//------------------------------// // Chapter Eighteen - The Changing of Ways // Story: Horn and Hammer // by Lancer //------------------------------// Chapter Eighteen The Changing of Ways Everfree Forest, Equestria In the clearing of the gateway the combined forces of Equestria and the Empire gathered. The sky was overcast and greyed as the darkness began to fall into night. Clouds covered the sky in an intricate latticework and barely a ray of failing sunlight pierced the canopy. The clouds spread lazily across the vista above towards Ponyville. No doubt the town’s already stretched weather crew would complain come tomorrow when they would have to deal with the loss of a number of their ponies to the army’s ranks. In the green and brown undergrowth of the forest and of the clearing within it hundreds of figures milled about. The faintest of breezes that rustled through the trees was easily quashed. Indeed the incessant murmur of voices warded away most other sound, driving away the fauna and muting the atmospheric background noise such was the number of bodies clustered around the gateway. Twilight Sparkle observed the preparations with a critical but appreciative eye. She had not been asked to attend but had done so anyway, it seemed right to be here and being an Element Bearer and the princesses’ student no guards had stopped her. A number of others from Ponyville were present, Rainbow Dash stood by her side and behind a cordon stood a dozen or so civilians here to observe. On her other side to the right Princess Luna stood in her armour, watching silently. The human soldiers were arrayed around the blockade in the same fashion as they had when they had entered it so many days ago. Halberdiers stood ready on the left, Hellblaster in the centre and Greatsworders to the right. Positioned behind them came the rest of the troops. Crossbowmen and Pistoliers stood on a crude platform overlooking the melee regiments. At the back waited the baggage carts and the Soldiers of Sigmar in reserve. The Empire did not stand on the brink of both worlds alone though, ponykind had almost as much at stake. With thousands of barbarians potentially waiting beyond the stone Princess Luna had brought reinforcements to ensure none entered Equestria. They had hurriedly assembled a full three hundred pegasus guards, a third of which were Luna’s Night Guard, were on hoof and scattered in their regiments around the gateway. Twilight took a moment to take in the scene. Almost five hundred soldiers preparing for war, their ethos, the way they carried themselves, it was surreal to watch. The little rituals they went through were curious to say the least. Markus’ retinue knelt in prayer, crossing their limbs in accordance with holy symbols, their voices barely raised beyond murmurs as they recited passages from their religious tomes. Without addressing one another each checked their comrade’s armour, tightening straps and securing equipment. Their quiet, controlled piety was . . . unnerving. The Halberdiers however were completely different. They shouted at each other, belched, joked, punched and generally acted more like a mob than a regiment of renown. Each member seemed to have their own little rituals, lucky totems, prayers. They were gathered in groups roughly in line with their battle positions, a constant stream of noise emanated from them as they interacted easily overpowering the regiments around them. It seemed like a show of bravado to Twilight, like their preparation ritual was about psyching themselves up rather than the quiet contemplation of the Sigmarite zealots behind the Halberdiers. From the rear came the Empire officers. Markus, Pieter, Willhelm and Otto strode through the lines to take up positions in their respective units. As Markus walked all talk from the various human regiments stopped. They turned to face him in silent reverence, drawing out the holy hammer or bowing their heads as he passed. His relationship with his soldiers seemed alien to Twilight, but then they were aliens. It felt akin to that of Celestia and her subjects only with a fanatical edge and an unusual zeal. Like a benevolent father looking down on his children. ‘Perhaps that’s why they call their priests father?” she wondered to herself. The word father reminded her that she still had not been to see her family since returning home. It was not that she did not want to go home to Canterlot. It was that she was afraid to. Suppressing a shiver, Twilight could not help but dwell on what her parents would say, what her brother would say. To take a life was not something anypony could do lightly, many took the view that such an act changed a pony and she was terrified that her family would take that view. “Oh hey, they’re getting ready to move the block” remarked Rainbow Dash, pointing with a hoof to the forty or so pegasi hovering in place ready to lift the block while the Soldiers of Sigmar advanced to remove the bracing beams. “Hey do you think the humans are really going to go Twi?” “I don’t really know Rainbow, I know Pieter and Markus want to stay and help but the normal soldiers? Well they’re nice and everything but I know they’d want to take their chances rather than waiting for months or possibly years for us to send them back.” Luna merely stayed quite at the two Bearer’s exchange. They watched as all forty pegasi hooked themselves on to the stone before returning to hover in formation above it. At Markus’ command hundreds of soldiers snapped to attention. The humans instantly stood at arms, their postures composed and professional. The ponies did so too but not with the same strength of purpose that the Sigmarites held. “Soldiers of the Empire!” began Markus, striding to stand before his men, his back to the gateway. “Today marks a fork in the road, a pivotal moment in our future. If we can make it, we will pass through the gateway and forge a path to Empire lines. If not, if the enemy still crowd around and to sally forth would mean certain death, then we stay. The Equestrians have asked for our aid, war is coming at the behest of the great enemy and their plight is just as worthy as our own.” “I know many of you would want to chance it in the Old World, to die on our own soil on our own world by our own terms. I would remind you that we serve a higher purpose. We came here to fight Chaos, and Chaos has found its way to this world. Be it Earth or the Old World our crusade remains unchanged. Look to your arms for today we decide our fate.” With that order his men readied themselves and the ponies began to move the block aided by the Soldiers of Sigmar. The various captains relayed the priest’s orders. Besides Forlorn and his contingent three more captains were present. All three were recognisable by their customised armour and natural coloured coats and manes. Twilight did not recognise the officers but judging by their accents they were drawn from across Equestria. Slowly, under the straining of some sixty people both human and pony, the stone blockade began to tilt. Immediately an air of anticipation and apprehension swept across the assembled beings of soldiers and civilians. Twilight felt her fur stand on end slightly, cold sweat not born from the tepid weather began to form and her heart beat faster in her chest. With a deep creaking sound of grating stone it lifted from the ground. Twilight immediately recoiled at the sight it revealed. Under the area where the stone had rested a nauseating sight had her rapt and horrified attention. The mangled corpses of humans, the barbarian enemies of the Sigmarites, lay where they had been crushed. The bodies were partially decomposed; creatures of the earth had clearly been at work alongside the force of the stone crushing down. Suppressing a deep shudder she shared a glance with Rainbow Dash, seeing the same look of disgust on her friends face. The softened sound of rain reached her ears and Twilight could make out a darker world through the gaps appearing between the gateway and the blockade. The already grey looking world beyond was streaked with rain. It fell heavily, with a fury unfamiliar to Twilight. But barely any of the storm’s fury could be heard through the tiny gap made by the blockade’s partial removal. A brief flash of lightning, tinged with green, illuminated Equestria. ‘Green lightning?’ Gradually the gap began to widen and the stone was lifted further across revealing more of the dark world. Figures were exposed, milling about in the torrential downpour. They bore a similar resemblance to those tribesmen which had followed the sorcerers to Equestria. Helmets, crude chainmail armour, thick fur and shaggy appearance. They were well illuminated by the glow of giant fires protruding from a forest of tents. A chorus of groans erupted from the Empire regiments, spreading like a wave across their lines. The Saarls were still waiting, there was no going back. “It appears our future has been decided sons of Sigmar. We stay” declared Markus. Twilight was surprised by the men’s composure. She expected uproar but all they gave was a grim acceptance. With a shuddering thud the teams released the blockade and it fell back to the ground with a wet crunch. This time Twilight could not help but shudder, she now knew what was crushed beneath. “Eurgh, that’s me not eating for the day” murmured Twilight. Looking around at his men Markus caught their eyes, watching for their response. It was as he expected. Many of his men gave the gateway a look of longing, evident latent anger on display as well. Others simply retained their grim demeanour, especially amongst his retinue and the Greatswords. “It appears our future has been decided sons of Sigmar. We stay” declared Markus. Giving out a quick flurry of orders he made sure the men were kept busy. Leaving Pieter to supervise, Markus strode up to Luna, making his way through the Empire lines. She wore her armour, not her usual regalia but the faceless all-encompassing midnight blue plates of her war barding “Commander Luna” said Markus in greeting. She unclipped the faceplate in response, offering the priest a smile before returning the gesture. “It would appear then that we have matters to discuss Markus, my sister is currently preoccupied in Canterlot but plans to join us here in an hour or two.” “Indeed we do Luna and yes it will be good to see her again. How long until the gateway closes?” “I would say an hour or two left, the event horizon is already beginning to collapse as it starves from diminishing power. It is good to have you here Markus. I know what it meant to you and your men to go back but your presence could prove invaluable over the coming weeks.” With a heavy sigh Markus smiled and nodded. “How long do we have commander?” “The dogs are roughly two weeks from Stalliongrad. The griffons a week and a half, but they will not be arriving without the dogs. We have two weeks until the enemy armies take their first steps on the mainland.” “It is too soon.” “Yes but we do what we must priest.” “An unfortunately common problem in the Empire of Karl Franz, commander. For now I shall retire to my tent. Celestia will meet me there when she arrives. If we are to work together then I have some advantages that may be of use. I shall see you then.” Bidding goodbye the pair departed for their respective duties and the soldiers of both species went back to work. Barely more than an hour later with all but half a dozen men left in the hard trodden ground of the clearing, the gateway faded from existence, silent and unwatched. Trottinghamshire, Equestria Minor Sergeant Swift Wind lowered the telescope from his eye, whispering to the corporal beside him as he did so. He shifted his weight on the branch he was precariously perched on. The tree barely rustled which was fortunate because the griffons had good eyes. From the small copse of oak trees where he and a few choice ponies were hidden they had decent lines of sight on the estranged griffon patrol. The undulating hills and rolling grassland of the Trottinghamshire countryside provided ample cover from ground based patrols. Sky patrols however were harder to avoid. Cloud cover only did so much and forced ponies to spread out and avoid distorting the cloud with their presence, other than that steep sided hills and dense tree canopies were the best a pony could hope for and so that was what they did. Following their abandoning of Trottingham, Swift had led his band into the country along with the rest of the unicorns and earth ponies who now made up the resistance. Almost immediately the griffons got wind of the militia and sent patrols out in an attempt to pin down their movements. It was a foolish hope obviously to try and take on an enemy on their own terms in their own homeland but with respect to the enemy commander Swift had been struggling to keep his regiment one step ahead of the intricate network of patrol lines. They constantly switched routes, launched dummy expeditions and shadowed patrols with larger forces designed to bait a response. This time however Swift Wind was certain his close target recce had given them a prime target. Some ten griffons led by their own sergeant were doing a low altitude, systematic sweep of the woodland in the surrounding area. Their equipment was what Swift had come to expect over the last day or so. They wore decent, well-fitting chainmail across their bodies and helmets or aventails to cover their heads. The sergeant carried a halberd while his soldiers used a mixture of swords, spears and axes. They were not professionals by any rate but had the poise and confidence which came from effective training and good gear. Originally Swift Wind had been planning on laying low for the first week, staying out of the cities and living in the dense undergrowth of the deciduous forests which interspersed the isolated farms. But the griffons had come on too strong and too bold. He needed to ensure they were cautious, that they respected him and his other soldiers and militia. He needed to buy time and breathing space. “Corporal Gallant, use a comm spell to get Amethyst to signal the attack. Make sure they know to approach with the sun on their arse and at speed. Bright Blossom, you and the rest of the militia will join me in catching them from the rear and cut off their retreat. Remember everypony, leave at least one alive, I want them to know who did this. Any prisoners . . . clip their tendons, make them useless.” The mare called Bright Blossom, the same one from when he first inspected the volunteers, smiled and nodded. “Yes sergeant.” That one showed promise. He had expected reluctance, but where the others shied away from the thought of taking a life Blossom seemed to accept it. Not with eagerness but there was a willingness there and she was smart too, sergeant level smart. The griffons were only some fifty metres away when the command was put into action. The clouds shuddered above as the ponies hiding there took off, moving into position. He judged their distance from the patrol and the time it would take to get there, waving his wing he gave the signal to ready up. Shuffling and the deadened sound of clanking metal rung out as the ponies secreted with the canopy readied their weapons. Yells and shouts rang out, two dozen pegasi descended from their cloud cover, shattering it as they did so. The sun glinted from the golden armour of the few royal guards who led the charge. “Up’n at em’ ponies! Let’s show these sons of mothers who owns this land.” With a bestial roar uncommon amongst ponies, Swift Wind and his unit broke through the tree cover, cutting off the hapless griffons retreat. The Joint Empire/Equestrian Encampment, Ponyville, Equestria Markus Holstein removed the last part of his armour with great care. Setting the chainmail over the pseudo mannequin made of a wooden cross he began to lay the other segments, latching them on to each other where necessary until the plate mail was assembled on display. He rested his war hammer against the ancient armour, the head making a soft thumping noise against the ground. Turning towards his rudimentary desk Markus picked up a small leather bound book with an unmarked red cover. Taking his journal in hand he began to record the events of the day thus far. It was times like these that made him grateful that he made such a commitment to the idea, to record momentous days in his life for posterity so that his successors could learn from it. He had a feeling that the foray in Equestria would be of interest to many more than just him and the arch lectors that would follow him though. One of his retinue ducked his head inside the tent. He was one of the newer soldiers in the retinue, replacing recent loses from the previous campaign against beastmen in the Reikland. Soldiers of Sigmar were not held to the same standards as the priests but nevertheless this one, a man Markus knew as Johan Adler, had the clean shaven and broad appearance of a priest. When Markus trained Adler could usually be found training too, he liked that, discipline was what held the Empire together. “Yes Adler” called out Markus, setting aside the little leather book. “Princesses Luna and Celestia are here father as is Magistrate Rekthofen” replied the soldier. “Ah very good.” The guard stepped aside, holding the tent flap open to allow the three figures entry. They entered in single file. The two princesses came in first followed up by Willhelm. The White Wizard was carrying a sac in his arms with great care. He wore an expensive looking robe, a deep blue, almost midnight blue in colour with the white insignia of the Light Order sewn into the right breast. He placed the bag delicately on Markus’ padded sleeping mat. “Is that everything Willhelm?” he asked. Willhelm straightened up, his hands braced on his knees. He turned to face the priest before nodding succinctly. “Well then, to business.” Markus moved to a large, iron bound trunk, a new edition to his tent but had been brought in for the purposes of today. “Being an arch lector I am entitled to carry some of the churches most prized possessions on campaign. You already know of the armour I wear, but I was gifted more than just that. Likewise Magistrate Rekthofen as the highest ranking White Wizard in the crusade was gifted a number of the Light Order’s magical artefacts. Admittedly the two of us are not bringing much new to the table but they may prove of use.” The priest leant over the chest, prizing off the lock and latch. A padded interior was revealed, a rich red fabric with golden trimming. With reverent care he picked up a sable fur wrapped bundle from within. It appeared bulky and heavy, a large object with a pole extending from one end. Placing it upon the table Markus unwrapping the item and revealing a golden filigree hammer. It was encrusted with jewels of various types and was clearly a product of impeccable workmanship, a faint red glow encompassed the hammer illuminating the jewels encrusted within. It looked like it had been carved from a single block of gold. “This is the Hammer of Judgement an ancient weapon of the Empire. Owned by Frederick the Bold, grandfather of the emperor and gifted to the church in times of need. This weapon crushes not just flesh and bone, but the souls of the corrupted as well.” “Impressive” remarked Luna peering down at the hammer with interest and admiring the weapon. “I must confess I am confused as to why you do not use it Markus.” She reached out with her magic and with a hesitant assent from Markus she lifted the one handed hammer. Her horn glowed brightly for a second drawing a mildly vexed look from the Sigmarite. “Very interesting, this is a magic I have never seen before, I can feel it probing me back. It feels . . . .warm.” “Yes if you were corrupted you would have been burned by now Luna.” “A good thing I am not then.” She placed the hammer back making sure to do so with care so as to appease the priest. “Moving on then.” Markus delved into the neckline of his robes removing a necklace of a thin chain with a ring on the end. Intricate scrollwork wound its way around the small silver ring. “This is another relic, the ring of Magnus the Pious. This I never allow to be removed from my neck so long as I have the privilege to bear it. Its true abilities are not fully known but if worn on your finger it magnifies the strength of one’s piety and steadfastness. Willhelm, your own contributions?” The White Wizard removed the few items inside the bag he had brought and laid them out for all to see. On display were just three objects. One of which gave Markus a disgruntled appearance, its aura was very obviously malign in nature. The other two were a simple scroll and the small, glistening black stone, the Obsidian Orb of Obfuscation. “Here I have the Orb as you both know of. A scroll of dampening which I inscribed myself and has the ability to quell the winds of magic to an extent for a brief amount of time. The third is an interesting item . . .” “A heretical item Willhelm” commented Markus sternly. “A necessary evil Markus, I could not have tracked those sorcerers to the gateway without it.” Noticing the unwavering expression on his old friend’s face the mage decided to quickly press on. “This is a piece of the evil that plagues the Old World, a shard of the Eternal Battle.” “Eternal Battle?” asked a daunted Celestia, knowing what such a name was likely to entail. Markus stepped in at this point, answering Luna in a gruff tone. “Yes. In the northern pole of the world, where Chaos was first unleashed upon us, there exists a gateway of sorts which passes into the dimensions where the Chaos gods and their followers dwell. For leagues in every direction they wage an eternal and immortal war against one another in an orgy of ceaseless violence. It is the heart of the plague which taints our civilisation and I honestly do not think it can be quelled. The place is steeped in ancient evil and yet Willhelm thought carrying a shard of this evil was an acceptable risk.” He finished his explanation shooting yet another annoyed glance at his friend. The wizard for his part gave the two princesses a shrug and a weak smile in response to the priest’s admonishment. Sensing the prevailing silence Markus filled it quickly. “Well moving on you already know our troop numbers and their capacity. Between the soldiers and what we bring to the table we may be of some use to you, we are currently putting the cart drivers through drills as well. In total you have around one hundred and fifty men to call on.” “Thank you” replied Celestia summoning a scroll and ink to take note of the information. “I will be relying on you and your troops, real veterans are hard to come by. On the topic of auxiliaries though I have some news and certain plans which I may need to call on you for Markus.” “Of course, we will assist in any way we can Celestia” responded Markus “I am most grateful. Now for my part I have sent envoys across the planet to any nation large enough to matter. Predictably there are none amongst them who are willing to enter on our side with their own forces. The Zebra Confederacy has promised aid as has Saddle Arabia, they were our key hopes for military support but neither country want to commit to such an unbalanced conflict. To that end there are options available. I have requested the aid of paid soldiers, mercenaries,” Markus sneered at the term, not pretending to hide his disdain for sellswords. Celestia carried on regardless and sat down, shortly after her sister joined her. The princess of the night’s armour barely clanked at all such was its impeccable design. “I was able to procure the services of Ferrus Animus and his band of minotaurs, some five hundred cows and bulls in total along with their goat servants.” Willhelm laughed at Celestia’s news, holding up a hand apologetically. “I am sorry princess, back home minotaur are a race of beastmen, crazed monsters incapable of reasoned thought. We kill them on sight. Now we will fight beside them, truly this world is a marvel.” “Thank you Willhelm but yes he has agreed to join us and will arrive in Equestria a week from now travelling through the Badlands to the south. Another possible ally can be found in the Crystal Empire to the north but it presents a problem.” Celestia rose to her hooves again lighting up her horn, images began to appear within the tent as she spoke, illustrating her words. “The empire itself just re-emerged after a thousand years of being lost to the world, the result of a curse placed upon it by the land’s ruler King Sombra. My sister and I defeated him, rending his soul from his body and entombing him within the frozen mountains. Now though he has returned bringing the empire back with him. If we can defeat Sombra and lift the curse then the ponies of the Crystal Empire may decide to help us. They had a strong martial tradition and at the time of their cursing had many veteran soldiers. The crystal ponies live up to their name sake, they’re skin is crystal, they’re very hard to kill.” “This sounds like the beginning of a plan Celestia, I like it. How many do you think we can gain from the empire.” “Honestly after a thousand years I can’t remember” said Celestia. Luna spoke up for the first real time. “Actually sister they had roughly a thousand soldiers give or take a few hundred. They specialised in heavy lance charges and well-disciplined units who used their extraordinary resilience and endurance to grind down their opponents.” Luna appeared happy with herself and the pleasant smile from Celestia got her sister to sit a little straighter. “Excellent Luna, there was a good reason I left such matters to you. And yes they would be an invaluable addition. I had a plan to deal with Sombra using the Bearers, but time has forced my hand and we need to act quickly. On top of this, I need to talk to Discord. We need to release him however briefly.” Celestia and Luna nodded to each other. They had evidently talked it over previously, the decision was already made. Canterlot Gardens, Equestria In the immaculate scenery of the gardens of Canterlot Castle a small group had gathered. They stood among numerous statues and monuments, tributes to memories of Equestria past. The one particular form they were gathered around however was no monument to the achievements of ponies, not in the conventional sense at least. Among the group of ponies and humans, critters scampered about un-fearful of the larger beings stood within their midst, they appeared to congregate about a small butter yellow mare with a pink mane who, while happy to see them, appeared terribly conflicted and timid to say the least. Of the larger beings present the two alicorns, two humans and the numerous examples of other ponies clustered around their regents looked up stolidly at the single stone figure before them. The figure’s shifting body, the writhing limbs and curving spine spoke of a being caught in a moment of surprise. The shocked expression on the draconequis’ face was wrought with stretched muscles, eyes were popping wide and mouth was strained taught under the forces that had impacted the stone statue. The figure was clean having being tended to by the castle’s gardeners. No bird refuse or green tinged moss was gathered on it, the dignity of the being entombed within had been respectfully preserved. Luna marched up to the figure under so much scrutiny by those gathered around her. Taking wing she hovered at eye level with her old foe as if searching for some sign, some life in the stone which would speak of Discord’s betrayal. She still could not believe the draconequus would surrender himself to foreign gods. He was a trickster, he changed the rules and played his games but he never wanted anypony hurt. ‘Perhaps he lost one too many times, being imprisoned for so long and within a few hours being returned to stone. I can’t imagine it, I knew of my own anger and resentment but I was cured of the Nightmare. What happened to you Discord?’ The princess of the night returned to her sister’s side. “Are we ready sister?” she asked in hushed tones. “I think so Luna, all the preparations are made, all magical defences are in place. Any civilians have been moved well away from the grounds.” Celestia turned away from her sister, looking out towards the assembled beings. As she had requested Markus Holstein, Willhelm Rekthofen and Kurt Bohemond were present. They wore their usual garb, the wizards in their white robes and bearing their staffs, Markus in his armour. Although notably Markus was no bearing the Hammer of Judgement in his right hand and another one handed hammer in his left, they gleamed in gold and silver respectively under the afternoon sunlight. Arrayed around the princess herself stood the Element Bearers. The six friends stood behind their princesses in a line, looking nervous and overcome by the unexpected change of events. Each wore the Element they represented, taking some comfort from the ancient artefacts and the friends beside them. Twilight glanced around at her surroundings. She was not wholly sure what to make of the ring of guards stood around them forming a perimeter, nor the large purple shield that formed a dome over them. She could see her brother with some fifty unicorn guards stood at its base, their eyes closed in concentration as they each lent their magic to the spell. The bright blue dome tinged the ground a pale azure. No-one knew just what would happen when Discord was released but no chances were to be taken. Twilight recognised the spell, one of Shining’s favourites designed to restrict the passage of matter through it, this notably included stopping teleportation through it, its main purpose. The budding mage knew it could not hold Discord for long, but it was intended to delay him long enough for her and her friends to blast the draconequuis if needs be. “Girls” called Celestia turning to face the six Bearers. “Are you ready” The chorus of consent, a combination of nerves and eagerness from the six was all Celestia needed. “Begin!” commanded Luna. The six mares marched forward past the relative safety of the two princesses. “Okay girls” began Twilight, “let’s do this.” The six began to concentrate as they willed their Elements into action. The gems began to glow with a white light. A high pitched whine resonated from the artefacts. The sound grew and the light intensified until streams of rainbows shot from the Elements and the Bearers were lifted into the air. The sparkling beams of prismatic light linked together and shot off towards Discord. They splashed against the stone prison, chipping away like cannons on a city wall. Fur, flesh and scales began to emerge as the appendages were freed. Discord’s paw, hoof and claws shook, spasming as stone chips exploded outwards. More and more of his body was revealed as the tide of rainbows penetrated upwards to finally free his head. When Discord’s mouth was revealed a piercing wail broke out within the dome. Critters scattered to their burrows and hideaways. The ponies backed away, ears flat against their heads and fear written into their expressions. A high pitched screech of pain beyond measure echoed within the dome and it felt as if the very earth would shatter under the strain. Discord’s wayward limbs no longer appeared to be a product of his release. They were evidently writhing in pain. The stone finally cracked off the draconequuis’ head, freeing him completely. The entity of chaos fell to the floor, bouncing off his plinth and impacting the ground hard. A purple light shone from his eyes, audibly searing him. His back arched and his front paw and claw grasped for his face the light in his eyes shining through the gaps. His screams continued, undulating, mournful and wordless but slowly Discord’s breath ran out and his voice cracked as he was reduced to a shivering wreck. The gathering of ponies and humans were left shocked in the face of the scene before them. None had expected this, none knew what it meant. Fluttershy flew forward at a speed which surprised those around her and darted to Discord’s side. Twilight and the other quickly followed the pegasus, crowding around the stricken creature of chaos. “Shhh Discord, it’s okay we want to help. Tell us how to help” she cooed, stroking the prone figure with her gentle yellow hooves. It took some time for the whimpering figure to reply through his distorted features but eventually the cracked lips murmured into action. “it’s, it’s in my head, I , I, I can’t stop it. It came to me, promised to set me freeeeeee.” His voice grew stronger as if he was gathering momentum. “Help me, turn me to stone for a thousand years or kill me just stop it. It comes for me, Tzeentch comes!” Twilight turned slightly upon hearing footsteps approach. Markus strode into view looking down on the writhing form with pity, his golden hammer glowing red in Discord’s corrupted presence. With a nervous, hesitant waver to her voice Twilight called out. “Girls, get back. We need to use the Elements. We need to get away from him.” Half pleading, half dragging she managed to get Fluttershy and the others away and form a semi-circle around Discord. As she pulled away Celestia and Luna stepped up to the fallen lord of chaos, a shade of the being that currently possessed him. Twilight could overhear the two sisters talking as she walked away. “Discord, what did you do?” asked Celestia in a stern yet level voice. “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I didn’t know, I thought I’d found someone like me. It made me watch, every death, every blow, even the foals.” The draconequuis broke down on the spot, huge choking rasps which passed for sobs. “Celestia, I swear I didn’t know.” As he finished his plea spasms of pain sparked through his body with an electric energy and he dissolved into incoherent screaming once more. The princesses backed off, taking a weary Markus with them. A nod from Celestia was all the approval Twilight needed. “Girls, let’s end this.” Once more they lighted their Elements with a grim determination in their hearts. They rose into the air in unison with bright white light shining from their eyes. It was the first time they were using their power out of pity. The Elements were as powerful as before. Just as they had before a shining rainbow flew directly towards the cowering figure. Through his shining eyes Discord showed his relief as the stone wrapped around his cowering form, bringing him reprieve from the crippling pain. A final wail sounded out within the dome before silence finally descended once more. Luna turned to face Celestia and the three humans. “Well, at least we know you and your comrades were not responsible for what transpired. Discord at least did that much.” Willhelm looked back towards the shrivelled statue of the being which had once wrought chaos across the world. “I am not sure if this is better.” His response earned a suitably confused expression from his friend and from the acolyte behind him. “I thought you felt responsible for this Willhelm, how is this worse?” questioned Markus. “Because if this was not an accident then our arrival, our interference, was all part of a greater plan. This was all supposed to happen princesses. We have been playing into the Chaos God’s hands this entire time.”