The Dead Of Night

by Raidah

The Alicorn

Rarity and Applejack came to ten minutes apart. But they were together. AJ came to first, and spent the next five minutes trying to wake up Rarity. After those five minutes passed however, she decided to just wait it out like she did with Rainbow Dash. There was only one problem though, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. So AJ spent the next five minutes until Rarity woke up getting her bearings on their surroundings. They were still in the forest, but not where they had been when they were attacked. It was also late at night, as the moon had taken the sun's place in the sky.

"Rainbow?!" She called, "You near?!"

But there was no response.

"Shoot!" Applejack said.

When Rarity woke up. She was greeted by a relieved Applejack.

"Where's Rainbow Dash?" Asked Rarity.

"Ah don't know," said Applejack worriedly, "but ah hope she's ok."

"Oh she's fine," said the voice from before, "not to say that you will stay the same way."

Applejack quickly turned to face the adversary, only to find nothing.

"Who are you?!" AJ damanded, "What do y'all want from us?!"

"Oh I don't want anything FROM you. I only want to... 'mess' with you. Yes I guess 'mess' IS the right word, as there will be quite a mess once I'm done with you!" the voice chuckled.

"Applejack? What does he mean by that?" Rarity asked nervously.

"Ah dunno. But it could be anything." Replied an equally nervous Applejack.

"Oh Rarity," called the voice, "if I do recall you were looking for jewels, correct?"

"Yes... why does that matter?" Rarity said in confusion.

As if in response, a razor sharp diamond flew from the darkness and stabbed into Rarity's side.

"Ouch!" Yelped the wounded unicorn.

"Oh no ya don't!" Said Applejack as she jumped into the path of three more diamonds, each embedding themselves into AJ's right side.

As the onslaught continued, both Rarity and Applejack had multiple diamonds sticking out of their bleeding sides. Applejack more so however, due to her jumping in the way of most of the jewels headed for Rarity.
Applejack, now with more than two dozen bloody diamonds sticking out of each side of her, finally collapsed due to the blood loss.

"APPLEJACK!!!" Yelled Rarity as she watched her friend collapse to the ground.

Rushing over to try and help AJ, Rarity noticed that the diamonds had stopped coming from the forest. Even though she was in a lot of pain, she didn't care about her own wounds, she knew that Applejack had taken most of the flying diamonds trying to protect her.

As she knelt down to try and help Applejack, Rarity saw that it was too late. AJ had lost too much blood, and now was lying dead in a large pool of it. Even though Rarity's legs were getting covered in blood, in which case she would normally scream, she simply layed next to her friend and cried.
About twenty minutes later, the voice spoke once more.

"Excellent," it started, "simply excellent. One down, two to go."

"You call THIS excellent?!?!" Yelled a very broken Rarity, "You just killed Applejack!!! You're a monster!!!"

"And you think I am not aware of this?" The voice replied calmly, "How long do you think I have been doing this to ponies and other creatures who have entered the Everfree Forest?"

Rarity just sat there, shocked.

"You mean to tell me that everypony who has gone missing in the Everfree forest is dead because of you?!" She asked in shock.

"Now you get it." The voice sounded almost relieved, "And I thought I'd have to explain it further than I already have."

"Why are you doing this?" demanded Rarity, now extremely angry.

"Why? Because nopony trespasses in my part of the forest and gets out alive!" replied the voice.

Then, a black coated pegasus jumped from the top of a nearby tree. It's mane was a very dark purple and its irises were blood red. Not only that, but they seemed to be glowing. But there was one other thing that put this pony apart from the other pegasi, a horn. Meaning that this pony was an alicorn.
Rarity, now extremely frightened by this menace, tried to run away, but the black alicorn used her magic and held Rarity a foot off the ground.

"Running so soon?" The alicorn asked teasingly, "I haven't even begun yet!"

Once she finished her sentence, the alicorn levitated Rarity with her magic, and the diamonds in Rarity's side began digging deeper in, causing her to scream in pain. But they didn't stop, the diamonds kept going straight through her until they exited her body on the other side of her.

Rarity, now extremely weakened from the internal damage done to her, could barely focus on the alicorn as she grabbed a chainsaw,and jabbed it straight through Rarity's stomach. Rarity screamed in pain. But the alicorn only revved up the chainsaw and proceeded to vertically bisect Rarity, first going straight up, which killed the screaming unicorn. Then coming back down to finish the bisection.

Once Rarity was cut in two, the black alicorn proceeded to rip out all of Rarity's organs and spread them all around her corpse. Satisfied with what she had done, the alicorn proceeded to head to where she had left Rainbow Dash, so she could deal with the third and final trespasser.