//------------------------------// // Betrayal // Story: Wild Card // by Arreis Of Avalon //------------------------------// Card was standing outside the Seers door with Hot at his side. He was staring at the door, thinking about if he truly wished to do this. Hot glanced at him. “You’re sure about this?” Card nodded, making up his mind. “Positive. I need answers.” “Answers to what?” “Quite a few things… but mainly, if we’re ready.” Hot nodded. “Yeah… I’ve been worried too.” Card smiled at his brother, glad that he was not alone in his fears. “Then here we go.” He raised his hoof and knocked on the door. “Come in, Children~” Card glanced once more at Hot as he pushed open the door. Hot followed behind him. The Seer looked up from her tea and motioned to the two pillows at the table. “Please, sit down~” Both colts sat at the table, thanking her for her hospitality. “Would you care for some tea?~” Card held up his hoof in disapproval. “I’d prefer not to drink from this set~” The Seer smiled knowingly. The set had come from Wonderland, the center of madness. Card was nearly positive that the Seers strange gifts came from that set, and he was unwilling to partake in such power. He already had a bit too much to handle on his own. Hot also shook his head. “Nooo thanks, I’m good.” Anything Card didn’t want, he was positive he wouldn’t want either. The Seer smiled as she sipped her tea. She glanced at Card. “Why have you come to me, Joker?~” “I believe you already know. None come to you unless they are in need of advice~” The Seer smiled slyly at Card. “We have discussed this before, Joker. I cannot give advice to those who refuse to listen~” Card merely smiled. “Then you offer nothing of value.” The Seer started slightly at his directness. “Surely,” he continued, “you wouldn’t be THAT worthless~” “He’s got a point there,” Hot said, smirking. The Seer glared at Card. “I do not help those who wish to insult me.” Card continued to smile. “And I do not trust those who refuse to help~” The Seer continued to glare at him as Hot sighed. “Look, just help him, alright?” The Seer smiled at Hot. “Very well… What is it you two wished to know?~” Hot turned to Card as Card summoned a torn card, the same card from the deck of disharmony that he had been examining, that day in the cave. “Can you tell me what this does?” The Seer looked at the card curiously, taking it into her hoof. She rolled it over in her hooves, examining it. “This card is very strange… I do not believe it belongs in the deck where it rests. It is almost like a wild card in the deck.” Card lifted his chin slightly, thinking. “Yes, I know this card… I have not seen it in over 1 thousand years… It is known as the Chaining Force.” “Chaining Force,” Hot said, confused. The Seer nodded. “Worst of all…” She pointed to the tear in the card. “It is still in effect.” Card sat up straighter, surprised. “Somepony is under the effects of this card?” The Seer nodded. “Do you possibly know who?” The Seer sighed. “Unfortunately, yes. I am afraid I may not tell you.” “Why not?” “Royal command.” Card sat, thinking. Royal command?... Hot glanced at Card. “I could get Dad to call Luna for it. Maybe he can get permission to tell…” The Seer shook her head. “I suggest letting the matter drop. I do not believe even Luna knows of this card.” Hot shook his head in defiance. “If it’s a card, it’s important! We can’t just drop it!” The Seer glared at Hot, her eyes having nearly the same effect as Cards or Hats. He stopped, watching her. “Do not speak of things you do not understand, Child.” Hot looked as though he was about to say something, but Card cut him off. “What are the effects of this card?” The Seer shut her eyes, sipping her tea. “The… pony who used this card… he tried to gain its power long ago. He was in a dilemma and he needed to have more power to fix the problem. However… The cards power comes with a price. The card chains the user within them, setting lose their darkest form in their place. The pony had thought they could control the force… but they were wrong. The pony was chained inside himself, transforming into a being with horrible powers. Infinite power… and no control.” Card sat, thinking, as Hot did the same. Could it be, Card thought. Hot thought a bit… Him?... “Thank you,” Card said as he took back the card. “This will help me greatly.” The Seer smiled softly as Card de-summoned the card. “I don’t believe that was all you wished to discuss~” Card hesitated slightly. Should I truly ask?... He looked at her seriously. “… Are we ready?” She looked curious, as though he needed to explain further. “Me and Hot… are we ready to face Discord?” The Seer smiled lightly. “Your question is one that is hard to answer… How do you think the battle will go?~” Card sat, thinking over her question. “I… don’t know…” Hot nodded. “Everypony expects us to succeed… but what if we can’t?” He looked between Card and the Seer. “I mean, this isn’t training… The whole darn world’s at stake here.” The Seer looked at both Card and Hot, smiling slyly. She saw Card, adverting his gaze, trying to ignore his doubts. She saw Hot, facing them directly, trying to find the true answers in life despite his doubts. She smirked. “One is ready~” Card sat up straighter, surprised. “One??” The Seer of Kell merely smiled. “You aren’t asking me the right questions, Joker. Both of you are ready to FACE Discord… But your fear, Card… will be your downfall.” Card sat, hearing the truth in her words. Card would not survive this battle. Hot glanced at Card and back to the Seer. “I’m at his side at all times, no matter what happens!” “And that, dear Child, is why he is not yet ready~” Card kept his face turned away from the both of them. Neither understood… “You have doubts, Joker~” Card finally spoke. “Everypony had doubts.” “But not everypony lets them control their very being~” Card was silent, unable to think of a response. The Seer smiled. “You answer with silence, Joker. Have you seen, now, the truth in your doubts?~” Card sat, staring into his hooves. My fear will be my downfall… I… I don’t want to go… He kept watching his hooves, the silence deafening. If I continue down this path… I will die. The revelation did not startle him as much as he thought it would. To die… would it be better than losing control? “P-perhaps…” “Card.” Both the Seer and Card turned to look at Hot, who had a small smile on his face. “I’m not ready if you aren’t. They’re not counting on me and you. They’re counting on US.” The Seer smiled lightly at this, knowing it was more proof that Hot was indeed ready for the battle to come. Card, however… “H-Hot, if neither of us are ready, then he wins!” “Yeah. He would.” “T-that CAN’T happen.” “Yup.” Card sat, thinking through this as well. Hot was willing to risk EVERYTHING for him. Not just his life, but the entire world. The entire world rested on whether he was ready or not… “Are you ready,” the Seer asked. “It’s not like we have much of a choice,” Hot said. “We’ll HAVE to be ready…” “And yet, you aren’t~” Card glared at the Seer, finally having enough. “Who says?” The Seer looked at him, confused at the outburst. “We all come to you,” he continued, “for advice and things. However, I know the source of your power.” He pointed to the tea set from which she drank daily. “Without that chipped cup, you’d be no better than a normal pony.” The Seer nodded, not surprised that he had figured out the source of her power. “So who are you,” he concluded, “to tell us we aren’t ready?” “And who are YOU to think you’re safe?” Hot looked at her, confused. “Did we SAY we’re safe? Danger will be there, we both know that. That’s why we’ve been trained.” The Seer smirked and sipped her tea. That was what she had been waiting for. Hot had proved himself to be a voice of reason many a time. “Card…” Card looked up at her. “If I am not the one to come to for advice…” She motioned to Hot, smiling. “… merely turn to the side~” Card couldn’t help but glance to the side as Hot turned to look at him. “Tell him your doubts, Child~” Card sighed, knowing there was no way to escape this problem. He would die if he did not tell somepony… would that be as bad as he thought, if his doubts were true? “Hot…” “Yeah, bro?” Card hesitated slightly, unwilling to put the burden of his thoughts on his brother. Still, there was no other way. He looked at his brother, unable to look directly in his eyes. “I… I don’t want you to get hurt.” Hot chuckled slightly. “You think I’d want us to be hurt?” “N-no…” “Besides, you’re forgetting who my parents are~” Card sighed again, thinking of Hots parents. Hots mother had been a mare named Spectrum, who had died a few years ago. Both of his parents were fantastic at combat and protection… “I-I know Drake and Spectrum… A-all the more reason for me to be scared…” He looked at his hooves sadly. “Because you also know who MY parents are.” “You’re nothing like either of ‘em,” Hot said with a small smile. Card continued to stare at his hooves, his face stricken. “I-I have so much power,” he said softly. “Y-you’ve seen my inner self… I… I don’t want to hurt you, Hot…. But I may lose control… and you’ll have to stop me.” “You won’t lose control, bro.” Card sighed, closing his eyes. “I-I’m afraid I may have to…” He felt tears sting at his eyes as he opened them once more, just staring into his hooves. “…W-who am I… to kill a God, Hot?... I-I’m just a colt, for heaven’s sakes…” “You’re a Wild Card. Nothing is certain with you.” Card heard the truth in his words, knowing his brother believed in him. He dried his tears, listening to his brothers calming words. “We’re going to be fine, Card.” Card smiled very softly, looking into his brothers eyes. He took in his entire face, his brother in his entirety. His flaming red coat, spiky yellow mane and tail… If the battle took a wrong turn… He wanted to remember his brothers face. “You promise me, Hot… You promise me you won’t die…” Hot grinned. “That’s it? Promise I don’t die?” Cards smile grew. “I promise, bro.” The Seer spoke up, smiling at Card. “And what of you, Joker? What promise have you made to yourself?” Card smiled softly. “Simple… Never go down without a fight~” He stood as the Seer set down her glass. He reached out his hoof to shake it. “Thank you, Seer.” Cards eyes widened as, before he knew it, the Seer had grabbed his hoof and held the lit candle to it. Card gasped in pain and flinched back as Hot stood. “Dude, you okay?!” Card tore his hoof out of the Seers grasp, holding it. “What on EARTH was that for!?” The Seer never stopped smiling, setting down the ever burning candle. “A simple spell, done by my people. Think of it as a blessing from the ponies of Kell~” Both Hot and Card smiled. “Thank you,” Hot said. Card looked at the burn on his hoof, surprised to see a design made from the singed fur. Three circles, inter connected to form a symbol of unity. 3 circles, swirling around each other to show acceptance and a connection that could not be broken. Just like his bond with Hot. But who was the third?... The Seer smiled at Card. “This is the last you will see of me before the battle, child. I wished to give you a gift.” Card bowed deeply to the Seer. “I thank you for your blessing, Madam.” Both the colts nodded their thanks to the Seer and walked outside, shutting the door behind them. Hot glanced at Card, smirking at his brothers smile. “Why the smile?~” Card turned to his brother. “Because… I think we’re finally ready.” Both colts smiled… And jumped as behind them, a voice appeared. “G-GAH,” a voice behind them cried out in agony. Both turned quickly, seeing Valkyrie standing there, holding his bleeding head. Both colts saw instantly that he was in severe pain. “W-what th- What happened?!” Hot was gaping at the wounds on Valkyrie, counting numerous scratches down his hooves. Card, however, couldn’t help but take in Valkyrie and sense something was… off. Valkyrie had always held himself in a state of self confidence, yet now, it was as though something was holding him back… as though he was chained by some higher force… “Nothing important, Hot. Don’t worry about it. You have bigger problems to deal with.” Cards eyes widened as Valkyrie summoned a golden letter. “It’s addressed to you two… You can guess who’s calling.” Hot and Card shared a look. “Discord,” both of them said at the same time. Card reached out and took hold of the envelope, opening it and beginning to read. “’To the little Trick and the Fireball…’” Card made a face. “If those are our names, I’m going to kill him worse than I had planned~” Hot laughed. “Comet would’ve done fine~” Valkyrie snarled in anger. “IS NOW REALLY THE TIME?!” Hot laughed. “Alright, alright~” Card glanced at the rest of the letter. To the little Trick and the Fireball I have waited until you were both ready to face me. Now, the battle begins. Meet me at Sunset Hill when you wish to begin the fight~ The God of Chaos “Simple enough,” Card said, folding it up and putting it into his hat. “Sunset Hill, huh? Wonder why that place?” Card chuckled. “Who knows. He IS insane, after all. Madness does as madness sees fit.” Valkyrie was busy trying to heal the cuts with his shadows, seeming to struggle with it. “Are you two ready?” Cards face was calm as he finally understood what had gone wrong with Valkyrie. He was not in the right mindset. Valkyrie would not have asked that question so easily, knowing how often Card said no. Valkyrie… I’m sorry…I can’t save you now. “Yes. We are.” Card turned to Hot, grinning. “Shall we make out entrance?~” Hot grinned, his hooves blazing to life with flame. “Yup.” He reached his burning hoof out to Card. Card smiled, lifting his hoof to take Hots. Shadows curled around Cards hoof lightly as he smiled and took Hots hoof. The instant their hooves touched, both stallions teleported to Sunset Hill, leaving Valkyrie behind in the hallway. “The time’s come, then.” Valkyrie didn’t turn as he heard Drakes voice behind him. The voice didn’t surprise him. He was silent, feeling tears roll down his face. Drake glanced at Valkyrie. “What’s wrong?” Valkyrie turned, staring at Drake with sorrowful eyes. There was so much pain in them… “I’m sorry, Drake.” “What are you sorry about?” Valkyrie opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again, unable to answer in his grief. He shut his eyes, knowing what he must do. It was all he could do. I sent them to you like you asked, Master. Drakes eyes widened as he heard Valkyries thoughts, the power he had learned over time. His eyes narrowed again, however, when he heard the response. There was no mistaking the voice of the God of Chaos. Good, Pet. You know what else you must do. “I see,” Drake said. Valkyrie sobbed as the golden collar around his neck revealed itself, shining brightly. “I-I’m sorry, Drake… but Discord has control… and Card and Hot will die by his claw.”