//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: Fight Scene // Story: Ride in the Fright // by TheBigNerd //------------------------------// I groaned, sat up, and eyed the trolls, the trolls were green with faces on their upper bodies but other then that they were normal. They had strange clothing that covered everything but their faces, and their heads, they also looked like they had been waiting for a while and were thirsty for blood. Suddenly one impatient troll charged forwards with a war cry, I instantly flicked my spear, severing his arm. The troll howled but the wound was already closing. I glanced at the arm and saw it explode into multicolored bubbles that rushed into my body. The bubbles didn't really hurt, they just vanished when they came into contact with me. The troll immediately came in for a second strike, mace held high, but this time, I was ready. I stabbed and my spear entered the troll's face. The troll stopped and collapsed before exploding into more multicolored bubbles.The other trolls were evidently enraged, one troll, probably the alpha troll, or is that troll commander? Whatever, back to the story. The troll commander, (yes I settled on troll commander) barked an order and the trolls took a formation. I suddenly heard an annoying high pitched voice yell, "MASTER MASTER" I grit my teeth "Persephone, I'm kind of busy with trolls." "I know, but you may need your steed to assist you in battling these villains extremely." I grimace and walk to the bone chicken (sorry ostrich) and ask Persephone "Is extremely your favorite word?" Persephone nods and says "Extremely!" Cue facepalm, I say facepalm, because I have palms, ha ha people who think I should have said "OOOOOOOWWWWWWWCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHH." A troll took a shot at me while I was speaking to the audience! Too late I notice the trolls surround me. I swing my spear in an arc, destroying the nearest trolls and a few not so near trolls. The trolls retreated but immediately pressed forward trying to kill me once again, a troll flew at me and I neatly defaced him (defaced, as in, the removal of an opponents face.) all of a sudden my bone chicken, I mean bone ostrich bucks, and sends a troll flying back into its comrades. I whistle and turn just in time to see a troll jump at me, I stab it and like all the other trolls I've killed it explodes into multicolored bubbles. I turn around and fifty trolls jump at me, my thought? "this is going to be fun. I swing my spear and destroy the first wave of trolls, making more pretty bubbles. Next I get dog piled. I'm trying to swing my spear but the trolls are too many. I kill one but two more take its place. "at least I'm going down fighting. I take my last shot and kill two trolls, their bubbles rush into me and. . . BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM A shock wave rips out of me, obliterating the trolls around me. Their are now seven trolls left, including the troll commander. The troll commander starts trying to negotiate. "Grunt grunt snort snort blah blah blah." (Okay all he did was grunt and snort, their was no blah blahing.) "MASTER MASTER!" I sigh, "yeah Persephone?" Persephone smiles "you have successfully leveled up, and I can now upgrade your weapon." My reaction? "DO IT." Persephone smiles and lights hit my spear. The blade elongates and now I'm holding a glaive. I quickly finish the trolls off and start having the Bone ostrich (I said ostrich this time, YES!) walk away. Then I hear a voice. " He was right." I turn around and see a pegasus stallion. I assess him quickly. Black coat, black mane, red eyes that look like they could blow a hole in mt Everest with one glare, and a cutie mark of a lance. He begins to speak again. "My master was right, you are powerful, he will be most pleased if bring him your head." What he said didn't scare me. It's how he said it that scared me. Their was no trace of emotion in his voice, just cold calculation. My genius deduced that he was here to kill me. He reaches downward and a lance jumps out of the earth and into his hooves. Hold on a second readers, he's about to speak again. "I am Black Lance, and I am here to kill you." Now he charges, lance faced forward, this could be the fight of my life. It wasn't. He charged and ran right into my outstretched glaive impaling him blood started leaking from the wound and he exploded into multicolored bubbles. From behind me I hear a voice. "Thank you sir."