Twlight's Own Ideas

by bearcoon

Chapter One

Chapter One
How could one not?

A/N:This is a story that will actually be more close to me than the other, quite failed one, The Pony Centipede. I sometimes feel as if my friends don't actually care what I have to say and this sometimes makes me feel really upset. But oh well, this is a story not a sobfest, so enjoy. This may be OOC, sorry.

Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than smart.
-Alan Alda
Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.
-Salvador Dali

"Twilight! Stop being silly you are much more intelligent than anypony out there, why worry?"
"You don't understand Rarity! This is more than being more intelligent, it is about being the most knowledgeable!"

Rarity shook her head, sighing, she couldn't understand why this was really getting to Twilight, she already was incredibly knowledgeable, it was like she was worrying for the sake of worrying.

"I think you are being silly, just stop you're stupid worrying. It isn't helping you."
"You just don't understand Rarity! What do you care of knowledge anyways?! You are just a diva!"

Rarity couldn't take Twilight's insanity, it made her mean, nasty, even sadistic at times, she remembered that she had laughed when Pinkie Pie tripped over herself and broke a leg, it wasn't like her, she was normally so compassionate. But now, now something had changed and it wasn't for the best.

Twilight Sparkle sat in her library, books wide open, books on ideology, theories, everything. She was endlessly flicking through pages and pages of books with one hoof and the other writing down extensive notes on what her mind picked up from her reading. None of the books seemed to have any relevance to each other, just books and more books on things considered knowledgeable.

Spike had given up on making conversation with her, she seemed to brush off everyone that even tried to make conversation with her, she was basically catatonic, except for the endless loop of the same repeated actions. It was clear that she had been taking in what she read and wrote, but her capability to speak was almost exticnt. She muttered a few incoherent words every now and then.

This is perfect, of course no fellow pony would be able to understand, thought Twilight, they are as incompetent as I thought they were, they just don't understand what I am trying to find out here.

More and more of Sigmund Freud's ideas and quotes were written down, thoughts of peace came across Twilight's mind.
Another equal, another person who shares the same thought and opinions I do, if only there was a way he could be with me.Then I would feel like I was needed, not like my intelligence is wasted by being around a bunch of idiots, this way the world would be all better and I could live my life to it's full extent.

With a brisk movement she pushed all of the books and papers off of her desk and onto the floor, Spike who just entered, stared at her in shock, it was the first time she had broke the pattern in five months, when all of this madness started. She rushed around the room, searching for books on bringing people back to life, bringing people from the human world to Equestria. It was a perfect plan, in her eyes, to find a way on how to bring humans here, where she could converse in topics she would know they'd understand and contribute to with meaningful comments. She giggled slightly, much to Spike's dislike.

"T-Twilight? Are you ok?"

But Twilight brushed Spike off, she was frantic, she dumped all books onto her desk and pulled out fresh pieces of paper. Spike ran out of the room and to Rarity's, she will know what to do, he thought.

"She just broke out of whatever she has been in, and started rushing around the room, she looked all panicky."
"Hmm, Spike what kind of books did she grab when you last saw her?"
"Just things about bringing humans to Equestria, strange right?"
Rarity turned around alarmed.
"What do you mean bringing humans to Equestria?!"
"U-uh, h-human h-h-humans!"
"This is bad, she can't be serious, it isn't supposed to work like that, we can't have humans here."

Twilight smiled up at her friends, as they questioningly looked at her book on humans, they all frowned. How could she be reading a book on a race that has no importance here in Equestria?

"What are you doing with a book on humans?"
"Just doing some light reading Dash, nothing serious, humans are just interesting things, they act just like us you know, and some of the are incredibly smart, like this man Charles Darwin."

The five other ponies looked at one another with worried looks on their faces, but Apple Jack shrugged and said:
"Sounds good enough, just don't be goin' round makin' any stupid decisions."

"That's it! I can bring him back here! He, he can be mine! We can rule Equestria together!"

Twilight started to hysterically laugh, tipping her head back, so her mane swung down. She hopped out of her chair and ran out of her library and into the darkness of the night.

"I just need to find all the things to make it work."

"Where is she?!"
"I don't know Rarity she was here a moment ago, surely she can't be to far."

Rarity made her way over to Twilight's desk, the ingredients of a spell to bring a human to Equestria lay on it, finalized and to perfect standards, all of the things could be found in the forest, and that was exactly where Twilight was. Stumbling around a cold and dark forest with a mad grin on her face and eyes as wide as a mad stallion.

"I know where she is, and trust me this isn't good. Go get the other girls and meet me in the forest."
"Of course rarity, I promise you I will."

"So you mean she is tryin' to summon some human here? Why?"
"Who knows with Twilight, I am guessing it is because of that being knowledgeable thing she was on about before she turned psycho."
"T-that thing?! Oh gosh. I don't know Rarity, we may not be able to stop her."

Fluttershy gently circled her hoof on the ground, looking down and trying to not glance up at Rarity's penetrating glare.

"It doesn't matter Fluttershy, we have to."
"Of course R-Rarity. But how?"
"Here's the plan..."

A/N: This is probably to short, but oh well I hope it is accepted and I hope that people enjoy it, I know I sure did enjoy writing it. Thanks all.