//------------------------------// // All Aboard the Ship! [Unedited] // Story: Dan & Pinkie VS. // by Morex25 //------------------------------// Dan & Pinkie VS Chapter 7 – All Aboard the Ship! After Dan finished having his major freak-out, he sat unmoving on the sandy floors of the beach, with an unreadable expression on his face. You couldn’t really tell if he was repulsed, horrified, flustered, disgraced or a strange mix of them all. Pinkie, having seen the whole spectacle, decided to leave him alone to sort out his confused mind. In the meantime, she walked away near the water, letting it splash her feet while she sorted her own feelings too. Pinkie was mostly confused; the whole thing happened so fast, it seemed like a dream or a fever fantasy, but it did happened and she had a mark on her neck to prove it. Touching the mark, brought not only a small pain but also the memory of the pleasure she felt when she was bitten. Pinkie couldn’t stop blushing at the thought; she had heard before from her friend Rarity and her ‘romance’ novels about how biting was a way to express passionate love or lust for your love mate. When Rarity told her, Pinkie joke about how that only happened in her novels with very unrealistic settings. But there she was on a deserted island all alone with Dan. Speaking of Dan, Pinkie still felt confused about what she felt for him. At first, when she saw him at the burger shop with his friend Chris tied to a hand truck, she found him and the whole scene at Burger Phile silly and funny; when she saw him crawling in the floor in pain, she felt the need to help him and care for him since it looked like he didn’t have anyone else to do so; when she later met Elise and became friends with her, Dan’s name would usually come up, leading to a story about his misadventures, Elise’s stories only made her curiosity and interest in Dan grow; after their ‘date’ she discovered that she and Dan had many interests in common and that he was a very interesting person with lots of stories and experiences to tell, like: chasing after a werewolf, fly alien spacecrafts, stop a dentist supervillain from conquering the world, defeat a ninja and see a real life sasquatch. Dan was a fascinating person; he has done things no other man could accomplish in their lives, and all in the name of justice, well more like revenge, but still his revenge caused a lot of good in the world. Because of this, Pinkie would often think about him and his life. She admired him and wanted to know more about him and spent time with him. Pinkie kept walking lost on her thought about Dan that she didn’t notice she was about to stumble into something. *THUD* “Ooowwieee∼!” Pinkie cried and nurse her poor toe that bumped into a very solid object. After the pain soothed away, she looked at the offending object she accidently smacked into. “It’s…!” A boat or more specifically, the half of the boat that was torn away by Chompy. Aside for the missing half, it looked intact enough that they could repair it and sail back home. “I have to tell Dan!” Pinkie ran back towards the still unmoving Dan was sitting. “Dan! Dan!” She called out for him once she was near enough for him to hear her, but he didn’t answered right back. He looked at her general direction and turned his head away to avoid seeing her. “Dan!” She called out again but the result was the same, he didn’t answer or made eye contact. “Dan, say something!” Pinkie was worried, “why are you acting like this?” But she received no answer. Dan remained silent. “If this is about what happened earlier…” Pinkie began, blushing slightly “…I…I…” Pinkie had no clue what she was supposed to say. What if she screw-up and say something that would make the situation worse? Should she confront him about it? Should she put it aside and wait sometime before bring it out again? Well, it was too late now; she already began might as well end it now. She just hoped her instincts wouldn’t fail her now. “I want you to know that I’m not upset, so you shouldn’t either. We can pretend it never happened” As soon as those words left her mouth, Dan finally turned to look at her. “What are you talking about?” One would assume he was just playing along for the sake of putting this situation behind, but the bewilderment in his voice and face told a different story. “I’m not upset! I’m just mad that I couldn’t start a stupid fire, and how could I with those useless sticks!” In turn, Pinkie was perplexed about what Dan was saying, “What about the whole screaming and running to the beach thing?” She inquired once more, trying to understand what was going on with Dan. “What?! I never did that! I’ve been here the whole time? What are YOU talking about? Are you going crazy on me?” He retorted, now acting more like himself. Pinkie stood there blinking rapidly trying to piece together what was going on. It took a few seconds but she finally arrived to an answer: repression. In the few minutes when she left him alone, Dan tried and succeeded in suppressing the memory of the whole ordeal, as a way to protect himself from having to deal with it. Pinkie, not wanting to push the issue and make Dan have another breakdown, especially in their current situation; she decided to go along with it. “No, no…maybe I just imagined it” “Good! Because I need you to find a way to get out of this cursed island” Dan said while standing up, finally going back to his normal, scheming, prone-to-anger self. “Oh! Now that you mentioned it! I found part of our boat! We can try and fix it so we can sail back home!” Pinkie said happy and relieved that they finally had a mean to escape the island, and that the whole “awkward” situation was now in the past soon to be forgotten. “Take me to the boat! We have work to do!” Dan shouted in confidence now that he felt more in control of himself. “Yes, capt’n!” ///////////////////////////////////// After what seemed like hours, Dan and Pinkie used all what they could find: wood, vines and coconuts; and use it to repair their boat, which now looked like a cross between a boat and a raft. “Aaaand done!” announced Dan with smile on his face. “Looks like we’re gonna make it back alive.” Then his smile turned into his classic smirk that spelled troubled to his victims. “The beach better be ready for round two!” “I think it’s more like round 3 or 4” Pinkie chimed in, bringing down Dan’s mood for revenge down a notch. He didn’t want to be reminded the current ‘score’ and the lead the beach had over him. “Just help me push the boat into the sea” he grumbled. After successfully pushing and boarding the half boat half raft, they smoothly sailed without much trouble. That was after they reached the midway point of their way back and the boat/raft began sinking. “We are sinking!...Again!” fumed Dan with a red angry face. He was so close of coming back alive and have his second change at revenge; only to be stopped by their faulty raft. “This is why I don’t buy home-made stuff! They lack the quality standards of a reliable assembly line of big foreign corporations!” Pinkie tried to keep her cool, but she couldn’t stop her worries from creeping into her voice. “I’m sure we’ll be fine!” she said mostly to herself. The first time they sunk, Dan almost died on her arms, she wasn’t ready to deal with that a second time. “Forget it! We are done…” said Dan accepting his defeat, something that was unthinkable for him to do, “On the bright side, I heard drowning is a very peaceful way to die” Pinkie just stared at him and for the first time since she met Dan she wanted to smack him on the back of the head for that comment. She saw him almost drown! And when he finally regained consciousness, she saw him painfully cough-out the water. It was painful to watch and sure as heck it was painful to experience. But before she could berate over that comment, her ears caught the sound some strange melodic music, followed by the sound of a foghorn at the distance. “Dan, Look!” She pointed out behind Dan, who turned to look at what she was pointing at, “It’s a ship! We’re saved!” she boomed in joy. It was large and…colorful ship. Seriously it had red, yellow, blue, and green all over. “Missionaries! I knew it!” Dan cheered for their rescue and the fact that he was right about missionaries. “HEY! OVER HERE! WE NEED HELP!” He shouted and move his arms around to try and get their attention. Thankfully, some member of the crew spotted them and moved towards them. Just as the ship was besides them, someone let down a rope ladder for them to climb up. “Me first!” Dan was the first to go for the ladder. Pinkie didn’t mind, in fact it was better that way, she didn’t want Dan to look up to her bikini bottom. Once Pinkie, finally climbed up the ladder and stepped into the ship, she was received by a strangely soft-spoken voice. “Thank goodness, we found you! If we hadn’t sailed nearby we would’ve missed…Pinkie Pie?” Pinkie looked up to the one who called her name, and received the pleasant surprise. “Fluttershy!” ////////////////////// “It so good to see you again, Pinkie” Fluttershy said softly with a small smile. She was a petite girl, even if you didn’t compare her with Pinkie who was a year younger than her. Fluttershy had a very long straight pink hair that was a few shades lighter than Pinkie’s. “I know! It’s been a long time! I missed you so much!” Pinkie returned the smile with one of her own. “Also thanks for the clothes. It was getting chilly with only my swimsuit on.” After Fluttershy saw her with so little clothes on, she lent her a green turtle neck sweater and yellow shorts. The color combination clashed with her hair but it was better than almost no clothes. “It’s the least I can do for a friend in need.” Fluttershy on the other hand, was wearing yellow and green dashiki style top, bell-bottom jeans with flowers designs and brown sandals. On her head was a butterfly hairclip and on her neck was a silver peace sign necklace. In other words, she was dress like a hippie girl. As both pink haired girls exchanged pleasantries with each other, Dan was sitting on a box with a green blanket over his shoulders and eating some kind of grey mush that had no flavor at all. He would’ve normally refused to eat such a thing but he was starving and as they say ‘beggars can’t be choosers’. Dan ate the grey mush stuff in such speed and manner; he quickly caught the attention of both pinkettes, who could only stare at him. “What? Do I have food on my face or something?” he asked rudely. He didn’t take kindly to their stares. “Oops, almost forgot! Dan, this is Fluttershy, one of my best friends in the whole world.” Pinkie introduced Fluttershy, who blushed at her friend's words, “she’s the one I was talking about when we were at the aquarium.” Frankly, Dan didn’t remember anything of what Pinkie said about her friend, so he just nodded dumbly and pretended he did remember. “Fluttershy, this is Dan, he’s…a friend…” Pinkie hesitated a second, she wasn’t sure what Dan ‘really’ was to her, so she went with friend for now until she could meditate about it when she returned home. Still blushing, Fluttershy faintly said to Dan, “It is nice to meat you, Mr. Dan” It seemed like she was still her old shy self. No matter how much time it passes, some things remain the same. Dan remained silent for a few seconds. This new girl reminded him of Chris, she was shy and look like a pushover that everyone treated like a doormat. He didn’t particularly dislike that kind of people, but he didn’t exactly like them either. “…Nice…to meet you too.” He greeted back with no real emotion on his voice. “And drop the ‘Mister’ part.” He may not have any real reaction towards the petite girl in front of him, but he decided to act civil with her since she hasn’t done anything to make him mad yet. “Exactly, what is your real name?” asked Dan, he wasn’t feeling like using that strange nickname that Pinkie used, in fact, if it weren’t for her long and tedious name, he wouldn’t use Pinkie’s nickname either. “Sorry, It’s just that I’m used to people referring to me as Fluttershy, since it became my ‘spirit name’. My real name is…” “Say, Fluttershy? If you don’t mind me asking, why exactly are you doing in aboard this ship?” Pinkie was happy to see her friend again, but she was really curious about her reason for being here. “Well, as you already know, I spend my breaks doing community service!” Her declaration caught Dan off guard he almost chocked with the mushy stuff he was eating. To him it was unconceivable for someone to do community service voluntarily. “But this time I decided to spend my Spring Break helping a bigger cause. And that is to stop ships from dumping all sorts of trash and chemicals into the ocean, and protect the ecosystem from pollution!” “Wow, that is SO awesome of you!” Pinkie cheered for her friend. It seemed that little old Fluttershy was more assertive than ever, especially if it involves something she really cared about. “Well…” she blushed shyly again at the praise. “I wouldn’t come so far if it wasn’t for the support of my friends.” “Aww!” said Pinkie flattered that Fluttershy thought so much of her friends. “And the entire series of ‘assertiveness’ tapes from professional motivational speaker Mr. Lawrence ‘Iron Will’ Williams.” Fluttershy ended by taking out a bright orange tape that read ‘Iron Will’s Assertiveness Course’ from one of her pockets. Pinkie, not knowing how to respond to that, just laughed nervously. She remembered the time her friend took Iron Will’s advice a little too serious. Before any of them could say anything else, a bearded man wearing a coat similar to a navy captain, except his was dark violet, came out from the ship’s bridge and looked down the deck and addressed his crew. “Helloooo! FriendShip!” Yes that was the name of the ship, the SS Friendship. Dan found it ridiculous and Pinkie found it cute. “How’ everybody doing today?” The crew responded with a collective ‘Yes’ even Fluttershy manage to respond above her normal speaking volume. After the crew cheer died down, the Captain continued, “Five minutes from now, a very large trash barge is going to dump sixty tons of dangerous waste into our beautiful ocean. What a bummer man” Again the crew responded by booing. “I can’t believe I’m surrounded by tree-hugging, corporation-killing, peace-mongers” muttered Dan to himself. He then tossed aside the empty plate of food those hippies gave him. Thankfully, nobody paid him any attention, everyone was focused on what the captain had to say. “When that barge shows up we’re gonna sneak aboard, get to the bridge and swipe the ignition key, man! Then they WILL have to talk to us!” Again everyone cheered in agreement to the plan. “So! How about a volunteer!” at the mention of that the crew cheers died down and began to disperse. But Dan interest was piqued. “I know it sounds dangerous, you know. But one of us has the chance to be a hero, man! How about you Thunderbird?” The captain pointed at a afro-haired, yellow bandana wearing member of his crew. “Oh…I can’t today. My aura is waaay off!” answered Thunderbird waaay too laid-back. “He’s right!” Fluttershy chimed in, “His healthy orange has becoming muddy gray in the last few days.” “Oh! My bad, man! I didn’t notice.” The captain apologized, “well, I guess I’ll have to step up…and lead a discussion circle! Thunder, please bring out the drums, man.” Not missing his chance, Dan quickly lifted up his hand, “I volunteer!” he said surprising both Pinkie and Fluttershy. “Bu-but Dan…!” “Wow! He’s so brave” Dan ignored the both of them, and rubbed his hands in the classical villainous manner. All he had to do was hijack the ship and then dump the sixty tons of trash on the beach, so they have no other choice but to close it down! He was so near to his revenge he could almost taste it. “Great! Now come up to the bridge so we can equip you up for this mission, man!” The captain said relieved. Dan smirked and walked towards a set of stairs to go up into the bridge. Pinkie just stood there and silently watched him walk away with worry written all over her face. Seeing the distress in her friend’s face, Fluttershy stepped closer and gave Pinkie a reassuring hug. “Don’t worry Pinkie. I’m sure he’s going to be alright!” Pinkie remained silent but she returned Fluttershy’s hug, feeling glad that she had her friend here for support. After a few minutes, Fluttershy decided to break the silence. “Pinkie? You really care about him, don’t you?” “Off course I care for him, I care for all my friends!” “I know, but that’s not what I meant.” Fluttershy released her hug and took a step backwards to give Pinkie some space. “You see him as something more than a friend, I can sense it in your aura.” Pinkie look away feeling embarrassed, she should know better than hide something from Fluttershy, just like she had a sixth sense that guide her and predicts immediate events, Fluttershy had an uncanny ability to sense the emotions of others. “I…I still don’t know, myself. I admire him for his dedication and passion, and I want to be near him and learn more about him.” She confessed with a small blush on her cheeks. “Is he the reason, why you left?” asked Fluttershy with a combination of sadness and curiosity. She was referring to when she told everyone she had to leave because her sixth sense was inciting her to do so. “Maybe…” Pinkie replied unsure. It guided her to California to find something, she stayed but she could never find what her sense wanted her to find, that was until it reacted towards Dan’s presence and made her follow him when she first met him at Burger Phile. “When I first met him, my sense reacted to him and made me follow him, maybe he is the thing I needed to find, but I’m not sure exactly what I need to do now that I found him.” Her sense worked in mysterious ways. It may have brought her towards Dan, but it wasn’t the entire reason why she to stayed near him. She found him funny and really interesting. She…may like-like him…a little bit. “I’m sure you’ll find out sooner or later, and once you do, I hope you can come back home, we all miss you.” Fluttershy was sad that her friend was away, but believed that the universe had a reason for her search and once she finished it Pinkie would become more spiritually wholesome. “Thanks Fluttershy.” ///////////////////////// After a short while, Dan came back wearing with a black ski mask, an equipped with a crowbar and a grappling hook, looking very sure of himself. The ship was nearing and in a minute, they would mount the attack. “Dan, are you sure about this?” Pinkie was very worried about him. First they were dragged by a shark, sunk and almost drown; he avoided a coconut that almost cracked his skull open, escape an attack by a colony of angry penguins, almost starved, sunk again, and now this. How many dangerous situations could one person possibly experience in just one day? “Don’t worry, miss” reassured the captain. ”I believe his capable for this mission! Besides, he is saving our precious ocean and every living creature in it” “Yes, I’m a hero!” Dan confirmed the captain’s claims and basked in the adulation. Once the ship was near enough, Dan shot the grappling hook and it firmly grasped the other ship’s railing. After he make sure it was tense enough, Dan hook himself and zip lined to the other ship. “Dan…” Pinkie whispered concerned for his safety. Then she felt a very light hand rest on her shoulder. It was Fluttershy who gave her a smile reassuring smile. Onboard the trash barge Dan sneaked around, avoiding detection using his stealth skills he developed on countless past experiences in which he had to break in somewhere. As he neared the bridge, Dan found to crew members, standing around talking about nonsense but most importantly, blocking his path. Dan knew there was no way for him to sneak by undetected, so he needed to find a way to get rid of those two. He looked around, trying to find something useful until his gaze rested on a control panel for the crane. “Excellent” “I keep telling you, Carl. That cartoon about pastel colored horses is the most detailed allegory for Plato’s Republic I have ever seen.” The mustachioed crew member commented to his shorter companion. “I don’t know I feel the allegory works well until a certain part, I mean when trying to connect the horses with magic with the ruling class of Plato’s idea of utopia it kinda falls apart.” The one know as Carl gave his two cents to his taller companion. “Man, don’t be such a buzzkill” “Sorry, but that what I honestly feel!” They were so enthralled with their discussion that they didn’t notice the crane’s claw coming from behind to throw them over the board and into the cold water. Now that those two were out of his way, Dan had a clear path to the bridge and to literal key to his revenge. Once inside the bridge, Dan forgone the stealth in favor of a more direct approach, and by direct approach I mean, smacking a crowbar into the head of the barge’s captain. Unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough and the captain dodged the surprise attack. “Darn! I missed!” “Who the heck are you?” yelled the mad Captain. “Who the heck goes around trying to hit people in the head with crowbars?” “The man who is going to hijack this boat and prevent you from dumping all this trash into the ocean!” And instead dump it on the beach, but he refrained from voicing the last part. “Like you could, you free-loving do-gooder!” Then with a push of a button he sounded the alarm and brought the rest of the crew members to the bridge. “Now that we have you cornered, were going to beat you up!” Dan took a step backwards and held up tightly his crowbar. “If you want a fight, come and get it!” he said with all the bravado he could muster. The situation looked dire, and if he was going to go down, might as well go down swinging. Then out of nowhere Pinkie came through the door swinging from a rope kicking and yelling. “Spidey’s Swing!” her strength and combined momentum was enough to pushed the captain and his crew out of the ship. Feeling relieved Dan couldn’t help but say a one-liner. “It looks like the trash, was taken out!” in the back of his head could almost hear a very loud shout of “Yeeeeaaahhh!!!” “Dan! Thank goodness you’re okay!” Pinkie turned and hugged Dan real tight. “I was so worried; I had to come with you!” “Yeah, whatever, stop hugging me! We still have a mission to accomplish!” Pinkie held him tight for another three seconds before she released him. Now that the bridge was secure, she needed to inform the members of the SS FriendShip about their success. Pinkie walked out the bridge and moved around her arms for the others to see. “They did it! They really did it, man!” Cheered the captain alongside his crew; it was a win for Mother Nature. They continued their sheer and fail to notice that the barge began moving away. “Umm…Captain… the barge is sailing away” Fluttershy tried to inform the captain and the crew but her soft spoken voice was drown by the sea of celebratory cheers. “Captain, the barge is sailing away!” she tried again with no success. Then she remember one of the lessons from Iron Will. ‘If at first they don’t hear, shout on their ear!’ and shout she did. “CAPTAIN THE BARGE IS SAILING AWAY!” her powerful yell shut the rest of the crew who in turn stared at her outburst. Fluttershy, who never liked been the center of attention, just blush and apologized, “Um…Sorry!” The rest of the cres remained silent until they finally realized what she just told them. “Wait! The barge is moving away?! Where are they going?!” - Pinkie returned back to the bridge of the barge, and found Dan at the helm. “Dan! What are you doing? We’re moving away from the FriendShip.” Dan stood silent at the helm for a few seconds before turning around and look at Pinkie in the eyes. “Pinkie, there come a moment in every man’s life when he HAS to destroy a beach. For me, that moment is now!” He ended his quote, he was sure that it would be remember for the generations to come, took out an eye patch he had found that morning free inside a cereal box, and put it on. “I knew this would come in handy, Arrrgh!” “Dan! You became a pirate!” was the only thing Pinkie said, nothing about lying to the hippies or the fact that he was going to contaminate the beach; only that he was a pirate. “That’s so cool!” “I know!” ///////////////////////////// Finally, after crashing the massive barge into the beach; local authorities had to close it for an indefinitely amount of time while the EPA did its job. Dan was sitting on his couch watching the news coverage of the incident, feeling very proud of himself. “I did it Mr. Mumbles. I finally got my revenge on the beach!” he said while stroking the unkempt fur of his kitty. Mr. Mumbles must meowed and enjoy the extra petting of today. “On a surprisingly optimistic turn, clean-up efforts are already underway! Came the voice of the reporter from the TV. “WHAT! WHY?” whined Dan. How could they already begin with the cleaning? Don’t they realize the effort it took to destroy it in the first place? Then a knock came from his door followed by the entrance of Pinkie who didn’t bothered waiting for him to open up. “Dan, guess what? The cleaning efforts already began! Fluttershy made a call out to all her eco-friends online who immediately responded and are already here to help! Isn’t it great? Now Fluttershy is going to stay with me until she and her friends finish cleaning up the beach!” She was so excited; it was like having a slumber party everyday with one of her best friends. When she finished her explanation, Pinkie noticed that Dan was trembling. “Dan, you’re shaking! Do you feel cold or something?” She didn’t get an answere right away. Dan just kept shaking until he stood up from his couch and yell out to his ceiling and the sky above it. “FLUUUUUTEEEEEEERSHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!”