//------------------------------// // Well... That just happened. // Story: From Human to...Rabbit? // by ThegoCarter110 //------------------------------// Aye my head hurts... Why am I in a room with nothing but a mirror? "Anypony hear that?" "Yeah sounds like it came from in here."...Crap... Here let me tell you about me, and what happend last night. My name is Carter Joe, and im a 15 year old boy in 10th grade and about 5:11 last time I checked. Im wearing a blue shirt, some chocolate colored shorts, and white running shoes. And to say it started out a good night was a stretch. In all honesty I was kinda bored playing my video games that night, but it wasn't that uncommon. My parents where out to dinner with some relatives, and none of my friends wanted to hang out. So to cut to the interesting part, I was playing through The Last of Us... Again. But my game locked up and a bright flash came from the tv. The extremely bright light left as soon as it came and the tv was normal again. Standing up after this happend I go check the tv to see if anything was wrong, of coarse immediately realizing I had no idea at all how tv's worked... I backed off to look at it muttering to myself. "Well that was kinda weird. I dont think tv's are ment to do that." Going in to press the on/off button I notice something wrong with the screen. It was all well, "Wavy" like water in a lake or ocean. That in itself scared me and made me fall on my bum, but after watching it for a few seconds a sense of curiosity came over me and made me want to touch it. When I did it felt exactly how I thought it would feel, "Wet." Feeling more courageous, I held my breath and put my head in the tv to see what was on the other side, when I did get to it, my head was sticking out of a little puddle of water. When I started to look around I was amazed to see buildings with plants growing all over them. It was like nature was taking back the area. Im not going to lie when I say that I thought it WAS beautiful looking but, its like I was in... Oh no. Taking a closer look I could see a dead body and and a message on the wall saying "YET ANOTHER OFFICER DEAD, HOW MANY WILL IT TAKE BEFORE YOU GIVE US OUR RATIONS." Its safe to say I took my head out of the tv and unpluged my PS3 right after. "I-I w-was in the world of The Last of Us... Holy crap." I said with a mix of surprise and fear. Trying to recover from my somewhat shaken breath I look at the tv again just to see the "water effect" was gone, like the portal was cut off. Taking a sigh of relief I sat on my chair and took the remote control to switch the tv over so I could watch my favorite channels. Doing this, the "water effect" reappears. Obviously, me seeing this made me start to panic a bit. But then a thought came to mind. 'What if what ever is on the tv is where the portal ends up?' It wasn't that crazy of a idea honestly so I start thinking to myself 'where would I like to go.'... I say its not that crazy of a idea but looking back, It WAS crazy. I mean that idea itself makes Bowser from Super Mario bros look somewhat sane. However it didn't take long to choose, after all, I read enough Human in Equestria storys to know where I wanted to go. So I go to my recorded list to see My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episodes, and start to play one of them. as soon as I seen what I have been calling the "water effect" apper on my tv. I take a deep breath and jump in. I was expecteing to jump into water but instead I jumped in what I could only discribe as a space vortex. As I flew through the "vortex" I felt extreme pain all over my body. But before the pain became too much I blacked out. When I had woke up I was still in the vortex but felt... Different. But before I could look myself over. The vortex ended and I flew into the same room I talked about at the start before slaming straight into the wall. And this whole time while im remindng myself what happend last night, (assuming everything went correctly.) Two ponys are about to walk in to this room, raise alarm to my presence and maybe cause panic... 'Great... Well on the bright side at least I dont have to face my other self to get a persona' Taking a quick scan of the room I notice some paintings, pillers and the same mirror I talked about beforehand. The next thing I noticed is that my body DID NOT feel right. But I ignored it and walk over behind one of the pillers to hide from what I can only hope are two ponys from Equestria. Its then I hear the door slowly open with two voices saying, "Are we really coming in here?" "Yes, we didin't go to get the key and back for nothing! Besides... I really like this room, it feels cozy and nice..." "Whatever you say. Can we go now? Im not bringing home any bits for the family by being here." "Yes yes, We will report back to Princess Cadence about this saying it was a mouse or something." They say as they close the door to leave. Heh a mouse or something...I dont know about them but I have never seen a mouse fly through a room and crash into a wall making a huge vibration similar to a mini-earthquake before... Finally having time to look myself over I look down and see the same clothing that was on me before, (abit bigger on me now, but whatever.) Looking at my hands though I go wide eyed as I see they are covered in.... Creamy tan fur... Running to the mirror I see not the boy who is 5:11 but a buck, (male rabbit,)who is about 4:9. As I start looking at my faces details I see a black little rabbit nose and two big brown spots around my eyes. I also notice that my head is completely round for some reason. looking at my long ears that go down to my upper back I see they also have a brown end. like the tips of my ears where dipped in chocolate. "Huh... well this is somthing that I DON'T like at ALL." I grab one of my ears with my "new" hand to see how it feels only to JUST now notice that I have four fingers... WITH OUTLINES... I cant really say this is what I expected when I wanted to go to Equestria but man..." I look like a fricking Sonic the Hedgehog OC... And I really dislike Sonic the Hedgehog." Taking a sigh of frustration I look ahead to the doors that are my way out of this room saying "Well... Here I go..."