The Accident

by Gabriel LaVedier


“Now seems as good a time as any for this, I suppose,” Twilight said, a trifle uncertain as she looked to Pinkie.
“Are you loco in the coco?” Pinkie gasps, throwing a leg around Twilight's neck and motioning towards the scene they were both observing. “It's perfect.”
The party space at Sugarcube corner looked like it had been attacked by a mad party monster. Pinkie was eccentric but not mad, so the ideas was not precisely correct. Still, the space was made to look as though several separate parties had exploded and sort of merged together. Baby items and soft pastels for a baby shower ran into the formal lace and crepe of a wedding, which blended into more generic decorations celebrating an engagement. Though the decorations were mismatched, Pinkie's special touch made it work.
Her special touch also worked in the food, from tiny cupcakes in blue and pink to two miniature three-tier wedding cakes to more normal veggie snacks. Drinks looked to be either one type of punch, another type of punch or yet a third type of punch. Plus some reserved Sweet Apple Acres cider, graciously donated by Applejack and coveted by Rainbow Dash.
“It's a lovely gesture, and understandable considering Gummy's a dad... with Winona...” Twilight shook her head to clear away the slowly-appearing image of how that came to pass. “But you know, in animal species courtship is usually a matter of ritual display, challenges and simply appearing to be the dominant animal. Mating is taken care of and they could stay together or not. Marriage is not really known, except in the sentient species.”
Pinkie giggled softly and planted a kiss on Twilight's forehead, below her horn. “Silly. I know there's no such thing as a wedding for them. Where would Gummy even get a ring? I suppose I could buy him one. But then it's not really from the heart. A ring is supposed to be really special. That's why yours has to be made to really super precise specifications. Oh! But I can't tell you! It's a surprise. I just needed...”
“Pinkie...” Twilight said, blushing a touch and pressing a hoof on Pinkie's lips. “You were talking about how animals don't get married?”
“Oh! Right...” Pinkie grinned and fixed one of the streamers. “They're not getting married married. But... we're like their moms, and we have to make sure they know that they need to stay together. We're having the party for us and for them. Maybe it'll make sure they remember. Gummy usually learns things really easy.”
“It's not a bad idea,” Twilight mused, softly rubbing her chin, “It might encourage the proper actions. Not all of them are social creatures, or even fully domesticated. However, they can be taught to a degree. Proper positive reinforcement just might make the lesson stick. Pinkie, I have a good feeling about this party,” She proclaimed.
“Cider!” Rainbow Dash shouted, bursting into the room and zipping straight for the large, tempting cask. Her forward momentum was suddenly arrested by two grips on her tail. Twilight had automatically cast a spell to hold her, but she needn't have bothered. Applejack was holding Dash's tailtip tight in her mouth.
“You ain't drainin' that thing dry on yer own, missy,” Applejack mumbled around the rainbow of hair. “Yer gonna be a good guest an' a good marefriend and yer gonna let yer other friends and the pets have somma that before ya guzzle it down.”
Dash struggled in the air, hooves outstretched, eyes wide and focused on the wooden body of her desired prize. She let out a sigh and slumped suddenly, wingbeats slowing to a simple hover. “Yes, AJ. I'll be good.”
“Yer always good, sugarcube,” Applejack said with a wink as she released the tail. “But ah gotta train ya up ta be polite.”
“Speaking of positive reinforcement...” Twilight giggled, while the others gave her a deadpan look. Rather than being annoyed by the lack of response she just cleared her throat and sighed. “Ahhh... egghead humor. Anyhow... we have the party space set... though it looks fairly confused. Now we only require the guests of honor and their accompaniment.”
“Fluttershy's taking care of that,” Rainbow Dash announced, settling on the ground beside Applejack in a properly contrite posture, “She and Rarity are getting them groomed, dressed and down here. She's even preening Owlowicious. I hate preening my own feathers, I can't believe she's doing it for an owl...”
“Ah know well enough ya hate ta preen yer feathers less'n it starts ta affect yer trick flyin',” Applejack noted, with a bit of a smile. “But land sakes can yer feathers look mighty scruffy before ya start havin' troubles in the air. Good thing ah can always wrestle ya to the ground after chores is over and take the time ta preen ya right so Granny don't start thinkin' she needs ta get me courtin' some other mare.”
“I totally let you wrestle me to the ground and stuff your face in my wings to pick out my loose feathers with your teeth,” Dash said, proudly thumping a hoof on her chest. “Remember, I never lose.”
“Given that y'all get ta keep datin' me and don't hafta pay fer the spa, and that ah get ta ruffle yer feathers the nice way and ah get a presentable marefriend outta the deal, ah'd say we both win,” Applejack noted, nodding her head sagely.
“She's good,” Pinkie whispered across to Twilight, looking a trifle conspiratorial.
Sensing an opportunity to be a proper marefriend, like the books always said, Twilight wrapped a leg around Pinkie's shoulders and brought her in for a hug. “You're better.”
“Page fifty-five, You and your mare: A Reference Guide,” Pinkie said, cheerfully.
Twilight looked a bit stunned by the accurate reference. “Y-yes, that's it exactly! How did you know?”
“Silly, I've read all of those books. I remember so I can tell when you're really being you,” Pinkie replied, kissing Twilight on the snout.
“I assure you, it's from the heart. And the head. And from me, both my head and heart are important, and they both agree you're amazing,” Twilight said, leaning against Pinkie's body.
“Now that was all you,” Pinkie noted, giving Twilight's cheek a kiss.
The two sets of mother-figures settled comfortably into an embracing silence as they waiting for the others to show up, with Applejack only having to stop Dash's subtle attempts at getting the cider about three times.
Eventually the door opened wide and Rarity strolled in, dressed in a magnificently designed gown that flared beautifully and glittered with various inlaid gems. “May I have your attention! Here we have them, our fabulous matrimonial menagerie. Brides, grooms and groomsmen, ready for this... eh...” She finally noticed the smashed-together design aesthetic, “W-wonderfully unique celebration of love, commitment, and keeping your bunny bits in line. Do you hear me, Angel bunny?! In line!” Rarity shouted the last line, noticing that the others were all staring blankly at her. She daintily cleared her throat and motioned to the door. “And here they are now.”
With soft encouragement from Fluttershy all the pets moved in a single-file line. Heading the procession was Opal in a wedding dress that matched her white fur. It was composed mostly of lace and included both a veil and a long, chiffon train. Winona was next, in a dress that was much more plain, though it suited her country-style looks. The material was taffeta, and her train was actually a long strip of orange gingham.
Behind the two brides came their grooms. Both males wore a basic tuxedo, but while Gummy, fourth in line, had only his shirt and coat, along with the hat and monocle, Angel had a top hat, a cane, and pants, which looked to be secured with a small lock.
Completing the nuptial train were Tank and Owlowicious. The slow-but-steady tortoise was giving his all to keep a reasonable pace while Owlowicious perched proudly atop his shell. Both were dressed in heavily modified tuxedo jackets. Owlowicious had extra-spacious sleeves with holes to admit his flight feathers. Tank had a jacket that was fitted to his carapace and plastron, with no sleeves, which would allow him to freely pull in his legs.
“Oooh, they look so cute,” Twilight cooed, reaching down to stroke an appreciative Winona. Her attempt to do the same to Opal was met with a claw swipe and threatening growl.
“They certainly do. I can't believe this is happening,” Fluttershy said, fixing Angel's tie for a while before he waved her off with his typical annoyed look.
“Well, it must happen. For I am a proper mare, and will have you being a proper buck. Are we clear?” Rarity asked Angel, glaring daggers down at him. For her trouble she got the evil eye right back.
“Well... this ain't what ah expected at all, but life's sure funny like that,” Applejack said, strolling over to Pinkie and sweeping off her hat. “Madame Pie, seems like our two critters got mixed up in somethin' delicate. Well, now here ah am on behalf of mah lil Winona ta ask if yer Gummy's gonna do the right thing.”
“I think he already is,” Twilight said, preempting comment from Pinkie.
As indicated, Gummy had made his way up to Winona, who was looking coy and sheepish. Though the ponies couldn't understand what was being said, they could freely speak. “Winona my darling, you know that I love you. As much as any creature has ever loved any other. From the first moment I met you I was in love. I grew only deeper in my affection and adoration with every passing day. Had I any notion that our caretakers would allow us even the veneer of matrimony I would have asked for your beautiful paw in marriage immediately. So, now that it is a possibility, in this happy time when you carry my brood within you, and our love may be known... Winona, will you do me the supreme honor of becoming my wife?”
Winona had seen, in dramas and such, how the game was played, how the asked party played coy and held off to increase the import and impact of the moment. But she couldn't do it. It not only wasn't in her nature but the moment had already washed over her and made her extra excited. She was being asked to marry the alligator she loved! And his words had been so... him! Sweet and erudite and everything she loved about him. “Yes! Yes Gummy, I'll marry you! Oh Gummy this is like a dream!” She attacked her new-minted fiance with licks and affectionate nuzzles, disheveling his tuxedo and knocking away his monocle and top hat.
Applejack whistled softly and shook her head at the very physical scene. “Can't say as ah speak gator 'r dog, but ah surely know a 'yes' when ah see it. That's exactly how Dash acted when ah asked.”
“Hey! I asked you!” Dash cried.
“Ah turned ya down, by way of family tradition. Then ah asked ya, and, well, ya went off like that...” Applejack said, indicating Gummy and Winona.
“Not true! You weren't wearing a tuxedo, I didn't have a dress and I was licking-” Dash was silenced by an orange hoof firmly pressing over her mouth.
“That's enough outta you, missy. It ain't our day, it's Winona's day,” Applejack said, a blush burning on her cheeks. She regretted giving the garrulous Dash an opening to talk too much about private matters.
Over with Angel and Opal, things were a bit more restrained. “Come on, I've really gotta actually ask you to marry me? They can't even understand us,” Angel complained, thumping a rear foot impatiently.
“I understand you perfectly well. Better than I have in a while,” Opal said with some malice. She then broke into tears and turned away. “You don't want to marry me! I knew it! You hate me! You have another queen on the side, and maybe a doe too! Oh I'll be shamed forever while you run off with your hussies!”
Angel looked stricken and prepared to give Opal a comforting hug and reassuring words, when a sudden thought struck him. He gave her a deadpan look. “Really? Here? This is the best place for that?”
“What could be a better time and place for histrionics?” Opal asked, her tears ending quickly, a paw coming up to wipe her face. “I'm pregnant, full of hormones and you need to be kept in line. Rarity says so.”
“Since when do you listen to her? You barely tolerate her,” Angel noted.
“But it is only right and proper that we do this. She's not all bad, you know. I'm sure you will grow to enjoy her presence. Secretly I do enjoy being her companion... difficult as she may be at some times. Now, as I said...” Opal said, clapping her paws together and sitting in a demure posture.
“Sun and Moon take me, I've gotta do it...” Angel grumbled, before he slapped a smile on his face. “So, babe, I knocked you up pretty good. Wanna get hitched?”
“Angel!” Opal hissed, threateningly unsheathing her claws at him.
“Alright! Alright! Sorry, babe...” Angel took a deep breath and got some focus. “Look, babe, you know I'm bad at this. I'm no Gummy over there, with his slick words and stuff. We were just knocking around at first, thinking it was nice we got along, even if no one else thought were were that great. We've been kinky together, we've been good together and now, we're gonna be parents. That scares the pellets outta me. But only because I want to be a perfect dad. I won't be. And that really messes with my head. But... I want it. I wanna be your buck, now and always. So, Opal... Opalescence... will you... marry me?”
Opal seriously considered the question, looking on Angel with a smile hidden behind the paw stroking her chin. He would have been drowning in flop sweat had he been capable of it. As it was he was as nervous as she had ever seen him. A complete wreck, all because his future happiness was riding on what she said to him. But as well, she could only be happy with him. It was true, they were a uniquely... passionate couple, and very experimental. But they were also joyous and free and in love. Real love. “Oh my Angel... of course I'll marry you.”
Opal and Angel both wrapped each other up in the tightest possible hug, rubbing snouts and kissing occasionally. Angel thumped his foot in delight while Opal purred up a storm. Fluttershy and Rarity regarded the scene with matching smiles, both mares pressed together, close and comfortable. Fluttershy's foreleg get Rarity's middle a squeeze as she asked, “Don't they just look so sweet together? I'm so happy they found each other.”
“Yes, darling... much as I hate to admit that that roguish little rapscallion of yours has positive traits, he does seem to know how to make my Opal happy...” Rarity replied, a blush suddenly darkening her cheeks and the bridge of her nose as the statement emerged. “Perhaps a bit too happy. But now we at least give them some veneer of respectability.”
Over in the corner, away from most notice, Tank had settled down comfortably on a book, to keep his tuxedo from getting dirty. Owowicious was still perched on his back, and they were both watching the engagements. The owl spoke first, as ever. “These are beautiful sentiments. And appropriate. Their unions may be largely ceremonial but they matter greatly...”
“Owlowicious?” Tank queried, interrupting his lover's ramble.
“Yes, Tank?” Owlowicious responded.
“I'm no good with talking. Would you marry me if they had something set for us?” Tank asked.
A smile curled Owlowicious' beak. “My love, I would marry you even if only the two of us knew.” He hopped down from Tank's back and stood in front of him, so that they could softly kiss.
“I wasn't sure what to do about... the ceremonies. While I thought there was a book for everything it turns out there isn't a book on weddings between non-sapient animals, and even if there were, pairings of mixed species are... unusual... to say the least,” Twilight said, looking on the scene of the snuggling couples that wanted notice.
“That's perfectly fine, darling. We can simply do something extemporaneous. We have the creativity, after all,” Rarity said, trotting out to the middle of the room. “Let us have both of them step up. Even if they do not understand it will be as official as it can be, certainly it would be to us.”
“Seems as good a plan as any. I guess technically we're all civil servants, what with being the bearers of the Elements. And I guess I'm sort of more official, being an abdicated princess and all,” Twilight said with a slight blush, snuggling Pinkie to her.
“Perfect! You stand over here...” Pinkie dragged Twilight to a spot near Rarity, around the center of the room, “Now Rarity, you, me, Fluttershy and Applejack can stand with our pets, and Dashie, you can stop sneaking over to the cider before Applejack locks you out of the farmhouse for a night. Again,” Pinkie noted, all eyes shooting over to Dash, who was at the snack table trying to surreptitiously uncork the container of cider.
“H-hey now, let's not get all crazy and do something we'll all regret. Especially me. I was totally just making sure it was still alright. I worry about quality. I sample batches all the time to make sure it's up to the high standards that you love and which make you popular,” Dash said to Applejack, slowly making her way back to the group.
“And Dashie can also throw rice,” Pinkie noted, reaching into her mane and pulling out small bags full of rice.
“This would be so much more interesting if I had a pet in the... hey, look at them,” Dash said, pointing to Tank and Owlowicious. Tank was walking slowly towards the gathering, Owlowicious still on his back. They settled themselves near Twilight, looking dignified. “I guess that's cool. They look pretty good there.”
“With the groomsmen up, it's time for our... oh! They're already here,” Twilight said, looking down to find the other four already gathered around at her hooves. “I... am really at a loss for words.”
“That's a first,” Dash noted. She got a stetson to the back of her head for the remark.
“Be nice, she's yer friend,” Applejack said with a hard, restrained voice.
“I know, I know... and I know it's Winona up there. Sorry,” Dash said, pulling closer to Applejack.
“My friends... we are here for a most unique purpose. We are here to offer our support, admiration and approval of bonds between these creatures with whom we share our lives. Through means we need not imagine, they are now merged, preparing to bring forth truly new life. This is a beautiful thing, a rare thing, and a wonderful thing. So, insofar as we may, we offer them marriage. Marriage, it is a beautiful commitment...” Twilight said, in her usual dry and pontificating voice.
A sudden yowl interrupted the speech, Opal pawing at her belly and trembling. “H-hey, babe, what's wrong? It wasn't that bad of a speech...” Angel said, patting his wife slowly on the back.
“It's not that... they're coming! Right now!” Opal cried, clutching her belly again and falling over onto her side. “Ahh! They're on the move...”
“Oh my dear! Opalescence! What is the matter?” Rarity stroked at Opal's head and looked quickly up to Fluttershy.
“Oh dear, it looks like she's gone into labor. I forgot the vet gave us a date based on averages. This is right in there,” Fluttershy said, dropping down and slowly working Opal's dress off.
“Guess that Angel gets away with this without having to marry her. Bet he's feeling lucky, aren't ya, hare?” Dash asked Angel.
“Rabbit,” Fluttershy said, casually.
“Whatever,” Dash groused. “It was bad enough when you kept giving me turtle/tortoise over Tank, you gonna make something out of this too?”
“There's a real difference between rabbits and hares,” Fluttershy noted, having gotten Opal stripped with Rarity's help. She was probing at Opal's belly and watching her closely. “A lot of it is in the structure, but the big difference is, hare babies are born able to see and hear. Rabbit babies are born with their eyes and ears closed. They need lots and lots of love and care. Cat babies are also born like that. So... I think both Angel and Opal can take care of their babies.”
“Angel, dearest! Angel! Where are you?” Opal cried, her eyes shut tight as she trembled and panted.
“I'm here! I'm here babe, I'm here...” Angel grabbed Opal's head and gave her a hug, stroking softly over her ears. “Don't worry, I'm right here...”
“Before... before I give birth... the wedding was so... ah...” A contraction hit and Opal's train of thought went away, forcing her to concentrate on pushing. “I... do...”
“I do!” Angel screamed, slapping his feet down emphatically on the ground. “I do, I do, I do, I do, we're hitched, I'm your husband, we are! These are my kittens and nobody's gonna say pellets about it!”
“So eloquent under pressure dar- Ah!” Opal's small smile vanished as she pushed again, and felt herself expelling one of her children into the world. The first of the new breed. She was not trained but she knew what to do, biting open the sac containing the small, blind, deaf kitten, and licking her. She licked the little figure clean and ate the caul, as was traditional.
The other three hybrid kittens were birthed without any incident, with the help of Fluttershy and the encouragement of Angel. Though blind and deaf, they knew their mother when she purred, and were against Opal's warm middle immediately, softly sucking their first meal.
The small, helpless creatures were lean, lithe little things, with the long ears and strong hind limbs of their father, with the facial features and forelegs of their mother. Their tails were short but exceptionally cottony. Fluttershy softly stroked one and motioned toward Rarity, who had fallen back onto her fainting couch. “Come here and see their babies. They're perfect.”
Rarity eagerly hopped off of the couch and rushed to Opal. She caressed one of the squeaking, nursing little kittens and cooed, “Such sweet little ones... so beautiful, so perfect...” She turned her gaze on Angel, who was lovingly kissing and caressing Opal. “Angel... I think you will make a fine father. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the family.”
Pinkie had snuggled up with Twilight during the birth, and had a huge smile on her face. “Opal really made it a surprise party! Now it's a birthday too.”
“Does this mean we can break out the cider?” Rainbow asked across to Applejack.
Applejack sighed in her long-suffering manner but had a smile on her face. “Yes, sugarcube, we can have some cider...”