Ride in the Fright

by TheBigNerd

Chapter One: Beginnings

"Come on, Come on, YES!" I scream as I complete the level, the game saves and immediately after the kitchen timer that signals my play time is over goes off. I hit the pause button and click on the option that says main menu and immediateley retreat to my room, then walk over to the state supplied computer that every room has, I hit start and my screensaver of the mane six pops up, I'm about to head to my favorite website when I feel another presence in the room.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here, before I tell you my story, let me tell you about myself. I'm a thirteen year old orphan brony I live in a nice orphanage in Minnesota, that's right it's a nice orphanage. Yes that means it is nothing like the orphanage you see in the movie Annie. Okay back on track the game I was playing was Skylanders Giants and the character I was using was Fright Rider. The reason I am telling you this is because it will be important later. (yes, later, as in not right now, can we get back to the bio?)

My name will not be given cause I don't want to give it to you, my invisibility meter is off the charts and I have six personalities. That's right, I said six personalities, my first personality, the one that I use the most is a shy kid who barely ever speaks, when I read I become the easily irritated bookworm, I also have an athlete personality that is shut up in a vault somewhere in my mind, my fourth personality is a filthy liar, my fifth is a sarcastic son of a gun, and my last is a hyperactive freak who gets in trouble a lot. Anyways lets get back to the story.

As I was saying, I could feel another presence in my room. I looked around and saw a lady dressed in flowing white robe. I also noticed the spear she was holding at an uncomfortably close distance to my body. She must have noticed my nervous reaction to the spear and set it down, then she spoke.

"Mortal, I would like to send you on an adventure to Equestria."

I responded with some thing intelligent like "uuummmm, what?"

The lady patiently replied "I am the goddess Athena and I would like to send you to Equestria as your chosen form."

Now I know what you're thinking, a goddess asked you to go to Equestria, say yes, but I've been tricked a lot and I knew you need to read your contracts before you sign them, so I decided to as "what do I need to do."

The lady (sorry, Athena) smiled "aaaahhh, I knew I selected a clever human,"

I sensed she was about to continue speaking and sure enough she immediately replied

"in response to your earlier question, to go to Equestria I will need you to collect a butterfly and a pencil, then you will need to listen to the instructions I give you, and then I will tell you how to go to Equestria."

I sighed "their's always a catch." But I still went to the matron/governess/overlord to ask for permission to use the bug catching supplies, she just raised her eyes and nodded.

It was about three hours later when I finally returned to my room with a butterfly, Athena just said

"You forgot the pencil."

Two minutes later I returned with a pencil, Athena got to her feet, (she was sitting, I forgot to mention that, this isn't important I'm actually just using this space to take up more words so I can pass regulations, back to the story.) Athena sighed and started to speak

(name is omitted, I need valiant soldiers like you, to defeat my grandfather, the Titan Kronos."

"WHAT!" I'm pretty sure Athena soundproofed my room because the volume of my shout should have sent the entire orphanage coming up, Arhena sighed and continued

" my grandfather, the Titan Kronos, has been traveling the world collecting evil humans and turned them into an army of creatures from the video game's Skylanders and Skylanders Giants, I need you to become a Skylander and go to Equestria to defeat his army's, and be warned, Kronos has warped the minds of some of the native creatures of Equestria and the lands surrounding it."

My first thought? Wow, Heavy, second thought, wait a minute. I decided to ask her a question that was nagging me,

"Why is Kronos sending his forces into Equestria?"

Athena sighed " I do not know his reasons, but I do need warriors, help fight Kronos, I will search for more warriors to aid you in your quest, I will also need you to find friends in Equestria, for I cannot provide all your allies, you will need to write the name of your chosen Skylander on a piece of paper using the pencil that I have now enchanted, then you will be transported to as Equestria as your chosen Skylander."

Alright so I know what you're thinking, you've got the opportunity to go to Equestria and defeat hordes of monsters, but their is a question I need to ask. " what's the butterfly for?"

Athena smiled "it's a secret." She said with a surprising amount of little girl excitement.

Athena bowed her head and said (hey that rhymes) "I will leave you to think about what you have heard, remember, if you would like to go to Equestria, write the name of your chosen Skylander on a piece of paper and you will be sent to Equestria as your chosen Skylander." And with that she left.

Two hours later and I'm still staring at a piece of paper wondering if I should do it, I look at the butterfly Athena made me capture and sigh.

"Lets do this thing."

I write down Fright Rider, then I black out.

I wake up and see four things the first thing I see is a fairy looking at me disapprovingly, the second thing I see is a squad of mace wielding trolls glaring at me, the third thing I see is skeleton ostrich expectantly looking at me, the fourth thing I see is a mirror the fairy is conveniently holding in front of me. HOLY CRAP!! I have blue skin, pointy ears, and red and black spartan armor. My first thought "so this is Equestria.