Delicate as Gossamer

by HurricaneSplash

1. Marshmallows

Rainbow Dash yawned, and stretched her wings. The early morning sunlight streamed in through her windows and onto her eyes, awakening her in a mildly irritating way.

She groaned. "Nnh, why is the sun so bright... Now I gotta wake up."

She rolled out of bed, landing a little too hard on her cloud floor and falling right through it.

"Uh oh."

She screamed until she was stopped a few feet from the ground by a light purple glow.

Rainbow looked up. "Oh, morning Twilight."

It was just another day.

Big Macintosh, on the other side of Ponyville, was already up bright and early. He was in charge of the apple stand in town today, his least favorite job.

He didn't like it because of all the mares that flocked by. And quite a few stallions. He and Rainbow Dash had been dating for a few months now, but it had been hard getting the town to believe that. They had to actually get Princess Luna to use her Royal Canterlot Voice on the ponies to make them actually even listen.

Of course, that didn't stop them. Today, one mare was being extra flirty. Her name was... Blossomforth, he thought.

Blossomforth innocently fluttered her eyelashes at Big Macintosh, gently swaying her tail from side to side. "Hey Big Macintosh... How are you? Need any help"

Mac stood his ground. "Eenope."

"Unless it's from me," called a familiar tomboyish voice.

Thank Celestia Rainbow's here!, Thought Big Mac.

Blossomforth gritted her teeth and spoke in a high pitched whine. "Why, what does that mean? You do remember that Big Macintosh likes mares, right? Oh, wait, you're a mare? I never knew that!"

Rainbow Dash's ears pressed flat against her head, but she was cut off before she could reply.

"Ah think that Rainbow here is one of th' prettiest fillies ah ever saw in mah life. Now, y'all would better leave seein' that yer doin' nuthin' useful and holdin' up th' line." Big Macintosh glared firmly at Blossomforth.

The white-coated, pink and green-maned mare huffed and stormed away.

Big Macintosh turned around to Rainbow Dash, who suddenly yanked him into a hug and kissed him right on the lips, to the disappointment of the now-dispersed crowd.

When they broke it, Big Mac blinked. "Ah sure didn't expect that."

Rainbow smirked. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Hay, yes!"

"– and that's when I was like, 'Oatmeal! Are you crazy!' And the next day I went swimming in quicksand because I was sick, ohmigosh, that's my–"

Rarity gently put a hoof on Pinkie's, causing the earth pony to blush. The two had been having tea at Carousel Boutique, and were almost ready to leave.

"Pinkie, darling, do you have any idea why Twilight called us today? For I haven't the slightest clue–"

Pinkie beamed. "Of course I know, silly! A PARTY!"

Rarity chuckled, leaning over and nuzzling her mare friend. The two shared a brief moment of affection before Fluttershy rushed in.

The buttery pegasus panted. "Rarity *gasp* P-Pinkie Pie *gasp*, something terrible has *gasp* happened!"

Pinkie leaned forward. "What's wrong, Fluttery McFlutter?!"

Fluttershy ignored the nickname for once. "There's a mysterious stallion in town who's giving anyone those wings Rarity had for the Best Young Fliers Competition!"

Rarity and Pinkie gasped.

"We must find Twilight Sparkle immediately! Of all the terrible things that could happen, this is THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!"

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked at each other and shrugged, racing out the door.

The elegant white unicorn leapt to her feet. "Ooh! Wait for me!"

Fluttershy and Twilight had eventually gathered the other four element bearers together. Spike and Big Macintosh were bored and were talking about Twilight's annoying habits. Well, Spike was. Big Mac usually just nodded in agreement.

Twilight stepped forward with a determined expression on her face. "Alright, girls, we must stop this unicorn once and for all!"

Spike snickered and whispered, "Once, I caught her kissing her book on Line Graphing!"

Twilight gritted her teeth in annoyance and lit up her horn. Spikes head was suddenly covered in pink marshmallows.

"What the hay," yelled Spike, "What'd you do that for!?"

However, it came out more like, 'Whu tuh hay! Whud you du dhat fur!?"

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise. Rarity covered her mouth with her hoof to stop giggling. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash burst into hysterical laughter. Applejack and Big Macintosh snorted.

Twilight just stood there with a bored expression.

"Guf me ouffa here nuw!
Twilight! Dis ish gwosh!"

After a few minutes, Pinkie Pie had gotten the marshmallow off Spike's head by eating it. The disturbed young dragon had gone upstairs to take a bath. By now, the ponies had all quieted down and listened to Twilight explain what had happened.

"Okay, everypony! We have learned that there's a unicorn stallion in town who is offering anypony the magic wings Rarity had for the Best Young Fliers Competition. As the newest princess of Equestria, it is my duty to care for my subjects. These wings may very well put them in danger. You all know how that could happen."

The girls nodded, and Twilight continued.

"Now, we must help them! Pinkie Pie, you and Rarity try to distract him from casting spells on more ponies. Fluttershy, get your critters to chew off the wings of ponies that AREN'T flying. Applejack, try to distract the ponies while Fluttershy does her thing.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "Uh, what about me, egghead?"

Twilight shrugged. "Extra backup in case anything goes wrong?"

Rainbow grumbled. "Hmph. Sure, whatever."

"Then let's do this!"

The mares high-hoofed and left the room. Spike had come back down and looked at Big Mac.

"Ugh. They always leave us background guys behind."
