//------------------------------// // Chapter Two // Story: Twlight's Own Ideas // by bearcoon //------------------------------// Chapter Two A/N:Sorry for the long wait of the new chapter, I've had to do it on my iPod so things are hard, plus life's been pretty rough right now, not to mention I have had several assessments in the last week. Not fun but enough excuses. Please enjoy. Twilight held in her hoof the potion to make all her dreams comes true, the potion that could turn any photograph into a living, breathing thing, making it simple for her to bring her human idols to the land of Equestria. Sigmund Frued, Edgar Allen Poe, Karl Marx, etc. "Great men and thinkers alike." She grinned to herself, and pulled out first her book on historical psychologists and tipped the vile on its side so drops of the liquid could make its way onto the page. Hitting the photo of Sigmund Frued, creating the book to glow and a bright, white light to come out of nowhere. After a moment Twilight opened her eyes to see Frued standing in front of her, confused. "Guten Tag, pferd." "Oh yes, uh can you speak English?" "Ja, I can, now vould you care to explain to me l, vhere am I, and vhy I am here?" "Oh well mr Frued, welcome to the land of Equestria, I'm Twilight Sparkle, a huge fan of your work, I brought you here so I could meet you in person." "Ah vell, thank you child, it brings me honour to be here." "Well. Now it is time for me to bring along a few more quests to this gathering of mine." She laughed, and out of politeness so did Frued. Again, she grabbed out the vile, and tipped some of the potion onto a photo of Oscar Wilde. Another white flash appeared, and when it cleared Wilde stood before them. "Pray do tell me, where am I?" "The land of Equestria, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Twilight Sparkle." "Oh lord, a talking pony, what sort of land have I fallen into? Or am I asleep?" "No, I brought you here, using a magical potion, it's pretty complex, you wouldn't understand." "Are you calling me stupid? Stupidity is a sin you know." Oh my, he is exactly like his books. "I think I see her... Oh dear! She has already brought some here." As soon as Rarity and the others arrived she had brought William Shakespeare, George Orwell and John F. Kennedy. They were in a hot debate on government, with Kennedy and Orwell on the side of democracy, Shakespeare and Twilight on the side of monarchy and Frued on the side of dictatorship. Even though the ponies, and Spike were in viewing range of Twilight she was to immersed in her new friends to notice them. "No. No. No. You don't need democracy to be happy, you see our people we are a monarchy and we live happily." "Yes but you also have a rivalling kingdom!" "You have rivalling party." Kennedy looked stumped. Twilight laughed with joy, it had been ages since she felt this feeling of such happiness. "YOU BROUGHT THEM 'ERE!" "Apple Jack, calm down!" "I will not Rarity! She broke the law we 'ave on this!" "Um, Twilight, something the matter?" She looked at Kennedy, ashamed, she had broken the laws on the human-pony relationships. She broke things she keep so valuable to her, but for what? So she could feel as if she was with intellectuals? She had came here to learn about friendship and she broke that. But she couldn't give up. Even if I am on the wrong, I have spent to long on this to give, spent to long dreaming about these people. Dreaming that they would be real, well I can't give that up. Not now.[\i] "There are some laws that prohibit ponies from interacting with humans, I have broken them." "Like hell you have, I can't believe you Twilight, darling you are so smart, so respectful, whatever happened?" "These people are my equals." "To quote myself, all animals are equal, but some," he looked around at his fellow humans, and at Twilight, "animals are more equal. It is just how it works." "Do you really think we're not as equal as you are, Twilight?" Twilight took a deep breath. "It's not that. You're just not as smart." "Is that really why you did this? How shallow can you be?" "I have to agree with Rarity, Twilight, that's very mean." "Fluttershy..." "We all agree, sorry Twilight." She collapsed her hooves giving way on her, tears came out of her eyes, falling against the grass. Her human friends bowed their heads and walked away, giving the ponies some space. "You just don't understand!" "How not?! What is so wrong with us?!" "You're not like them, you'll never be! You'll never know my pain of having friends who don't care about the same sort of things as you do! You girls don't care about philosophy, ideology. ANYTHING!" "Maybe we don't buy we're still your friends, well I used to think so, now maybe not." Rarity sighed, and turned away, leaving the now crying pony aghast, the others followed suit, finding new respect for the fashionable pony. "Come on girls, leave her to be with her friends." A/N: You'll notice that there is a lot of talk between Rarity and Twilight, I don't know why but it just turned out that way, in the next chapter I really want to put Rainbow Dash in there more. Hopefully I'll make this happen, thanks all for reading.