//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 ( The Struggle) // Story: A Perfect Key // by Jonnydash //------------------------------// Chapter 7 (The Struggle) A Perfect Key By Jonnydash We ran..... I'm not sure how far.......this forest seemed to go forever, and it never changed as each tree, stump and branches looked exactly the same....... It seemed like darkness shrouded everything I could see..... in every direction i was afraid to even glance backwards...... Three or four feet ahead of me was Twilight’s tail, it bounced and flicked through the forest, over stumps and branches. Watching her tail and hearing the other ponies follow, kept me running as fast as I could. I followed her until we all collapsed on the ground exhausted beyond belief. We had stopped near a giant oak tree, around the oak tree where a few bushes and a large clearing away from the trees that surrounded us. I found myself lying on the ground underneath the tree panting over and over trying to catch my breath. Tears began rolling down my cheeks, the cool moistness of them seemed surreal, Rainbow..... why did you do that.... we could have saved you.... I could have done something.  I couldn't take what had happened.....I could have done something..........this thought never left my mind, it left me blank I couldn't tell what was real anymore, this sadness shook my whole body and I felt numb and weak. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Twilight sitting on top of a log adjacent to me, she had her her hooves over her face. From beneath her hooves little droplets of tears hit the log and I could barley pick up the soft sounds of her weeping. Twilight looked up from her hooves and she tried to talk but she struggled with the words as she finally whimpered out “Rainbow.....how.....h....how did that happen....” her tears shimmered through the low light of the blackened and dark forest. Fluttershy was softly weeping on the other side of the oak tree, her sounds made my stomach turn and ache. It was the saddest sounds I had ever or will ever hear. she spoke up with a soft touching voice “She....she saved us...” she looked at the ground, her ears dropped and her tone changed. “I can’t........ believe what happened....” Rarity and Applejack stood next to Twilight now they were all teary eyed and looked extremely somber. Pinkie was sitting at the edge of the clearing, her back to us and the tree, her tail laid flat on the ground and her normally fluffy and bouncy mane now lay straight down and covered her face. “Girls.....” Pinkie had said this with an alarmingly calm voice, I perked up and looked directly at her. She turned to face us with a look of extreme distress and sadness. “I think rainbow is gone...” Twilight lost all control she had and was now balling on the ground screaming for the pain to stop. We all comforted her even though we felt the exact same way, we all cried right there in the forest. We picked ourselves up again after what seemed like hours of sadness and being afraid of what we had just witnessed. It still ran through my mind, the wolf creature leaping from the forest onto Rainbow Dash the sheer look of terror on her face, the blood seeping from the wounds... it was almost too much for me. I tried my best to block out what it was and it seemed to work but would still give me a tinge when i thought about her and what happened. We managed to continue on through the woods, we all agreed we needed out of this forest as quick as possible. Applejack showed us a trick with the tree bark to find a way out and we followed her lead for the time being. We walked for what seemed like an eternity, my brain racked through grim thoughts of what happened and I could still feel this sadness creep through me. We walked out of the forest onto a half smooth and rough walking path outside of what looked like a barn and farm house. Overhead of us was an unnaturally blackened sky, not a single cloud or star hung in any direction, it was like a blanket of solid black with a half crescent moon set to the far side of the road we stood on. In the distance was the farm house and barn with a twinkle of a few lights here and there. We decided to head to the farm to get some rest and see if anypony had seen discord or anything unusual going on. Each step we took seemed to take us farther away from the farm, we took each step and it seemed to prolong our journey even further. we felt the ground rumble, gently at first so gentle we almost didn't notice it until Pinkie had stopped and was staring at the ground. We all looked through the dim light of the moon was a fairly large crack in the ground about the size of our saddle bags. Just as I was about to say something about it the rumbling grew louder very quickly and a large fissure opened up between me an Twilight separating us and two more sprang up between Rarity and Applejack. Rarity shrieked and just as she did, large black figures crawled out of the holes before us, they dug through the dirt and gravel and appeared to be twice the size of us. Still shrouded in the dark I couldn't make out what they were and before I could do anything the figure in front of me swung a giant paw. It collided with my face in a matter of seconds. The force sent me reeling backwards and I collided with the ground, I tumbled for a few feet and finally stopped lying on my back on the ground. I watched from the ground, my head still reeling from the blow, Twilight using her purple magic on the creatures but seemed to have no effect as they seemed to bounce right off. my body felt like it weighed a ton and i struggled to move as the other ponies battled the black creatures. Rarity called out to us as she was dodging blows left and right Fluttershy avoided the paws by flying upwards to be knocked back down by a rock the size of a small tree. I willed my body, with every ounce of power I had left, to get up and do something. My friends needed me and I couldn’t just lay there and not do anything. after I managed to stand up I ran as fast as I could to them, I watched as Rarity took a blow from the massive creature, she tumbled through the air and landed on her side skidding across the ground. As I got closer she didn't move, as the creature moved nearer to her I felt a rage build inside my body, it coursed through my veins and I willed my self to do something...anything I pleaded within myself... and before my eyes a shimmering blue streak shot out of the top of my head, it collided with the side of the creature with a thud and nothing happened it just stood there looming over the pony. Applejack was now pinned by two of the beasts and began crying out for help to Twilight who was still trying to use her magic on the creatures. Applejack struggled with the beasts, kicking and screaming before a giant paw to the face ended the fight as she no longer fought back. Pinkie pie screamed at the top of her lungs as a creature crawled out of the ground and began pulling her under the dirt and rock. Fluttershy flew over to help pull Pinkie out of the creatures grasp. Her wings flapped feverishly but to no avail as the pink pony slipped deeper and deeper into the ground, her screams became louder and louder as she got closer and closer. I turned to face the creature i was charging, becoming even more enraged. The creature I hit with my magic now turned to me and began to walk towards me. I tried to fire back at him with my horn but it just glanced off just like before. I looked over at Twilight now being held down by the other creatures she screamed and fought like Applejack i witnessed her horn glowing purple as she looked directly at me. Before I could turn back to face the creature it had gripped me by the throat and lifted me high off the ground. My windpipe began to crunch under the extreme weight of this creature, the red eyes glowed in the night and the brown fur that covered the creatures face and body was stained red. I couldn't breathe and began to fade in and out of consciousness before he threw me down as if I was some sort of bouncy ball. I couldn't feel anything anymore....... the pain I felt before from the previous hit was now replaced with nothing and an empty feeling inside my body. My eyes wouldn't move and with the limited sight I had, I witnessed the final moments of Fluttershy as they gripped her wings and body and began to claw at her. I tried not too look but i was frozen in place. I wished to be dead, I wanted to die this was too much i wanted to feel something or anything at all....... my vision suddenly began to fade to black I felt nothing as I drifted through this black........... all I could think before the nothing crept in on me was.... …......I am so sorry, I wasn’t strong enough.......