The lucid adventures of me in Equestria

by Cyberunit1

Duuude..... Equestria.....

'This is going to be the best.'

My last thoughts as I drifted off into what could possibly be one of the best dreams in my life. You see, I'm an extremely lucky guy; I lucid dream.

Every. Night.

Okay, lets get a little back story and explain what lucid dreaming is in case you don't know.

For most people,when they dream they are not aware that they are asleep; no matter what sort of wacky things happen, their brain makes them believe that it's normal. You could be doing the macerena in the nude on the back of a blue elephant riding into battle against the evil forces of planet Dorffall and still think that it's an everyday occurrence, but for me, I always know that I'm in the realms of peaceful slumber. Knowing this allows me to control my dreams and bend them to my will. This is lucid dreaming.
I've been doing it as far back as I can remember, usually visiting the universes of my favourite books, films or TV shows: Dr Who, Artemis Fowl, Avatar and many others. It's awesome. I baisicaly get to have adventures in all the different universes. Then, only last year, one of my greatest friends introduced me into what is possibly one of the most spectacular series to ever be created. My little Pony: Friendship is Magic. For months, I didn't watch it, thinking that a show aimed at young girls couldn't entertain me, a sixteen year old guy.

Boy was I wrong.

I'd never taken to anything so quickly! within minutes of the first episode, I'd fallen in love with it, knowing that I'd watch every episode over and over. I watched the first series in days and then decided that I HAD to meet the mane six. So I did. I decided the next time I went to sleep, I'd meet them all, and everypony else...

I open my eyes to pure white. This is what it's like at the beginning of every dream now; nothing.

I have to choose what to dream

After a while of contemplating, a plan formed in my head , but first, I needed a body. I can hardly go running around as a human in Equestria and scare everypony now, can I! No, I'd have to come up with a decent pony body to fit in! I had one In a few seconds , although it was a un-imaginative one. I just used the generic bad-guy pony look: Black coat, red mane and eyes, a pair of wings and a blatantly obvious cutie mark: a guitar. Now for a name... Hmm, how about Six String? No, that's far too obvious. Wonder hooves? Nope, that sounds like a pony pornstar. Aha! Blood Sugar! Okay, maybe not the most in-cognito names, but I decided it would have to do. Now that I was ready, I could enter Equestria, hopefully appearing in Twilight Sparkle's Library.

I began to fade into the library, adding in a few sparks for dramatic effect. The smells always come first. I have no idea why and I could change that if I wanted to, but it's more fun to let the details come naturally. The faintest hint of oak reaches me, growing strondger by the second, while other odours; traces of parchment, whiffs of books and the perfume of flowers on the table all come together to create a symphony of glorious aromas as the room comes into focus, a dark brown mass speckled with different colours becoming sharper, revealing itself to be a wall of bookshelves bursting full of publications from 'Starswirl the bearded's compendium of transdimentional magic' to ' Abc's for foals: Early days'. Next comes the odd sensation of feeling the wooden floor through hooves. It's like feet but I can't get as much detail. As if I'm wearing three layers of socks. Unsurprisingly I can't taste much other than the sweetness of the air, not a hint of dust; Spike really is an exellent assistant. Finally, my hearing begins to kick in, fading from a high ring to Twilight's rantings about me appearing in her library without explanation.
"......ow did you just teleport in here? I have anti-teleport spells all set for the library so the books don't get disturbed! And you don't even have a horn; how could you teleport yourself here? Perhaps the princesses sent you, they could easily break my enchantments! Is that how you got here? Is there something wrong going on? No, Princess Celestia would have at least sent a letter, it can't be that! Maybe you...."
I tune out Twilight as spike approaches me, rolling his eyes.
"How did you get in here? I might be able to can get her to stop if I have an answer."
"Well, I'm actually from a different dimention, believe it or not!" I reply with a grin. (Hey, it's kinda the truth!)
"Wow, really? So you're kind of an alien?"
My answer is a swift nod and his eyes widen.
"TWILIGHT! I know how he got here! He says he's from a different dimention so I don't think theres a catastrophy or anything like that!"
Abruptly, the lavender geek comes to a stop, blinking several times, slowly.
"But...but you don't have a horn!"
Ah. I had to think of an excuse, and fast.
"Uhh... well you see, in my dimention, magic doesn't exist. We use technology in it's place, for example, instead of some of the dominant species having wings, we created giant metal vehicles that fly using physics instead! That means that everybody can travel long distances faster than normal because these vehicles, called planes, can go extremely fast. Anyway, with technology we created an interdimentional portal and I was the first person to go through it, with no clue what was on the other side." I let out a quick chuckle. "Ahh, Aperture Science. No safety for their subjects."
Twilight seemed to be taking this pretty well, considering her earlier reaction to me appearing in the middle of her library and home.
"Wow, that actually kinda makes sence. But may I ask one question?"
"Sure, go ahead" I reply, hoping that it won't be a question I don't want to answer.
"Why don't you use everpony instead of eveybody? Are equines not the only dominant species where you come from? Or are there no equines at all?"
Woah, Twilight's pretty good. Wasn't expecting that.
"Nope, it's neither of those actually. On my planet, Humans are the only dominant species, evolved from primates. All other creatures lack real intelligence and are wild. Also, there are no weird giant reptile things," I laugh, glancing at spike. What? I can't give away that I know a lot about them, can I!
"Hey! I'm not a 'reptile thing!' I'm a dragon!"
"Yeah, but he's only a baby really, adults are a lot bigger. But you are my number one assistant!"
Spike blushes, but obviously enjoys the praise nonetheless. Suddenly, Twilight gasps.
"We have to inform the princesses! They'll want to know if there's a time/space traveller in Equestria! Spike, take a letter!"
"Aye aye ma'am!" He salutes, pulling out a quill and piece of parchment.
"Dear princess Celestia. Today, a pony materialised right in the middle of my library and he claims to be from a different dimention! His name is... Wait, what is your name?"
"Uhhh, call me Blood Sugar."
Her eyes widen slightly at the unsual name, but she continues anyway.
"His name is blood sugar, and although he looks like anypony else, he says that he's something called a human, a species evolved from primates, in his universe so I belive he changed form due to Starswirl's second law of cross dimentional travel . He also says that they can't use magic in his universe and ponies aren't intelligent! I look forward to a reply, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."
"Your faithfull student, Twilight Sparkle..." Spike mutters to himself as he finishes off the last of the letter. "And done!" he announces, waving it in the air.
"Good, now send it please, I think she'll reply pretty quickly."
Spike releases a spout of flame that envelopes the letter quickly, before burning it, the ash floating out the window.
"There, now all we have to do is wait for a rep..." She is interrupted by a belch from Spike, the letter dropping on the floor between them. "Well, that was fast." She picks it up and begins to read aloud. "Dear Twilight Sparkle. I would like for you to come to Canterlot immediately. Please use the attached advanced teleportation enhancer to teleport yourself and the other bearers, Spike and Blood sugar. Princess Celestia." Her eyes widen. "Okay, Spike go and get Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie. Blood Sugar and I will find Rainbow and Fluttershy. Let's go!" With that, we approaced the exit, my exitement getting stronger as I realised I was about to meet all of the mane six. Twilight grasped the handle in her magic, pulling the door open and revealing the outside...
My jaw hits the floor.
Literally; that's Equestria physics for ya!
The sheer awe in the beauty of the colourful buildings stops me completely.
"Duuude.... Equestria.....