//------------------------------// // Self Possessed // Story: Wild Card // by Arreis Of Avalon //------------------------------// The night was cold. It had been some time after Maskys birth now, a month or two. It must be about August then. The sky was cloudy, meaning the moonlight was slim and seemed to float on the midnight fog. Card walked through the town alone, though not in his usual state. His eyes were shut, which was a rarity to see nowadays. Also, he walked with a much higher regard in himself than usual, holding his chin up high. He looked less like the colt everypony knew and more like the man who would kill a God. Cards ear twitched slightly as he heard a small noise behind him. It sounded like somepony was walking behind him. He stopped under a small lamp-post and smiled softly. “… Quite the night~” “I agree,” said the voice behind him. He spun quickly, turning to see an old face there. A pony by the name of Showtune stood in the shadows. Showtune had been possessed at one time by Discord, having gained many powers of chaos and evil. Card didn’t trust this pony in the least. Who knew what chaos had done to his mind? “What brings you out this night,” Showtune asked, smirking. “I could ask the same of you~” “I do as I please… Aren’t you the colt who’s going to go against Discord?~” Card smiled softly. “Aren’t you the stallion who was possessed by him?~” Show laughed. “Oh, we sorted that out a long time ago~” As he said this, his eyes swirled with chaotic power, having a hypnotizing effect on most ponies. Of course, Card was not most ponies. “For some reason, I find that hard to believe~” Card summoned his shadow deck behind his back, ready for any battle that could stem from this conversation. “Oh, maybe that’s because I became the Lord of Chaos after destroying him?~” “Yes, perhaps that’s why. What is it you want with me?~” Showtune rolled his eyes. “You’re too serious. Can’t I visit an old friend?~” Card backed up as Show took a step closer. “We were never very close. Tell me, NOW; what do you want from me?” Show sighed, bored with this pony already. He was far too serious. Still, Show had sense abnormal signs from him that night, and not just from the boy’s blatant shadows. Something was off about him… meaning he was perfect for the job at hoof. “Fine, if you are so driven to know… I’m in need of aid.” Card raised his eyebrows while keeping his eyes closed, still smiling softly. “What can I do?” “There is a spirit within the Everfree that I cannot touch… I need somepony to get rid of it. It’s not all that hard~” Card tilted his head slightly, thinking. “What’s the catch?~” “No catch. Just kill this spirit and I’ll owe you a favor~” Card thought a moment. This was the lord of chaos he was speaking to… There was no way Card could trust his word. There had to be some catch to all of this. “Who is the spirit?~” Show shook his head, smirking. “Uh uh uh, you are FAR too nosy~” Card stood up straighter, his eyes still closed tight. “I will not head into a battle unless I am prepared.” “Fine, it’s just a spirit of darkness~” Card opened his mouth to reply but stopped as a small note fluttered down from the sky. He caught it quickly and glanced at it. The woods are dark at night. Shadows need light to survive. Where is your light, little Trick? “… No deal~” With that, Card put the note in his hat. Show glanced at the golden note. Something seemed off about this entire conversation… “What does that note say?” “For me to know~” Showtune glared at him. In a burst of chaotic magic, Show held the note in his hoof. He looked at it carefully… and saw not a word. Card laughed. “You truly believe your chaos has power?” “Of course it has power… but it’s not the most powerful magic out there… Only Harmony is more powerful than Chaos…” “Untrue~” Show glanced at him. “What do you mean?... What is more powerful that even Chaos and Harmony?” “Simple.” Card grinned slightly, the lamp above him flickering as he sent a wave of shadow up it. The light burst, causing Show to cover his eyes. When he uncovered them, he saw Card standing in front of him. It was darker now without the light, but Show could still see the white of his grin against his coat. “Me~” Showtune couldn’t help but fear this colt. He seemed dangerous… and yet… “I highly doubt that~” Card turned his back on the pony, smiling. Such a pest didn’t concern him. “Who asked you?~” He began to walk away slowly, intent on enjoying the rest of his evening as much as he could. Showtune glared at him and teleported in front of him. “Tell me your power, colt.” “What power,~” Card said, grinning. What better way to aggravate this pony than to refuse him what he wanted? “What makes you think you can overpower ME,” Show asked, his pride getting the best of him. Card noticed that that was a common trait in most villains. “I never said YOU, now did I?~” “Fine then… What makes you more powerful than Chaos?” Card laughed softly at the question. “That’s an easy one…” He opened his eyes, the inner pupils burning with shadow magic, and finally Show could sense what was wrong. This colt was possessed with power not his own. It was as though his mind was shaded and had been tampered with. The colt Card Trick laughed more, his eyes nearly paralyzing the lord of chaos with their horrifying power. “I’ve already won~” Show did all he could to remain calm under the boys gaze. He laughed off the comment with a smile. “You believe SHADOWS can take down the lord of chaos?~” Card shook his head softly, walking past Show. He’s so calm… “Shadows,” Card said, “would never be able to destroy you… alone~” Show turned, his heart racing. How was this colt so calm?! He barely had control over his shadows it seemed… “Then what can?!” Card turned his head slightly to smile at Showtune. “Why bother repeating myself?~” He kept walking away, but stopped when Show blocked his path with a wall of chaos. Card chuckled and waved his hoof. Show gasped as shadows pierced the wall, shattering it instantly. “Is that really the best you can do?~” Show snarled slightly and turned to ground below Card into cement, attempting to hold him down to the ground. Card yawned and created stairs under his hooves out of shadow, levitating above the ground. “Clever.” Card smiled. “Logic~” Show glared at him. “You’re a smart pony… Shame to see your talents wasted.” Card nodded. “Yes, it is. Hence why I declined your offer. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” With those final words he disappeared into shadow. Show shook his head and undid all he had done with his chaos magic. That colt was going down a very dark path… Back at home, Card held his head tightly, closing his eyes. His head was pounding… “G-get… Out…” Card winced as he felt a sort of draining. He nearly collapsed, feeling weak. “You never had any fun,” Valkyrie said, grinning. He sat back against the bed, laughing. “So I possessed you for the night, big deal. You got to see power for once, at least.” Card winced, standing to full height once more. His head was still pounding. “What did you do all of that for?” “I’m showing you what to do later on.” “You’ve already shown me how to end Discord. Why are you still here?” Valkyrie stood angrily, grabbing Card by the chin roughly and forcing his head up to look into his eyes. “You and I both know you can’t kill him, Card. Killing a God comes with consequences that you aren’t ready to handle.” Card could only answer with silence. Valkyrie dropped Cards chin in disgust. “At least I’m not deluding myself. It’s time you opened your eyes and saw the truth, Card. Grow up, or he’ll end you.” Card glared at Valkyrie. “You’re wrong.” Valkyrie turned his back on the colt, closing his eyes. “Maybe I am… but that doesn’t mean you’re right. You AREN’T ready to kill Discord. You AREN’T ready to use your shadows to their best abilities…” He glanced at Card with barely opened eyes. Card was startled to see not anger, but sorrow in them. “… And you aren’t ready to see.” With that last sentence, Valkyrie disappeared into his usual corridor of shadows, leaving Card alone once more. Card sat on his bed, thinking about what Valkyrie had said. This could all end horribly… What if he DID lose control of his shadows? What if they weren’t strong enough to defeat Discord? Hot or Lily or anypony else he loved could be hurt… by him even… He laid his hoof on the bed, only to feel a small note there. Where had that come from?... He picked it up and glanced at it. You’re right, little Trick. This battle is built on the blood and bones of the ponies you love. How many more must suffer for your revenge? It doesn’t have to be this way. Join me, and together we can create order through madness. You of all ponies should know how wonderful it could be~ Awaiting your response~ The God of Chaos Card stared at the note for awhile, thinking. Discord thought he could win him over?... Card hated to admit it, but the idea had appeal. Too much appeal. To be able to live without hurting his friends and family… to be able to create order through madness… He crumpled up the note in anger. “I will not fall for your tricks, Discord. You may try to win me over, but I will always know what you are inside. You are the God of Chaos, and you have always been a trickster. You will not claim my mind.” The note in his hoof flashed with light. He unfolded it again to find the message had changed. Always a trickster?... You know less than you think~ Find the order in the madness, and maybe you will understand why I do what I do At least solve this last puzzle before I take the pleasure of ending you~ - The God of Chaos Card thought about the puzzle deeply. He couldn’t resist such a task. The order in the madness… Discord always focuses on a pony’s traits and quirks… so who is the most organized pony in Ponyville? Card teleported quietly into the library, knowing it was closed at the moment. Twilight was asleep upstairs and Spike was away in Canterlot. He looked around to find another note on the table. It was under E~ He walked to the bookshelf, looking under E. There sat the Elements of Harmony book. He flipped it open. Order in the madness… Order in madness… He flipped to the index of the book, searching for the E’s. When he reached the page, he saw a small scribbled note in the top margin of the page. He held it up to a small lantern by the door. It seemed to be in another pony’s writing. Discord was once known by another name. Princess Celestia told me about it long ago, back when I was still studying under her. He hadn’t always been a God, but an Alicorn… by the name of… Cards eyes widened as he saw the name. How could that be possible? They were complete opposites… He set down the book and walked to the A’s, looking for biographies or something to help. Suddenly, there was a small burst of light in the corner of the room. There sat a large, leather - bound book with a single note on it. This is the prize for playing my game~ Card took the book tiredly, glancing at the clock. It was well past midnight now. He had stayed up all night. And yet… He teleported back to his room, flicking through the book. He needed to learn everything he could about who Discord REALLY was… ~*~*~*~*~ Valkyrie winced, leaning against the side of a building. He had teleported to an alley way close to Sugar Cube Corner. His hoof ran up to his head as he shut his eyes tightly. Opening them again, he saw blood staining his hoof. “S-shoot… I’m unraveling faster than I thought…” Valkyrie sighed as he healed the cut on his head. His shadows had been getting weaker for some time now. Soon, they would be completely depleted… and him along with them. He had spent too long outside of his own dimension. He couldn’t find a way back now. Yet, if he stayed here… The universe couldn’t handle two Card Tricks, especially two with that much power. Valkyrie was the extra… and so Valkyrie was dying. He winced slightly as he began to walk down the alley, limping. His hoof was burning… “I’m not gonna go this easily,” he said. “I haven’t redeemed myself… I’m not leaving until I have made myself worthy of the name Card Trick…” Valkyrie sighed and curled up next to the building as he had for the past few nights. He had a small tent like structure there he could rest in. He didn’t dare ask Diane for a room at the inn. He had hurt her in the past, horribly so. He couldn’t dare face her again. Instead he slept outside, under the stars. He glanced up at the sky, looking at the twinkling stars. “They say the dead are up there, watching over us… I’ve killed a lot of ponies, back in my dimension…” He smiled softly. “I don’t know if you all up there could be the same ones from my dimension… but I hope you can find it in your little star hearts to forgive a foal for his crimes.” With one final sigh, he laid his head down to rest for the night. After all, even villains need sleep.