//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Comments in the Melody of Love // by The Cellist //------------------------------// “Thursday has been just an average day. I'm going to the movies with Vinyl tomorrow that should be interesting and dinner and then to the clubs to see why Vinyl enjoys them so,” typed Octavia on her computer. Vinyl awoke that morning questioning the events with Octavia Wednesday were just an amazing dream that had started out as nightmare or if it was true. She walked into the dim living room where the only source of light came from the yellow beams protruding through the blinds covering the windows. She silently trotted to Octavia's room and snuck a peek inside only to see Octavia resting in her bed. Vinyl smiled at the sight of that beautiful mare sleeping and slowly left the room and headed to the kitchen. She levitated two bowls and a few assorted items onto the counter and then began to mix all the ingredients together to make two bowls of fruit salad. Octavia crept out of her room and vinyl standing there. Octavia looked down at her hoof and smiled and turn a slight shade of pinkish red. She snuck up behind Vinyl. "Hey Vinyl what are doing?" She shouted in her friend’s ear. Vinyl jumped with a yelp. Octavia fell to the floor laughing, "I got you back Vinyl!" Vinyl just stood there smiling and said "Hey to you to Tavi… I hope your hungry I fix plenty for us both." Octavia blushed and said "Thanks for making breakfast Vinyl." They grabbed their plates and began their breakfast. Both of the mares looked at each other while they were eating. "So Vinyl did you have a good time Wednesday night?" Vinyl blushed and gave a small smile as the memories from a few nights before danced in her head. "Yeah I had a great time, what about you," Vinyl said as she reached a hoof over to Octavia's under the table. Octavia blushed heavily and said "y-yes Vinyl I did. It was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long while." Vinyl put her hoof around Octavia's as she said "glad to hear it trebleclef." Both of the mares just sat there staring until the clock on the wall broke the silence with a light but ominous count of seven chimes. "It’s almost time for your classes. We'd better get ready." Vinyl leapt up from the table and ran to her room to get ready, so did Octavia but in a much more polite and graceful manor. Vinyl finished before Octavia and came out of her room with her gift for Octavia. The grey mare came out of her room to a blushing and smiling Vinyl "Hey Tavi I got you something. You can wear t-tonight to our date." Octavia blushed and began to take the bow off of the box. She gasped. "Vinyl I love it I-I…Thank you vinyl this means a lot to me" said Octavia with her face now a fine shade of pink as she put the hat on and hugged Vinyl. "Thank you." Vinyl turned a bright pink and struggled to get the words out. "Y-your welcome Tavi" "My my Vinyl you turn a lovely shade of pink" Octavia said chuckling. "Well we'd better get going or we'll be late for our classes." Vinyl and Octavia left the house as they walked to school neither of them spoke to the other. They were lost in their thoughts. As they approached the college grounds Vinyl looked at her friend and said. "See you tonight trebleclef." Then the two mares went their separate ways to their classes. Vinyl walked slowly to her classroom. She couldn't get the idea of going on a date with Octavia out of her head, she squeed with anticipation of tonight. "Ahh why do I have to go to class today, why can’t something happen to the classroom or the teacher.” Vinyl suddenly got an idea. She galloped up the six flights of stairs to her classroom as quickly as she could and started to buck the air conditioning unit as hard as she could. Then she snuck into the eco classrooms and grabbed two things of hornets and opened them in the classroom and closed the door. She ran down the hall just as the teacher came down the hall. She saw him open the door to the room and he instantly galloped out of there with several angry hornets chasing after him. A few moments later an announcement t came over the hallway speakers. "Attention all students of class two twenty-four you class has been canceled today, due to wild hornets being in your classroom." With that Vinyl headed to the back to withdraw some bits from the bank to pay for the evening and to get something a little fancier to wear on the date. She walked into the store and they had quite the selection of what Vinyl thought were fancy clothes. She looked at a few dress shirts and some coats but she didn't really like any of them, until she found an ash grey dress shirt that was almost identical to Octavia's coat color, she also found a jacket that was a lighter black color. She bought them. "Now all I need is a fedora and some shades then my outfit will be complete." She went to the hate shop and found the perfect one it was beat up a little bit but other than that it was in pretty good shape so she bought it and a nice pair of sunglasses. She stopped by the flower shop on her way home and pick Octavia up a rose. Vinyl walked into the house with a big smile on her face "well I'd better get ready" as she said that the computer screen flipped on. A video chat screen popped up on the screen and a white pony popped up on the screen "Hey mom, are you going on a date tonight?" Tiviyl said. Yes, I am. I'm a bit nervous though.” "It is okay mom. Are you going on a date with mother tonght?" “Yes I am, I hope everything goes alright.” She began to feel butterfly's in her stomach and had a huge rush of over excitement and joy came over her "I can’t believe it I'm going out on a date with Tavi." Tiviyl look at his mom and smiled, "this will be a night to remember. Can I tell you something?" "Yeah Tiviyl why couldn't you?" Tiviyl had a concerned look on his face. "When you do go out on your date with mother please just remember this be sure it should end at the park no matter what." Vinyl had a puzzled look on her face as she said, "why's that?" "Just trust me you'll thank me later" the stallion on the screen looked straight at his mom with a small smile on his face "I bet this will the best night for you." “If you say so, but I am doing things right, though right Tiviyl.” “Yes mom, so don't worry," Tiviyl said with a reassuring look. “Okay... Good…” She said with a smile. “You're from the future so can you give me some stock advice.” Tiviyl looked puzzled "umm I stay away from that stuff you and mother always told me that," he laughed with a laugh that kind of sounded like Vinyl’s but yet still had the grace and elegance of Octavia's. “Awe, and I wanted to become richer. There are so many things that I want to ask you right now and I know that we don’t have enough time to talk but still. Can I ask you a few?” “Like what mom? I can't say much of anything it would ruin things o come and other this to say the least.” “How old are you? What school did you go too. Basic things I guess really.” “I can't tell you any of that it would unset balances I'm lucky enough I can talk to and tell you what you can and should do but age wise I'm younger than both you and mother that's all I can say.” Tiviyl said with a sad look upon, what already looked like a troubled face. “Well horse-apples. Hey are you alright kiddo? Then what do you suggest we talk about? “I’m fine you don’t have worry about me. Well what about the plans for your date or we could talk about I don’t know. How has your day been or we could talk about how Wednesday night went for the both of you.” “It's been interesting I kind of went back to my old middle school days. Wednesday night was just so amazing.” “How so and that’s nice to hear.” “Well I let some wasps go in my classroom.” “Oh my Celestia, now I know where I get my crazy ideas from" said Tiviyl with a smile and a laugh. “What exactly happened on your night out with mother Wednesday?” “Oh umm..”She stopped and blushed slightly, then began again. “Well your Octavia put a hoof on my hoof and she just held it there and we looked up at the night sky…” Tiviyl laughed and squeed once, "you guys do that around me a lot I think it's the best thing ever." “Oh, do we now.” Vinyl said grinning slightly. “Yes you do.” "Hey shouldn't you be getting ready for your date.” Tiviyl said with a grin. “Oh crap! Did Tavi get home yet. Buck me! Buck me!" Vinyl yelled. “No she hasn't you have time you'd just better hurry” “Whew. I thought I lost track of time.” “Mom you need to get ready.” “I'll be right back.” Vinyl walked to her room. Put on the dress shirt, the jacket, and the sunglasses on then she walked out of her room. She walked over to the computer and began to model a bit for Tiviyl. "So how do I look?" “Amazing mom, but don't forget be yourself though.” "Thanks. I'm always myself when I'm around Tavi." "That scares me at times," said Tiviyl with a huge smile. Vinyl heard hoof steps coming up to the door; she rushed over to see if it was her friend. Sadly it wasn't, it was just the old mailmare Vinyl frowned and said. "Why am I getting so worked up over this date?" She pondered it a bit. Then it hit her. "It's because of worked up over this date." she pondered it a bit. Then it hit her. "It's because of what Octavia said." she said rather loudly. "What did I say Vinyl?" Vinyl jumped as Octavia's voice scared her. "T-Tavi... I-it's nothing..." she began to blush and turn a slight redish pink. "I'm sorry if I scared you Vinyl I thought you knew I was home." "It's fine Tavi." Octavia notices that Vinyl is dressed up. "You look nice in that outfit Vinyl." she blushes as she said that. "I'm sure you'll look better in whatever you decide to wear even if it's just your bow tie which you always wear." "Well then I suppose I should go and clean up and get dressed. See you in a bit." she said as she stumbled out of the room clearly just as nervous and on edge as Vinyl was. As the time drew nearer and nearer, Vinyl was beginning to become more and more and more nervous. "What if it's not fancy enough for her? What if everything goes terribly wrong and it's just a complete disaster and I lose her forever. No! Tiviyl is still there so I'm still doing it right everything is fine." Octavia entered the shower and stood there letting the warm water run over and down her body. "Vinyl what will my parents think when they find out that I've been going around on activities with a mare. Will they still accept me or will I become the blackpony of the family just like cousin fiddlesticks, but this dwarfs that incident fifty-fold, me with a mare and not a stallion like normal, but a mare!" She finished her shower and got out and started to brush her mane. "I know I'll call fiddles tomorrow and ask her what I should do." She finished brushing her mane and then got a few dresses out of her closet and laid them on the bed. "Hmm I wonder which one she'd like." she thought to herself. "Forget it I'll just try to match Vinyl the best I can." She chose the black dress. A few moments later she stepped out from her room with the dress on and the fedora resting atop her nicely groomed mane. She walked into the living room where Vinyl was talking to Tiviyl some more. "So mom what’s your big end of the date plan?" Tiviyl said nervously. "It's a walk in the park like you suggested." Vinyl quickly typed. "Vinyl, does this look alright for tonight?" The white mare spun around in the chair and stopped when she saw her friend standing there in her black dress and fedora. Her jaw dropped and she was at a loss for words which was strange for the dj. "Yes she does look amazing doesn't she m… Vinyl.” “Y-yeah y-you look amazing Tavi." she stuttered. Vinyl had never felt so awestruck as she did right then. The most beautiful mare, no the most beautiful pony she had ever seen was standing right in front of her. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. There was a knock at the door. Octavia started to go see who it was but Vinyl stopped her. "Wait here okay Tavi. I'll go see who it is." Vinyl walked to the door. A stallion yellow stallion was standing at the door from what Octavia could see Vinyl had handed him what was a pretty large amount of bits. Vinyl walked back toward Octavia. "Are you ready to go Tavi?" "Umm y-yeah I guess so." They both waved goodbye to Tiviyl Tiviyl could only smile and say have a great time as he saw them leave. Vinyl walked out side with Octavia the stallion leading the way. "Hey Octavia could you wait for just a second, I kind of got you something else today." "Yeah Vinyl what is it." Vinyl floated the rose out from behind her back. Here you go Octavia I bought this for you." "Oh Vinyl you shouldn't have really." Vinyl placed the rose on Octavia's fedora and cast spell so that rose would last forever, then they both boarded the carriage and were off on their date as they rode off they sat next to each other their nervousness and anticipation for the night kept building and building with every block that passed. Vinyl looked over at the mare sitting next to her looking out the window. She smiled then turned to look out her window. Not realizing it, Vinyl’s hoof had put itself right next to Octavia's. The carriage hit on a bump in the road causing the mares hooves to touch. They looked at each other with a hint of blush on both of their faces. The rest of the ride there they kept their hooves touching. The carriage pulled to a slow but abruptly stopped Vinyl looked at her date. "You ready Tivi?" she said as pushed the door to the carriage open. "Y-yes vinyl I am." They stepped out of the carriage and headed toward the large golden yellow door that was adorned with red and gold curtains. The sign above the door read "Shae La Hoof" in bright blue neon against a golden yellow sign. The mares trotted inside and were greeted by a stallion with an ever so comedic yet quizzical mustache. "Name please," said the stallion. “Reservation for Scratch,” Vinyl said. "Awe yes here we are a reservation for two." said the stallion. The two mares were lead to their table. "A waiter will be with you momentarily" Vinyl gazed in awe at their new surroundings. A giant crystal chandelier hung above their table, which sat in the middle of the dining room. It was covered in a fine red silk cloth. "So Tavi… What do you think," said Vinyl in a very nervous tone that sounded forced rather than relaxed. "It's wonderful Vinyl. I've never been here before. This restaurant is quite beautiful." "Just like you Tavi," thought Vinyl blushing as she looking at her friend that sat across the table from her. The waiter had finally come. Vinyl ordered the "soupe au pistou" and a bottle of Canterlot Gardens a fine but yet still affordable wine. She was not entirely sure what it was she had ordered to eat. Octavia ordered the same. The waiter shuffled away to the kitchen in a way that made Vinyl laughed. "Hey Tivi." "Yes Vinyl?" "You look beautiful" Octavia blushed and smiled at what Vinyl had said. "Thank you Vinyl, you look." Octavia tried to think of a word that would fit Vinyl. "You look rather dashing yourself." Vinyl smiled, "thanks." The waiter returned with their meal in tow. "Madams you dinner is served" he said as he laid down their dished and shuffled off once more. Vinyl looked at Octavia, "poor guy, he walks like he's got a crab up his flank." Octavia chuckled trying to hold in how much she wanted to laugh. The two mares began their eating their dinner, as they did though they couldn't really keep their eyes off of one another particularly at the eyes. "Vinyl does look rather beautiful in her own way I must say" she thought to herself. "You know I've never really noticed it but Vinyl’s eyes shimmer in a way that is actually kind of beautiful." Octavia blushed as she this thought rushed through her head. She then had two thoughts run through her head, fighting one another. "Octavia what are you thinking she's a mare it would be unethical, what would your parents think?" "Wow s-she looks amazing. I never would have thought I’d have said that about Vinyl but I actually kind of do have feelings for her." The two thoughts fought it out in her head, as they finished their meal. "Ready to go Tivi?" "Yes vinyl, thank you that was wonderful" "That night has only just begun." Vinyl said as they left for the door and then off to the carriage. As they got in Vinyl gave Octavia a hoof to help her into the carriage. She took Vinyl’s hoof and got into the carriage. As she sat down, she still had Vinyl’s hoof in her hoof. They both started blushing and smiling. They looked each other and then quickly out the window. "Vinyl why are you still so nervous you’ve done this plenty of times with stallions, so there's no reason to be a-afraid," she thought as a small smile crept across her face. "Off to the next stop driver," Vinyl called to the driver. "Where are we going now Vinyl?" "Tavi some please I'm sure you'll like…" The carriage came to a stop at a rather big building. Vinyl stepped out first and she then extended a hoof to help Octavia down from the carriage. "Thanks Vinyl," she said. "It's no problem." Octavia looked at the place they had stopped at. She read the sign that was lit up by lights from the bottom.. "Baltimare Britenight Theater, what movie are we going to see." “Yeah Tavi it is called “My love to you is Eternal” I thought you'd like it since I know that you wouldn't have liked the other movie I wanted to see.” "Let me guess the other choice was Deathmare 6 wasn't it." Octavia said with a deadpan expression. Vinyl started to laugh at Octavia's expression. Then the ash grey mare began to laugh a bit. "It wasn't that hard to figure out considering you kept bugging me for the past two weeks to go see it." “Yeah I know. I'm sorry Tavi, but shall we proceed into the theater." Vinyl stepped ahead of her friend a few steps. The door handle became covered in a soft white aura and began to open. "Mares first." Vinyl said in a polite manner. Octavia stopped and put a hoof to her chin. "But Vinyl we're both mares, so which one of us goes first?" "You're right, but just go silly." Octavia accepted the offer and walked into the theater and stopped to let Vinyl catch up. The two mares slowly trotted up to the counter where a light pink pony with a dark blue mane stood. "May I help you," the mare asked. "Two tickets to My love to you is eternal?” Vinyl handed her thirty bits. "Theater twelve, can I get you any refreshments." she asked as she handed them their tickets. "Umm yeah could I get one large back of popcorn and a High Voltage soda." "For you ma'am" she asked Octavia. "I'll just have a bottle of water." Vinyl grabbed the popcorn and their drinks with her magic and they proceeded toward the theater. "Come on Tavi we're going to miss the previews." “You go on ahead I'll catch up I've got to use the little filliesroom.” Vinyl pretended to keep walking once Octavia was inside she walked back and waited for her. Vinyl just couldn't resist she had to get her friend back for the two times she scared her today. As Octavia came out of the filliesroom Vinyl jumped out from behind the bench. "Hi Tavi!" "Ahh!" said Octavia as she jumped back in fright. "Damn it Vinyl! You scared me!" "I had to get you back for earlier. I'm sorry Tavi I promise I won't do it again on this date." "It's fine, I guess since I did scare you twice today." "A-anyway thanks for waiting for me, but you missed the previews." "Tonight they aren't important to me. Y-you're the only thing that is important to me tonight." Vinyl said as they both began to blush after what had just been said. "W-well t-thanks." Octavia stammered. "No problem." They sat down in the theater just as the movie began. Octavia put a hoof in the popcorn and started to get some out, but Vinyl's hoof touched hers and she dropped the pieces instantly. Vinyl looked over in embarrassment. "S-sorry Tavi." "It's fine Vinyl by all means you go first Vinyl." "No you go ahead." "No I insist." Finally Vinyl got an idea. Vinyl's horn flickered to life and she picked some popcorn up with it and proceeded to move it close to Octavia's mouth. "Here Tavi s-so you don't get your h-hooves greasy." "Thanks." Octavia opened her mouth and the popcorn floated in and landed. They both blushed hard but the dimly lit theater masked it. Eventually the movie ended. Vinyl didn't really care much for it but Octavia seemed to like it a lot so she was happy that her date liked it. "That was a pretty good movie wasn't it Vinyl." "Yeah I'd give it two hooves up." she lied. "N-now we're going to the club you own right." "You know that I don't own a club Tavi. I just perform there a lot." They got in the carriage and headed to the club. The carriage stopped at a rather rough looking part of town. The couple got out and walked toward the building. There was a brown colt, with a propeller hat, a fake mustache, and no cutiemark guarding the club. "Is that colt supposed to be here?" "Relax Tavi, he's only here for a few more days. It's his summer job." "Hey Pon-3 how are you. I thought you weren't working tonight." he asked Vinyl. "Hey Stache, where's snowflake at and yeah I'm not I'm just..." she said and pointed to the mare next to her. "He's getting something for the manager really quickly he should be back anytime." Vinyl and Octavia started to walk in the club when the stache jumped into Octavia's path blocking it. "Where do you think you're going little miss music flank you have to pay just like everybody else.” "B-but Vinyl didn't." she said as she pointed a hoof at her friend who was halfway in the door. "Hey Stache just let her in okay." she said as she threw ten bits on the ground towards him. "Whatever you say Pony-3. Oh my gosh, now I have enough for my new video game system." he said as he squeed with joy. He stepped aside letting Octavia through and into the club, just as Snowflake walked through the door. "Hey Flake you never saw that okay." Vinyl again tossed a few coins his way. She knew he didn't need them or would even care for that matter, she just felt generous. "Well shall we head to the dance floor or do you want to get something to drink." Vinyl asked. "I suppose to the dance floor, I'd rather not drink tonight." Vinyl took Octavia's hoof and guided her towards the sound of the beats. As they got closer the vibration from the speakers could be felt through the walls and Octavia couldn't tell if it was that or her heart beating faster and faster because Vinyl was holding her hoof. Vinyl opened the door with her magic and headed in and onto the dance floor. "Sweet Neon is playing. Come on Tavi!" she yelled. "Are you all ready for the dance competition?" Neon yelled over the mic. The crowd roared with anticipation. "Come on Lyra it's almost time for the competition to start," a yellow mare with pink and blue hair yelled to her friend in a Mexican accent. "Coming Bon Bon darling." said a mint green unicorn. Bon Bon wasn't watching where she was going and stepped on Vinyl's hoof. Vinyl yelped in pain. "What the buck, watch where you're going you parasprite!" Vinyl yelled. "I was walking here," she said now in a Swedish voice. "Bon Bon can we enter the competition please." Lyra asked loudly. "Fine, Lyra if you want too." she now said with a Chinese accent. "Octavia we're entering too, we have to show them who’s boss," Vinyl yelled toward Octavia. "S-sure Vinyl" she said hesitantly "Hmm only two pairs are participating that's kind of a letdown. Oh well. Here are the rules. Each team has one song to dance to and can only do one dance. The winner will be determined by the crowd’s reaction. First up is Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon Drops and the dance they're going to be doing is called locking.” The music started playing it was a hip hopish kind of music. The mares began to dance to it and then stopped for a few seconds staying in the pose they had taken then continued with the dance and did it again. There song came to an end and they walked off the stage. With the crowd still cheering. "Goodluck beating that, thank you and come again." Bon Bon said toward Vinyl with and Indian accent "Next up is Dj... Umm… I mean Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica the dance they're going to be doing is called the balboa.” Classical music started playing; Octavia was confused as to why they were doing this dance and not some sort of ballroom dance. Vinyl had picked the dance because she'd get to be close to Octavia as they danced. As the song ended the crowd was silent. Octavia and Vinyl left the dance floor and then the crowd erupted in applause for the two mares. "It looks like we have ourselves a winner. The winner is Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon Drops!" said Neon Lights. The crowd erupted in applause for the winners. "Oh well Tavi we gave it our best shot." "It was fun though." "Yeah, it was." "You looked really good when you were dancing." They both said at the same time and began to blush. "Shall we call it a night Vinyl." "There is one more place I want to go you don't mind do you." "U-umm certainly why not Vinyl, I can’t wait to see where we’re going to go." The mares began walking down the hallway to leave the building still pulsating with the beat of the music even after the contest had ended. Vinyl pushed the door open for her date. Octavia walked outside and up to the carriage with Vinyl all the way. She was deep in thought. "That was actually really great, I never would have guessed that Vinyl’s kind of music or version of “fun” would have ever been that well, fun." The two mares came to a stop at the street corner. "Hey Tavi if it’s alright with you can we walk to our next stop it’s not too far from here and only a hop skip and a jump from our house?" Vinyl said as she motioned out her words. Octavia chuckled, "oh why not besides after all that popcorn you could stand a long walk Vinyl" Vinyl blushed and then motioned to the carriage driver that his work for the night was done. The two mares finally reach their destination after what felt like hours from the nervous tensions building as they walked next to each other. Vinyl turned to her date. "We're here Tavi." Vinyl pointed a hoof in the direction of an old small park that sat in between two old houses. Granted they were old but were still eloquent. They were designed like those Octavia had grown up seeing in Trottingham and were both even built with the same aged pail brick. The park between them had a brick barrier around it made out of the same materials as the houses were. The wall was about as tall as the two mares. The grass was slightly overgrown with a few plants but that gave it a bit of character. Vinyl opened the old iron gate leading into the park. Octavia walked inside to an old cracked brick path that lead to an old wooden bench that sat under a rose filled flower arch and a large weeping willow tree, on one side of an old fountain sat next to the arch piercing the air around it with a smoothing ambiance. "Vinyl this place is beautiful," Octavia said with a glow in her eyes. Vinyl look at Octavia with a smile and held out her hoof for Octavia "Hey Octi come on I want to show you something," Octavia put her hoof around Vinyl's and they began down the path. The two mares came to a stop at the old bench and sat there next to each other looking up at the stars. "Vinyl, where did you ever find this place?" "I found it coming home from the club one day.” "I found it by accident, but I'm glad I did. I come here occasionally to clear my mind or to think about things." Octavia look at Vinyl and smiled as she said "Well I must say, even if it was an accident, it helped you find this beautiful place" "You know, funny thing Tavi the same day I found this place was the same day I met you. I guess when I found this place this place I found a bit of luck to" said vinyl slowly putting a hoof around Octavia's. Octavia could only blush and smile at what Vinyl had said. Her mind rushed with thoughts like "Did she really just say that? Am I really here? Is this really happening right now?" Vinyl turned to look at her, "You know trebleclef; I don't think I told you earlier tonight so I’ll say it now. You look beautiful tonight Tavi." She blushed and got a rather large smile on her face and said "Thank you Vinyl, you look quite good yourself." They just sat there looking at each other neither realizing the other was looking into the others eyes as they sat with one of their hooves around the others. As they sat there, whether it was by the age of it or vinyl pulling a trick with her magic, the bench leg on Vinyls side broke sending her to ground and bringing Octavia with it. Vinyl landed on the soft grass that surrounded the bench. Octavia landed on top of her. Their lips met one another and a huge rush of thoughts went through their heads. Octavia's head was filled a rush of disbelief as her face blushed. For that very instant any and all doubts, vanished for Octavia. At that moment she realized what her head was thinking. It had been blocking what her heart had really wanted. She closed her eyes and embraced the meeting of Vinyl’s lips against her own. Vinyl couldn’t think straight as she saw her new found love close her eyes and embrace the accidental kiss. Vinyl then closed her own eyes and kissed back embracing her friend’s new found feelings for her. She wrapped her hooves around Octavia. Their lips separated causing them to look at the others blushing face. They could only smile, as they sat there and stared into the others eyes. A gentle sprinkle of rain slowly began to fall but neither of them cared; they were stuck in that one moment. Vinyl regrettably broke the kiss. "Octavia we'd better start to head home before we get soaked, I wouldn't want you to ruin your dress." Vinyl got up helping her friend up, as they began their walk home; they were walking closer than they had earlier in the night, now almost tripping over the others steps. The two mares reached their home and headed to their rooms. Vinyl took one last look at Octavia as she closed the door behind her still smiling at what had just happened only a few minutes before. Octavia lay down after getting ready for bed. Her body still feeling the weightlessness she had gained after the kiss. Her face was still a slight shade of pink. Two thoughts ran through her head. "Octavia what have you done and this was one of the most amazing nights I have ever had." Vinyl dove onto her bed still in her cloths in typical Vinyl fashion. She lay there having the same thoughts as Octavia. They both fell asleep that night smiling and the new found feelings for the other singing in their heads and hearts. As Octavia laid there under her charcoal covers her mind raced through thousands of thoughts not a one of them was negative, in fact it was almost as if her heart was finally speaking the truth of what she truly felt on the inside instead of her mind trying to subdue those thoughts she had once had. Octavia smiled as she laid there thinking "You know, it goes against what my parents have taught me, but yet it still feels right." She then fell into a peaceful sleep just like her friend. Both of them still blushing and whispering goodnight to each other through the walls before both falling into deep sleep. End of Chapter 4.