//------------------------------// // Dinky's Promise // Story: Dinky's Promise // by marineproductions100 //------------------------------// Dinky's Promise Inspired by true events. 12:00, lunch time, Ponyville school, nine moths after adopting Derpy adopted Package. Bells was lying on the grass watching the sky. She was daydreaming about her having wings. Imagining herself flying in the sky with her mothers. Derpy and Rainbow Dash. She was just lying there until all of a sudden there was crying. Dinky got up and looked around for the location of the noise. She looked over towards the toys that the other kids liked to play on and she saw Package getting punched several times by a big colt. Dinky ran towards the colt and tackled him. He hit his head on the concrete ground and Dinky started to punch him in his face several times. She kept on hitting him until his nose was bleeding. She stopped and turned to Package. Package was lying on the ground crying. Dinky picked up Package and took him to the nurse. She got to the nurse. "What happened?" The nurse asked. "He got hurt by another colt." Dinky replied. "Let me see him." The nurse said. Dinky gave Package to the nurse and the nurse put Package on a bed. The nurse looked at Dinky. "I'm going to need you to wait out in the hallway." The nurse said. "But he's my brother." Dinky said. "If you want him to get better. You're going to have to wait out in the hallway." The nurse said. Dinky went out in the hallway and sat down in one of the chairs. The principal stepped out of her office and walked up to Dinky. "Dinky. Is it true that you assaulted a colt in the courtyard?" The principal asked. "But he was hurting Package." Dinky replied. "There must have been other ways than violence, Ms. Hooves." The principal said. "What do you think I should have done? Should I have asked him nicely to stop hurting my brother!?" Dinky yelled. "Lower your voice Ms. Hooves. You are inside the hallway." The principal said. "I don't care. My brother is hurt real badly. He's bleeding." Dinky said. "I'm sorry to hear that." The principal said. The principal walked back into her office. Dinky stared at the nurse's door. She sat there until Derpy and Rainbow showed up. Derpy walked up to Dinky and put her hoof on Dinky's shoulder. Dinky looked up at Derpy. "What happened?" Derpy asked. "It's my fault. I should have payed attention. I thought he was safe." Dinky started to cry. Derpy hugged Dinky and Dinky cried into Derpy's shoulder. "I was daydreaming into the clouds and I heard Package crying. I turned around and saw this bigger colt starting to beat him up. So I tackled him and started beating him until he started to bleed. I took Package to the nurse's office." Dinky said. "It's not your fault. You didn't know that this was going to happen." Derpy said. The principal walked out of her office and looked at Derpy. "Ms. Hooves. I'm glad you came as soon as possible." The principal said. "What are you going to do about the colt that beat up Package?" Derpy asked. "Step into my office please." The principal replied. Derpy let go of Dinky and looked at her. "Hang out with mom until and wait for Package. Okay." Derpy said. "Okay mommy." Dinky said wiping tears away from her eyes. Rainbow sat down right next to Dinky and Derpy walked into the principal's office. The principal closed the door and went behind her desk and sat down. "Ms. Hooves do you know why I called you here today?" The principal asked. "I'm assuming it's because of what happened to Package." Derpy replied. "Ms. Hooves. Dinky assaulted a young colt today in the courtyard." The principal said. "She did it to defend her brother." Derpy said. "She didn't have to use physical violence." The principal said. "What are you talking about? That's her brother. Do you expect her to do nothing?" Derpy asked. "I expect her to go to a staff member instead of handling it herself." The principal replied. "Are you stupid? My colt is in the nurse's office. He's the only innocent one here. Not the one that Dinky attacked!" Derpy said. "Ms. Hooves please lower your voice. After all we are both mares and there's no reason to raise the tone of voice." The principal said. "Aren't you going to do anything about the colt that attacked Package?" Derpy asked. "Unfortunately there is no proof to this. So I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry." The principal asked. Derpy got up and walked out of the principal's office. She slammed the door and sat down right next to Dinky. Rainbow got up and lifted her chin. Derpy was trying to hold back tears. "What did she have to say?" Rainbow asked. "There not going to do anything about the colt that attacked Package because there's not enough proof." Derpy replied. "Do you want me to go do something about it?" Rainbow asked. "I tried everything I could think of. There's nothing left we can do." Derpy replied. "I'm sorry." Rainbow said. Rainbow hugged Derpy and Derpy started to cry. Rainbow wrapped her wings around Derpy so nopony could notice that she was crying. The nurse's door opened and Package walked out with a couple of bandages on his face. Rainbow stopped hugging Derpy so that Derpy can see Package. Package ran straight into Derpy's arms and started to cry. Dinky walked up to Package and sat down right next to Derpy. Package looked at Dinky. "Package i'm so sorry. I should have kept my eyes on you." Dinky said while holding back tears. "It's okay Dinky. You didn't know." Package said. Dinky started to cry and put her head in her hooves. Rainbow sat herself next to Dinky and wrapped her wings around Dinky. The principal walked out of the office and looked at all four ponies sitting in the hallway. "Dinky is being suspended for three days. If she is to show up on campus while being suspended. It will be expulsion." The principal said. "You can't do that." Rainbow said. "I already have." The principal snapped. "What's your problem? What have we done to you?" Rainbow asked. "I just follow the school policy." The principal said and walked off back into her office. "Come on. Let's just go home and try to forget about this." Derpy said. "If that's what you want." Rainbow said. Derpy got up with Package and they started to walk down the hallway. Rainbow unwrapped Dinky and looked at her. "You feeling better?" Rainbow asked. "No." Dinky replied. "Come on. Let's go home and try to forget about this." Rainbow said. "Okay mom." Dinky said. Rainbow and Dinky got up and started to head out of the office. Once they got outside Rainbow put Dinky on her back. Derpy put Package on her back and the two pegasuses started to fly home. Once they got home Dinky and Package sat down in the living room floor. Derpy headed towards the kitchen. "I'll make us some muffins." Derpy said. Dinky put a small smile on her face and looked at Derpy. Derpy walked in the kitchen and Rainbow sat down on the couch. "Come sit net to me you two." Rainbow said. Dinky and Package got up from the floor to sit next to Rainbow. They sat down on the couch and smelled something good. Derpy walked out with a plate full of muffins. "I forgot that I already had a batch made from last night. So I just warmed these up." Derpy said. Derpy sat on the other side of Rainbow and handed the plate to Dinky. Dinky grabbed the plate and handed a muffin to Package. Package grabbed a muffin and started to eat it. Dinky handed a muffin to Rainbow and Rainbow grabbed a muffin and started to eat it as well. Dinky handed a muffin to Derpy and Derpy grabbed one and held it in her hooves. Dinky grabbed a muffin and put the plate on the floor next to the couch. Derpy looked at Dinky. "You know it wasn't your fault muffin. You did what you did as an older sister. You protected your brother." Derpy said. "I guess I did." Dinky said. "Thank you for beating up that bully for me." Package said. "Your welcome." Dinky said. Dinky put her right arm around Package and Package hugged Dinky. Rainbow wrapped her wing around Derpy. Derpy leaned her head against Rainbow's left cheek. "Why don't you two go play." Rainbow said. "Okay mom." Dinky said. Package and Dinky walked upstairs into Dinky's room. Rainbow looked at Derpy. "We have to get rid of that principal." Rainbow said. "We'll worry about that later. Right now it's just you and me." Derpy said. Derpy wrapped her left wing around Rainbow and kissed her. Rainbow kissed back. Written by: Cameron This story was inspired by true events.