//------------------------------// // Author's Note and BIG THANK YOUS // Story: Slip // by Sound Shard //------------------------------// (Sorry this took as long as it did. The mod wouldn't let me past.) AUTHOR’S NOTE So here we are. It’s been a while since I’ve written a good fic. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ve never written a good fic. But I’ve made lots of friends on this site and read some beyond great material, and even introduced many of my IRL friends to writing in general. FiMFiction has done a lot for me and really helped my true transmutation into full brony-ism. I gave up on FiMFiction long ago and left you with none of the stories I promised (even though there’s only two or three of you probably actually reading this, plus my girlfriend’s cousin who I asked to) and probably won’t fulfill said promises, but, you know, whatever. Instead, for my one year anniversary (even though quite a few months I wasn’t even online) I’m coming back and writing a crossover fic about Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie), Toby Turner (Tobuscus) (even though I’m growing away from him, due to a good 95% of his fanbase), and Austin Hargrave (PeanutButterGamer ). I already started writing, and I’m starting to think this would have been better with Markiplier instead of Tobuscus. In the meantime, this is happening. This is just a one-shot mini-thingy to get me restarted. Why, you may ask? Well, I’ve only ever written two decent fics, Ponies on Red Dwarf, and another my least favorite mod Alextrassa (I know you’re reading this, asshole!) wouldn’t let past, named Flywest, which I’m going to redo. Also, a pony standup comedy one I never started, but the rough drafts looked great! I’m not doing that one, sorry! Let’s just say my sense of humor has changed, and I’m probably going to have to try and permanently forget The Ponyville Connundrum exists. And I am GOING to delete WYWYDWS, no questions asked! I was not meant to write Scootaloo! Leave that to Darcy’s cousin that I can’t remember his FiMFiction username! I think it’s Tails-115. Also, RANs are gone. For those first-time readers (which I doubt there’ll be any) RAN stands for Random Author’s note. Those would often pop up as me breaking the fourth wall and offering my (what I at the time thought was witty) forced commentary. (RAN: As so!) Horrible mistake, but I thought it was my shtick. (RANL: They’d pop up as often as this, and sometimes not even have relevance!) It technically was, and it was a horrible shtick. (RAN: Yes, quite horrible) TPC2 wouldn’t be half the size it is without them. (RAN: This is getting annoying, isn’t it?) I’m regretting writing them, and I’m probably going to delete the TPC series. (RAN: And these are why.) Also, it was poorly written. Somehow no one hated it, or else they kept it to themselves or told me white lies. That happens a lot. (RAN: For instance, quite a couple of people tell me I’m a good artist. Some are persistent on making me believe that/good at lying/both and it gets annoying. Both in the case of Darcy’s cousin.) What RAN said. Anyway… (RAN: Fun fact, did you know that--) SHUT UP, RAN! Anyway, I can only trust one person to be honest with me: Izzy Christiansen. Thanks for that. I appreciate you reading this far. Anyone still willing to read my fic at this point is probably just here to laugh at it. Or else named Daniel or Timothy. Have a nice time! SOME PRE-STORY THANKS Camo Flash (who has asked me not to use his true name) – For always being there in my early fic writing days, putting up with my bullshit, helping developing my headcanon, and helping me write my fics from square 3. No one was there for me at squares 1 or 2, but that’s not his fault. Alextrassa, Poultron, and Knighty – For developing the site and then making me hate it so much that I keep coming back! Izzy Christiansen – For being the only one honest enough to tell me exactly what’s wrong with everything I do. And for being the first person to admit I’m the ugliest person you’ve met. I appreciate it, I was seriously getting annoyed no one would admit it. Darcy Johnson – For being nice enough to say yes, and then continue to bare my insanity after experiencing it firsthand. I really needed that one! Timothy I-never-caught-his-last-name – For inviting me to co-host that panel on fanfictions at Midwest Brony Fest, relighting my creative (if you can really call it that) flame, and trying to make me tell myself I’m good for something. That is very kind of you. I also like you as a person, in a completely plutonic way. Tyreese Tyler – For being the best editor to walk the face of the Earth. Too bad he left Ty Lomax – For making me art. I may not be good at it, but I sure as hell love it. *insert clichéd special thankses here* - *insert sappy message somewhere along the lines of “thanks mom!”* And finally… RawrCharlieRawr (RCR) – For threatening to slap me if I didn’t keep doing what I love, although I’m no good at it now, and to keep practicing it, so that I might can do something well one day. (Highly doubtful.) ENJOYS!