//------------------------------// // Admit it // Story: All Coupled Up // by tomColt15 //------------------------------// Nothing was going as planned. All Rainbow wanted to do was talk to her friends and make sure they were doing good, but then this happened. Rarity had run off after balling her eyes out, AppleJack was going after her alone, and now Fluttershy was racing towards her. 'Wait what?' Rainbow shook her head and then glanced back at the yellow spec gradually growing. She stared until the full Fluttershy figure was standing in front of her. “Rainbow!” Fluttershy called. Once again Rainbow shook her head to make sure she wasn't dreaming. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here? How did you find me in the first place?” Rainbow asked. “Well I was going to stroll through town and see if you and the other were getting along well,” Fluttershy explained. 'Of course.' Rainbow lightly sighed. “Then when I saw you weren't at the restaurant I asked a few people if they had seen where you guys went. They all said something about Rarity crying and running away to here, so I followed.” She finished explaining. Rainbow bit her lip then turned back to the Everfree Forest where her two friends had just run off into. “They, uh, went in there,” Rainbow said pointing to the forest with her hoof. “Rarity ran off into the woods and AppleJack said she wanted to go alone and talk, but its just that-” “You don't want to leave them,” Fluttershy finished while trotting closer to Rainbow. Dash nodded. “You're the Element of Loyalty and it must feel really wrong to have to sit and watch.” Another nod from the blue mare was given to confirm. Fluttershy nuzzled Dash with sympathy then continued. “I know how it feels when you abandon your element. I did it at the gala myself.” Rainbow chuckled at this. She never forgot the day of the Grand Galloping Gala, especially Fluttershy's behavior during so. The soft voice broke Dash's train of thought again. “That's why you still have to help no matter what.” This caught Rainbow offgaurd. “What? AppleJack doesn't want my help anymore,” Rainbow protested against her will. She wanted to help her friends in a time of need, but she didn't know what to think at the time. “I'll even go with you,” Fluttershy continued not taking any note of Dash's protest. “But, I, uh, well-” Dash stammered. There was no use, she couldn't fight her own struggle anymore. With a heavy sigh, she trotted into the forest and Fluttershy followed. xXx Deep in the forest, leaves crunched underneath almost white hooves. Rarity's hooves had become filthy with grime and muck from the forest, but she couldn't stand going back. Her hooves were extremely sore now and the pain was killing her. From afar she saw a small hut that she knew Zecora lived in. This was good, now she knew she was about halfway through the forest. She galloped a bit further then finally slowed into a trot. She reached the cleanest tree she could find, not that many were very clean at all, and sat down and leaned on it. The unicorn began panting softly as she rested herself. She'd hoped that AppleJack and Rainbow had gotten lost by then and looked back from where she came. No sign of anypony so far. “Great,” Rarity panted to herself. “Now I'm stuck in this atrocious forest just because I was far too afraid to come clean. Oh Rarity, why are you such a silly pony.” Rarity hung her head down after her idle chat and just sat for a while. Her oxygen debt was paid quickly, however, so was her time alone. After about five minutes of resting the sound of crunching leaves started to grow. “Oh no.” Rarity began to panic and quickly got up. However, even though she caught her breath after her long run, her hooves still ached with pain. It was hard for her to start trotting again, let alone stand back up. The unicorn pranced as quickly as her frail body would let her, but it was no use. The cowpony was already faster as it was, and now Rarity was handicapped with sore hooves. “Rarity!” the orange earth pony called. No use in getting away, but she didn't want to believe that. Rarity kept trying to run, but soon toppled over on a set of tangled tree roots. The unicorn landed in front of a huge cave. This time she didn't even bother to try again. “Rarity, please, Ah wanna know whats been goin' on,” AppleJack said as she approached her friend. Rarity let out a sigh and hung her head once again. “I-I'm sorry AppleJack,” Rarity said. “Rarity, there ain't nothin' fer you ta be sorry for in the first place,” AppleJack said while plopping down next to Rarity. “But there is my dear AppleJack. I've casued you all to worry and I've probably confused you the whole time.” “Well, Ah can't argue with that. Speakin' of bein' confused, Ah still am. Ah'd really 'preciate it if ya'd tell me whats been on yer mind.” “AppleJack, I can't. I'll ruin everything, especially our friendship. Our friendship is too important to me to risk.” AppleJack put her hoof on Rarity's shoulder and gave her a gentle smile. Rarity loved that smile. The way AppleJack's emerald eyes would sparkle and her- 'No, Rarity!' Rarity shook her head and turned away from the orange pony. “I'm sorry AppleJack, I just cannot tell you.” “C'mon Rarity. How long have we known each other?” Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but quickly stopped herself. She actually couldn't remember. “That's right, too long to remember. Ya know you can trust me, Ah just wanna help.” “Please AppleJack, its really nothing.” “Well if its nothin' how come y'all made such a big deal out of it for the past few days?” “Because it was important to me!” Rarity raised her voice. “Then it ain't nothin'!” By this time both ponies had raised their voices at each other. “Even so, you don't need to know about it!” “Well if yer hurtin' Ah'd at least like ta help!” “You wouldn't be able to help!” “How would you know? If y'all would jus tell me whats on yer mind Ah could-” “Its none of your business!” “Yer mah best friend, so it is mah business!” “No its not, and I refuse to tell you!” “Well why in the hay not?” “Because I love you!” Rarity screamed. Her words echoed throughout the nearby cave. AppleJack stared into Rarity's damp eyes, and Rarity stared back. AppleJack slowly opened her mouth to respond, however, she was soon interrupted. “ROAAARR” A/N; You go girl xD Yeah so Rarity admits it and giant loud roar sound comes out of nowhere. Don't you just love cliffhangers. Either way I bet you can tell where this is going.