//------------------------------// // Ponies Can Change. // Story: Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days // by Bronylover109 //------------------------------// Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days "Hey Octavia,grab your cello,it's time to go." Vinyl flashed a warm smile at Octavia,who was confused by her friends sudden statement. The grey cellist frowned at her roommate. " What are you talking about...?" Octavia frowned at her friend,considering if she should tell her she knew about the concert. Vinyl got up,putting her glasses upon her face. "We need to get going,so grab your cello and let's go!" Octavia was surprised when a light blue aura suddenly swept her off of her hooves and lifted her into the air. Her cello soon followed in suit,and began rising just behind Octavia,wrapped in the same light blue coloring. "Wha! Vinyl! What do you think you're doing!?" Octavia flailed around for a moment,attempting to break free from her friends magical grip on her. "Getting your flank out the door!" The DJ used a hoof to grasp on the door and opened it up,allowing herself to walk through. She did not release Octavia or her cello from her magic,and simply walked out of their building. Though their only neighbor had been Aero Flow,few ponies ventured the cold street as a path to get to their daily errands. Few joggers on the street slowed their pace,wondering if they should be concerned of the pony carrying another with their magic. Despite the strange looks she was getting from passing ponies,Vinyl continued her hold on Octavia and her instrument,gently trotted the streets. "Vinyl,what the hay is the meaning of this?" The cellist sighed,clearly defeated. "What do you mean?" Vinyl smiled at her friend,her telekinetic grasp on her still firm. Unicorns Octavia thought with a slight roll of her eyes. "I mean you telling me it's time to go,grabbing me with your magic,then parading me down the streets!" Octavia tossed an annoyed glance at her friend,though it soon grew cold and angry. Vinyl kept quiet. "Vinyl! I'm serious!!" Still nothing. Octavia sighed,knowing she wouldn't get the truth. "Ah,Were here!" In front of them stood a large building,it was coated with large red bricks,and the line in front of the door went on for longer than Octavia's eyes could see. Loud music blared from it's insides,making it nearly impossible to hear anything else going on. Vinyl simply walked pass the large crowd waiting at the doors to get in,allowing entry to herself. Once inside,the DJ on the stage in the front finished his performance,clearing the stage. Walking passed and through crowds,the blue-maned DJ let herself to the front of the room,even with the looks she got from her crowd. The white mare still held fast to Octavia,who was no longer protesting. Once center-stage,Vinyl began speaking to the ponies below her through a microphone. "Though this was supposed to be my performance,both me and my friend,Octavia are gonna play for you tonight!" The words confused the crowds,even more so when they saw the cello in their beloved deejay's magic. "Vinyl! What are you doing!?" Octavia croaked,careful not to let the populated building hear her. The DJ threw her a meaningful glance. "Just relax,it'll be fun." She let Octavia to the floor gently. The pair walked out onto the stage,the DJ un-packing her friends cello case. The crowd became confused when Octavia began her soft melody,but perked up when DJ-Pon3-as they knew her-began adding small sounds to make it sound more interesting. Octavia never knew you could add dubstep to a cello,or cello to dubstep. To her they were two different things,and now,as she stood on the stage with her best friend,she learned they could be more. Octavia moved her hooves according to her memory,making her instrument ring out a beautiful symphony. Vinyl used her computer to create several noises,making a low-tone dubstep. They put it together and found that their two varieties of music blended well when put together in just the right way. The crowd cheered them on. Never had they heard something like this. Two ponies had just managed to blend their two tastes in music,and entertained an entire building of ponies who had came here for one. The entire world seemed to stop for the two musicians,who stood together in perfect harmony on the stage. Time stopped as the pair played on,making a symphony unlike any other. The large building of ponies whistled,stomped their hooves on the ground and listened. But like all good things,it had to come to an end. Their song was over,along with their stage time. Instead of staying for the rest though,they silently walked back to their home. _________________________________________________________________________________________ "Vinyl,why didn't you just tell me you wanted me to play?" Octavia looked at her friend with curiosity. "It was a surprise~" The DJ cooed. The cellist simply sighed,trotting towards her bed. "Well,I'm exhausted,I'm going to hit the hay." She stood before her bed,only to be stopped by her friend. "Octavia,wait...." Octavia looked to her friend,who had been tossing her glasses off to the side,head held down. "A few days ago....." She began. "What about a few days ago?" Her friend seemed like what ever she was about to say,it had been important. "Well,when you........what did you...mean by it...?" Octavia remembered back a few days ago. It was cold,and it had begun to snow. The pair sat in the park. She was looking at Vinyl,unable to believe that at one point,she found her annoying.That's when she looked looked at Vinyl. "You know,it's kinda beautiful,like you." She then began stuttering like a foal. Also when Octavia kissed her. Octavia cheeks flushed. She felt her face go warm. Octavia paused,taking a glance at Vinyl,then beamed,tears forming in her lavender eyes. "I love you." It was a simple phrase,something that often was flung around,used in the wrong way, bashed around and contained many broken promises. A complicated phrase that was only to be used when it was truly meant. And Octavia had meat each of the three words she spoke. The white pony's eyes gleamed. Vinyl looked at her for a moment,flashing a bright smile at her friend. "I love you too." Time seemed to stop between the two of them. They stared at one another,not needing anything else. At one point in her life,Octavia had doubted love. It was an un-needed sentiment for her at the time. She believed all she need to do was to focus on her music. And she did. Until Vinyl came along and changed everything. Now,she had something she never did;Somepony she loved. She never thought she would hear the words that just came out of Viny's mouth. I love you too.