Sounds from Another Universe: A Psychedelic Excursion

by Vlasislas32

Chapter 1: Break on Through to the Other Side

Considering that it plays a key role in my arrival in Equestria, I might as well be up front about it: I have a penchant for certain illegal pleasures, namely the famous (or infamous, depending on your opinion) LSD. You might be wondering where this is headed, but I assure you, all of the following built up to one of my most life-changing experiences yet. But before I go any further, let's get something straight. I am not one of those hopeless addicts living on the street. I have a job. I have a nice little apartment just across the bridge from Queens. I have always believed that moderation is the key to everything, and as such, only engaged in these illicit activities as part of weekly social gatherings with my friends. It was during one of said gatherings that my journey began.

All of us musicians, we were of the unanimous belief that music was a great enhancer of the psychedelic experience. On this particular occasion (we happened to be celebrating Bicycle Day), it was once again my turn to bring the music. I prepared for the light ribbing I usually got for bringing my so-called "hippie music". Most of my friends preferred something more modern, and thought my tastes were cliché or some crap like that, but I never heard any complaints after tripping out over The Dark Side of the Moon. In truth, there aren't many musical genres that I dislike in their entirety, but the classics will always hold a special place in my heart. But I digress.

Back to that fabulous day in April, the high holy day of trippers everywhere. I had had just dropped a tab, and was feeling the pleasant build-up (if it can truly be called that) to what I now know to be true enlightenment. Colours became brighter, even the pattern of the fake wood finish of my friend's table began to take on a startling beauty. For whatever reason, impatience, curiosity, altered mental process, it was never quite clear, I decided to take another tab. And then another. After a moment, my high began spiraling upwards into pure euphoria. My mind began separating from my body and mingling with the minds of those around me, all of them blending into a dazzling blend of subconscious energies, coloured by the notes of a certain song off the aforementioned album.

It was just after this tempest reached it's peak that I passed out. My vision was still coloured by the music, which seemed to be coming through more clearly and beautifully than ever before. Then I saw it: a shining golden wheel which seemed to exist in every dimension of space imaginable, it was filled with iridescent bubbles, and I realized, or rather I sensed that I was seeing other universes. Then, I noticed something coming towards me out of one of these bubbles. A snake? No, a Chinese lòng dragon? Not quite, but that's about as accurately as I can describe it. Slithering up towards me, leaving shimmering, glittering trails behind it.

"Marcus?", it said.

I was unsure how to react to this speaking hallucination, as I didn't know if it was one of my friends distorted by the drug, or just a part of my subconscious. The dragon then became a bit purturbed, saying "I am none of those things Marcus!"

'Hm, just the thing part of my subconscious would say.', I thought, but I began to sense in my mind that this creature was speaking the truth. "Who are you?", I inquired.

"Your species has had many names for me through it's as of late brief history, but you may call me Discord.", it replied.

"Discord... as in the god of chaos, or whatever?"

"The same... or whatever.", said the creature, in an almost mocking tone.

"What do you want with me?", I asked.

"You know, I've traveled across universes, visiting many species, but I've always been a bit intrigued by yours.", he said, seemingly ignoring my question. "You are so delightfully... chaotic, yet you have made considerable progress in such short a time. In answer to your question, I picked you out because I have a job for you. Many of your species have passed close to this point through the use of that rather admirable chemical invention you were just using, but none before you have ever completely broken free of the constraints of the physical realm, the first to cross the gap between observation and actual experience, and I felt your presence come into existence, and I felt that you would be a rather useful candidate for the task that I will be presenting to you."

At this point, a bit of a malicious twinkle appeared in the creature's eye.

"You see, there is a certain... race of beings, as I believe your kind says, whose lives are far too orderly for my liking. But I am reluctant to get personally involved. You see, they think I'm "reformed". So I need you to liven things up a bit for them. Nothing too big, just enough to shake their world up."

"It's not going to involve hurting people, is it?", I asked, unsure as to what this creature's intentions were.

"Not... necessarily.", Discord said, smirking. "But I'm not going to object if you decide to knock some people about."

"I object, and I don't plan on harming anyone unless my survival depends on it."

"Suit yourself."

"Hold on. If I decide to do this, what's going to happen to my body, and how am I going to influence anything on this other world without a physical presence?"

"I thought you might ask that.", said Discord. "Upon ariving at your destination, you will be given a body identical to your own down to the last subatomic particle. I will have some friends look after your real body."

At this last bit, I felt a bit apprehensive, which Discord must have noticed, because he then said "You have nothing to worry about. Your body will be taken good care of. You have my word. Your friends and family won't even notice the difference."

The realization that this task would give me the opportunity to experience an alternate reality eventually trumped my misgivings.

"Alright. I'll do it. So long as you don't make me do any real harm."

"Excellent!", said Discord, a ferocious grin spreading across his features.

"Oh, one more thing Marcus." he said. "You're a bit of a... music afficionado, am I right?"

"Yes.", I said, nodding.

"On your arrival, you will find something that may be quite useful in your mission."

The golden, multi–dimensional cluster of universes then stopped spinning. It rotated until a certain universe was facing me directly.

"Wait, that's all?!", I yelled. "You aren't going to tell me any more about this world?!"

Discord laughed loudly, saying "Aw, come on! Where's your sense of adventure?!"

I quickly began plummeting towards the bubble universe, watching other universes pass me by, and praying that I didn't end up on a world filled with vicious alien monsters.


Part 2: Something Wicked This Way Comes

Princesses Luna and Celestia stood at the balcony of the castle at Canterlot. An feeling of unspoken tension penetrating the normally calm atmosphere of the Equestrian night.

Celestia looked to her sister, saying "I have been feeling uneasy these past few days. Do not bother denying that you feel any different, sister. I can see it in thine eyes."

"Perhaps it is nothing...", said Luna, "...but I worry about what the coming dawn will bring. I am almost certain that tomorrow will bring the beginning of the end of an era in Equestria. Whether this is for better or for worse, I cannot say."

"Can you tell what or who may bring about this end?", asked Celestia. "Discord seems to have been reformed, but I am doubting his honesty. He is a spirit of Chaos, after all."

"Discord is involved: I can feel his magic somehow wrapped up in all of this, but he is not the one who will be causing the change. No, something else is headed this way. I cannot tell what it is, nor if it poses any danger."

"Perhaps it does, Luna, but if it is uncertain, is it not possible that it could bring us something good?"

"I suppose, but I am unwilling to leave my guard down. We ought to be prepared for anything, good or evil."

"You are right, of course.", said Celestia. "We cannot allow any harm to come to those within Equestria. I will have the guards be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Only when it arrives can we choose our course of action."

The two spent the rest of the night in silence, anxiously awaiting the dawn.

"Sickness will surely take the mind
where minds can't usually go.
Come on the amazing journey,
and learn all you should know."
-The Who, Amazing Journey