//------------------------------// // Third Sign: Part 5 // Story: Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope // by Michael_Ravencroft //------------------------------// Showtime! The night had gone off without a hitch, and everything was right as rain. Well, it would've been if Spike didn't have to leave so abruptly. When Rarity got back that night she found her love asleep in their room, but, to her surprise, he was tucked in a corner, such as a large dragon could be tucked. She didn't disturb him, knowing that he needed his sleep, despite his increased maturity and stature he was still prone to overexerting himself, and sometimes late nights tended to wear him out a lot more than they did Rarity herself. The next morning, the day before their performance, or "Judgment Day," the four mare group practiced on a makeshift runway in the backyard of Rarity and Spike's villa. Rarity had demonstrated the routine that the others would have to mimic so many times that she lost count; nonetheless, she was determined to see this endeavor through, come Tartarus or high water. Fluttershy was up first, and just as Rarity expected, she was as graceful as ever. Even though she hadn't been in the modeling game for quite some time she still remembered the movements, which added to her own natural grace, made her the perfect mare to start off with. Next up was Pinkie Pie, it took some time to convince the pink hyperactive pony to move in accordance with the guidelines of a specific routine, many a time she wanted to strike a more dramatic pose, or add some fancy pyrotechnics and party cannon fire to shake things up. Rarity made a note to check the stage to make sure Pinkie hadn't jerry rigged anything to blow up, shoot confetti, or make cake batter appear from nowhere. Ballista, by far, was the most difficult, but Rarity expected that. Just like Rainbow Dash, the mare barely had any patience for this kind of stuff, but after seeing it as a challenge of sorts, Ballista persevered, plus Rarity believed she wanted to show that there was more to her than just a rough and tuff mare. Speaking of Ballista, Rarity glanced behind her and took a look at was going on. Broadside had joined them outside, sitting at a table and scribbling away at his little project. Spike was a few yards away, in his full grown dragon form. He was playing with little Gale, letting her crawl all over his large body and sliding down his tale and snout, even blowing a puff of air to give the pegasus a helping updraft to get her hovering. "Amazing huh?" Rarity turned back to see Ballista, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie watch Spike as he played with the little foal. "It's cute," said Fluttershy happily. "I kinda want to do that to, in fact, be right back," announced Pinkie Pie. Before another word could be uttered, Pinkie was already halfway there to Spike and Ballista. "Guess we'll take five then," said Rarity. The three mares laid down on the soft grass at the foot of the catwalk, watching Pinkie and Gale use Spike as an amusement park, though the dragon wore an annoyed expression, his smirking from time to time told them that he was otherwise having a bit of fun with what was happening. It was then that Rarity's countenance grew melancholy, which didn't go unnoticed by her friends. "Rarity, are you alright," asked Fluttershy. "Huh…what was that dear?" "If you're worried about tomorrow don't be, we'll do great and blow away all those would-be designers, especially that Glory chick," said Ballista. "Oh right, the show tomorrow, to be honest that isn't the thing that's worrying me right now. Spike was acting weird last night, as if he were sick," said Rarity. "He seems fine right now, do you want me see if there's anything I can do?" Fluttershy asked. "No, but thank you anyway. Something happened to him last night and I can tell he's upset, but he won't talk to me about it." Noticing the concern for her husband, Fluttershy opted to tell Rarity what she had talked about with Spike that night. Of course this didn't come as too big of a revelation, Rarity already knew about the disapproving glares and whispered insults towards her love, but she did not care, she had found love. All the princely aspects she ever wanted in a stallion were really in a dragon, in Spike to be more exact. Rarity giggled for a moment finding something funny in this line of thinking. "What's so funny," asked Ballista. "I was just thinking, my father and mother used to read me bedtime stories about Princesses being rescued and swept off their hooves by Princes and knights in shining armor, and how they'd have to do battle with terrifying creatures, and fearsome dragons. Little did I suspect that I would become a Knight and the prince who swept me off my hooves would be a dragon, ha-ha!" Now that they thought about it, it was actually kind of funny, in an ironic sort of way. The giggling was contagious as it spread through to Fluttershy and Ballista, which ended up with all three of them guffawing loudly, and rolling onto their backs as they held their sides. "What's all the hubbub about," asked Broadside. The three mares opened their eyes staring straight up, seeing the confused looks of Broadside and Spike as they looked down on them. Gale looked confused as she sat in Spike's claw, wondering what was so funny. While Pinkie Pie appeared on the tip of Spike's snout, looking quite perturbed. "What's this; you guys are having fun without me!?That is absolutely unacceptable! UNACCEPTABLE!!" Pinkie Pie shouted in a screechy high pitched voice. The pink menace ran up Spike's head till she stopped half way between his back. "What's she doing?" Ballista asked. Pinkie began to limber up, stretching her leg muscles, cracking the joints in the process. "She isn't," gasped Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie got on her mark, her eyes narrowing, and her brow furrowed as she gazed down her line of sight with intense focus. "She wouldn't dare," said Rarity feeling an urgent need to run. Suddenly Pinkie Pie galloped at full speed, leaving a smoke trail in her wake. Once she got to Spike's snout, she jumped up, landed on his nose, and then bounced off of it like a diving board. She reached out her hooves as she dived straight down for her targets below. "Pinkie Pie don't you even think –!" Too late the pink party pony pounced on the three mares, and, without mercy, began her torturous work of tickling her three friends. She was doing a rather impressive job of it, using her forelegs and tail in unison to attack all three mares at ones. Somehow Pinkie Pie found all their most ticklish spots, as Ballista, Fluttershy, and Rarity began to let out boisterous laughs as their eye watered. "Pinkie – HA HAHA – oh no don't – HA AHA HA –!" Fluttershy gasped. "Father – Daddy – HA HAH AHA – help me please, she's kil – AHAHA HA – ling me!" Ballista begged. Broadside thought about helping, but then he heard the giggling approval of his granddaughter and decided to let her enjoy the show, in fact he just sat on his haunches and did just that.\. "S-S-SPIKE – WAHA HA HA – please save me, I'm begging you!" "Really Rarity, where are your manners, you didn't say please," said Spike with sly smile. "Oh you brute – HAH AHAHA HA – h-h-how can you j-just stand there – HA HAHA – and watch as your wife is tortured in such a manner – Ah AHAHAHHA!" "Say uncle, c'mon, say it," said Pinkie Pie. Spike and Broadside looked to each other and chuckled to themselves. "How long do ya think we should let this keep going till we need to intervene," asked Broadside. "I'M GOING TO WET MYSELF!!!" Rarity shouted at the top of her lungs. "Probably now," said Spike worriedly. ***Later that night*** Rarity was sitting in front of her vanity mirror, using her telekinesis to brush her mane with an upturned snout. Spike lied there, coiled around the heart shaped bed, resting his head in the palm of his claw. "For the hundredth time Rares, I'm sorry," said Spike. "You let Pinkie Pie accost me for well over a minute, and made me scream something vulgar before you made her stop," said Rarity, not even looking back to address the dragon. "C'mon, I'm sorry, I'll do anything, I swear." Spike pleaded. Rarity stopped brushing her mane and thought for a moment. Finally after mulling it over, she came up with something. "Alright, there is something that you can do to make it up to me." "Sweet, just name it!" "Tell me what happened at the party last night." Spike flinched noticeably, something that Rarity was able to see reflected in her vanity mirror. "I told you I wasn't feeling well," said Spike. "Is that really what it is, or was it because somepony made you feel sick," asked Rarity. That seemed to make Spike raise his head up in shock, for what reason she didn't know, but Rarity had a sneaking suspicion that she was close in discerning the root of this problem. "N-No…I…" Rarity put down her brush and trotted over to the large dragon, she placed a comforting hoof on his scaled claw, causing him to look down at her. "Spike, I've been into your soul, I've felt the love you have for me, we're connected on a level much stronger than any other husband and wife. When you're happy, I'm happy, and when you're sad I am as well…So when something is troubling you, I want to help, and it hurts me to think that there's nothing I can do, but if there is I want to try. So please, my Love, tell what is troubling you." Rarity could see that her words struck a chord with Spike, being reminded of their experience with his soul was a painful subject, figuratively and literally, but it was also the event that signified the beginning of their relationship. So, with a reluctant sigh, Spike spoke of his troubles. Of the mysterious mare that came to see him, the things she spoke of to him, even the feeling of something trying to rise up from deep within himself. All this was a little disconcerting to hear, but Rarity remained strong for Spike. "And…that's it…" "And you believe that his, 'Thing,' might be the…the other you from the war?" Rarity cautiously asked. "I don't know…It's been so long since I became that monster…I thought when I crushed that crystal, I destroyed that part of myself for good! Even if I didn't, I've been careful to avoid any chance of me succumbing to the Greed again…but…when she was near me…I felt it…stronger…hungrier…even right now I can feel it…I'm scared Rarity…" The fashionista had to admit, hearing that Spike's Dark Dragon persona was alive was more than a little upsetting, and it was scary. Even to this day she could still remember the beast's pitch black scales and red eyes, and its evil need to possess Rarity for his own, to do with as he pleased. If it weren't for Spike's act of self-sacrifice, Rarity and her friends would've had to do the unthinkable. "I'm sorry Rarity…telling you all this right before the big day, I shouldn't have said anything, you need to be focused for tomorrow instead of worrying about me," said Spike. "Spike, darling, a fashion show is a fashion show, there will be plenty more. I'll cancel the whole thing tomorrow –" "NO!!!" Spike roared. "You can't, not after everything we did last night, you can't let Glory and those to stuck-up snobs win! After Pinkie, Flutters, and Ballista all agreed to help! You can't just forfeit because of me, I won't allow it!" "Spike –!" "Promise me Rarity!" Spike lowered his head, looking Rarity straight in the eyes. "Promise me you won't call it off!" Rarity wanted to protest, she wanted to put her hoof down and tell Spike that she would not be swayed in her decision. However, the stern and unwavering resolve that radiated from his stare was enough to tell Rarity that he would not be budged. She could just thrown in the towel, it'd be easy enough, when it came to the wellbeing of Spike, Rarity was willing to push certain things to the sidelines, but then again, she knew Spike wouldn't forgive himself knowing that he was the cause of any fallout from her decision. So it was with a heavy heart, that she made her choice. "Alright, Spiky, I'll continue on tomorrow. But if you feel at all strange, don't you dare hesitate to tell me or the others, even if we're in the middle of a show! I'll only promise if you agree to those terms," said Rarity. Spike didn't like the idea of jumping onto the stage in the middle of the show and tell Rarity that he was probably going to transform into monster he thought he gotten rid of eleven years ago. But, this beat the alternative. "Alright, I promise." "Good." Rarity trotted up to his snout and nuzzled it affectionately, sending him all the comforting love she could through the action. "When this is done, I'll go on hiatus; we'll take some time to ourselves and just sit back and enjoy our lives without the hustle and bustle of the fashion world." "You think…we could move back to Ponyville…back to the Boutique?" "Of course we can, I've made sure that the living quarters in the shop are still livable, and honestly I could use the peace that our hometown provides. Although…you might not be able to go to sleep as you normally do now." "I don't mind, everypony there knows me, so I can be like this and not freak them out." Rarity let out a very ladylike chuckle; she then kissed her husband on the snout before retiring to her bed. She nestled herself under the blankets and yawned demurely. Spike repositioned his head, so that it now lied next to the bed, completely encircling it. "Good night my love," said Rarity. "Good night Rarity," responded Spike. ***Judgment Day (aka The Fashion Show)*** Palazzo Della Moda was packed, normally during Fashion Week it was always so, but today was especially packed. All of Manelan came to see the competition, when news got around of the models for Carousel Boutique Inc. were none other than the Knights and Captain of the 504th Squadron, ponies flocked to the famous palace just to get a glimpse. Needless to say that this was more or less free publicity for Glory, allowing her own to designs to be seen by many, wowing the crowd with her bold and flashy wardrobe, a cacophony of applause erupted throughout the entire theater. Rarity and the others were backstage preparing to go on; she was busy running through the routine in her mind, doing last checks on the dresses with her staff. Now all that was left was to pray to Epona above that nothing went wrong, by her friends or by the hooves of – "Hello Rarity," said a familiar voice. The violet maned unicorn whipped around and saw, much to her displeasure, the very unicorn she did not want to see. "Glory, nice to see you," said Rarity, grinning like a madmare. "Oh don't worry Rarity, I'm sure you'll do fine, break a leg," said Glory as she started to walk passed her. "Hold on, wait a minute, that's it. No pity insult, no quip about my husband, or how you're so superior?" Rarity asked. Glory turned to glance at Rarity; there was no sign of indignation, malice, or loathing. In fact it was the look of a mare that had not a care in the world. For some reason this slightly scared Rarity, having not seen such an expression in all the years she'd known her. "There's no need, I just simply feel…content. I've realized how useless holding onto a grudge is, a waste of time and energy, besides; we don't exactly know what the future holds, so I see no need in wasting my time with such things." "Oh…I see, well then, I guess, thank you Glory," said Rarity, uncertain about to react to her sudden change in her outlook about their rivalry. "See you at the after party." Rarity watched as Glory trotted off with a pip in her step. She made a mental note to file this encounter as weird, but possibly a good thing. As Rarity began to make her way towards the dressing rooms she noticed something even odder, Upper Crust, the last pony she'd expect to see back there. She seemed startled a bit by her arrival; needless to say, Rarity was startled by her appearance. Upper Crust's eyes were red and puffy, as if she'd been crying a lot. Her right cheek seemed swollen a little as well. Rarity never cared for this mare, but seeing her in such a state was causing her to worry. "Upper Crust, darling whatever is the matter!? You look positively dreadful, what happened?" "Rarity…There's something wrong going on…something very wrong…" "Well what is it, forgive me for prying, but…did something happen between you and Jet Set!?" Upper Crust's eyes flared with anger as she caught what Rarity was insinuating about her husband. "JET SET WOULD NEVER LAY A HOOF ON ME! DON'T YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" Upper Crust shouted. "I'm sorry darling, you can't blame me for assuming such given your current state," said Rarity, feeling annoyed that she even showed any kindness towards her. "Y-You're right…forgive me…" "It's quite alright, but please tell me what is the matter? I am a little concerned about you right now." "I-I understand…I just needed to tell you that I need to talk to you when the show is over, no matter how it goes, I must speak with you, its urgent," pleaded Upper Crust. "I promise dear, but, won't you at least tell me why you are in such a disheveled state," asked Rarity. "N-N-No, not now, not here! I'll see you later, good luck!" Upper Crust cantered away, not even letting Rarity say so much as a "thank you" in return. She decided to mark this incident as disturbing and worth further investigation later on. Rarity continued along her path and entered the dressing rooms, finding all three of her friends getting the final touches for their makeup and fittings. Her staff members were quickly touching up the dresses, with Rarity helping out where needed, while she herself got ready to go on. "Rarity, where were you? We were starting to get worried," said Pinkie Pie. "I'm just fine Pinkie, although a couple of strange things did happen on my way here…Never mind that for now, we must hurry, we've only ten minutes before our time is nigh!" Rarity declared. Ballista was looking a bit worried as she sat before the vanity mirror, her ears flat against her head. Rarity noticed the change in her friend's mood. The fashionista made a gesture to the mare attending to Ballista, telling the mare to let her finish up. Rarity trotted over to the cerulean pegasus and started to brush her black mane. "Aren't you going to ask," said Ballista. "Ask what darling?" "Why I'm worried." "You're worried, Ballista, you simply exude confidence," said Rarity with a smile. Ballista sighed dejectedly. "I'm serious, I've never done anything like this before, what if I mess everything up for you and the girls…I'm just…" Rarity gave the usually strong mare a hug, comforting Ballista and dashing her worries to pieces. It was at this point that the pegasus felt two more bodies being added to the hug, turning it into a group hug. "Let's go out there and wow them," said Pinkie Pie. "We'll do our best," said Fluttershy. As much a Ballista and was enjoying the feeling of friendship she was getting from the three knights, she was starting to get just a little bit uncomfortable, and annoyed that it was continuing this long. "Okay, confidence restored now, you can let me go…Girls…? Girls…? GIRLS!?" The crowd was anxious, the much anticipated show of Carousel Boutique Inc. was about to begin. Spike and Broadside were sitting in the front row, with Gale sitting between the two of them, giggling happily and just as eager as the rest of them. Soon the lights dimmed down and silence washed over the audience. The spotlights shined, illuminating the stage in multicolored beams. Soon the music began to play and it began. "Mares and gentlecolts, from Carousel Boutique Inc., may we present Rarity Unicorn's latest line…Le Cosmos." The curtain at the other end of the catwalk rose up, revealing a sparkling light, once the full curtain was drawn the light shined even brighter, mesmerizing the audience. A swirling green galaxy appeared before them, spiraling with dozens of tiny white sparkling stars. Suddenly the center of the galaxy started to bulge outwards, further and further it stretched till something burst forth from the center. The green galaxy wrapped around the figure as it flew around. The sparkling spirals created a long train which lead up and opened a bit to show two cream colored wings. Four legs appeared, and where the head would be, was a pink sparkling spiral, which then bloomed like a flower and showed the face of the first model, Fluttershy. The crowd let out cheers, as well as oohs and awes. Although her fame was short, it had not faded; many instantly recognized the mare, not just for her title as the Knight of Kindness, but for her career and popularity as a model. She strode down the catwalk, poised and with a natural grace that was her own, not learned or taught. Once she was at the head of the catwalk, Fluttershy demurely let her wings unfurl. She whipped her head around, letting her mane sparkle in the light and come to a rest over her face, covering her face just a bit. Her dress seemed to shimmer in ripples, mimicking the galaxy from which Fluttershy sprouted from earlier. The audience loved her entrance and her pose. Fluttershy knew not to linger any longer; she quickly turned around and moved on down the catwalk. Her dress began to glow and emit a blast of green light that concealed the catwalk. It then gave way to an explosion of pink and blue stardust. The stardust started to bounce around for a while, compress, into tight ball, and once again exploded outwards. Pinkie Pie emerged from the ball, showcasing her dress, the blues in the dress made Pinkie's eyes pop, along with the pinks to gently flow. Although it wasn't how she would've liked, the presentation was just a fun as she'd hoped, even though there wasn't any party cannons, confetti, or cake batter. ~~~~ "And would it kill ya to put something like that in here! C'mon I know it's a fashion show, but these ponies need to learn how to really have some fun!" Pinkie Pie, what did I tell you about breaking out of the story, you'll confuse the readers! Plus I thought it was the best way to let you have some fun, you were bouncing around. Now get back out there and strut your stuff! "Oki-Doki-Loki!" Ugh, I love ya pinks, but sometimes you just…never mind, anyway~! ~~~~ Pinkie made her way down the runway, swaying her flanks back and forth, allowing the dress to release a wisp of pink and blue sparkling dust with each shake. When she reached the same spot as Fluttershy did earlier, Pinkie Pie spun around in place, releasing more stardust. Once she stopped the pink party pony struck a grand pose, with the stardust sparkling around her like an aura. Once she was done, Pinkie began trotting back, but not before giving one more pirouette, which gave way to the next model. The stardust lingered about culminating in streaking stars. One shone brighter than the others. It was a comet made of ice crystals; the audience was once again put into a state of amazement and wonder as they watched the comet streak over their heads. The comet started to show cracks and fissures as it made its way back to the stage. When it was over the runway it shattered into pieces, making the audience gasp in surprise. The ice crystals floated down like snow made of diamonds. Upon the stage, amongst the powdery white, was a figure standing amongst the glimmering snow. The figure step forward, horn aglow, revealing the third model, the creator of all the dresses thus far. Rarity shown spectacularly, her dress shimmering brilliantly, like ice that was sewn into place. It made it hard for the audience to distinguish if it really was ice, diamond, or something else entirely. Rarity trotted forward, wearing a demure smile, with her mane done up. She carried herself with the kind of confidence and boldness as only she could. Everypony found this as shocking, even knowing it before hand. Many have never even dreamed of a designer actually modeling their own clothes, maybe they'd wear them after the fact, but certainly not modeling them for all to see. Rarity continued her walk, gave a playful wink to the audience, and went about her way back, her horn still shimmering with its blue iridescent aura. You can do this Ballista, we have faith you! When Rarity walked away the ice and snow white scenery was immediately replaced with a fiery nebula. Bright stars burned everywhere, multiple galaxies swirled, and stardust wafted through the vast expanse. Soon, one star began to move, fast as a whizzing arrow, it blazed a trail through the other stars, outshining the rest. The star flew about, dazzling the audience. Spike and Broadside knew who this was, and so too did the little foal Gale. Finally the star circled about the stage and landed in a glorious blaze of blue fire. The flames did not die out however; they simply gave way to a figure. A pegasus mare, wings flared out dramatically, her beautiful eyes sparkling in the embers. The dress came into full view, a fire pattern all around it, with a seamless transition into different blue hues, ending with a darker shade of blue that matched Ballista's coat to a T. Ballista began her walk, slowly, but surely. She could feel the eyes of the audience upon her, watching her every step, her every expression, basically every detail about her. While it was uncomfortable she pressed on. When Ballista got to head of the stage, she stopped, and scanned the front row. That when she saw her, her daughter Gale, looking at her with a new found sense of just how beautiful her mother was. That was all the confidence boost the soldier mare needed, as she too struck her pose, both bold and brash. With a flab of her wings, Ballista reignited the blue fire, causing it to spread up all around. The swirling images behind her caught the blue fire and exploded forth, to her side appeared the rest of her friends. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, all four were now assembled. The stardust, spiraling galaxies, ice crystals, and blue fire, all combined together, spelling out two words burned into the air above them. ~Le Cosmos~ The sound of the crowd cheering could've nearly brought down the entire palace on top of them. Many were either stamping, hollering, or clapping their hooves in ovation to the four mares of Carousel Boutique Inc. The four mares took a bow, and then, as a group, walked up the catwalk till they were far enough for the curtains to fall safely behind them. Once back stage all four of them let a huge sigh of relief. "Uh, Pinkie Pie, dear, may I – if it's not too much trouble?" "Nope, no trouble at all, here you go," said Pinkie Pie, bringing her tail up to Rarity. The violet maned mare took hold of her friend's curly pink tail, took one long breath, and then buried her face into it, letting out a muffled scream. After about thirty seconds, Rarity released the tail and composed herself. Ballista and Fluttershy let out few giggles, experiencing a case of déjà vu. "Thank you again sweetie. By the way, you really must tell me what shampoo you use to get that cotton candy fragrance." "Oh, I don't use a special shampoo, that's just me. Don't know why it's like that, it just is." "I can't believe we did it! That was so exciting, and Ballista you were wonderful," said Fluttershy as she hugged the dark cerulean mare. "Thanks Fluttershy, thank you all. Maybe we should make a habit of this, what do think," asked Ballista. "As much fun as this was, I'm going to have to say not. It's time I fulfilled my promise to Spike," said Rarity. "What promise," asked Pinkie. "I'm going to take a brief hiatus with Spike, you know, just for the two of us to relax, to stop and smell the roses if you will." "Sounds great to me," said Ballista. "Come now ladies, let us get undressed and relax at the after party, shall we?" ***3 Hours Later*** The day's festivities were now officially over. All the designers and models had gathered in the Grand Hall of Palazzo Della Moda, enjoying the food and drink provided by the hosts of the Fashion Week. There was quite a commotion going on, with almost everypony talking about Rarity's group and how they performed. More than once they mobbed the group, asking where Rarity got the idea to do the designs in such way, along with her masterful use of illusion spells to create the scenery. Soon the four of them found the three most important members they were looking for. Gale fluttered towards her mother and gave her as big a hug as her tiny forelegs could. Ballista tried not to show just how moved she was by her daughter's display of affection, but it was proving to be useless. Spike had done more or less the same, hugging his wife tightly, and giving her a kiss on the lips which made the fashionista blush. From there they the just continued to mingle and talk with each other and other ponies, that is, until Rarity saw Upper Crust off in the corner of the room, glancing around nervously. "Spike, love, would you excuse me a moment, I need to go attend to a little matter," said Rarity. Spike followed Rarity's gaze, now spotting Upper Crust. "You sure you don't' want me to go with you? I know the whole thing's over, but I still wouldn't put it passed them to pull a fast one," he said. "I'll be fine Spiky, just enjoy yourself." With that said, Rarity trotted off towards Upper Crust, making a mental note that Spike was still watching them from afar. Once she got close Rarity went to speak her name, but stopped upon noticing that the mare had caught onto her presence before Rarity spoke. "Rarity, thank Celestia you came, I was worried you wouldn't," said Upper Crust. "Well darling you made your offer hard to ignore, now will you please tell me what's gotten you so distraught," asked Rarity. "Not here, she could be here, follow me!" Before Rarity could inquire further Upper Crust had already begun walking away. The white unicorn mare continued to follow Upper Crust till they were in a more private area of the palace, a few doors down from the party, but well out of earshot of anypony. But even this didn't seem to make Upper Crust any less nervous. "Now dear, we're far away from anypony, will you tell me what's gotten you so jumpy and paranoid?" "Rarity…you're a Knight of Harmony, which means, you've dealt with strange and terrifying things in your life, right?" Upper Crust asked. Rarity found the question a bit strange, she didn't earn the title of Knight of Generosity, or the right to bear the Element of Generosity, just because she asked to. But nonetheless, Rarity decided to answer this rhetorical question. "Of course darling, I've fought in the War of Darkness, and I've been there for the release of Discord, and the return of Nightmare Moon. So it is safe to say that I've dealt with my share of 'strange and terrifying,' things." "Have you ever met a pony so unbelievably cruel, sadistic, and evil that you couldn't move or breathe for fear that they might kill you…?" That question made Rarity shudder, remembering her encounters with Tikara Balak and the unified form of Phantasma Sun and Nightmare Moon, Eclipse. "As much as I would like to forget, yes I have…Why are you asking me these questions?" "Because…I think I've met such a pony…" "Who," asked Rarity. "I don't know her name…only that she wants me to call her my Mistress…and that she owns me…" Rarity blinked at that statement. "Excuse me, but did you just say that, this mystery pony you're speaking of says she owns you, and wants you to call her 'Mistress?'" Some very unpleasant thoughts were starting to enter Rarity's mind. "Upper Crust, what you do behind closed doors, or whatever tickles your fancy, please keep it to yourself, I don't need such images in my head, thank you." It didn't take long for Upper Crust to understand what Rarity meant, nor did it take her long to develop an angry glare. "You idiot, I'm not talking about such low brow things as that! This mare, she had Glory kill my husband!" Upper Crust screamed with tears flowing down her face. All things in the world just came to a grinding halt. "Beg pardon…" Upper Crust began regaling Rarity of the events that transpired the night she was invited to their little party a couple of days ago. How this mystery mare seemed to be pulling the strings behind Glory murdering her husband, Jet Set. How the mystery mare and Glory seemed to be amorous towards each other, and how said mystery mare had conned Upper Crust into becoming her possession. Rarity was beyond words at the moment, trying to take in everything that Upper Crust had just explained. Now that I think about Glory's behavior was a bit odd, this would explain it…But I never thought she'd be capable of such a thing as murder! "Upper Crust…why haven't you informed the authorities, and what about Jet Set's body, how in the hay could she have hidden that!?" "Rarity…that mare…isn't equine…she's not of this world!" "How do you mean?" "After Glory killed Jet Set, that…'Creature'…produced something that looked like a scorpion's tail from under her dress. She…She…She…" Upper Crust was having a noticeably hard time as she forced herself to spit the last bit. "She used the stinger on it and pierced Jet Set's side! His body completely disintegrated right there before my eyes, nothing was left, absolutely nothing!" Upper Crust had now fallen to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Rarity was still stunned by this information, she was hoping that all this was merely the delusions of an emotionally distraught mare, but Rarity knew different. After what Spike had told the night before she couldn't afford to – "SPIKE! Upper Crust, did that mare say anything about my Spike!?" "W-W-What…?" "On the same night my husband was approached by a mare fitting the description you just gave me! Now tell me, did she mention my Spike's name," demanded Rarity. "She…She said something about 'having her eyes another male…' But I'm not sure who she meant…you don't think…?" *RRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!* "Oh Epona above, NO!" "Everything is gone, all I owned, all that we grew, dead or dying before my eyes. Those I despised, those I loved, all were fading away like ashes being blown in the wind." "I spotted a being, a gorgeous lady; I fell before her, on my knees, weeping like a new born. I asked her, 'What is happening!?' She gently caressed my cheek and kissed me softly upon my forehead. And her yellow eyes did glow, so hauntingly beautiful. She then spoke soft tender words, words that were similar to what a lover would speak. 'Famine, my dear, that's what has happened…'" – Swelas 48:78