Love at Sundown.

by trahzo

Ch.2: Parole Officer Spike Reporting for Duty.

"M-me, as her parole officer? But Princess, she's a unicorn, she can just teleport away!" Spike exclaimed.

"I am very well aware of that Son, but I'll be making a few arrangements ensuring that she doesn't try anything." Celestia replied.

"(Son? I had my 2 ugly dumbass minions kidnap Celestia's son during the fall formal dance & I just admitted to it, I'm so dead!)" Sunset thought.

Then a ring with flame like markings on it appeared.

"Huh? What's that Tia?" Asked Luna.

"This is a magic negating ring. Only the one who put it on can remove it & Spike, I'd like you to put it on her."


"Yes, now here, go put it on her outside, I must speak with your friends, and please stop calling me Princess Celestia, I want you to call Momlestia!"

"Sorry, but it's a force of habit." Spike said, as him & Sunset Shimmer exited the thrown room.

"Okay everypony, here's the truth, Me making Spike, the parole officer was a façade, I'm actually trying to set those 2 up!"

"Pardon me Princess, but, what do yah mean bah, set-up?" Applejack wondered.

"What? Sunset is hot & I'd like my son to have a very hot mare as his wife!" Celestia admitted.

"Okay, so you think it was a bad Idea when I wanted your non-Unicorn guards to replace their spears with dodge-balls, but you thought it's a good idea for Spike & Sunset Shimmer to get married?" Pinkie angrily said.

"Well, I'm okay with it, Spike really needs to get over his childhood crush on Rarity!" said Twilight. "I mean, Rarity is only going to keep on using him for her own selfish gain, which would eventually break his heart."

"Yeah, Rarity is at her most selfish when toying with the squirt's emotions." Rainbow Dash added.

"Yeah, poor Spike, doing so many embarrassing things for a mare who'll never love him back & he's a such good kid." added Cadence.

"I'm right here you jerks!" Rarity said, with an annoyed expression.

"Oh, sorry, didn't notice you." said Luna.

Spike & Sunset Shimmer were outside the castle & the magic negating ring was already on her horn.

"Okay, there we go. Now...blargh!" Spike burped out a scroll.

"Dear Spike, Sunset will be spending her parole in Ponyville, so I'd advise you to take her there right now! Don't worry about your friends, they're needed at the Crystal Empire. Hugs & kisses, your loving mother: Celestia."

"I had no idea she was your mother." said Sunset Shimmer. "So your a prince?"

"No, if I was a prince, then ponies would be bowing to my presence & ask if I need anything constantly, I mean come-on, I can do all that stuff myself. I don't need somepony to get it for me. So when the time came, I rejected Mom's offer to be a prince."

"Y-you never wanted to be a prince?"

"Yeah, I don't care if I'm royal or not, I just care that I'm surrounded by friends & family who love me no matter what."

"(He rejected something that could've been his big break for love & friendship. He's so selfless.) Spike?"


"Before we go, I brought a bunch of things with me that I left in a hotel by here, is it okay if I get it?"

"Okay, I'll help."

"That's not ne-"

"Don't worry, I wanna help."

"But why?"

"I accepted your apology, you looked like the kind of pony who was in desperate need of forgiveness, so now you also have my trust."

"...(He's so nice...wait, what's?)"

She felt something in her heart react to Spike's kindness, but it was very weak.

"Okay Spike, you can help me pack!"

Later, they got off the train & made it to Ponyville. Spike & Sunset Shimmer put down all the bags she brought with her when they entered the Golden Oaks Library.

"Alright, hey Owlowiscious, is the guest room available?"

Owlowiscious entered & wrote something down on paper.

"We don't have a guest room, remember?" is what it said.

"Oh yeah, well, guess your sleeping in my room. Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."

Ever since Spike started to naturally grow, he was getting too big for his dog-bed & was given the old guest bed across from Twilight's own bed & was also given a room Spike discovered a few years back.

"No, I want the couch."


"No, insist, please let me sleep on the couch!"

"Okay(What's up with her?)." Spike wondered.

"(What's wrong with me? It's like his kindness is...well, I don't know yet!)"

The thing she felt within her was getting stronger, but was still weak!"

"You see, she's starting to fall in love with him!" said Celestia. "Oh, and once this is over, I'm going to have to wipe your memories of how I'm able to know what all of my subjects are doing!"

"Awwwww!" They all groaned.

End of chapter.