//------------------------------// // Chapter 6- Breakdown // Story: A Beautiful Lie // by Sorenthehero117 //------------------------------// I was frozen still as I kept looking at my reflection. I didn't even look into my shoulder to see if Philomena was still there. I was too scared to even blink. 'E-Ellis... I gotta go. I-I'll talk to you later', Raul said before he showed himself to the door and left. I didn't even look back to say goodbye. I was just... What the hell was going on? Why can't I see Philomena? Why isn't she there? But what really terrified me was the fact that... I knew she WAS there. I could feel her standing on my shoulder, her claws gripping it to hold on. I can smell her, I can hear her, I can sense her... Philomena was on my shoulder the whole time... Or... At least... I hope she is. I turned to my shoulder, eyes closed, slowly, as I peeked up to see my bird, hoping to God that this wasn't my imagination, and that she really was there. I was scared, I was shaking, and as I opened my eyes... Relief. The beautiful crimson bird was standing comfortably on my shoulder like normal, cawing and pecking her itchy feathers. I suddenly turned back to the mirror, and to my surprise, her reflection was back. Why is it back and why wasn't it there a minute ago? Many questions were on my mind, but at the moment, I couldn't care less. I was tired and hungry from my run so I placed my bird on her stand and walked to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. Once again, I was feeling happy and excited, now I would feel happy and excited with a stomach full of Ham, butter and Bacon. I reached up to grab a knife and as I did, I began to spread butter all over a piece of toast. As I finished spreading the piece, I laid down the bacon and ham, and topped it off with one last piece of bread to cover it. Now it just needed to be reheated. After a minute or two and so, I finally began eating my sandwich, filling up my stomach with delight. I felt fat, which to me was always a good sign. Philomena has drifted to sleep now. How adorable does she look when shes asleep; Poor little bird. However, she looks, strangely weaker than regular. I didn't notice it at first, but Philomena was molting rapidly, almost as if she was sick or something. Maybe it was just my imagination or something, but it just seemed strange. Regardless, she's still looking pretty and healthy as far as I can tell. I just hope its nothing too serious, otherwise I'd have to see a vet. I went to her cage and gave her a little kiss goodnight on the head and went to take a shower after my long run. Inside the shower was where I did the most of my day-to-day thinking: what will I do tomorrow, what will I plan for next week, am I gonna have a great future, and many more thoughts and questions popped into my head, as I felt the cold water pouring down my body, washing my troubles away and cleansing my spirits. I can always find peace in here, surrounded by water, silence and solitude. Strangely enough, the thought of Philomena not being on my shoulder in front of the mirror and then being back again, never popped to my head. My guess is I didn't really wanna think for now, and simply wanted to relax myself. So thats what I did; relax. Relax and feel nothing but the water pouring. I had my eyes closed the whole time, which I normally didn't do because of fear of someone, or something peeking at me and stalking at me. Its childish I know, but I never was the guy who liked to take risks. So I slowly began opening my eyes again, and when I do, I slowly widen them and scream falling down on the shower. What is that walking outside my house? It looked like a strange bizarre animal or something. Regardless, it left me terrified. I didn't know what to do; I was so petrified, I didn't wanna leave. I could hear its footsteps and its breathing, and outside Philomena was screeching wildly. I was in a state of absolute fear. As I finally decided to get up, I put on a robe and made my way outside to see that Philomena was gone. I looked everywhere inside the house, but she wasn't there. There was no open door, no shattered window, there was no way she could have gotten out. Naturally, I dressed up and went outside to see if I could find her, but she wasn't there. All I could do was curl up and scream for her to come... No response... My best friend was gone. And for the first time, in a short, but great amount of time, I felt truly alone. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm usually not to quick to lose hope at a very hopeless situation, but for this moment, I lost hope quicker than ever before. All I could think to do was to curl up on the floor and cry... Just as I heard a familiar voice echoing out on the street. 'P-Philomena?' I walked out into the streets to see Philomena flying around and I got no choice but to follow her. I was so desperate, I didn't even get to my car to follow her. I was still energized, and I was really beginning to get used to running again. This time, I wasn't running out of pleasure or excitement, I was running to recover my best friend. I hope I can catch her in time before nightfall, cause I do not know if I'll be able to run the whole way back at the dead of the night.