//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Russian assistance // by RAGNAROK //------------------------------// "I never really put much thought about where I’ll go when i die, but i never thought it would be like this. I guess the warrior’s soul never dies. It all started on that dreaded day i should have of known something bad would of have happen. My squad and I were checking out some bunkers to eliminate some straggling Nazi scum, but the little bastards are cowards and would sometimes leave traps, I really would have seen it coming. Was I a good leader for my men? Of course I was I saved them with my own life, I don’t know if they will think the same way about it, everyone will think I’m a deserter. Have i dishonored my country with my death. Did i do the right thing? I don’t know and I will never find out".Tokeahv mumbled to himself while drifting in and out of consciousness. “I think we’re losing him"! Nurse Redheart screamed to nurse Tenderheart." Where is the doctor when we need him"? Complained nurse Redheart." Can you do anything for him"? Nurse Tenderheart screamed back." I can’t when I don’t know what he is he, doesn’t have a tail or anything, and he has this armor on we need to get it off before we can proceed". Redheart said while struggling to unstrap his armor. As she was doing that a gloved hand shot up and grabbed her arm, and yanked her down. Then with the other hand grabbed her neck, and pulled her closer. “Where am I"? He yelled into her face behind a gas mask. "You’re in the ponyville hospital". She struggled to say while chocking. He slowly released his hand, and she slumped to the ground trying to catch her breath. He started to get up but fell over. Using all his strength he pulled himself up. Stumbling he pushed the hospital doors open, and gasped at what he saw. It was a brightly colored world different from the one he saw before. “Humans can’t be brightly colored or have tails, my eyes must be playing tricks on me". He said while fainting. He awoke to find he was stripped of armor, and 6 girls staring at him in awe. The pink one seemed really excited that he was awake. "You’re finally awake! What are you, who are you"? She screamed joyfully. “I should be asking you the same thing”. He said." I noticed you don’t have a cutie mark, oh here it is”. She said while pulling up his sleeve. “What does it mean and why isn’t it on your thigh”? She asked looking at the golden and red sickle and hammer. “It’s the symbol of the soviet union"." Ooh what’s that”? She replied. “The greatest country in the world". He replied. “Never heard of it". She replied. “Then where am I"? He asked. “You’re in equestria". Stated Twilight. “Hold on, first who are you people, things, whatever". He asked. “We’re not to different than you. Our bodies are built the same way, but with different evolutionary background that’s why we have tails". Replied Twilight. “Finally someone who makes sense, I’m Tokeahv, and why are you here and who are you"? Replied Tokeahv."We found you outside and brought you in. I’m Twilight sparkle this is Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie". She replied pointing to the six. “What kind of names is that"? He asked while laughing." What kind of name is Tokeahv"? She replied." Listen I don’t know how i got here but i must get back to my world". He replied." I think I know who can help you". Twilight said wondering. "Who would that be"? He asked with a worried look." Princess Celestia". She replied. "So you’re saying your princes can help me get back to my world"? Tokeahv asked twilight while waiting at the palace gate. “She should be able to help". Twilight replied. “The guards are giving me weird looks; they don’t trust me do they"? Tokeahv asked. “I wouldn’t blame them look at yourself, you were a large black coat and carry whatever this thing is". Twilight replied. “This thing is a shotgun, can blow a hole through anything that stands in my way". He stated. “Is it some kind of magic"? Twilight asked. “No, it fires bullets propelled by gun powder, do you have gunpowder here"? He asked. “What’s gunpowder"? She asked. Tokeahv sighed to himself as the guard came and opened the gate. “The princess will she you now". He said. “I was told someone needed to see me". The princess said as the two walked into the throne room. Twilight knelt down, while Tokeahv saluted like any soldier. “Twilight my favorite student who is your friend"? The princess asked eyeing Tokeahv."I am Tokeahv lieutenant of the red army. I'd like to ask you some questions". Tokeahv yelled out. “What would you like to ask then"? Celestia asked with a smile. “Ma’am I’m not from this world, and I would like to get back to mine". He asked. “I know who you are and where you’re from, and yes I can help you but first i need your help". She replied. “What would you need me to do"? He asked with a puzzled face. “My sister has turned evil once more and is building up an army to take on my royal army. I need you to take down her generals for me. Are you capable to do that"? She asked him. “Point me to where I have to go and I’ll take down these generals of hers". He replied. “Good your straight to the point I like that from soldiers". She replied with another smile. “You need to talk to my head general for more information". She stated pointing to a large metal door. “he’s in there look with the one with a stick up his ass". She stated while laughing. As Tokeahv and Twilight walked towards the door, Twilight asked, “What was that supposed to mean, what she said”. “I think I know what she means". Tokeahv replied pushing the doors opened. Inside there was a large figure yelling at everyone around him." I now see what she means". Twilight said to Tokeahv."Sir I was told to talk to you for debriefing". Tokeahv shouted out with a salute. “Yes, I know I heard, come hear". He called pointing to a map table. “You see these six black squares are were the enemy generals are you need to get in kill all six and get back here. With this happening while our main forces are fighting you should be able to get in without trouble. Now you have time to prepare for this why don’t you go around and see our country but be back here by dusk tomorrow. Now go”. “Sir, yes sir". He replied walking out of the room. As the two walked out of the main hall Celestia eyed Tokeahv with a smirk. The two returned to ponyville the streets were empty. All the shops closed, and all the homes locked. Except for three large figures in black armor standing around three small girls. All three of the armored figures laughing at the girls, as they cried. “OH no". Twilight gasped. “That’s Applebloom, Sweetie bell, and Scootaloo". She said putting her hands to her mouth. “Why isn’t anyone doing anything about it"? Tokeahv asked. “Because we can’t really fight back against them". Twilight replied. “Then I’ll do something about it". He said angrily starting towards the armored figures. “What the yebat do you think you’re doing"? Tokeahv yelled out to them unslinging his gun. The three turned around and laughed. “What do you think you’re going to do with that stick"? One said still laughing. “How about you try me then you’ll find out". One stepped forward with a sword swinging over head down at him yelling, “You little, ill teach you to respect us". Tokeahv aimed then fired. The shot rang throughout the street as the body fell to the ground a large hole in his chest, blood was splashed everywhere. “What the fuck was that"? Another yelled out. Then another shot was fired. The last one looked to were the other was standing and saw the body drop headless. “What kind of magic is this"? He asked. Tokeahv smiled. “It’s the magic of my boomstick". He dropped his gun and punched the figure in the face feeling its jaw break. As the figure fell to the ground Tokeahv knelt down and helped the girls up smiling he said, “go run now you don’t need to see any of this". The three nodded then ran. Tokeahv stood back up, watching the figure try to get up. He kicked him in the side. As he fell back to the ground Tokeahv got on top of him punching him constantly in the face. As the blood ran from his face, Tokeahv smiled, and stood up looking at him. He then brought his foot up and crushed the figures head in smiling as he heard the crunch of the skull. "Suka you want to try that again. You can all come out now". He yelled out to the town. One by one the town came to life, gathering around Tokeahv and the bodies, and then they started cheering. “What, I didn’t really do anything". Tokeahv said. “You saved us from them". Three voices said coming from below. He looked down the three were clinging onto him. “I guess I did but I’d like it if you let go". He said pushing them. The entire town was surrounding him now, lifting him into the air. “Put me down". He yelled, as the town threw him into the air repeatedly. e nodded then ran. Tokeahv stood back up, watching the figure try to get up. He kicked him in the side. As he fell back to the ground Tokeahv got on top of him punching him constantly in the face. As the blood ran from his face, Tokeahv smiled, and stood up looking at him. He then brought his foot up and crushed the figures head in smiling as he heard the crunch of the skull. "Suka you want to try that again. You can all come out now". He yelled out to the town. One by one the town came to life, gathering around Tokeahv and the bodies, then they started cheering. “What, I didn’t really do anything". Tokeahv said. “You saved us from them". Three voices said coming from below. He looked down the three were clinging onto him. “I guess I did but I’d like it if you let go". He said pushing them. The entire town was surrounding him now, lifting him into the air. “Put me down". He yelled, as the town threw him into the air repeatedly. Tokeahv scrolled through twilights books in wonder, he has never heard of any of it. "This star swirled the bearded sounds quiet like oden". Tokeahv said looking up from the book he had in front of him. “Who is this oden you speak of"? Twilight asked having trouble saying the name. “Oden in other names he is oden the ruler of asgard of Norse mythology. He did so much to keep the great world tree in line. He was eaten by fenris the great wolf during Ragnarok, but he broke free. He was a great and powerful leader and some said he was a sorcerer. The pictures even look the same". He said the last part pointing towards the picture. “I have been wondering something. What are these necklaces of yours for"? Twilight asked pointing to his neck. “My tags are for my id number and to show my country and town of origin". Tokeav said pulling off his tags. "Ok, now what about the upside down star"? She asked grabbing the star and pulling it closer. “It’s a pentacle. The five points of the star represent the four classical elements, along with a fifth element, which is typically either Spirit or Self, depending on your tradition. I’m pagan, which means i have belief in many gods that control earth, sea, air, mind and soul". He said pulling it off and handing it to her. He stood up and pulled out his flask, and took a gulp. “What are you drinking"? Twilight asked staring at him. “It’s my countries best creation vodka. The drink of kings and soldier’s alike". He said holding it into the air. “You want to try some"? He asked handing out the flask. She took the flask warily and took a sip. Instantly she started coughing and spitting it up. “That burns horribly, how do you stand that"? After Tokeahv was finished laughing at her he replied, “years of drinking it". He said still laughing. “I think I’ll go for a walk". He said walking towards the door. “Don’t get lost". Twilight said still coughing. "Morning's gone Echoes of dawn Shaking my soul All but done Delirium The rain with the cold With nowhere to go Ringing doubt Full of ways out Of something to hold I errode Fade like cologne Shrink inside as i departe the throne With nowhere to go One by one til we are all alone Tokeahv sang to himself walking through the streets. "Um I like your singing”, said a quiet voice behind him. He swung around surprised. Then he noticed her."Fluttershy, you scared me”. He said catching his breath. “I’m sorry do you want me to leave you alone”. “No, no please join me I need some company”, he said gesturing for her hand. She slowly took hold of his hand. “What was that song you were singing”. “I don’t know. I know the lyrics but not the name, it’s just stuck in my head ever since I woke up here", he said shaking his head. “I have to ask even if ill only be here a short while, do you lo" he was in mid-sentence when an apple was thrown at the back of his head. It hit and bounced off with a thud" stay away from her if you know what’s good for you", a voice yelled from behind. He turned around rubbing his head to see rainbow dash with another apple in her hand already reared back for another throw. “You, little. Get over here now",tokeahv yelled. “How about no”. She yelled back throwing the apple at his face. He caught and took a bite out and threw it back just barely missing her face. “You almost hit me”. She yelled throwing another one. “You hit me, its called retaliation”. He yelled back while dodging the apple. As the apple passed by him it hit Fluttershy in the forehead. As it hit her she let out a squeek of surprise. "That hurt”. She said rubbing her forehead. “Are you ok Fluttershy"? Tokeahv asked. "Yeah I’m fine it just was unexpected". She replied with a smile. “That’s good. You see what you did rainbow dash you hurt her”. He yelled over his shoulder. "Fluttershy why are you walking with him”? She yelled to Fluttershy."We were just talking that’s all”. She said in a near whisper voice. “Fine then". Rainbow dash replied in an agitated voice. “I came to get him pinkie pie needs him”. “What does she need me for"? Tokeahv replied with a confused expression he still hasn’t gotten used to the pink one. “She wouldn’t tell me". Rainbow dash replied. “Fine I’ll go". Tokeahv replied starting for sugar cube corner. As he walked into the building he was stunned at what happened. The room was covered in party decorations. What stunned him more was everyone he had met here and surprised him, which set off his fight or flight reflexes. He dove behind the table in front of him."Vy suki ne poluchite menya na etot raz ya ubʹyu vas vsekh". Tokeahv yelled out. “What did he say". Pinkie asked Twilight. “Pinkie I don’t know his natural language". Twilight said shrugging."Tokeahv are you ok it’s just us". She told him hoping he will snap out of it, but the opposite happened. It happened way too fast for anyone to see but Tokeahv had leaped over the table and had Pinkies neck in his grip. His face showed pure aggression. Pinkie was gasping and struggling to get free. Tokeahv let out a mumbled growl. His pupils had shrunk to small dots. Everyone tried to pull him off of her but it was useless. Pinkie had stopped struggling; she had passed out from lack of oxygen. Tokeahv let go of her and stood up, but as he did he passed out instantly. He woke up three hours later everything seemed hazy at first but cleared up to see five faces starring horrified at him. “What happened"? He asked standing up. “You nearly killed Pinkie"! Rarity yelled at him. “I did what"? He asked shaking his head. “You chocked her". She yelled again. “If I did I must do something for it". He said pulling out his knife and then stabbed himself in the arm. "What are you doing"! Twilight screamed alarm. “I’m punishing myself for it, I have dishonored my country and myself". He said pulling it out and stabbing again. “You don’t need to do that I’m fine". Pinkie said while grabbing his hand. “You sure your fine"? He asked her. “Yes I’m not hurt and I forgive you". She said with a smile. Tokeahv dropped his knife and grabbed her in a bear hug. “That’s good then, I don’t know what happened but I don’t want to kill a friend".