A Hero in need

by DrakeFang

Chapter 1: Comforting a friend

Chapter 1: Comforting a friend

Years had passed after Drake's arrival in Equestria. Over time Drake became one of Equestria's many protectors and he even managed to build up a family. His son, Hot Shot, had the same sense of loyalty that Drake had toward his family and friends. His wife was a rather special mare, who showed him how to enjoy life some more. She was a circus performer known as Show Light, while her real name was Spectrum. That's right. WAS.

It was a mutual decision of Drake and Spectrum for her to join her old colleagues at the circus once more. She would visit Hot Shot whenever she had the chance. However... One night, Spectrum didn't arrive at Drake's home. He was worried, so he decided to leave his two year-old colt with his best friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie, while he went off to travel to her 'workplace'. When he arrived there, her colleagues had a rather grim look. An accident had occured during an act. The net underneath the tight rope ripped when a pony fell, instantly killing the performer in the process.

This performer...was Spectrum.

After hearing the news, Drake didn't get enraged as he would when his dear ones were in danger. No, what was the point of being enraged? Nopony had killed her, and seeing how she was dead, she wasn't in danger anymore, after all. No, Drake became broken. And over time, his friends began noticing.

Pinkamena, or Diane, as Drake called her since they first met, sat in the lobby of the Sugar Cube Corner. Under the stairs, however. An earthquake would strike Ponyville soon, though unknown when. This, however, didn't stop a certain grey stallion to go on one of his evening strolls.

As Drake walked, his face looked rather worn out, showing signs that he had been crying. Again. Drake would walk around his favorite spots where he and Spectrum would spend time together. It reminded him of happy times with her, and he hoped it would make him happy again. But deep inside, Drake knew he would be lonely for a long time.

By now, his walk ended up in a forest similar to the Everfree Woods. This forest was beautiful at night when the moon would shine through the leaves of the trees. "Yo, Drake. Mind if I join ya?", a voice spoke behind him. It was a familiar voice to Drake, the voice of his friend, Azaxol. Azaxol was one of those special friends of his, a half-demon, to keep it short. Drake glanced behind him, nodding. He stood still for a moment to let Azaxol catch up to him.

Aza looked a little concerned. "How's life been treating you lately, man?" Only a simple stare came from Drake, and his eyes focused on the road in front of him yet again. "I've been better, Aza. We both know that." Aza could only nod in agreement. "You should really lighten up, man. Life's not over, you know."

A glare from Drake followed after that remark. "Drake, come on. You have your son. He means a lot to you, right?" His glare softened at Aza's question, and he teared up a little. "I miss her, Aza. I have no problem with raising Hot Shot. I'm just- I'm lonely." Aza let out a silent sigh. "I know, Drake. Everyone of us knows and sees that." Drake shut his eyes shortly. "Sorry. I don't want you guys to worry about-"

Drake's sentence was cut short as a loud, feminine scream filled the air. Aza and Drake shared a glance, and Aza waved his hoof, making an 'after you'-gesture, smirking a bit. The two stallions began galopping towards the scream.

Somepony was in danger, and Drake had to fulfill his duty. And he would fulfill that duty.