//------------------------------// // The tundric worm // Story: Spike's sister 2 // by Musicnotes //------------------------------// It was a new day as the group had just woken up. They were all ready to get moving on with their quest. Spike was folding up all the blankets from the night before. He felt kind of bad that he foolishly went out in the snow, he didn't know that there was a mare known as the Yuki-onna and that she could turn ponies to ice pops. He was glad that the others found him before he would be an ice pop forever. Once he finished folding the blankets and putting them in the saddle bags, he looked at the necklace remembering that he heard Sarah's voice. He wondered if he really heard her or was it his imagination. Rarity noticed him looking at the necklace. She could only guess that he was thinking about hearing his sister's voice. Her and the others have been worried about him since the fight with King Sombra. They all knew he wanted to get her back no matter what the cost. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow dash had all felt the same way when Sombra took the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She walked up to him. "Oh, Spike are you finished packing up the blankets dear?" Spike heard her voice and looked up at her. "Oh..hello Miss Rarity. Yes I just finished. " Rarity nodded. "Then come on. " She put on a scarf and went over to the others. Fluttershy was chatting with Echo the ice bat while Rainbow dash was finishing putting away a tent. Spike grabbed the saddle bags and passed them around to the respective owners. Pinkie pie took hers and started to bounce around the cave. Twilight looked at her friends after she looked up from the map. "Ok everypony ready to go. We have a lot of ground to cover." Pinkie pie stops bouncing and nods. "Yep. I'm ready Twilight. Can we have a snowball fight later." Rainbow dash looks at Pinkie. "We don't have time to goof around Pinkie. Lets save the playing for another day but if we were going to play we all know who will win." "Would it be Frosty the snowpony?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow dash facehoofed. "No. I would win." Applejack adjusts her hat. "We don't have time to y'all to see who would win. Lets get going everypony." She headed to the exit of the cave. The rest of the group followed her. Fluttershy said goodbye to her bat friend and they all were soon back out into the cold. As they were walking the wind started to blow harder. It was hard for Twilight to read the map. The group continued forward on their quest. Spike decided to stick by Twilight's side so he could try to see the map as well. From what he could see if he could that they would have to continue in the direction they were going for a while till they reach a mountain. When it got to the mountain it looked like that was where the trail ended. Is that where they will find Sarah? Spike looked at Twilight. "So we are headed to that mountain right?" Twilight nodded. "Yes thats what the map is telling me but it seems that the trail ends there so I'm sure that is it." Spike nods. "Ok. " He looked at the others. "How are you guys doing back there?" Pinkie pie jumps up. "I'm good Spike. " Before the others could answer the ground beneath their hooves started to shake. The group looked around and wondered what was causing this. "Is it an earthquake?" Fluttershy asks. "It must be Fluttershy, what in all of Equestria could cause this." Applejack stated. At that moment a giant crystalline looking worm popped out of the cold snow covered ground. When it popped out the ground stopped shaking. Rarity gasped. "What is that thing?" "Its a worm..." Fluttershy said. The worm roared loudly at them and Fluttershy curled up on the ground shaking feeling afraid. It looked as if it was going to eat her when Applejack thought fast and took everyponies scarfs and used them to long enough lasso. She was glad that rarity had decided to grab a lot of scarfs so she could have different options. It started to shake her off but Applejack held on tight to the hoof-made lasso. "Stop squirming you vermin." She said with the lasso in her teeth. "Applejack stop that. We don't know what that thing can do." Twilight said. "I got it Twi." Applejack told her friend. The worm continued to shake. Pinkie pie looked at Rainbow dash. "Hey Dashie ready for that snow ball fight?" Rainbow picked up some snow and formed it into a ball. "Lets do this." She throws it at the worm. Pinkie pie does the same. "Take this and that. Hey Rarity join in on the party." Rarity picks up some snow in her hoof. "A lady does not take action in such ruckus but I would have to make an exception." She joins in on the snowball fight. It went on for several minutes. Soon the beast had calmed down and stopped its shaking. Applejack let go of the lasso and went over to the group. Fluttershy looked up. "Is it over.." Rainbow dash nods. "For now." Fluttershy got up. "So what now y'all?" Applejack asked. Spike shrugged as he went over to the worm. "Not sure." He burped and green flames came out of his mouth and touched the worm. It looked like it was starting to melt. "Hey Twi! Look!" Twilight went over. "Hmm its melting." The wind died down and soon everything seemed still temporarily. "I think I read something in one of Sarah's journals about this." She opens up her saddle bag and pulls out one of the scrolls. She hands it to Spike. "Care to read it aloud for us?" Spike eagerly grabbed it. "Yes. I wonder what Sarah wrote. " He opens it up and scans the scroll. He begins to read it aloud. "Dear journal, My journey so far to Ponyville is long from being complete. I am still in the frozen north and have recently come across a gigantic worm. The knowledge that my master Sombra has gifted me showed me that it is called a Tundric Worm. These giant worms burrow through the deep snow and when they feel the vibrations of somepony passing overhead, they burst upwards, swallowing the pony whole. The pony dies of hypothermia in the hollow area of their "stomach" and is slowly encased in the crystalline substance of the Tundric Worm's insides. They can only be killed by fire. That is all for now. From Sarah." He folds it back up. Rainbow dash nods. "Well I guess it missed on trying to eat us. " "I'm glad." Fluttershy said. Twilight nods and smiles. "Same here Fluttershy. It only being killed by fire explains on why your breath Spike cause it to melt a little." The ground then shakes and the Tundric Worm tunnels back underground. "Well I say we better get back to moving." Spike says. "I agree." Applejack said. They all nod and start to head back to their journey. They have already faced some danger and they could only guess there will be more.