//------------------------------// // 1. Rainbow Dash's shadow // Story: The Clock is Ticking // by BlueBlitzPegasister //------------------------------// A fast white light was ripping through the skies of Ponyville. A rainbow colored cone started forming around the translucent white strip of speed, and then, KABOOM!! A blinding rainbow ring rattled all the nooks and crannies in Ponyville, Colts and Fillies looking up in the sky in awe. A handsome light blue stallion with a navy blue mane and a Rain cloud cutie mark landed in the middle of the town square, looking proud about his work. A loud clapping sounded in the distance, a Cyan blue pegasus mare with her trademark rainbow colored mane flew beside the stallion, smiling. This mare was none other than, Rainbow Dash herself. The cyan mare ruffled the stallion's mane proudly. "Good job Shadow." She said. Shadow smiled. He couldn't believe it, he finally did a sonic rainboom. He smiled, "Hey mom? I was wondering, can you do a double rainboom?" Rainbow Dash looked curiously into her son's magenta eyes, wondering what was going on inside his head. She shrugged, "Never tried. I don't think it's possible" Shadow smirked. His chest puffed out confidently. "Then, by Celestia, I will be the first Pegasus to do a double rainboom!" He yelled, causing confused gazes from passer bys. "Come on, Double Rainboom." Rainbow teased. "You don't wanna be late for the Summer Sun Celebration in Caterlot" Shadow nearly forgot about the Summer Sun Celebration. He was getting his friends to come too. He nodded and flew off to get them. Rainbow Dash smiled, proudly. Shadow Cloud was definitely her son. The confidence, the determination, the good-looks. He was like, a Shadow.