Derpy meets Film Maker

by marineproductions100

Chapter 2: Hello

Chapter 2: Hello

"Film Maker." Film said.

"Film what are you doing out here?" Derpy asked.

Film still had his head down. Tears started to go down his cheek. Derpy's face turned from concerned to worried. Derpy sat down in front of Film. Film slowly looked at her.

"Why don't you sit down and tell me." Derpy said.

"Okay." Film said quietly.

Film slowly sat down and took a drink from his vodka. Derpy's expression on her face turned into concern again. She watched Film drinking the bottle of vodka.

"How old are you?" Derpy asked.

Film stopped drinking and grabbed his throat (Because vodka burns your throat after drinking it). He cleared his throat.

"I'm fourteen." Film said.

Derpy grabbed the bottle and took it away from Film.

"Please give it back." Film said.

"I can't do that. Too much and you'll get drunk." Derpy said.

"So." Film said.

"So don't you care about your body?" Derpy asked.

"No I don't." Film replied.

"Why are you drinking?" Derpy asked.

"Because I hate my life and if I don't get drunk I'll end up killing myself." Film replied.

Derpy put the vodka in the trash can in the alley way. She looked back at Film and he started to cry.

"Why the...the fuck would that?" Film sobbed.

Derpy sat herself right next to Film. Film laid his head on Derpy's shoulder. Derpy put her wing around Film. "You poor poor colt." Derpy thought to herself. Film was still crying and Derpy started to pat Film on the back gently with her left hoof. Derpy waited until Film started to calm down. Film stopped crying. Derpy looked down at Film. He still had his head on her shoulder.

"Where do you live?" Derpy asked.

"I don't want to go back." Film replied.

"Why not?" Derpy asked.

"I dint want to be yelled at anymore." Film replied.

"Do you have a place to go?" Derpy asked.

"No." Film replied.

Film lifted his head off of Derpy's shoulder. He went further down the alleyway and pulled out a blanket. Derpy's expression on her face turned into worry. She watched Film make a bed on the concrete ground. Film looked at Deroy and saw the look on her face.

"Are you running away?" Derpy asked.

Film lowered his head and sighed. "No. I told them I don't want to live here anymore and I walked out."

Derpy started to think about a place where he could stay. She put her hoof on her chin to show Film that she was thinking. Then Derpy stopped rubbing her chin and a smile appeared on her face.

"I know a place where you could stay." Derpy said.

"Where would that be?" Film asked.

"There is an abandoned house I used to go to all the time when I was your age. I'm pretty sure that the mattress is still there and hopefully no homeless ponies have tooken over it." Derpy replied.

"I guess that sounds good as long as they have a mattress." Film said.

"Follow me." Derpy got up and waited for Film to pack up his blanket and pillow. They left the alleyway and out of Ponyville. Derpy was heading down the familiar road she used to take all the time when she was a filly. She stopped and saw the abandon house and gasped. The house was not abandoned. She saw three ponies sitting inside the living room talking to each other. Derpy looked at film.

"I'm sorry Film. I thought that it would be abandoned." Derpy sighed.

"Its okay. Thank you for trying um...I'm Sorry I didn't catch your name." Film said.

"Its Derpy." Derpy smiled.

*Thank you Derpy but I think I'll just head back to the alley." Film said.

Film started to walk away until Derpy stopped him.

"Film!" Derpy yelled.

Film stopped and looked at Derpy. "What?"

"Maybe you can sleep at my house until you solve everything out with your parents." Derpy smiled.

"Why would you do that for me?" Film asked.

"Because I know the path that your going on. It's the same road I've gone down as well and I hate seeing a colt as young as you go down it." Derpy replied.

"I guess." Film sighed.

Derpy clapped her hooves and extended her wings. She looked at Film.

"Can you fly?" Derpy asked.

"Yes." Film replied.

"Then let's fly." Derpy smiled.

Film and Derpy hovered over the ground for a moment and then they started to fly towards Derpy's house. After a short flight they made it to the house. Derpy unlocked the door and let Film go inside. She looked at Film. His head was lowered in shame. Derpy put her head on Film's shoulder. Film looked up and Derpy nodded. Film had a small smile on his face. Then, they walked inside the house.

"I need you to be quiet for Package and Dinky. They're asleep and I don't want them up." Derpy whispered.

"Okay." Film said.

"How about you put your pillow and blanket on the couch." Derpy said.

"Thanks." Film said.

Film laid out his blanket and out his pillow at one end of the couch. He pulled the cover up for a quick second and laid down under the cover. He laid his head on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. Derpy stood right next to him.

"Goodnight. If your still around in the morning we're going to have muffins for breakfast." Derpy smiled.

"We'll just see." Film said.

Derpy walked up the stairs next to the living room and headed upstairs to her bedroom. She went into her and Rainbow's room. She looked at her bed and her smile disappeared. "Oh rainbow, please come back safely." Derpy said to herself. She pulled up her cover and laid down under it. She slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep.