//------------------------------// // Third Sign: Part 6 // Story: Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope // by Michael_Ravencroft //------------------------------// The Lady in Orange ***10 Minutes Earlier*** Spike watched as Rarity followed Upper Crust. He was feeling uneasy about leaving his wife alone with that mare. She looked on edge already, and there was no telling what Upper Crust would do. Still, Jet Set wasn't around, and Glory was mingling with some the other ponies. Although, Spike didn't know if he should feel better that Glory was in his sights or worse because she was. Spike decided to keep on guard, just in case he needed to break through a few walls and help Rarity. He doubted she'd need any help, but it was something to prepare for. Even a Knight can be taken by surprise. Five minutes had passed and still no sign of Rarity. Spike was getting a bit anxious, and decided that maybe it was time he made an appearance. Spike~ He froze, eyes dilating, his heart racing. Spike~ I'm here~ Spike quickly looked around, scanning the crowd of ponies. His eyes shifted quickly from one part of the room to the other, looking for the source of the voice. That's when he saw her, the tan unicorn mare from night of the party, in an orange dress, standing beside Glory. Everyone else seemed to ignore them, as if they were invisible. Glory was nuzzling the unicorn mare under her chin very affectionately; while the mystery mare's yellow gleaming eyes were fixated on Spike, like a hungry predator that had spotted its kill. I know you can hear me Spike, why are you ignoring me? Stop it! You're not real! You're just my Greed trying to trick me! Oh no Spike, I am not an illusion. I am every bit as real as you or anyone else in this room. Then what do you want!? Why can't you just leave me alone!? I can't leave you alone, not when you're repressing something that is naturally part of you. It must be painful, keeping that other side chained down for so many years. Denying yourself all that you want… I have everything I need! I have Rarity, my friends, and family, that's all I need! Do not kid yourself, you want more than that. You crave destruction, you want everything, and all who stand your way should feel the wrath of your powerful flames… I…I…I…! Spike blinked for a moment and there she was, staring him face to face. She closed her eyes and kissed the drake gently upon the lips. Spike felt something surge forth through his body, something dark and powerful, and yet strangely fulfilling. It called to the creature deep inside, it called to his baser instincts. This mare, she had the power to fulfill all he wanted. Power, love, everything, all this he felt in just one kiss. The mystery mare pulled back, licking her lips and staring at Spike with half lidded eyes. I can give you everything you ever wanted…I can give you the stars themselves if you so choose. I…I…I want it! I want it all! Then swear to be mine and mine alone. You'll be my greatest possession, will you be mine, Spike? YES!!! Then complete our covenant… "Uh, Dad, your saddle bag is glowing," noted Ballista. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie also noticed the strange pink, blue, and violet light that emanated from Broadside's saddle bag. The old warhorse quickly flipped open the bag, Ballista, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all gasped when they saw what was inside. "Sir, you brought our Elements," said Fluttershy surprised. "Can't be too careful, besides, I think the real question is why are they glowing," said Broadside. "Don't know, this is a new one on me. The only time they ever glowed is when we were about to armor up, or when something bad was about to happen," said Pinkie Pie. "Well you're not wearin' them, so that must mean…Oh buck." "Father, watch your language around Gale!" Ballista scolded. "On that note, has anypony seen Spike?" All four of them searched frantically for the purple scaled dragon. You wouldn't think that a six foot tall, purple scaled dragon would be that hard to spot in a room full of ponies. Just then Gale started to giggle as she reached out her hooves in a certain direction. Ballista stopped her search and looked at her daughter. "What is it honey, what do you see?" Ballista stared in the direction Gale was, and what she saw made her jaw drop. Spike was holding a unicorn mare close to him, with his left claw around her waist, and his right resting on her cheek. Ballista tried speaking numerous times, but no words would come out of her mouth. "Ballista there you are, have you found Spike?" Fluttrshy asked. She nodded. Soon Pinkie Pie and Broadside found her, still staring in a stupefied state. "Honey, Ballista, are you alright?" Broadside asked. Pinkie Pie started to wave a hoof in front of Ballista's face, but there was no response. "Okay, I think Ballista has left the building," said Pinkie Pie. "Ballista, where's Spike, you said you found him?" The dark cerulean mare only lifted a hoof and pointed in the direction she was staring at. The others looked in the direction she was pointing, and soon enough, the rest of them had the same expression as Ballista. "I'm not seeing this, tell me I'm not seeing this," said Fluttershy. "This…This is a joke right…Spike's playing a joke on us," said Pinkie Pie, chuckling weakly. "If it is, it ain't funny, what is that dragon doing!? He's married for pony's sake! I'll go and straighten him out," said Broadside, his tone dangerous and angered. Ballista blocked her father from moving any further. Soon Spike started to lean forward, his head drifting dangerously closer to the unknown mare's face. The mare puckered her lips, awaiting the dragon's kiss. The Element necklaces started to shine brighter and brighter, as if warning them to a danger, possibly connected to what they were seeing. After a few seconds Spike and the mare kissed, and that's when all Tartarus broke loose. Both the mystery mare and Spike were engulfed in a spiraling vortex of black and orange energy. The blast created a shockwave of power that erupted forth, throwing everypony who was in a three meter radius. Some went through the glass windows, others into the walls, many more were thrown through the doors and out into the halls. Broadside, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie ducked down low to the floor, Ballista had done the same, cradling Gale in her forehooves, shielding her from the shockwaves that radiated towards them. "What's going on!?"Fluttershy shouted. "This really can't be good!" Pinkie Pie yelled. The vortex of orange and black energy shot up through the ceiling. All those who weren't completely devastated by the powerful blast got up and tried to help those whom they could. The others watched as Rarity came rushing inside, looking around frantically with a frightened look in her eyes. "Spike, where are you!? Answer me, Spike!?" Rarity still scanned the area, till she spotted her friends and quickly made her way towards them. "What in Equestria happened in here!?" They were silent, Ballista tended to a now crying Gale, while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy seemed hesitant about telling her what they just witnessed. However, Broadside didn't seem to share the same sentiment. "I don't know how to tell you this Rarity, but your husband, our Spike, was…he just grabbed some random mare and kissed her! After that there was this this spiraling column of energy and then they were both gone!" "This mare, was she a unicorn, with a tan coat and pale brown mane, yellow eyes as well?" The others were astonished by Rarity's description of the very mare they had just seen moments ago. What surprised them even more was that Rarity hadn't even been in the same room when this had happened. "Rarity, how did you know what she looked like," asked Ballista. "It's a long story, but right now we need to find out –!" *RRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRR* "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" All the ponies in the room turned towards the broken windows as they heard a random mare scream. They all gasped in horror when they saw a creature come crashing down upon a large building across from the palace. It was a dragon, one that all four mares recognized immediately. Its scales were pitch black, eyes as red as blood, with dark green spines and a violet underbelly. This was Spike's dark side, the Dark Dragon. "It can't be," said Rarity. "Not again, poor Spike," whimpered Fluttershy. Broadside snapped himself out of the shock of seeing Spike in his current form. The old warhorse started to formulate a plan of action as to relay it to the others. However, any plan he had concocted was quickly dashed as Rarity used her telekinesis to take her Element of Generosity out of Broadside's bag and clasp it around her neck. The violet diamond shaped crystal engulfed her in its elemental light, summoning her armor, and creating her orbiting gemstones. The red gem floated in front of her, glowing with power. "Stand back," she ordered. The others quickly did as she said. "Rubis, Annihilate!!!" A crimson beam of light shot forth from the gem, blasting the wall in front of Rarity, she then galloped quickly out of the opening and towards the beast that was once her husband, ignoring the cries of her friends. Rarity watched as the Dark Dragon roared, bellowing its violet flames on any and all structures that were in its line of sight. Its giant claws ripped through one building and through the next; there was no rhyme or reason behind it, just wanton destruction. Rarity couldn't bear to see her husband in such a state, so she steeled herself, readying the gem she would need to save her love. "SPIKE!!!" The Dark Dragon halted its rampage, its head tilted in the direction of Rarity's voice. Its red eyes caught sight of the unicorn mare and growled as if she were an enemy. "Don't worry Spike, I'll save you! And this time I'll make sure that beast is no more!" The purple gemstone floated before Rarity, her horn ignited with her blue aura, resonating with the gem. "Grenat!!!" Rarity's horn fired a beam of blue mana, which then passed through the gemstone, Grenat, and let loose a larger beam of purple light. The light stream struck the Dark Dragon, causing the creature to reel back from the shock of the soul intrusion. Rarity could feel her mind and soul leaping out of her body traveling down the path her gem created. The white unicorn mare could feel it, she was getting closer, soon Rarity would be able to wrench her love from his prison of darkness and –! BE GONE!!! Rarity was forced back into her body, a backlash of energy throwing her ten feet from where she stood, skidding to a stop when she landed on her right side. The Knight of Generosity pushed herself up on forehooves shakily, her mind reeling from the impact of what hit her. Thundering stomps started to approach her; Rarity looked up and watched as her husband loomed over her, his red eyes shining with bloodlust. "Spike…" The Dark Dragon opened its maw slightly, violet flames dancing within. "Spike please…it's me, Rarity, remember …" The Dark Dragon opened its mouth even more, allowing the violet dragon fire to grow in intensity. "Spike…I love you…" "Spirit Flame!!!" At that moment a blast of milky blue fire struck the Dark Dragon in the chest, hurling him a good twenty feet before he slammed into a building. Rarity turned her head and confirmed the source of the flames. A dragoness, the same color as the flames, gently touched down near Rarity, its glowing white eyes looked upon the unicorn mare with concern and worry. "Rarity, are you alright, are you hurt!?" "No, Fluttershy, just a bit winded," she responded. The Dark Dragon picked itself up from the rumble of the collapsed building; he roared at the dragoness for her surprise attack and readied himself for the charge. Before he could even take one step, multiple, multicolored, fireworks like explosions littered his path, each one impacting with a resounding BOOM. The black scaled beast retreated, jumping back till he was perched upon another large structure. From the skies floated down five large Giga Party Cannons, on the center one was the Knight of Laughter, Pinkie Pie. A serious expression was upon her face, with her pauldron cape flapping in the air. The lead cannon floated down to meet the other two Knights, allowing Pinkie to jump off and join Rarity's side, and lend her a helping hoof up. "Rarity, haven't you tried to contact Spike with your floaty jewel thingy," asked Pinkie. "My 'floaty jewel thingy' didn't work! I don't understand it, Grenat was how I was able to reach Spike before, why couldn't I do it now!?" "Because I won't allow it…" All three mares looked up at one of the older structures; trotting from behind one of the spires was a unicorn mare in an orange dress. She looked down upon the Knights superiorly, as if everything below her, figuratively and literally speaking, was inferior to her and not worthy of her sight. Rarity seemed to recognize this mare, she fit the exact description that Upper Crust and Spike had given her. "YOU!!!" Rarity shouted. "Yes?" "You're the one that did this to Spike, aren't you!?" The mystery mare chuckled, "Guilty as charged. Although, I do like him better this way, unrestrained, driven by pure Greed, destroying everything per my command, he's truly marvelous isn't he?" As if to answer, the Dark Dragon roared loudly, shaking everything. "You have no right to do this to Spike!" Fluttershy yelled. "Yeah, just who do you think you are," said Pinkie Pie. "Heh, heh, why, haven't you figured it out by now, I mean, if my brothers, Loimos and Polemos have visited this sad little world, who do you think that makes me?" The realization seemed to hit all three of them, and the mystery mare could plainly see that it had sunken in. "That's right…!" A flash of dark orange energy surrounded the unicorn mare, obscuring her from view. After a few seconds the energy broke away and revealed her true form. She was covered from head to hoof in a dark orange armor, her sharp horn protruding proudly from her helmet, and her eyes shined a bright yellow. But this wasn't the most striking part of this mare, her tail was not like normal pony tails, it was in fact, a scorpion tail. It was dark violet color, with a ridiculously sharp stinger, the tail wafted back and forth, more flexible than any tail a pony possessed. "Y-You're one of those Envoy," said Rarity. "Correct. I am Peina, Spirit of Famine, bringer of greed and decay! Your allies may have defeated my brothers, but unlike them, I'm more cunning, guess you could say I'm more the brains of the operation." Peina whipped her tail through the spire next to her, smashing through it, making it break apart as if it were nothing more than frail twig. "Why did you do that to Spike, huh, why'd you pick on him like that," asked Pinkie Pie. "Why I wanted him of course, he's going to be, excuse me, is my prized possession." Peina jumped off the rooftop and landed on the ground, swiftly and daintily, as if she weighed nothing more than feather. "I assume my other possession told you of me, Upper Crust. I must remember to discipline her once we're through here." "You killed her husband, and you talk about others like they were mere trinkets, how can you have such a warped mind!?" Peina let out a very ladylike chuckle, "It's easy my dear, because that's all everything in this universe is to me. I am, by far, more powerful than any living creature – except my Master and elder brother – so I can take whatever I want, plus once you've ended so many lives they tend to blur together. By becoming my possession they are spared the end of their world, and are free to live with me, for as long as they obey me that is. Just like my dear Glory, just like Upper Crust, and most importantly…Just. Like. Spike!" Rarity let out a battle cry and charged Peina; she willed Rubis to her side and energized the crystal. "Rubis, Annihilate!!!" The crimson beam fired at Peina, with double the power she used to destroy the wall of the Palace of Fashion. The beam roared as it tore apart the ground, scorching anything and everything in its path. The beam struck Peina dead center in her chest, the beam washed over her, creating a bubble of red light. In the next moment the bubble exploded violently, creating a large crater where the Envoy of Famine stood. Rarity grinned, but that grin did not last long. Peina strode out of the dust filled crater, walking on the air as if she were a pegasus, till her hooves met solid ground. She then dusted herself off, paying no never mind to Rarity till she was through. "That was rather rude; allow me to show you why I am not to be trifled with." The stinger of Peina's scorpion tail aimed itself at Rarity. The Envoy's body glowed with power, funneling it to the tip of her stinger. The energy built up into a sphere of violet and orange light. "Venomous Decay!" The energy fired as a concentrated beam from Peina's stinger, Rarity didn't have time to defend, but instead opted to dodge the beam. It narrowly missed the Knight of Generosity, as well as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and struck the building behind them. They had expected an explosion, but that did not occur. Instead, the building started to deform, its solid architecture becoming liquefied. What they heard next chilled the Knights to their very core. Screams could be heard coming from the building, desperate cries for help, along with pain filled yells. They didn't last long, as it took all of thirty seconds for the entire building to dissolve into a pile of rotted putty. All too clearly it made sense to Rarity, how Peina was able to dispose of Jet Set's body. Despite the display, Rarity turned towards Peina, eyes narrowed, hooves firmly planted. "Do not think your little scare tactic will deter me! If it means freeing my Spike from your clutches, I'll fight a hundred of you!" Rarity declared. Peina smirked at this declaration, as if seeing the Knight mare in a new light. "Still, how can you free him, if you're too busy fighting him – SPIKE!" The Dark Dragon roared, spread his wings and flew towards them. His fangs and claws were bared, ready to tear into the hide of his Mistress's enemies. Just then, Fluttershy's dragoness avatar unfurled its wings and flew at Spike. The Knight of Kindness and Dark Dragon collided in a thunderous crash, both falling to the ground. Both dragons quickly rose to their feet and began attacking, interlocking their claws, grappling with each other. "Rarity, we'll handle Spike," said Fluttershy. "You worry about Miss Takes-Whatever-She-Likes-And-Doesn't-Care-Who-She- Hurts, and whup her flank!" Pinkie jumped high into the air, her lead cannon swopped below her as she landed on top of it. The Knight of Laughter watched as Fluttershy's avatar fought with the Dark Dragon, she then saw its mouth opening preparing to unleash a blast of violet dragon fire. Pinkie Pie aimed her Giga Party Cannon downward and at the dragon. "FIRE!" From the muzzle of the cannon, a slew of streamers flew out, guided by Pinkie's willpower. The streamers wrapped around the Dark Dragon's maw, closing it shut and causing the fire blast to explode within its mouth. The black scaled reptile back peddled, with his claws he tried to tear off the steel strong streamers, but Fluttershy didn't give him a chance. The dragoness avatar twirled around and used its tail to whip the Dark Dragon across the chest sending hurdling backwards further away. "We have to get Spike out of the city, we can't keep fighting him here," said Fluttershy. "Alright, I will roger that!" Rarity waited till her friends had made Spike move further away, Peina seemed to be watching with as much interest as she had. "I'd prefer it if would avert your eyes from my husband," said Rarity with a dangerous tone. "Oooh, scary mare aren't we?" Peina started to slowly saunter Rarity, making the Knight of Generosity fall back. "You know Rarity, not many are willing to stand up to me once they see what I'm capable of. Most either beg for mercy or try to pledge themselves to me, but you, actually standing up to me like that. I must say, you became a lot more…how shall I put this…attractive." Rarity's left eye gave a noticeable twitch to hearing that, as well as a look of disgust. "Think about it, you'll be with Spike and be spared the destruction of your world, you'll be able to create outfits for the most beautiful creature in the cosmos, what do you say?" Peina asked as she fluttered her eyes. "Honestly, I'm unintentionally attracting attention from all sorts of mares. And as to your offer here's my response…Diamant!!!" The clear diamond crystal left the orbit of the other gems and moved into position. A white magic circle bearing Rarity's cutie mark at its center appeared before her. The clear crystal pointed itself at the circle and fired off multiple splintering shards, when they passed through the other side the shards more than tripled in size, becoming diamond hard spears that flew at the Envoy of Famine. Peina used her flexible scorpion tale to bat the shards one by one in rapid succession, her seductive grin still held fast. Rarity growled in frustration at the Envoy's persistent strength. "We'll see my dear, you may end up changing your mind soon enough! In the mean time, I think it's about time I went to work." Peina channeled her energy into her tail once again. Instead of aiming it at Rarity she aimed towards the sky, where a small cloud floated over head. "Rotting World!" The venom filled energy blast shot into the air, hitting the clouds. Instead of passing through it, the cloud seemed to absorb the energy. The cloud then grew bigger and bigger, eclipsing the sun over head. An ominous violet and orange light was the only source of illumination for the city. Soon the clouds began to thunder, with orange lightning arcing through the clouds. The clouds then began releasing violet colored rain water, with each drop that hit the ground it hissed, as if the planet itself was protesting the touch of this water. Rarity looked on curious; she didn't know what kind of game the Envoy was playing. "What have you done, Envoy," asked Rarity. "Merely let my venom spread, don't worry though, the toxic rain will not harm you, or any pony. Although the flora and fauna will die, even now the soil absorbs my venom, growing more and more decayed and infertile, soon nothing will be left, starvation will encompass the world, and all shall succumb to greed in order to survive, you will all destroy each other," said Peina blissfully, as if describing a dream. "HAVE AT YOU WITCH!!!" The sounds of battle could be heard echoing through the halls of Palazzo Della Moda, many of the designers, models, and backers had fled. Ballista, Broadside, and Gale were still inside however. Ballista was helping direct other ponies outside while her father searched through the different rooms to make sure that they could safely abandon the palace without worrying if there was anypony still left inside. Soon he was joined by his daughter, and granddaughter who was clinging to her mother's neck. Broadside was impressed by Gale Force, only a year and a half and she hadn't cried except for when the fiasco earlier happened. "Father I think we've done all we can. We have to get out of here now while we have the chance," said Ballista. "You go then, I'll keep searching," said Broadside. "No, we leave together!" "Think about Gale, you've done all you can, now go!" Ballista hesitantly turned around, Gale's lower lip was quivering apparently she too did not want to leave her grandfather behind. "But…father…" "Don't make me have to pull rank on you and make this an order," he said simply. The dark cerulean pegasus turned away and started to make her way down the hall. Then Ballista turned and went down another hallway, and then another, and another, till about the tenth or twelfth hall Ballista started to question if her sense of direction was failing her. "I thought it was this way, maybe I should've taken a right when I took that last left," said Ballista. Gale started to make noises of annoyance at her mother's confusion. "Give me a break, the constant rumbling and explosions aren't exactly helping. Plus I've never been in this place!" Gale just shook her head. "Oh really little miss smarty pants, then tell me, where do you think I should go?" Ballista asked. Gale popped her head up and pointed down the hallway to their right, she then pointed to a sign on the wall that read "Ball Room." Ballista glanced up at her daughter, who was now wearing a smug smile. "Shut up," she groaned playfully. Gale giggled. "Don't get cute with me my little pony." Ballista galloped down the hall as fast as she could. The look of the hallway was becoming familiar the longer she ran; now the mare was certain of where she was going. Before they could make it to the Ball Room, Ballista stopped upon hearing some noises coming from the room she had passed. Curious, she turned around, the closer she got the more the noises became more defined. "YOU KILLED HIM!!!" *CRASH* Ballista recognized these noises, they were the sounds of two ponies fighting, and from the sounds of it, one of them was the snooty mare from the party she had went to with Rarity and the others. Wait, who killed who? "Oh don't kid yourself, Mistress never said she'd spare him, so stop acting like you were double-crossed," said another voice. Glory!? Ballista nudged the door to the room a little, allowing her to peek inside. What she saw as Glory and Upper Crust engaged in a fight, Upper Crust had used her telekinesis to grab a halberd from the wall and was now swinging it at Glory, with poor form I might add. Glory was calm, almost menacingly so. She dodged each of the wild swings of the distraught mare with such fluidity that Ballista couldn't help but be impressed. During one of the swings, Glory dashed forth, slipping past the halberd's striking range, and getting close to Upper Crust. The red maned unicorn concentrated her telekinetic energy and released it in a burst of energy that sent Upper Crust hurdling into display a case; glass flew everywhere as the faded yellow unicorn laid sprawled on the floor. Glory trotted slowly towards Upper Crust, looking down upon the beaten mare, and then to the garment she was on top of. "Look at this, you've ruined a priceless piece fashion history that's survived for hundreds of years, and in less than ten seconds you've reduced it to nothing more than a rag." Glory's expression then became a scorning scowl; she reared up and brought her forehooves down upon the Upper Crust causing the mare to scream in pain. "HOW DARE YOU! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY MISTRESS WANTS TO KEEP YOU!? YOU'RE NOTHING, NOT EVEN WORTHY OF LICKING THE DIRT OFF HER HOOVES!" Ballista couldn't bear to watch this, but neither could she stand by and let Upper Crust get stomped to death by Glory. She carefully lowered Gale onto the floor next to the door. Ballista took a few seconds to make sure the area around her daughter was free of any sharp debris or anything that might fall on her. Once she'd done that, Ballista looked her daughter in the eye, giving her a serious expression. "Listen honey, I need you to stay right here, Mommy will be back in just a little bit," she assured. Gale let out a few whimpers of protest. "I know I know, but I promise I'll be back. Grandpa should be heading down this way soon, alright, so just wait right here and be very quiet, shh." The little foal seemed to understand, not entirely, but she could tell her mother was serious about whatever she was talking about. Confirming that Gale did understand, Ballista went about sneaking inside the room. It seemed that Glory had stopped her trampling of Upper Crust, and from what Ballista could tell not a moment sooner. There was no doubt that Upper Crust had a few broken bones, bruises were clearly visible even through her fur. Her left eye was blackened and swollen shut, her nose and mouth were bleeding as well. "I could kill you like your husband, but that would be too easy, plus I don't like to repeat myself." Glory looked to her right and saw the halberd that Upper Crust had brandished earlier. With her telekinesis she grabbed the weapon and levitated it to her side, she then leaned down and whispered into Upper Crust's ear. "I'm going to use this to disembowel you, 'get medieval on you' as the common folk would say. Now I won't have to spend the rest of my life with you by Mistresses side, to be honest, I prefer the dragon over you!" Glory raised up the halberd, ready to bring it down upon the cowering mare. Fortunately, Glory never got the chance to deliver her death blow, as Ballista came whizzing like an arrow, and struck the insane unicorn mare in the face with her right hoof, sending her flying to the other side of the room. The halberd was then released from Glory's hold, luckily Ballista caught the weapon, twirling it around herself expertly and bringing it to a rest next to her. "Y-You…you're one of Rarity's friends….right?" "Yes I am, the name's Ballista, can you stand," she asked. Upper Crust rose shakily to her hooves, she made pained hisses, as if every move was only magnifying the pain. Ballista knew she must've sustained a lot of internal injuries and needed to get some medical attention soon. Unfortunately that wasn't going to happen as quickly as she'd like. Glory was back on her hooves, POed beyond belief that she was struck by the pegasus. "How dare you harm me, I must be presentable for my Mistress," shouted Glory. "If you mean that creature with the freaky tail, then you're more messed up than I thought," commented Ballista. "Do not think you are my better, I am a unicorn, and I wield power like you wouldn't believe! You aren't even a threat!" Ballista rose up onto her hind legs and held the halberd in the crook of her forehooves, twirling it around before she entered a combative stance. "You think you scare me, I fought horned Daemoni face to face on the battlefield, and compared to them, you're as threatening as newborn kitty!" That seemed to really get Glory as she began to fire off concentrated blasts of telekinetic energy at Ballista. The dark cerulean mare began spinning the halberd, remembering the lessons Broadside had taught her about handling such weapons. The first TK blast neared Ballista, she angled the halberd's blade, and using the built up momentum from her twirling, she sliced through the sphere as if it were made of wet tissue paper. She then proceeded to do the same for the others, each one cut down in similar fashion as the next. Glory continued her volley, determined to kill this pegasus mare before her. Ballista used her wings to jump up into the air; she spun around twice before she landed somewhere else in the room, drawing Glory's attention. The deranged unicorn mare had no idea that she was falling into Ballista's trap. Sure swinging around a six foot long halberd was tiring, but not half as tiring as releasing telekinetic blasts in rapid succession as Glory was, soon she would use up her energy and Ballista could end this, for now she had to keep Glory's attention on her. As it stood, Upper Crust was in no shape to offer assistance or flee without gaining Glory's unwanted attention. Unbeknownst to the three of them, a small foal crawled its way into the room, its natural curiosity getting the better of her. Gale used her wings to flutter in the air, when she saw her mother, fighting Glory, performing a feat of weapon mastery; she couldn't help but giggle and clap her hooves, thinking it was all a game. The clapping and giggling did not go unheard, Upper Crust, Ballista, and even Glory saw Gale hovering in the air. "GALE FORCE GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!!!" Glory saw the distress and heard the fear in Ballista's voice. The insane mare released one more volley before taking off towards the foal. With rage in her eyes, Ballista batted the volley away and flew into the air; she raised the halberd overhead and brought it down at an incredible rate of speed, hoping to kill Glory before she even got close to her child. Much to her disappointment, Glory used her telekinesis to grab hold of the foal; she skidded to a halt and levitated Gale towards her. Ballista's eyes went wide; she began to flap her wings furiously to halt her descent. With just a few inches to spare, the halberd's ax blade stopped just a hairs breath away from Gale's head. Ballista quickly flew backwards and resumed her fighting stance from earlier, a fire burning within her eyes, her maternal instincts on overdrive. "Let go of my child or so help me you won't live to see the hindsight of your actions!" Ballista warned. "Oh I think I will, and truthfully, I think this little adorable filly will be my ticket out of here," said Glory victoriously. "You…you mule, you would use a child…as a shield," said Upper Crust weakly. "Hmph, like you and Jet Set, I take every opportunity I can get. Now, put down the weapon, do it now or watch me twist this foal's head off," said Glory. That sentence only made Ballista hold onto the halberd tighter, she grit her teeth in anger and hatred for this mare, any compassion or mercy she was going to show her before had flown out the window. Ballista's eyes fell on Gales, they were filled with panic and fear, watering and on the verge of a full out sob. Reluctantly, Ballista dropped the halberd, and was now standing on all four hooves. "Good girl, now, the two of us are going to leave the palace and you two will stand there and not move a muscle!" Glory eyes now fell on Upper Crust, which made the injured mare flinch. "Guess I won't get to kill you, but that's not too bad, once Mistress has killed those Knights of Harmony, the whole world will die off, while I watch from my lofty perch beside her. And this little one will be a nice souvenir, I'll make sure to raise her so that she'll learn to worship Mistress, and be my obedient little slave filly." Glory began to laugh evilly, reveling in her victory. Suddenly two hoof blades shot out from the open door and landed before Ballista, stuck in the ground at perfect angles to be used. Surprised, Glory turned to see who or what had thrown them, she didn't have enough time to process it, as Broadside galloped at full speed and lunged for Gale. He grabbed the filly foal and brought her close to his chest as he tumbled about. Once he was safely stopped he checked on Gale who had a happy smile to show her grandfather. "BALLISTA!!!" Ballista shoved her front hooves into the openings of the hoof blades, the mechanisms latched together, securing the weapons to her forelegs. Taking advantage of Glory's confusion, Ballista flew at the source of her motherly vengeance. She pirouetted in the air, till she was two feet away from Glory. With the momentum, she thrust out her left hoof and used the blade to slash at Glory. It was like air, her movements fast, sudden, and deadly. Glory paused for a moment, waiting to see where Ballista had cut her, but after a couple of seconds there was no sign of blood, nor a feeling of pain. "Are you kidding me!? After all that you didn't even –!" Glory started to feel something wet drip down her face; it was a sparkling violet like substance. She didn't know what to make of it, for it wasn't blood. As if to answer her question, Glory watched as she saw something white and pointy fall from her head and onto the ground before her. She gasped in horror as the realization hit her. Her horn had been severed, and the substance, was in fact, magical plasma, a mediator between the magic and mind held within the horn. Glory touched the top of her forehead with her shaky hoof, when she brought it back down to eye level her irises shrank to tiny dots as her lower lip quivered. "W-W-What have y-you done to me!? My horn…YOU CUT OFF MY HORN!!!" Ballista cocked her right forehoof and launched an uppercut at the dehorned mare, landing square into her lower jaw. The force of the impact sent Glory flying up and landing with a hard thud onto her back, knocking the air out of her lungs and knocking her out at the same time. Ballista trotted over to Glory, contemplating whether or not to let the mare live or not, she turned to glance at Gale who was now looking at her mother quizzically. Releasing a sigh, Ballista snorted and spat on Glory. "You're not worth staining my blades with your blood." Ballista rushed over to her father and daughter. Broadside held out Gale, allowing Ballista to scoop up Gale and bring her into a tight hug. "Thank you Father." "No one harms my granddaughter unless they're willing to pay," said Broadside. "I had a look at our friends outside, they're not holding up too well." "You can't be serious; we need to call the others!" "I'm sure distress calls have been going off like crazy since this whole mess started, but they aren't here yet, which means it's probably going to take awhile before they can mobilize and render aid," said Broadside grimly. "So…what can we do, if they're defeated…?" Broadside opened up his saddle bags, and with his teeth he pulled out a scroll. Ballista seemed to instantly recognize this scroll. "With this, we may be able to give them a fighting chance." Peina stood in the center of the streets, with the Dark Dragon standing behind her, snarling and growling. Rarity had Rubis, Emraude, and Diamat floating nearby and on standby for counterattack. Fluttershy's dragoness avatar was looming over the Knight of Generosity, looking a little exhausted. Pinkie Pie was standing on her lead Giga Party Cannon, with two others floating nearby, primed and ready to fire. It was pretty much a standoff at the moment. The three Knights knew that they still had to free Spike, but as long as Peina, the Spirit of Famine, fueled his greed, there was no way to get through to him. Up till now Rarity had been holding her own against Peina, but she knew that the Envoy was merely toying with her, as powerful as she was, she could've ended this at any time. Which led her to believe that the scorpion tailed mare really did want to make Rarity her own personal 'possession.' The mere thought made Rarity's skin crawl, although… "Well this has been fun Rarity, really it has, but how much longer must we continue this futile struggle? My offer still stands my fine mare, join me, become mine, and you can be with your beloved." Peina reached out a hoof, as if physically offering to take her in. Rarity looked to the destruction their battle had wrought thus far. The Paso Feno Cathedral had been decimated, it's grand architecture which had stood fast for hundreds of years was now broken, its hallowed halls and beautiful stained glass windows now just a memory. The same could be said for the museum, priceless works of art gone, lost for all time. Many housing structures, businesses, and government buildings weren't in any better shape, and who knew how high the casualty count was, despite their best efforts to keep this fight from taking too many lives. Fluttershy dispelled her avatar and gently floated down towards Rarity, Pinkie Pie had leapt off her cannon and landed beside her friend. "Rarity, what do you think we should do," asked Fluttershy. "Yeah, because I don't know how much longer we can keep this up, trying to help Spike and beat Miss Psycho Mare over there! At least Discord didn't fight us when Spike became a Dark Dragon, he had manners," said Pinkie Pie. I don't know, on the one hoof we need to save Spike, my husband, my love. And then we still have this creature controlling him, not to mention this toxic rain! If only I could reach out to him, somehow, but what can I do!? Grenat can't get me past her influence so how –?! It suddenly clicked in Rarity's mind, a possible solution to this whole thing, it was risky, it was dangerous, and if she failed Rarity would either end up dead or as a possession of Peina. "Girls, I need you to trust me," said Rarity. Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked confused by that statement. Rarity separated herself from her friends and began trotting towards Peina. A noticeable smile started to appear on the Spirit of Famine's face as she felt yet another item fall into her clutches. "Alright Peina, I'll become a possession…" "WHAT," yelled Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy incredulity. "Oh Rarity, you've made a wise decision –" "Hold on just one moment, I never said I'd become your possession!" Rarity looked up at the Dark Dragon that was once her husband. "SPIKE! I am yours, a part of you once sought to take me as your own, can you really say you are content with just Peina's power!? If I'm right then take me now, I will not resist!" To prove her point, Rarity's armor shined and returned to the form of the golden necklace. The Knights of Kindness and Laughter felt their jaws drop, they couldn't believe what their friend was doing! It was just too unbelievable! However, the whole thing seemed to amuse Peina. "Oh Rarity, such self-sacrifice is hardly necessary, my gem of a dragon won't –" Suddenly the ground shook, Peina watched as one of the Dark Dragons large clawed feet stepped over her as he made his way towards Rarity. The Spirit of Famine thought about ordering him to stop, but she surmised that this might be a fun show to watch, to see the violet maned mare struggle in futility to bring the love of her life back; oh it was too delicious a thing to pass up. Spike continued to stop forward till he was only a few feet away from Rarity, with his right claw he snatched up the mare and brought her close to his maw. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gasped and readied themselves to attack, but one look from Rarity halted them, there was no fear in her gaze, only determination, a burning desire to wrench Spike's mind and soul from Peina's control. Rarity then turned her head back to Spike, now staring down the red eyes of her draconic lover. "Spike, I know what this she-witch says is not true. You are not just greed alone, you're more than that!" "But…I want…more…!" "Am I not enough!? Is my love for you not enough!?" "…" "ISN'T IT!!?" Spike released a powerful roar, making Rarity squint from the heat and pressure. When it was over, Rarity released a calming breath and opened her eyes. "You once said that I wouldn't think twice about going out with you being a dragon, let alone marry you. But I did, and we've had eleven long years of happiness together, did that not mean anything to you…?" Spike started to shake his head a bit, as if something inside was trying to remember. Down below Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were getting worried, especially since Peina didn't look worried at all, in fact, she was watching this whole thing happen as it were a movie. "Flutters, Rarity can't get through on her own," said Pinkie. "How do you know that," asked Flutteshy. "Uh, duh, Pinkie Sense, anyway we have to help her." "But how, with Rarity that close to him!? If we move in then it could set Spike off and he could…" Unpleasant thoughts started to enter Fluttershy's mind, but Pinkie Pie placed a placating hoof upon her withers, bringing her attention to the pink mare. "Maybe not directly, but maybe there's another way…" Pinkie Pie's crystal emblem started to pulsate with blue energy, at the same time; it resonated with Fluttershy's. Both crystal emblems released waves of pink and blue energy as they moved towards their friends. The two waves washed over Spike and Rarity, the waves activated the Knight of Generosity's emblem, creating third wave of violet energy that synchronized with the blue and pink. "What – what's happening," asked Rarity. We're helping you Rarity. I'll use my Element to soothe him, echoed Fluttershy. And I'll use mine to fill his heart and mind with happiness. You can do it Rarity, we believe in you, echoed Pinkie Pie. Rarity nodded in appreciation for her friends' help, she returned her attention to Spike, who was noticeably starting to feel the effects of all three Elements of Harmony. "Spike, I want to be with you, whether you're the beast you are now, or the kind, funny, and strong dragon I fell in love with before, I will never abandon you. Not now not ever…" Spike loosened his grip on Rarity, flattening his palm so that it acted as a platform for the mare to stand on. "But…I…I…" Rarity stood on her hind legs and placed her forelegs on either side of Spike's snout. Closing her eyes she leaned in close and spoke the three words that meant everything to the both of them. "I love you." With that Rarity kissed the dragon on the snout. Suddenly the three Elements flared up, surrounding Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity in a sphere of pink, blue, and violet energy. The force of the blast pushed Peina back a few feet, she dug her hooves into the ground, trying to anchor herself. This energy that was being radiated by the sphere sickened her, making her squint her eyes as she tried to focus on what was happening before her. The sphere started to disappear, when it was gone, the Dark Dragon was no more. Spike's scales had returned to their normal color, Rarity's armor had returned as shiny as ever, the same as Pinkie Pie's and Fluttershy's. Spike opened his eyes, which had returned to their normal green color, allowing him to see his wife hugging his snout and laying her head upon it. "Rarity…" The white unicorn mare raised her head and took a few steps back. "I love you too." Peina was infuriated; she had just lost the one thing she wanted more on this pitiful world. She never imagined that Rarity could break him free. No, it was those Elements of Harmony, the remnants of long since dead goddess, they were the cause for her losing that precious creature of greed, she wasn't going stand for this, she was not the kind of lady to be denied what she wanted, and she wasn't going to start now. The Spirit of Famine raised her left hoof and stamped it upon the ground, causing a fissure to appear that arced forth five feet in front of her. "How could you, was the power I gave you not enough!? I am greed incarnate, why was I not enough satisfy you, tell me," demanded Peina. Spike placed Rarity back on the ground and then turned to facedown the Evnoy. "Because you underestimated me and because I have the best mare in Equestria as my wife. If you really thought your 'power' was enough to keep me under your control then you don't know just how powerful the love between us is, and I feel sorry for you!" Peina screamed in frustration and pointed her scorpion tail at the dragon that spurned her companionship. "Venomous Decay!!!" The beam of orange and violet energy shot out from the stinger. Spike's wings sprang out in a burst of emerald fire and flew up into the sky as quickly as he could, narrowly dodging the attack. Spike roared with might as he dived down towards Peina. He opened his mouth and blasted the area where the Spirit of Famine was with his green dragon fire. Peina didn't stay in the flames long, as she quickly jumped out and into the air, but before she could get her bearings, she was slammed by Spike's tail, sending her careening into an uninhabited building. The structure that Peina had been sent flying into, literally, disintegrated in less than couple of seconds as her dark orange aura erupted like a volcano. She was very much miffed, especially when she noticed her well kept mane was singed at the ends. "You'll pay for that!!!" "Actually darling, O think it is you who will doing the paying!" Peina's eyes grew wide when she saw Rarity perched on a roof top a few feet away. In her left hoof was a bow made of white and blue mana, created by her horn. Notched in the energy bowstring was an arrow with a crystal tip, within the crystal burned a rainbow of colors, each one from the six crystals from before. "In spades!" She looked to her left, Fluttershy was there, encased her dragoness avatar, and to her right was Spike, both dragons ready to unleash their strongest attacks. "And in triple-quadruple spades!" Up above was Pinkie Pie, defying the laws physics and standing on her cannon while it was pointed down and not sliding off of it. All five of her Giga Party Cannons were aimed right for the Envoy, rotating around in a tight circle as their barrels burned with pent up energy. "You wouldn't dare –!!?" "Spirit Flame!!!" "Surprise!!!" Both Spike and Fluttershy released their flames in unison, rushing the armored mare and engulfing her in a mixture of milky blue and emerald flames, Pinkie Pie's cannons fired off in rapid succession while still rotating, each one unleashing a crackling ball of multicolored fireworks explosions. The three attacks bombarded the Envoy from above and from the sides, leaving her no room to dodge or maneuver. All that was left was for Rarity to deal the final blow. "Flèche Prisme Tirer!!!" Rarity launched her arrow, it whistled as it cut through the air, leaving behind a trail of blue light. When the arrow entered the onslaught the entire thing exploded in a brilliant shining white light. The light slowly faded away, leaving the four warriors on the edge, they knew from the accounts of their friends that the Envoy weren't an easy lot to defeat, but they hoped their combined blitz attack was enough to, at the very least, KO the Spirit of Famine. The light had completely vanished and, much to their horror and disappointment, Peina was still there. She wasn't moving however, which made them think that it might have knocked her out. Her armor was sizzling and glowing red hot as steam rose from her body and the ground where she stood. They all flinched when they saw Peina's scorpion tail twitch; it then began to swipe back and forth in an agitated fashion. The armored mare took one step forward, and then another step, and then another, slowly she made her way out of the smoldering crater and onto level ground. The cobblestone and concrete street hissed with every step, her hoof sinking in as the intense heat melted a hoof sized hole wherever she stepped. Peina's horn began to glow; the ground then shook and rumbled, making them wonder what kind trick she was up to. At that moment a large pipe was uprooted from the ground, it then unleashed a torrent of clear water that washed over Peina, a loud hiss echoed through air as the water cooled the Envoy down. She then used her telekinesis to pinch the pipe shut in order to shut off the deluge. Peina shook her body free of any water droplets and whipped her mane back forth. "Phew, I needed that," she said. "You've gotta be kidding me," exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "What are these Envoy, gods or something," asked Spike in an exacerbated tone. "No we aren't, godlike would be more accurate. We are beyond you ponies, even your Princesses aren't on the same level as the four of us." "T-There are four of you!?" Fluttershy gasped. "Yes, the eldest of us, is the fourth, but none of you will live to see him, and I'd really hate for him to come and finish something that I couldn't finish. Polemos and Loimos will rub it in my face otherwise." Peina let out an annoyed huff thinking about her fellow Envoys. "I'm going kill you all now." The four warriors' eyes flew wide open at the simple statement. They blinked for a second and then Peina was gone, she then reappeared behind Rarity. Before Rarity could re-summon her gemstones Peina slammed her stinger into the side of Rarity's armor. The Knight of Generosity let out a yelp of pain as the impact dented her armor, breaking a few of her ribs and sending her flying into air. "RARITY!" Spike flew, claws outstretched, catching Rarity in his strong grasp. Before he could angle himself away, Spike felt the bombarding sting of Peina's venom filled energy blasts. Spike could feel the venom coursing through his veins, paralyzing him, making his wings seize up. Keeping a tight, protective hold on Rarity, Spike fell from the air and landed hard on the ground with a thunderous boom. His right claw fell to the ground and released Rarity who then slumped down beside him. Fluttershy transformed from her dragoness avatar to a manticore avatar, the beast roared in anger as she went to strike down Peina in vengeance. But the Envoy was ready, or least she thought she was. She suddenly felt her tail being restrained; it felt like it was being tugged in the opposite direction. When Peina turned around she saw that Pinkie Pie had wrapped her tail up in streamers and was proceeding to hold back the dangerous appendage. "How cute." Peina flared her aura once again which caused the streamers to burst apart. The Spirit of Famine then quickly turned her body, angling her tail so that it she was able to sting Fluttershy in her underbelly. The manticore avatar roared in pain as it felt the venom enter its body, passed the avatar shell, and into the mare beneath. Peina flicked her tail in the direction of Spike and Rarity, Fluttershy's body landed next to them in a heap. "Don't think I forgot about you –" "Party Popper!!!" Pinkie Pie thrust a hoof towards Peina's face; in it was a round pink bomb with a short fuse. When she made contact the bomb exploded in Peina's face. Pinkie jumped back, unharmed by her own weapon, and waited to see what she could do. Suddenly her Pinkie Sense went into panic mode, altering her to an immediate attack. Peina fired her Venomus Decay at Pinkie who easily dodged it. Pinkie Sense one, crazy scorpion mare ze –! Pinkie Pie then felt her right side being struck with Peina's stinger, she blinked, astonished that the armored mare had accurately predicted where she would move. Correction…Pinkie Sense: zero…crazy scorpion mare…one… Peina used her telekinesis to throw Pinkie to where her friends were into one big pile of defeat that she relished. The Spirit of Famine descended back to ground level and trotted towards her victims. Surprisingly they were still alive, in a catastrophic amount of pain, but alive. She figured that Spike's draconic immune system would cause her venom to take time to kill him, but she thought for sure the Knights would die instantly. It was then that she saw the crystals upon their chest plates and it made sense. "It seems your Elements are trying to save you, but judging from that fading light, I don't think they can keep it up much longer." Peina arched her tail, channeling her energy and power into the stinger, preparing to end this soap opera once and for all. "Well…this isn't the way I imagined I'd go," said Rarity with a weak laugh. "Yeah…maybe on a hill overlooking a sunset would be better," said Spike. "That sounds nice," said Fluttershy. "Better than seeing her," chuckled Pinkie Pie. "Never figured you guys for quitters," sounded a gruff voice. Peina glanced behind her and watched as two ponies made their way towards them. One of them a was pegasus mare, with a black mane, dark cerulean coat, and wielding two blades attached to her forelegs. The other was an earth pony stallion, an old one from the looks of him; in his left hoof he carried a black shafted spear with a gold spear tip. "Who are you two?" The mare and stallion glanced to each other and came to a silent agreement as to how to as answer the Spirit of Famine's question. "I am Broadside and this is my daughter Ballista." "As to who we are, well that's simple. We are soldiers." What is this Gambit that Broadside and Ballista have come up with, and can it save their friends from the wrath of Peina!? Find out in Part 7 of the Third Sign Arc!