What have I done?

by St Jimmy


"So this symbol represents 'Pony', as long as the hex can mean mind, and the diamond can mean 'body'," Twilight commented to herself. This guide to ancient magic is proving quite useful, I never would have found all these symbols in my other books, and these theories prove exactly what I had hoped! I'll only need to spend another day or two on this research, and then...,"

Her eyes fell on the framed picture on her desk. It was a picture of her and Rainbow Dash that Pinkie Pie had taken when they all had there monthly get together a month ago.

"And then I won't have to be tortured by all these damned memories,"


Rainbow Dash read the flyer for the fifth time over Exceptional Pegasi Wanted: Wonderbolt tryouts at noon on Sunday. This was her chance to prove herself to Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts, and earn herself a spot on the team of Equestria's greatest-.

"Rainbow?" asked Twilight, breaking the pegasus' trance.

"Huh? Oh yeah...sorry," said Rainbow Dash, embarrassed.

"No it's fine, I did expect you to read it several times over. Anyway, I picked you up a contestant application, we can fill it out when we get back to the library tonight,"

"An application? Ugggh, I hate-,"

"Filling out paperwork, I know. That's why I'll be helping out, Okay?"

"Okay, thanks Twi', you're the best," Rainbow Dash rubbed her muzzle against Twilight's, affectionately. "So, where are we meeting everypony exactly?"

"Everypony else will be waiting for us in the town square, if we keep going down this path, we'll get there in a minute or two,"

"Okay then, who picked the restaurant?"

"I believe Fluttershy did, some new restaurant called 'Kit and Caboodle's',"

"What kind of food is that?"

"Sandwiches, it's a sandwich place,"

"Oh cool! So what do you want to do after we fill out that form?"

"Hmmm... I didn't think about that...Oh! We could watch Daring Do and the Alicorn's Amulet, it just came in this morning,"

"Wait, watch?"

"Yeah! it's the first Daring Do movie!"

"Wow, that sounds awesome!"

"Then that's what we'll do, watch a movie, eat popcorn, snuggle,"

Rainbow Dash blushed. "Yeah, that'll be cool,"

Twilight grinned. "Your face is bright red, by the way, did you know? Just there," said Twilight, indicating most of her face.

"Huh?...Oh! Crap!" replied Rainbow, embarrassed, only made her blush more.

Twilight laughed. "Here, let me," Her horn became surrounded by a translucent, pale purple field, indicating that she was casting a spell. A beam of the same coloring a the field was projected at Rainbow's face. When the magic dissipated, Rainbow Dash's face was no longer red, and to say the least, Rainbow was surprised.

"What do you think? It took a while, but I finally finished that spell. The main issue was that I had to start from scratch, no other unicorn ever thought of something like this,"

"Wow," That was all the pegasus could manage to say. It was cool to know a pony who could create original spells, but it was awesome to be dating one. "Just...wow,"

This made Twilight blush a bit, she always blushed when she was complemented. Hey, There they are!" The other four elements were waiting right where they said they would be.

"Late as ever, TwiDash," said Rarity, jokingly.

"You still insist on using that nickname?"replied Twilight. TwiDash was this nickname that Rarity had come up with as a title for the couple. Apparently it was a common occurrence amongst gossipy mares like Rarity.

"Yes, It's very convenient to be able to address both of you at the same time, plus I think it's kind of cute, said Rarity, defensively.

"I agree, It's pretty cute," said Pinkie Pie. "So Fluttershy, where's this sandwich place?"

"Um, it's right behind us," replied Fluttershy.

"Oh, right,"

"Man, that was delicious, we have to come here more often," said Rainbow Dash.

"Agreed," replied Twilight "Good choice Fluttershy. Well, thank you Applejack for buying, it was nice to see you all, but, we'd best be going,"

"Wait!" Shouted Pinkie Pie. "Can I get a picture of you guys?"

"I don't see why not, Rainbow?"

"Fine, just be sure to get my good side," said Rainbow Dash.

"Which is every side,"

"You," Rainbow rubbed her muzzle against Twilight's, and then posed for the picture. Twilight leaned her head up against Rainbow's. There was a flash of light as Pinkie took the picture.

"So, home?" asked Twilight.

"Home," replied Rainbow. Twilight's horn glowed as she a two pony prepared a teleportation spell to take them back to the library, and an instant later, they were there.

"I'll get the movie started, could you go make some popcorn, Rainbow?" said Twilight as she trotted over to the projector.

"Yeah, no prob'," Rainbow trotted over into the kitchen and opened the cupboard. "Now let's see, Pickles...Pickled Daisies...Pocky...Popcorn!," she grabbed the plastic container, and put the kernels into a covered pot. She stood there listening to the popping for a few minutes, then removed the puffy, white kernels from the pot, added them to a large bowl, and brought it out into the living room.


"Thanks, Rainbow,"

The projector screen sported the wordsDaring Do and the Alicorn's Amulet in big, blue letters, then the screen faded to a dense jungle setting. The camera panned down to reveal the brown pegasus with the monochromatic mane, Daring Do.

"This is awesome," said an awestruck Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah," replied Twilight. The two ponies sat there silently for about two hours before they started a short argument during the credits over whether or not this was better than reading the books. Ultimately, they agreed that neither was better, and then headed up to bed.

Rainbow Dash never was one to fall asleep quickly, and tonight was no exception, but tonight, Twilight was awake too, tossing and turning.

"Hey Rainbow?" asked Twilight.

"Do you love me?"

Rainbow Dash was completely surprised. "Twilight of course I love you, I love you more than I ever thought I would love anypony, and I always will, no matter what,"

Twilight smiled "I love you Rainbow Dash,"

"Good night Twilight,"

"Good night,"


Twilight looked over at the carbon copy of Rainbow Dash's application. The pale gray lettering perfectly reflectling Rainbow Dash's hoofwriting.

"Alright then, if I put the symbol for 'magic' here, the symbol for 'pony' here, the symbol for 'body' here, and the symbol for 'soul' here, I should be all set. I just need some raw materials. Now where is somepony supposed to obtain 25 kilograms of pure carbon?"