//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Comments in the Melody of Love // by The Cellist //------------------------------// “How are you this fine day my good sir?” Octavia typed furiously. “Fine, how's Vinyl,” typed Tiviyl. “How's Vinyl? She comes home drunk all the time, never studies, blasts her music when I'm trying to sleep, just to annoy me, so I'd say she's doing pretty good. : ( Myself on the other hoof not so great.” “Now I'm sure it's not all that bad. I heard that she is quite the sweet heart to you at times.” “You're kidding right? She's the worst pony I've ever met!” “Have you even tried getting to know her I hear she has an awesome personality like you. I ought to know I have a mix of the both of you.” “Yes multiple times I've sat down and tried to talk to her, but she never wants to talk to me.” “Maybe she's just hiding something from you like she's shy about something, like feelings or maybe you should try something oh like I don’t know how about you offer to go to the clubs with her one night. Then ask her to come with you somewhere that you both would like maybe a mixed music convention. That might build some friendship between you two and she can't be all that bad I've seen some of the posts she has made on your ponybook” “Those were her drunken ramblings, but I suppose I shall try it your way.” “Hey you never know it could be fun, and you may learn that you to aren’t that different.” “Do you suppose there are some clubs around Baltimare that are open earlier in the night?” “I don’t know really maybe, wait I thought you lived in Ponyville and doesn't Vinyl work at a club? Maybe you can go to that one?” “I'm from Trottingham and at the moment we both live in Baltimare. She probably does work at a club since she comes home drunk every night.” “Well keep my idea in mind; you never know you may end up liking it.” “I may end up liking the music but I shall never like the culture. I can't condone the things I have heard that go on at those night clubs. I'm going to try it, although I'm going to feel quite out of place because it isn't quite my cup of tea.” “Well it's good to get out of your comfort zone every now and again. Plus Vinyl would have to go do something fancy with you. I can see Vinyl in a bowtie.” “I don't see that ever happening.” “Still it's a funny thought.” “It would be kind of funny to see her taken out of her comfort zone for a change.” “You may even find her cute. Well at least kind of cute maybe.” “I guess so. What if she says she agrees with it and then I go to the club but she dodges my thing?” “Then offer her something like if you don't like it than I owe you something or something like that than she can't refuse.” “I don’t want to imagine the horror she would come up with if I told her that.” “Come on what's the worse she's going to do a remix a song of yours. Plus the same applies to her if you don't like something she takes you to.” “You've never seen how playful she can get when she's drunk. Even when she's not drunk sometimes I wonder if she's ever had a coltfriend. I tend to think she's a fillyfooler.” “Has she ever done that around you or to you?” “Have you looked at the status updates that she puts on my account she needs to make her own account and stop using mine! I'm glad my mother and father don't use this ponybook. Otherwise they would disown me if they ever saw the status’s that Vinyl has put on my account thanks to her drunken ways.” “You know when somepony "likes" you they tend to embarrass you and stuff to get a reaction out of you because they think it’s cute.” “I suppose so, but still it isn't right.” “You have to admit. You have probably blushed and or smiled at some of the stuff she has put on there or done for you.” “I laughed really hard when she tripped me down the stairs then started laughing her flank off although she did offer me a hoof up which it was rather kind of her to do that. I think that that thing is being lost in our society today.” “No doubt it is.” “I guess there may be hope for her yet.” “Hmm it sounds like you kind of like her. There has to be some reason why you always forgive her maybe because you find her kind of cute or pretty in some way shape or form.” “No that is only time she has ever been kind to me.” “I doubt that, but there has to be some reason you keep forgiving here. Maybe it's because you find it hard to be mad at that pretty face of hers.” “Well there was that time when she rescued me from that fire in our dorm room on the first day of college.” “See she's not all that bad, she can be nice and I'm sure she has her moments that make you blush and look at her and go wow she's pretty or something.” “She told me the only reason she came in there was to save her records she just happened to see me on the floor almost dead because of smoke inhalation.” “You and I both know that's bull crap.” “Oh yeah she's really cute when she eats my pancakes that I made for my breakfast and she even makes noises while she eats them like it's some sort of game to her.” “Oh you know what I mean no need to be sarcastic. Be honest with me now.” “She just got home from the clubs ask her yourself.” "Hey Vinyl come here my friend wants to talk to you." said Octavia to Vinyl. Octavia got up and headed to bed. Vinyl sat down at the computer and scrolled through the comments. “Sup, Vinyl Scratch here.” “Octavia was telling the truth. I did only go in there for my records but when I saw Tavi hiding under my mixing table almost dead. I told myself I have to save her so I grabbed her and my records but the fire was to close so I had to ditch my records. Man I had some good songs on some of those records and my mixing table got destroyed. Anyway I ran down the back steps because the front ones were engulfed in fire and other debris. I set Tavi down and I don't know what came over me but I thought she was the most beautiful mare I'd ever seen so I kissed her and she still doesn't know I did. : )” “Ah ha I knew you were hiding something to be honest I think Octi is too.” “I hated her at first because she reminded me of my parents always wanting to buy me stuff when I wanted to buy it myself. Until my dad lost his job and started to drink and beat my mom and I every night and my mother didn't do anything about him she didn’t try to get a divorce, but to be completely honest I don't blame her.” “Now you have feelings for her funny how life works out huh.” “Yep.” “Don't worry; I'm sure Octi will come around eventually.” “If she doesn't I've still got my wubstep to give me wubs.” “Try acting cute around her or try flirting with her that may just do it.” “I've tried that like this one time I went into her room and laid out all sexy like for her and she kicked me out and she said she'd hit me with her special metal cello if I ever did that again. Speaking of that, why does she even have that metal cello of hers oh well? To be honest I think she's hiding something.” “Me too, how about you try something like offering to go to an event with her like a concert and when she's not looking or paying attention make a move like put your hoof over hers or something like that or something that’s cutie and romantic at the same time ought to work.” “Okay I'll take her to see Deathmare 6-Deathmare in space! She'll love it.” “No I mean something that you'll know she’ll like. Maybe something romantic for her and also a bit of horror for you, fun for you both.” “Awe man I really want to see that too. Hmm. Oh I know we could have a nice dinner at Hay Burger and then I can give her my alicorn toy she'll totally love that!” Vinyl squees when she types it. “Do some fancy for her. I mean FANCY like dinner at a nice restaurant and a nice romantic-horror movie it will start out as a friend night but will end as a date.” “So you're saying I should go to some place fancy like Fluer de Galti, and for the movie umm maybe “My love to you is eternal?” “Yes and take Tavi and it could be like a date.” “Okay you’ve talked me into it. I’m going to ask her and while I’m at it I’ll also ask her why she has a metal cello. Aren't they usually made out of some sort of cheap wood or something?” “Yeah usually they are made of wood. When you’re at the movies just do something subtle like put your hoof over or under hers while you’re watching the movie.” “I'll do that.” “You'd be surprised I think she'll like it.” “I hope so I haven't felt this way in a long time about anypony.” “I'm pretty sure it will work if you pull it off at the right time.” “What if I ask for her hoof in marriage after but her parents say no?” “Now… Now that can wait. Try it after a few dates. Go and ask her if she would like to go to a fancy dinner and a movie with you.” “Aww man but I wanted to make wub wub in the tub with her. : (“ “Ask her on a dinner and movie date first.” “Okay… Okay… I'll do it your way.” “Trust me it just might work, now go and ask her quit stalling or you’ll never get your chance.” Vinyl walks away from the computer and into Octavia's room where the sleeping mare rests. Tiviyl turns on his webcam. "Tavi I've got to ask you something!" Vinyl yelled into Octavia's ear. “Real smooth I would have been sweeter and nicer about it. Well are you going to ask her?” "What is it Vinyl?" she said frustrated and drowsy. "Umm I was just wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend like maybe go to a movie and to dinner I'll buy. What do you say?" "You aren't going to take me to see Deathpony 6 and Hay King are you?" "Umm no I was thinking about My Love to you is Eternal and Fluer de Galti." Octavia opened her eyes a bit more when she heard what Vinyl had suggested. "Umm yeah sure, but I kind of wanted to go to a club with you if you don't mind taking me along with you sometime." "Umm yeah sure we can do that after." "May I ask who put you up to this?" "Umm it was your friend on Ponyhoof." “I did no such thing! I just told her what would have been a better night out for you two is all.” He types on the computer and waits for a response. "I'll be right back okay I’ve got to go complain to somepony and go brush your teeth Vinyl!" "I don't brush my teeth I clean them with wubs, Tavi." "That's why your breath smells like plot Vinyl and nopony with high standards wants to be around you." Tiviyl turns off his camera. Octavia climbs out of bed, and walks to the computer. She sits down and begins to type. “I take it Vinyl and you have been talking?” “Yes.” “So that's why she came in and woke me up when I was having the best dream ever. I was playing at the Grand Galloping Gala.” “Well… At least you woke up to something good right.” “Her screaming in my ear, hey Tavi isn't quiet the wake up call I wanted, but she asked me to go to the movies and dinner. I took your advice and she said yes. Then I asked her if I could accompany her to a club this Friday and she said yes.” “Hey what did I tell you? It all worked out didn’t it? I must say that was odd of her almost romantic in a way.” “To scream in my ear, I don't really think so.” “I meant the whole dinner and movie thing.” “Yes I know what you meant, and it was kind of romantic but I'm not into mares.” “Hmm sure… The way you look at Vinyl at times says differently.” “I really don't look at her like that. She's my roommate nothing more nothing less. Why did you say the way I look at Vinyl sometimes? Are you a Spy!” “No I just have a theory and your aggression proves my point. You do look at her like that.” “I do not and how would you know anyway if I did.” “There’s your defensive aggression again.” “It's not defensive aggression. I'm just asking you how you would know that.” “I told you how and I just know is all I can say you'll know of me soon enough in the future.” “I take it you go to Baltimare College, or did my parents send you to spy on me.” “No. No. I just know these things. Just know I'm related to both you and Vinyl and you'll both know me soon enough.” Octavia was too exhausted to even remember what had just been type in front of her. "Hey Tavi I'm done brushing my teeth want to make out now." "Eww Vinyl no I’ll never do that with you! I'm going back to bed. You talk to him some more." “Eh no need to fear I’ll stay and talk to mom. I have your talent Octavia’s personality and I share your looks. Who am I?” “You're a clone of Tavi and I made by a doctor from another universe.” “No, my name is Tiviyl.” “Well that's a weird name. Who the buck would name somepony that.” “Tavi and you should know.” “Huh? I don’t understand.” Vinyl said scratching her head confused “I just gave you a BIG hint there.” “Wait I got it you're a time traveler, who was sent back to make me brainwash Tavi into loving me, so we can make sweet sweet wubs all night long, then one of us gets pregnant somehow, and one of us gives birth to a baby colt.” “Something like that, only with a name like mine Tiviyl Scratch you think that you both would have figured it out by now.” “Wait I’ll be right back. “ Vinyl jumps up from the computer runs into the kitchen gets some of her secret vodka and runs back to the computer and sits down drinks a bit of the vodka and spits the rest out in surprise. "What did you say!" “My name is Tiviyl Scratch.” “I know that's why I spit my Vodka out.” “I have your mane color, Tavi’s eyes, your talent, and a mix of both your personalities.” “Rock on!” “Who or what am I?” “You're obviously a griffin pony hybrid cause I'm part griffin of course and because they're wicked awesome, or are you the mythical creature called a human which some ponies believe lived here but were banished because Princess Celestia didn’t want them around.” Tiviyl facehoofs himself, and turns on camera again. It show a white stallion that looks like some mare’s mane done up in a fin the color of Vinyl’s and the shimmering eye color of Octavia's with a fedora lying next to him. He holds up a picture in his hoof of two mares and a little colt. Vinyl screams and dies of shock. “Who am I? Whoops I didn't mean to do that.” "Damn it Vinyl!" Octavia said as she got up from her bed. She storms into the room and doesn't see Tiviyl on cam. All her focus is on the mare laying there in the tipped over chair. "Vinyl... Vinyl... Vinyl!" Octavia says. She pokes Vinyl's face with her hoof. She doesn't respond. Octavia rushes to the phone and calls 911. Tiviyl calls out from the computer screen, “kiss her it’s the only thing that will wake her.” "What who said that?" said Octavia looking around for the voice. “Me… The pony on the computer screen, don't look around for me just kiss her quick.” He shouts. "Ugh okay." Octavia bends down and gently places her lips upon Vinyl’s own. The screen falls off of the desk showing Tiviyl’s face and the picture toward Octavia for a short moment as she kisses Vinyl. Suddenly the white mare’s eyes flip open and she grabs Octavia and pushes harder onto her friends lips trying to slide her tongue into her friends mouth. Octavia stops kissing Vinyl and throws her to the ground. "You were just pretending to be dead weren't you?” Octavia yells. "No... Tavi I was dead I swear. I saw angels and they all looked like you." Vinyl protested. Tiviyl looks at both of them and sighs “Whew. I thought I nearly killed one of my mother’s there for a second. See you do like her Octi or should I say.” He says but audio cuts out. "Damn it Vinyl you broke the computer I have to buy another one that's the third one this week." The audio comes back on the computer. “You did it mom.” His camera falls over and shows the picture of Octavia, Vinyl, and him on the computer screen. Octavia doesn't see Tiviyl’s picture because she's too busy scolding Vinyl about how computers or bits don't come from the ground or trees. Vinyl try's to protest saying that they technically do come from the ground, but Octavia doesn't want to hear it. She storms off going to bed for the third time that night. Vinyl picks up the computer and see's that it is still working and begins to talk with Tiviyl again. “So hey where do you like to eat? What's your favorite movie and will I ever get to see Deadpony 6! How many movies did they make of deadpony before it jumped the dragon? Ten or eleven maybe some people say it jumped it after the third one.” Tiviyl picks the camera back up and places it so it won’t fall off again as he begins to type. “We have more pressing matters at hoof, seems like we did it again mom. Why did you faint?” “The reason I fainted was because I'm going to get to be with the mare that makes me the happiest and we're going to have one rad son, although I do wish you could have been part griffin. : (“ “Hey I have an idea whenever mom got mad at us. We would make it up to her by putting a rose on her nightstand when she slept and we would softly sing her, her favorite song then we would lie next to her and say we were sorry and kiss her on the cheek and that’s how we would fix everything.” “I'll let her sleep for right now okay hun. I’ll put a rose next to her though. Hold on let me go get one.” Vinyl gallops and grabs a rose from the university’s rose garden and sets it on Octavia’s nightstand. She floats a pen over and writes sorry about earlier Tavi. Will you please go look in the kitchen. On to a piece of paper? She goes into the kitchen and starts to make Octavia, her favorite strawberry pancakes. She cuts them up and then places them so that they spell out hope this makes up for earlier. Vinyl then sits back down at the computer. “Nice touch mom and I think that will make up for it. I want to know why you forced that kiss earlier . What came over you?” “She’s a bucking good kisser and I kind of lost control. I mean I've kissed plenty of stallions before but her kiss puts all of theirs to shame. It was a million times better than any of theirs were. I swear her parents must have hired somepony to teach her the art of kissing or something.” “Wow mom now I know where I get my game from so are you going to try and do another smooth move like that. It may actually end in you two kissing again.” “Maybe after our second date. I might try a little something. I don't want to press my luck though and lose her.” “Just do a simple kiss, unless mom presses for more okay.” “If you say so.” “I think I hear her?” “There or do you mean here?” “I think she's waking up there, quick act like you're asleep at the kitchen table.” Vinyl runs to the kitchen and pretends she's sleeping. Octavia walks in and see what Vinyl has done for her as she holds the rose in her hoof. She walks over to Vinyl and gently lifts her on to her own back so that she's now carrying her friend and slowly starts to walk to Vinyl's room. All the while Vinyl is trying not to die from the joy of being so close to Octavia. They enter Vinyl's room and she sets Vinyl down on her bed and covers her up. “Goodnight Vinyl,” she says softly and gives her a little hug. She walks into the kitchen and sees the pancakes Vinyl made for her. She sits down and starts eating them. After she finishes she washes off the plate and sets it in the dishwasher. She stops by Vinyl's room one more time and puts the note that Vinyl had put on her nightstand, but she had added to it. "Thanks for the rose and breakfast this morning Vinyl I loved it. I'll have to make it up to you when I get out of class today. Don't forget you have class at 2.” She started to trot out of the room but stopped. She turned and looked for a split second and gave a brief smile toward Vinyl then walked out. End of Chapter 1