Sparkling Forbidden Love

by Candylife

Chapter Three: True Colors?

Coldness of night fell before them when they were in deep sleep. Without their knowledge somepony took them into a nearby cottage and laid them down on some soft hay beds.
Waking up from his nap, Metamorphosis looked around the surrounding area in a small daze until he saw a black and white equine thing walking around the house. In a fit of manliness (and wanting to show off) he stood on all fours to protect the still-sleeping Liberty.

"Ah I see that the small changeling has arise, may I ask why he tries to protect, despite his diminutive size?" asked the strange pony. More out of fear and worry over the young mare than wanting to harm the strange thing, the changeling charged up his horn and fired a green light out of his horn.

Zecora’s eyes opened wide in shock as the green beam came at her, hitting her square in the chest and sending her flying into the side of the wall. Looking on in shock and awe, Metamorphosis couldn’t help but smile at the knowledge that this was the type of thing that he was destined for, the power he could wield was nearly as great as his mother’s. However, a nagging feeling in the back of his mind told him that what he did was wrong, that he could’ve killed the young mare before him. Turning his head to the young pony princess behind him, he couldn’t help but sigh in contentment; he had to admit that she was somewhat cute… for a girl anyway. He also knew that he had to protect her, because that was what his mom had taught him. Princes were meant to be guardians of those they cared about. “Why do I care about her?” he asked himself. He let out a sigh, worried if that question would ever get asked. After all, he knew of the secret of the changelings: when they cast their first spell for hurting other ponies, they change.

Liberty opened her eyes, and being awoken by the noises, looking on in shock at what she saw. Even though Metamorphosis was standing in front of her, she could see Zecora lying on the ground, lifeless. Fearful of something bad happening to her friend, she ran under the raged prince to the Zebra's side.

"Zecowa? Awe you still awive?" said the frightened unicorn princess.

Trying to lift her head, the zebra struggled to reply, "Why of course, Princess Liberty. The guards are on their way, don’t worry."

As the princess looked at her lifeless friend, a single tear drop came from her eyes as she shook in pure rage. Liberty turned and looked at the colt-bug, growling "You… you monster!" A yellow flash of light came out of her horn. However it didn't hurt him and it appeared to be a spell nopony had heard of. Bells rang out throughout the cottage and the woods, shimmering in a bright golden glow of life.

Peace and harmony filled the air as the guards came looking on in shock as they saw the glowing lights. It dimmed down a bit to reveal a filly.