//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Hero of Equestria // by Bronies4ever39 //------------------------------// THe Hero of Equestriea: Charpte 1 It was a dark and cold night and the moon was full over the house. I was sleeping when it happened. I started to dream and in teh dream was a scarey voice and it spoke to me. I listend to what it said and it sopoke. "Nick, you shall be the hero of Equestria," it said in a voice. "But first you will face dark and mysterious trails that will test you and try and kill u. It will not be easy, but u are needed. There is no one else who can do." And I said "who are u?" But the voice sad "U dont need to no that yet." "Okay" I said ."but what is the Equestria anyway?" "You will see" said the voice and then it stopped. Then I woke up. So there I was in my bed awake. I decided the dream was a dream and I went to bed again but I couldnt sleep. Those words kept replaying in my brian. That was when suddenly there was a big flesh of light outside and it was strange. I decided to go and see what it is and so I did and went outside. There I saw some lights flashing and I went up to them then there was an explosion in the sky and a big portal in the sky and it started polling me up and then it ate me and I didnt no were I saw and it was weird. So I waited and then when I came I was in a really nice looking place with grass. A pony came up to me and it was Twilight Sparkle. I thought she was really pretty even though she's a pony and she talked to me. "Hi there Im Twilight Sparkle" she "Hi I'm Nick" I sad. "Where is this place." "This is Equetstria she said. "Oh" I said. "That sounds familliar." I new I had heard that word before but I didn't know where. "Where r you from?" seh esked. "I'm from Earth" said I. "I'm a humna." "Oh" said Twilite. "Hey your pony who is talking? Isnt that weird?" I asked sincce horses dont talk. "No" she said. "It normla here." "oja" I said. "let's go to ponyville now" she said. "Ill show you all my friends." "Okay" said me and then I started following her and stuff. But we didnt get to ponyfille. instead suddenly a pony started coming from nowhere and i didnt even know them It was a strange pony in black who was wearing a maks that was black. It covered their face so we couldt tell who it wsa. Twilight couldnt tell eithe. "Who are you," said Twilight to masked pony. "THE ONE KNOWN AS NICK MUST DIE!!!!!!" SAID THE MASK PONY. 'HE THREATENDS THE PLANS!" "No!" Twilight said as she dong magic. "I will not let u kill my friend!" "U CANT STO ME TWILIGHT SPERKEL!!!!!!!!!!!" sad the mask pony who started doing magic 2. "Stop fighting!" i shooted. "We can get along.! Then i jumped into the magics and it was weird. At first the pain by then it stopped and it felt kind of funny and i felt my boy start fo changing! I dint no what had happened at frist but it was weird and i had changed. "NO IT WAS SUPPODE TWO KILL HIM NOT DO THS!!!!!" sad mask pony. "Nick, you've" Twilight gasp "I looked. I didnt understand at first but then Isaw. I HAS TRANSformed into a pony! "NOOOO!" said maske. "THIS CANNOY BE!" Then the mask pony ran away. So I was pony and I had a black skin and red hair that was long and I was pegasus pony so I had awesome wings and could fly. "This is pretty cool" I said as I flied "I liek beng pony." "Yeah. it is cool" said twilight. "okay lets go" I said and then we went to Ponyville. At ponyville. i saw twilightf friends. "these are the friends" said twilight. "friends this is nich who is new friend. he is pony now but he used 3 be a pony." "hello nick im fluttershy" said fluttershy who was really cute and nice looking. "and howdy ahm Applejack partner!" said APplejack who was also cute and had nice hat and funny acksent. "Im rarity darling!" said Rarity in kind of flity voice. She was really pretty. "And Im RAINBOW DASH!" said Rainbow Dash who was really cool. "its god to met u" I said and I smiled. They seemed like nice ponies and I liked them all already. They wood b good friends. "Me and Nick was attacked by strange pony in mask said Twilight. "Mask pony?" said Rarity. "WHo cod that be?" "Maybe it was somepony bad like Trixie or Discord or one of those other people we met" said Fluttershy. "I dont think so" said Twsilight. "They were wearing a mask!" "I know" Fluttershy. "We should go ask Princess Celestia." "Yes" said Twilight. "that is good plans. let us to Canterlot and ask." "Whats celestia?" asked Nick who didn't know. "She is princess pony who is like god who rules over all ponies whit her magic" said Applejack. "She is our firned who we right letters 2." "I see" I said. "We should so see her then. What's a canterlot?" "Canterlot is other city in Equestria that is like ponyville only noty," said Fluttershy. "it is close by and it is were Twiulight is from before she moved to Ponyville with us." "Oh," said I and I nodded. "let's go there then. SO then there was and we went to canterlot and it was other place in Eqyestria and it was really pretty. At castle we went to see the princess but instead we saw the other princess who is her sister. She is Luna and she was really pretty and cool looking. I hoped I would be her firend too but i could tell something wasnt rite. "LUNA!" said Twilight. "Where is ur sister?' "Twilight" said Luna. "it is godo u are here? There has been problem!" "What's going on?" asked Applejack. "Yeah. what" said Raroty. "Is there problem?" asked I as I looked around and stuff. "PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS VANISHED!" said Luna loudly. Everyone was shocked.