//------------------------------// // Help unlooked for // Story: The Fourth Star. // by Golden Paw //------------------------------//         Sky Strike cursed loudly, it seemed that the world was determined to take away anything of value from him. He struggled frantically trying to free himself, but the lengths of what ever held him simply stretched before snapping right back into place. Sky was suspended off the floor and had nothing to push against. He cursed loudly again as the more Sky thrashed the more entangled he became.         He knew he should have been more careful, he was a scout. It was his job to find and see oncoming danger,  he had failed terribly this time. It was a rookie mistake to be caught out like this but he had been so distracted. Sky took a calming breath, making excuses wasn’t going to change the situation he found himself in.          Taking time to look around, Sky saw his wing blades only a little way off lent against the dirt wall of the burrow. His wings were ensnared as were his hooves, but there was a root dangling down just above his muzzle.  Sky strained trying to 'bounce' himself up and down, his movements caused the whole framework of cords to tremble and on the fifth try he just managed to grab the protruding root. Closing his eyes Sky heaved back with all his might. He could feel his binds resisting but he was slowly heaving his way upwards. Then with a crack and a snap the root broke off in his teeth.         Sky's frustration came to a boil once more and he snorted out an expletive before he spat out the failed root and growled in frustration. Sky Strike thrashed against his prison again, venting the boiling emotions the only way he knew how to, before finally giving up with a small whimper of self pity.         "A valiant effort my pony friend; such a shame that roots like that one break, not bend," It was a male voice with a whimsical quality to it. Sky couldn't turn his head and rolled his eyes in sudden panic, not knowing what to make of this newcomer.         "Wha? Who? What do you want?" Sky felt his stomach lurch. He was completely at the mercy of who ever this was and it wasn't a feeling he liked. He strained his neck, but was still unable to see the speaker..         "And those webs around you are strong, if you're so easily caught, then maybe my faith in your skills has been proven wrong?" The mysterious newcomer said, going on as if Sky hadn't asked a question at all.         Sky Strike felt a cold sweat forming: Whoever this was, he'd been tracking them. He could only think they must be part of the host that had attacked high point. Another little insult it seemed, he had failed to cover their trail as well seemed and his ego was already smarting.         "Look whoever you are, just come to the point; by the sounds of you you're a zebra, or at least been around them too long.“ Sky snarled through gritted teeth.         There was a sigh and the sound of hooves as whomever this mysterious creature was moved around, still keeping out of Sky's view at all times.         "Well in that you are correct, though not hard to deduce from my use of dialect." Sky tensed as he felt something press into his back, "A zebra is what I am, and as to what I want? Well, to help out of your jam." The confirmed zebra went on still in a sort of sing song voice that put Sky on edge. He hated dealing with zebras as you often had to stop and work out what they actually meant. Still, this one seemed to be offering help and he wasn't going to turn that down right now even if he was sceptical of the pony's motives. "Okay, but what's in it for you? Gonna get a pretty bounty for our hides? Sky Strike asked in a deadpan manner.         There was a 'tutting' sound as Sky felt a tremble in the web binding him. With a hiss and a 'shunk'  the sticky ropes began to lose their tension down one side of him, then with an unceremonious thud Sky swung sideways and hit the dirt floor. This left him able to finally turn to look at his rescuer.         The zebra had the normal striped pattern of their kind, what was unusual was this stallion was a much sharper white colour that contrasted sharply with his black strips. All the zebra Sky had met were a of much subtler grey shade. The zebra before him wore a number of fetishes and trinkets. His head was covered by a timber wolf's bark-like skull, showing only the stallion's amber eyes.         Sky was amazed at how quietly the zebra moved. With so much adornment the stallion should have jangled with every hoof fall, but this new comer moved with the practiced skill of a hunter stalking its prey. The other point that drew Strike's attention was the pole arm that the zebra clutched. It had a wicked looking blade that seemed to be carved out of a huge claw. Its length bore intricate carvings from pommel to tip and it also appeared to be made from bone.         "What's in this for me? I am surprised you have to ask such a thing, with regard to helping a fellow pony? This land must be harsh indeed, that a stallion such as you must live by such a creed," The zebra answered sadly as he shook his head. "To help those in need is its own prize. I was taught this in long time's past and the advice given has indeed proven wise."         Sky strike couldn't help but flinch as the bladed staff slid over  his head cutting more of the binding cords. He was still not convinced of the zebra’s noble intentions, in his world creatures didn't do what they did out of the kindness of their hearts. He tried to covertly collect his wing blades once again but soon stumbled as his hooves were still caught in the now limp webbing.         "Best not to struggle or move so, these webs are tenacious and not prone to letting go," The zebra added helpfully, with a little chuckle. "Thanks I noticed," Sky Strike grumbled back.         The zebra pulled out a small pouch and sprinkled a fine bluish powder onto the ropes still clinging to Sky Strike. To his surprise the webs began to dissolve with a bubbling hiss and Sky’s brief fear that this strange powder wouldn't stop at the webs was proven unfounded; soon he was able to move freely.         "Um thanks again," Sky said sheepishly as he looked up to the masked zebra before him. The stallion had shouldered his pole arm and was holding Strike's wing blades out to him. Sky still looked doubtful of the sincerity of this zebra's offer but took the weapons nevertheless.         After strapping on his wing blades Sky felt much better now he was armed again. He took a brief moment to study the zebra more closely. The white and black stallion was a little shorter than Strike and far more slender. The zebra's cutie mark displayed a very stylized paw mark, similar to a bear's. The brown eyes of Sky Strike stared deeply into the zebra’s amber ones glinting out from behind their mask as he tried to draw the truth from them.         "Now you are with blade, it is time progress we made," The newcomer stated and Sky couldn't help but agree, "The arachnus do not let their meals grow cold and we must chase them before your friend becomes like a withered husk, wrinkled and old." The zebra then stepped forward and slid the bone blade of his pole arm neatly around the concealed door way and cut the bindings. The fake wall toppled open and a waft of bad smelling air greeted both their noses. "Hey you didn't tell me who you were!" Sky called after the zebra as he stepped delicately into the now revealed tunnel.         The zebra didn't even pause while he called back, "True my name I did not tell, maybe if we both live through this you will gain that knowledge as well," Sky strike cursed again, still the zebra had a point and with that Sky followed him  into the web lined tunnel.         Foresight's head hurt, but it was a distant feeling. She knew there was something very important she was suppose to do, her thoughts were sluggish however. In the mind haze she found herself enveloped by Foresight drifted back to places of safety and comfort. She thought of home and her parents. Their home that was always kept dark and cool and she felt a bit like that now.         As her mind wandered further Foresight recalled her first day at magic kindergarten, how she had been the only nightborn there. Those days she had needed to wear eye guards, her magic not yet up to the task of shrouding her. The other foals had teased her about her looks and how she was always so cold. They had called her the 'ice filly' and took malicious delight in stealing her glasses and causing her to be dazzled by bright lights.         She'd had a few friends among the other students, other waifs and strays, but she had always been distant and stood apart even from the other outcasts, epically when the nightmares had started. It was too scary at first and in response Foresight fought sleep for days at a time. With some love and support from her mum and dad she had learnt to face her dreams and try to understand them better.         Yet again Foresight's mind lost focus and drifted to recall the day Celestia had visited an awards ceremony for her class's graduation. The Princess was painful for Foresight to look on directly, Celestia's inner glow uncomfortable even when looked through Foresight's goggles. The princess had come to meet all the students graduating that year and Foresight was among them.         Foresight found she had a love of old mysteries and history which had blossomed into a desire to know more about Equestria. She had a drive to go out and explore old sites of historical value and see what she could uncover and understand. Foresight had gained considerable renown as an archaeologist and it was often joked that she was like 'Daring do' exploring lost temples and overcoming ancient evils.         The truth of her title was far from the brave exploits found in the books, with far more dust and digging than running from wild animals and side stepping traps, but Foresight took great satisfaction in uncovering lost knowledge and it was that skill which had lead her to this point now. Foresight stood before Celestia and her prize student Twilight Sparkle.         Foresight couldn't remember all that the princess had said, the clearest part of the memory how beautiful and terrible Celestia had been. Even with her regal smile and friendly manner, it physically hurt Foresight to be near Celestia. If the Princess was aware of Foresight's discomfort she gave no outward sign.         Foresight had to fight not to lean back from the glowing aura of light that Celestia radiated as she presented her the award for academic excellence in the field of archaeology. The pendant felt much heavier than Foresight remembered and as she looked into Celestia's eyes Foresight was sure she saw a look of sadness, despite the wide smile the princess wore.         Her memories unwound further before reforming much closer to her life now. Foresight was standing in Celestia's office, presenting an amazing find to her from the Everfree forest. The ruined castle had been a wonder in its time and held so many secrets. It had taken months for Foresight to obtain a permit to examine the ruins and what she had found there was staggering!         Celestia wore a frown that day, one she didn't even attempt to hide while Foresight had chatted excitedly about what she had discovered. Foresight put her mood down to Celestia's lack of interest having seen the described events first hoof. This was proved wrong as the princess interrupted Foresight with a stern voice.         "Foresight, did you ever wonder why I had my old home in the Everfree forest abandoned? Or why you had such a hard time getting permission to explore it?" Celestia asked in an annoyed tone.         Foresight, having been cut off mid flow, was taken aback by the question. She would never have dreamed that Celestia would  take such an objection to the ruin’s history being looked into. There wasn't any evidence Foresight had so far found that lead her to think that Celestia had anything to hide.         "Um, no your majesty, I never really thought about it if I am being honest," Foresight admitted, but now she reviewed the events leading up to her find she did get the impression that some pony didn't like her digging up the past. "I hope I have not done wrong your highness?"         Celestia's expression went from one of annoyance to one of sadness, "No my dear Foresight, forgive me I was remembering some hard times. Please, go on with your report."         Foresight gulped and with far less enthusiasm continued with her report, "Under the rubble and degradation of the palace ruins we were able to discover an unknown chamber. It hadn't featured on any of the old plans of the castle layout we could acquire." Foresight watched Celestia carefully, but her face remained impassive, "It had not just been hidden, but magically warded off as well," Foresight thought she caught a sharp intake of breath from the regent of the sun.         She paused as Celestia seemed to be about to say something, but when she failed to, Foresight began once again to explain. "Well um, the room contained what we believe to be the first hoof account of the final battle of the Nightmare Uprising...." Foresight took a step back from Celestia, who had now taken on a dangerous expression."         "I told you to continue, what did this account say?" The princess had a slight tremble about her and Foresight was never a good reader of ponies without using her own magic, and she didn't dare to try such with the princess. Clearly Celestia wasn't happy, but was she angry or maybe upset? Nevertheless Foresight did as she was commanded.         "Well your highness, it claims to be written by one 'Temporal Balance' and went into some depth of the battle. It sounded terrible; he speaks highly of your bravery and sacrifice princess," Foresight saw Celestia flinch as if struck and to her dismay Celestia began to cry, the tears sparkled as they fell from her regal face to splash on the paperwork below.         "Oh Balance, only you could have had anything good to say of that day," Celestia whispered quietly, it was low and barely audible but struck with a hammer feeling of heartache that, unbidden, it pierced Foresight to the core. Celestia closed her eyes seemingly lost in her own memories while Foresight just stood there not sure what to do. "Do you wish me to read any of it to you your majesty?" Foresight asked as gently as she could manage.         Celestia looked up, and then gave a small shake of her head, "No, thank you Foresight, I know well enough the events of that day," Celestia gave a huge sigh, "I apologise Miss Foresight. I let my emotions get the better of me. You have done well in finding this, but it means we have much to do and not a lot of time left to do it in."         "What do you mean princess, is this not all old history, Nightmare moon was defeated and banished, what are you talking about?" Celestia stood and made her way over to her personal book collection on the far wall. Using her magic she pulled a book off the shelf and offered it to Foresight.         Looking to the proffered volume Foresight read the title, 'Legends of Equestria' and using her hooves placed it carefully on Celestia's desk. With some apprehension Foresight turned the pages over; they were covered in beautiful drawings and scrip.         "The section you want is the titled 'Mare in the Moon'." Celestia added with her back towards Foresight as she looked out the window down to the palace grounds below and Foresight began to read what was written in the chapter.         "Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria....." After waiting for Foresight to finish reading the relevant section Celestia began speaking once more.         "She will return and my dear pony I need your help in preparing for that day. Even I do not have all the facts and I need your skills and talents to help me. I can't be everywhere at once; there is still a kingdom to run," Celestia said in a sad tone. The Princess made her way over to Foresight and looked deeply into her wide eyes, "Will you help me?" She finally asked.         Foresight felt her own ear press down against her skull, the Princess had just informed her that one of the terrors of the past would be returning to the world. That the monster responsible for her kind was coming back to finish the task of destroying Equestria as she knew it.         "I.....I will princess," Foresight tried her best to sound more confident, "Of course your highness I would be honoured to help, but may I ask something?" Celestia nodded and moved forward to hug Foresight with a wing:         "Anything my dear," Celestia assured, but as the feathers touched Foresight they seemed to burn. She screamed and tried to pull away but Celestia's embrace was smothering. Then Foresight saw it was not the princess at all but a huge fanged mouth with haired mandibles unfurling and screamed again as the world blurred once more.         The tunnel was dark, musty and littered with bones. There were pony, griffon and even a few scorponi carapaces scattered among the adhesive threads lining the passageway. It was also far too confined for Sky's liking. Webbing covered the walls and ceiling, but despite this the zebra ahead of him was making good headway; stepping with care, every so often pausing to bring his blade staff about to sever a thick strand that blocked the way.         Sky Strike had replaced his dark sight goggles, now seeing the world once again in monochrome. How the stallion ahead of him could see was any pony's guess, but the zebra moved forward without any trouble it would seem. There was however, no sign of their prey as they pressed deeper into its lair.         After a short time they came to a fork in the path and the zebra stopped. "The way breaks in two, it would make sense for me to take one way and for the other, you?" The white striped equine asked quietly. Looking back towards Sky, the pony saw that the timber wolf helm's eyes had a pale green glow to them. Zebra were not magical like unicorns and so forth, their magic being closer to earth ponies, but that didn't make it any less powerful.         Sky Strike nodded, that was as good a plan as any. He moved to take the left fork while the zebra the right. Sky was less than happy about trusting this zebra, but then again what choice did he have? After creeping his way further into the darkness the tunnel opened out somewhat and he felt his pace quicken: There were webbed bundles all about.         A few had withered hooves or claws sticking out of them. The arachnus had been living here for some time it seemed and savoured the many creatures this land had to offer. Sky Strike fervently hoped Foresight wouldn't be added to the list and looking about he cursed quietly under his breath; this seemed to be a dead end.         He was just turning about when he heard a terrified scream echo down the passage he had come from. A cold sweat ran down his back as Sky Strike feared he was too late having recognised that scream, being all to familiar with its tones. Throwing caution to the wind he began to gallop his way back to the fork.         There was another scream as he came to the junction, but this time it was followed by a roar and a battle cry, which echoed around the tunnels and shook the thick webbing lining the walls. It seemed the zebra had found the arachnus. In his frustration Sky missed placed his hoof and caught a length of spider web that stuck fast. This time he was ready for such and swept his wing blade about to cut himself free.         The sounds of battle and commotion could be heard up ahead now and Strike wasn't going to be found wanting this time. his faster pace quickly revealed the scene he'd been dreading and his heart trembled at the sight. The arachnus was massive; Sky had only gotten a brief glimpse at it before it carried off Foresight, but this time he had time to take in the repulsive size. It towered over the zebra before it.         The creature had its fore legs raised in challenge and was only held off by the quick parries and thrusts of the pole arm carried by the equine before it. A number of gashes and cuts dripped where the zebra's weapon had found it's mark. Sky could see Foresight, she had awoken from her venom induced stupor and was struggling in a semi cocoon which had been attached to the far wall. Sky judged there was enough room to slip past the embattled arachnus, but that would leave the brave zebra to fight the monster on his own.         Sky felt he owed the zebra something and so compromised, as he galloped past the arachnus Sky Strike swept out his wing to strike at one of the hind legs it was using to steady its bulk, which was rearing in preparation to stamp down on the zebra. Wing blades weren't meant for heavy impacts, more for slicing and so Sky Strike aimed as best he could for a leg joint, the only places the arachnus's wasn't covered in thick carapace and hair. As he passed Sky felt the impact and was rewarded by the thick limb crumpling, which left the arachnus unbalanced.         As the giant beast lost its footing the zebra took the chance to strike and galloped under the arachnus. It was a crazy move in Sky's opinion, but he could see the brave logic behind it. The other stallion planted the butt of the staff in the dirt floor just as the spider's bulk dropped. The creatures own mass drove the point deep into its centre and the arachnus roared once again as fluid spurted out and covered the brave zebra in a stinking ichor.         Sky Strike was already galloping past the stricken arachnus, his eyes set on Foresight. With a leap and a thrust of his wings Sky cut the webbing holding her in place and the parcel holding Foresight dropped to the floor and bounced once. This produced a muffled yelp from Foresight, but before she could comment Sky rolled her out of the way of the thundering legs of the arachnus.         The giant insect was hurt yes, but far from dead. Now curling in its injured limb, the monster shifted its weight onto the other five free legs while swiping at its tormentors with its other two. The zebra dived out from under the spider, but his pole arm was still buried deep in its hide. This left the equine only able to dodge the attacks coming his way and despite himself, Sky was impressed. The stallion was nimble, but the arachnus was determined.         Making sure Foresight was as safe as he could make her. Sky Strike turned around and leaped onto the arachnus's back. His hooves found little purchase and he needed his wings to steady himself as the spider bucked and reared under him like an enraged buffalo. With another bound Sky planted all four hooves into an equal number of the black eyes that ringed the arachnus's head and struck out with his wing blades, drawing shallow cuts that seemed to simply enraged the arachnus further.         The giant insect roared in pain, the blade strikes did little to its naturally armoured hide, but it's eyes were full of hoof and it didn't like that one bit. The beast turned its focus on the airborne foe and attempted to buck him off. Sky was thrown this way and that before only being saved from falling by leaping once again. The room wasn't big enough for true flight, but his wings did give Sky some edge in the fight and he pounded them to give him some distance from the beast below.         The now totally enraged arachnus began launching clouds of webbing to try and knock Sky Strike out of the air. There wasn't enough room to manoeuvre properly and soon he was clipped by one of the clouds of sticky fibres. His left wing now entangled, Sky commenced a rough landing  that drove the air from his lungs. The arachnus reared up again, hissing in triumph at the now grounded pony.         The zebra tried bucking the monster's leg with all his might but barely budged the limb. Both ponies waited for the inevitable strike to hit home, but to Sky's surprise the arachnus had not lunged down to finish him off: In fact, it wasn't even moving, just trembling as if gripped by a palsy. The tingle of cold could be felt in the air and Sky followed the zebra's gaze to Foresight, whose eyes shone with a blue light.         "I can't hold it for long, if you have a plan I would do it now!" Foresight shouted; having gotten her own head together, was pressing her thoughts into the arachnus's mind as hard as she could. Filling it's mind with every painful and unpleasant thought she could imagine. Having read a large number of mythical tales, Foresight had plenty to draw on and Sky could feel the mental backlash from here.         The Zebra nodded before ducking under the bulk of the beast and retrieved his polearm. It took a huge effort to loosen the shaft,  the spider's own weight having driven it in deeper than the zebra would have managed on his own. The twitches coming from the arachnus increased as a grunt of concentration came from Foresight. Sky Strike shook his now bruised head and looked up just in time to see the other stallion pull the blade free in a welter of foul fluids.         The arachnus gave another roar and broke free of Foresight's spell, but she had given Strike the time to get clear. So instead of pulping the pegasus the spiders’ fore legs left deep dents in the dirt floor and caused dust to tumble down from the ceiling. The spider shook it's abused head this way and that; being was half blinded, confused and in a great deal of pain.         The beast seemed to have an almost pitiful look in its remaining eyes as the mysterious zebra had taken its moment of confusion and leap onto its back, clamber up before driving his weapon down as hard as he could. The huge spider shuddered as it lost control of its many limbs which began to curl in protectively.         The death was not a fast one, lots of twitching movements and gurgling sounds, but after a minute or so there was only the noise of three equines breathing heavily. Then to the total astonishment of Sky Strike and Foresight watched as the zebra bowed to the dead beast and uttered a few words that they didn't understand.         "Am I glad to see you?" Foresight said with relief. "I thought I was bug chow, who's your friend?" She asked seeing the zebra in his strange attire; her voice had taken on a brittle quality, "Did he come from High Point?" Foresight's humorous tone faltered with eyes filling with tears she began to sob.         "Hush now, questions another time; best spoken when out of here and all its slime," The stranger said as he cut Foresight carefully free from the webbing. She looked into his amber eyes hidden by the slight green glow of his mask with a besotted expression on her tear streaked muzzle.         Sky strike could see her expression and snorted in annoyance. "Come on. I'm sick of being under ground," With that pronouncement he made his way out, not even waiting for their new friend to clear his wing of spider web.