All planes, engage!" Fireball said. The orb of planes rocketed forward, their weapons armed. "Comet Two, break formation and engage at your own will!" Ashe said as he pressed on the throttle. His plane quickly picked up speed, the afterburners blazing a orange-red. He locked onto one of the escort planes. "Comet One, Fox Two!" He cried as he fired the missile. The explosive rocketed through the air, and struck the target head-on, causing it disappear in a ball of flames as it plummeted towards the ground. "Target eliminated! Moving to the next target," He looked around him as planes of all sides and all makes weaved through the air, like an angelic dance. He saw one of the bombers, bullet holes already peppering it's side. Ashe moved to finish it off. The sound of the missile alert filled the cockpit of the F-15, causing him to weave through the air, trying to get the missile off of him. The projectile wasn't moving away, clinging to him like Duct Tape on itself. The bomber he had targeted earlier appeared in front of him, giving him an idea. He slowed down to get the missile as close as possible, before suddenly turning his nose up right before he rammed into the bomber. The missile flew past him, and smashed into the bomber, sending it plummeting down to the ground. "Hell yeah! Target destroyed! -------------------------------- Night locked onto the nearest bomber, firing two missiles in quick succession. The magic enhancing her plane warped two missiles from the ammo supply at the airbase directly onto her plane. She checked her radar. Five bombers left. They certainly work fast. She thought to herself. But she saw something else on her radar. Enemy reinforcements. "Fireball, we have hostile reinforcements coming in from the west and east!" She said to the AWACS. "Feathertail Squadron, eliminate all enemy resistance" A sharp voice said. It was coming from the reinforcements. "Fireball, we have confirmed Feather's coming our way!" Night cried urgently. All planes, concentrate fire on Feathertail Squadron! Fireball said. Night complied, heading towards the incoming enemy aces. Feahertail Squadron, break formation and engage enemy planes The squadron moved away from eachother, missiles firing from three of them already. Two of those three, were heading towards Ashe and Night.