by Hakirayleigh

Chapter five

The trumpets began to sound. Guests Gala began to be silent again. All they knew that it is very important to respect the magnificent event. Twilight and her friends, At previous galas and meetings were happier and from time to time Pinkie Pie breaked the traditional protocol with some jokes or Rainbow Dash shouted some supports towards the princess.

"The princesses are awesome" "Long live to Princess Celestia" Rainbow Dash yelled Her constant mood was one of the reasons that most liked to her friends. It's known the loyalty that she keeps by the Princesa Celestia and therefore with Luna and Cadance. The rest of them were much more respectful and only showed their admiration when she had finished the event or the authority ended the speech of thanks.

At the same time, Rainbow Dash was looking for Applejack, none of them knew where and what were the intentions to not be in the event with her friends, the Grand Galloping Gala being developed with with great expectancy.

The three princesses were at the front of the royal hall, and the silence was beginning to roam around the place. And in that moment that all fell silent, the Princess Celestia was in front of the lectern previously prepared and began to deliver her speech:

"Mares and gentlecolts, good night. I thank you all ahead of time for coming to Grand Galloping Gala this year," said Celestia. "The equestrian princesses are very grateful by for the great assistance in this year to such a magnificent event. And also note that for the first time there are different kingdoms representatives from all around the world, "We have always wanted our guests know about our culture and also they give to know their cultural wealth and traditions of thousands of years." Said Celestia with pride on the part of Canterlot and of course Equestria.

Most of the guests were attentive and proud in front of words of the princess and, but some exceptions, like some of representatives' subordinates, ponies and Caucus Rogue, show indifference to Celestia's words. Twilight noticed the bad attitude of the mayor in front of everything she said Celestia. What she has been said by the princess had found resonance in Twilight, but with some gaps about Apple family and their farm.

Celestia continues "At the premier event of all Equestria it's impossible to ignore all the ponies that have helped with the logistics and organization of this event, "We also emphasize the protection by members of the royal guard, led by my past captain of the Royal Guard and Princess Cadance's husband Shining Armor and my new captain, Brave Nisean."

"But most of all, you can be there present at this announcement that I am going to give us, and thus with I am greatly honoured, want the Princess Twilight is beside me and the princesses until the end of my speech." Stated Celestia

Twilight was surprised when he heard his name and the order of Celestia to be at her side for the major announcement, without imagining what would happen. Pinkie and Fluttershy didn't understand the situation and they with beckons told her walks up with the princess, the guests show a similar reaction.

"I shall therefore be brief with you in concluding this discourse." Said Celestia previous the main communication

"After consulting with the Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight's parents: Twilight Velvet and Night Light. From this point onwards, The Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is going to act as regent in some cities and communes of Equestria. I'm going to call for an extraordinary meeting tomorrow to state the new Equestria Regency Map according with new circunstances. Thank you very much for your care and for being so kind in every moment." Said Celestia finished the speech and the of course, the main Grand Galloping Gala motive.

The guests and Twilight were speechless. The relentless decision of Celestia paused the atmosphere in a soporific silence. Nobody is currently considering how to respond to this situation. All of a sudden, Fluttershy began to stomp her hooves, with a bit of shyness, but enough for all the hall will reach to listen to her approval.

Pinkie Pie was no exception and was shouting from the top of her lungs, "You're great Twilight," shouted Pinkie Pie. "I support you unconditionally, friend" "I'm behind you all the way Princesses" "C'mon everyone celebrate the good news, wohoooo" She wanted hooked Twilight up encourage and Valor for this new challenge that princess entrusted her.

After that, on the front lines of the hall, Twilight Velvet and Night Light were grateful with those words got them from Pinkie Pie, and of course, they uphold the decision, because they talked with the princesses, and especially Celestia. Velvet and Night Light do not yet know all details, and the princess said them she'll talk with Twilight will take cognisance about new developmental roles and to adapt to new demands and situations.

As they started to shout congratulations for her daughter, the other attendees were beginning to look at themselves and follow the support trend, like ponies, griffons, mules no matter how such as the different power position guests.

Everything was ready for a unanimous backing in front of the princesses' action . Everyone knows that they is the rulers of Equestria and the Crystal Empire and their decisions will include sufficient reflection and knowledge about the abilities of ponies to accept some idea of them.

But all at once, they began to hear some disapproval harangues: "The princess Twilight just a young mare" Yelled someone.

"The Princess wants to leave our cities against an inexperienced pony that just knows how to administrate a library and 'All-Team Organizer' to wrap up winter each year at Ponyville."

The princesses did not take into account somepony with more experience to make decisions in the cities" said a stranger telling.

Harangues progress and guests had doubts whether such the act firmly of Celestia was the best measure they should seek a consult with the citizens about the Twilight's regency.

Celestia take a reserved and conscientious line, compared to the situation who pretended false imaginary and resentment, and seek the way to calm the situation and to prevent its further serious escalation.

But at the time that the princesses want react, that system for some guests proved to be so complicated and lent itself to so many suspicions, especially to kingdom representatives given Equestria relations have been fruitful with the Princess Celestia, who is the Equestria face towards the world and she was seen with the enough force to lead Equestria only with her sister.

"Not anymore!" Said a pony in anger. "We are tired of the impositions made by Princess Celestia, which passes over to the ponies of the small towns and only appears when something goes with her apprentice, "four years ago, it had an infestation emergency with some creatures and the princess corrected the problem two days after, when a close relative came to Fillydelphia from Ponyville, then explained how to use the music to stop the menace less than day Those plague wask known like parasprites and were fastly move for a simple mare of Ponyville." Paused that pony.

"Ohh wait, and the worst thing, Princess Celestia arrived and solve all with a simple spell, and She did this without seeing the consequences of her overdue actions. Finished the Fillydelphian the pony.

At the same instant Pinkie Pie remembered when she showed up with a one-pony band, playing the instruments she gathered the same day and helping to her friends and Ponyville of destruction and famine.

"Calm down thou!!" Said the princess Luna in defense of her sister, "Sorry for that. I would bet Celestia has very good reasons to explain their delay. Haven't you sister?" Said Luna wainting any answer.

Celestia didn't know exactly how to answer to Luna and the crowd a convincing explanation, Due to the pressure exerted at the time.

"Of course sister... I went the same day to Fillydelphia to fix the Parasprite swarm the same day. However the city is bigger than Ponyville and needed a strong music spell to deter those insects and prot..."

"Not anymore!" interrupted other pony, "A month ago, my daughter told me that she had seen in her dreams to Princess Luna and she used to frighten her with abhorrent creatures and terrible experiences. It is unthinkable that these events were orchestrated by the Night Princess"

"This a cozen to us!! I had never bad puissant intentions in the ponies, much less fillies and colts That is a craven accusation" Said indignant Luna. Guests start worrying

"Please ponies, stop!! I have had enough of hearing such Insults or swearing" Yelled Twilight with tears in her eyes, her declaration resounds, but barely to stop the disaster. Ponies and mules has begun to be discussed who are right, the princesses or ponies had previously protested against Celestia, Luna and Twilight. The other kingdoms representatives waged to withdraw from Grand Galloping Gala.

The guests insulted, harassed or blackmailed. They were being thrown the food and drink among them, The princess, Twilight and Pinkie Pie knew couldn't cope with such chaos. Fluttershy attempted to fixing the problem calming down to the ponies with her delicate voice, although with great determination he has acquired in these years with her friends and different situations where has faced their fears and anxieties, but it was in vain.

Cadance began to whisper with the other princesses, Pinkie and Fluttershy:

"Girls, we shoud leave this place and let Royal Guard can allow effective measures to protect the castle and us. I know Shining Armor and his guards in command be able to stem the ponies wih the new captain and tomorrow we'll talk when the situation is stabilized.

Celestia and Luna had some reservations about Cadance's advice, especially cause the new captain has not checked in situation such as the one they are in. Knowing that princesses have with enough power to stop the turmoil. However Twilight raised the immediate confidence, and a great capacity for such as temperance and discipline of Shining Armor and he could command confidence towards Brave Nisean

After that princesses was agree with Twilight, but Pinkie Pie asked:

"Twilight, what's about Rainbow Dash and Applejack?"

"Don't worry for them," they know how to take care and i am sure that can exit without any problem of the castle in order to the situation getting even worse, but I believe that won't happened." Said Twilight.

"I'm going to look for them at this time," said Soarin. "I know that they are very good friends and none of the two is going to let one of them is hurt, but I am worried about where is going this" He The was not worried about that hurt his girlfriend. On the contrary, he feared that she would harm to someone or something.

"No problem Soarin, We'll continue without you." "Tomorrow I talk with you about Rainbow Dash and Applejack"

"Thank you Princess, The Wonderbolts are always loyal to the princesses and to Equestria. After this sentence Soarin started flying with great speed and doing several maneuvers, avoiding any kind of objects were thrown, desserts, dishes, salads, jewels, etc.

Before leaving the place, Cadance motioned to Shining Armor to talk about the situation that she proposed to them.

"Shining.." Said Cadance speaks slowly.

"Most of the ponies who participated at the Gala don't want us here and don't accept talk calmly. When it should become necessary, use the royal guards to bring control to the situation. I trust in you and the new captain. But I do hope avoid confusion and especially to prevent further injuries with the guests."

"My love, All thse years of Royal Guard training I have learned to go through different circunstances among them, the protect to the princesses with our life, but most important, we must protect the lives of our unhabitants and attack to kill only when there is any Equestrian external threat," "now Cadance, you go with the princesses, the ponies and my beloved Twily" Response Shining Armor with confidence, but with pressure by the expressed by Cadance.

"Thanks Shining, I'll see you soon and hope everything goes out very well in the tomorrow morning. Good luck"

"Thank you..., Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Finished Shining Armor, taking place to defend the castle of the destruction, pillages and tragedies"

Shining Armor and Brave Nisean gathered their troops and began to stop several angry ponies; some they were attacking the statues and embellishment of the castle, others attacked between them. Although the objective was to protect the castle of the damage, the final purpose is to protect to guests. In conclusion the subordinates of the captains were confused.

In the last gaze from Cadance toward her husband, Shining Armor toward its spell more known: create shields, this time in front of the different ponies, however there were too many ones for a stop to them once. Practically the guards used their weapons to defend themselves; the spears that used as part of the protocol, are used in part with the pole to hit and halt to ponies. In the Royal Guard Apprenticeship Program, they learned pointed head is exelted only in war, not against civilians creatures.

While unicorns guards have basic spells like levitation, pegasi ones can fly and gain height, increase the speed to circling round ponies and not to transfer the defense created by the pegasus guards. There are very few earth pony guards

Brave Nisian being an unicorn also has an interesting spell: He can create maces with his aura, depending on the situation,The closer this the target, his strength is more forceful. But in others, as defense, Nisean extends the aura's scope and it makes him turn to defend himself, but a greater range, aura has lower power attack. But very useful this time.

Cadance flew rapidly toward her aunts, Twilight and her friends they were, who were waiting in an emergency exit, far from the main hall. For one minute, She She toured all parts of the castle, with a great speed, especially by its compact body and ability to maneuver. It's known that among the four princesses, Cadance is the best flying.

Finally, Cadance came to emergency exit, with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"What happened with you Cadance?, Why did you take a long time so much? Asked Celestia with hurry.

"I am so sorry auntie, i dallied a bit talking with Shining Armor, but the controlled the situation perfectly. I believe strongly that my husband will protect the castle with the captain of the Royal Guard.

"Cadenza, I'm sure Shining Armor is strong and clever, but I wish he went to seeking help with bat ponies whenas necessary" Said Luna, seeing to Cadance with concern about how Shining Armor can come up with a plan or strategy to manage the problem during that riot.

As the ponies move outside of the castle, they were listening to the different sounds that happened inside, like spears and alarm screams, but they were unrecognizable also for the things that ponies were destroyed.

"Princess Celestia, What do we do now?" Asked Fluttershy "Ponies could harm to the animals that are private gated garden?"

"The animals!!" exclaimed Celestia. "Fluttershy, please!! Can Pinkie and you rescue The greater number of animals that you manage. Can't you?

"Well Princess, Some animals feel afraid of my presence, but to the extent that i have been visiting, i am sure that most have confidence in me and with Pinkie Pie we can lead us to all."

"Thanks you, girls. Now go!" Said calmer Celestia.

"Let's go Pinkie, help me with flamingos"Said Fluttershy.

"Wait me Fluttershy!!" Yelled Pinkie Pie while they running across the lawn to found animals.

At the time Fluttershy and Pinkie journeyed farther, Twilight began to remember the announcement that Celestia had done and was the origin of everything what happened at Grand Galloping Gala.

"Princess Celestia!! What have you done!! Did not you think about the consequences that it was going to bring this decision, without consulting anybody, aside Luna and Cadance?" Twilight was very angry with her mentor, first by the distrust in the Apple family purposes, and now this exhausting night.

"Twilight-" Celestia wants to talk, but Twilight lifted up her hoof to Princess' mouth. She wishes a pause of everything has happened tonight, waiting for it to be a great evening and a great experience with her friends, to talk about it for a very long time.

"Is there anything else that could possibly go wrong? I think something wrong it's better than now" Said Twilight in a time of reckoning. The other princess were quiet, but obviously Celestia couldn't let her disciple begins to be nervous.

"Listen Twilight, I understand the reasons of your fit of anger and also I know that I should have consulted this decision with you, but one way or the other, a lot of ponies, including some of them with a great power over the cities, don't agree with none of my acts for a number of years."

"Princess, I would have the security and the enthusiasm, If we had had the opportunity to talk with Equestrian citizens, they would understand the situation and had not resulted in this disaster that we are seeing in front of us."

"Don't you understand? For more than we discuss each topic, they will not change its position, with our decision we are going to affect quite their personal interests. That was my main objective with the announcement tonight." Celestia explained to Twilight with tranquility, but imposing her action.

"Princess Celestia, I've learned lot considerable knowledge with you and help me to discover you all my potential from the school exam, and of course, in my entire life, but for the first time, I don't accept this idea, even if the three princesses Agree with this." Said Twilight in defiance of the decision taken by the three princesses.

"Enough Twilight!!" Exclaimed Cadance. "cease to act so childishly." Twilight was astonished to see Cadance really discontented wih her attitude.

If you want, our future actions, shall be consulted with you and all we must agree to approve. However in this case we should act fast and there isn't problem if we explain all the night what we've talked about between the three about this decision and each of the points it contains." Finished Cadance

"Listen to her, my faithful student, in these years that she has been in charge of the Empire of glass, has learned how difficult it is to manage a great empire. You'll have the same to her, and when you're aware and committed to the task, we'll talk." Said Celestia trying convince to Twilight.

"it is not necessary Princess Celestia. Cadance is right, from now on Equestria will have hard put to deal with different cities. And we must have a strong perception and make plans to prevent some ponies carry out measures that are harmful to different creatures, from the innocent of them, even down to one of our friends. We must have a long-range plan to confront those dark interests." Said Twilight with firmer footing.

"So Twilight, Are you agree with us?" Said Cadance.

"I am still angry with you three, especially with the Princess Celestia, however we must be united and make no mistake as low as possible"

"We are happy that you wist that" Said Luna.

The princesses waited to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie during ten minutes; they come with different animals, like bunnies, frogs, kangaroos, koalas, etc.

"Fluttershy where are the rest of the animals" Said Twilight. "The birds blew away from private gate garden, the others are with us" Said Fluttershy.

"Thanks Fluttershy, now We can get out of here waiting for you that what happens in the castle does not have serious consequences" Said Celestia. Pinkie Pie got on Luna and they went to Canterlot University, where talk with Twilight about meetings between the other three princesses.

"Cadance, can you run ahead about you talked about boicots against Princesses acts? Asked Twilight.

"Twilight, we have all night to talk about my aunts and me argued."