The Girl with Draconequus Tattoo

by MyPeculiarSelf

chapter 2: Lidya's story

She couldn't stop running... She couldn't tell how far behind her pursuer was, but she knew it was far to close for comfort. Vines and trees blocked most of her vision as she sprinted through the Everfree forest. As a door sized rectangle of light came into view she put on a final burst of speed and leapt into the light. The scenery around her boiled and shifted to that of a bedroom. As she landed she collapsed against the floor panting.

"Of all the ponies ... *puff* it had to be Rainbow ... *puff* Dash to follow me? Why not ... *poof* a more friendly one, like Pinkie Pie? " The creature started to unfold herself from the ground as she tried to catch her breath. "Or Rarity? *puff* ... I doubt that Rarity would run after me like that."

She never was the fastest in her class at school, but was always in the top five. And even though she wasn't the fastest, she was the most resistant, able to keep pace for a longer time than most other people. Of course that was not enough to beat Rainbow Dash, for that she would to need wings, which is kind of hard to get if you are human.

"At least I managed to outwit her." She said, feeling her pulse gradually return to normal.

Okay, now I'll have to be more careful when entering in Everfree. She arced her back in a long stretch and considered what she would do next. First: continue breathing. Second: close the portal. Third: order a pizza.


"But it's true!" Rainbow exclaimed for the fourth time.

"And I'm saying it was just your imagination, Dash. It's the most logical reason. "Twilight replied.

"But I saw it!"

"you hit a tree."

"I saw it before hitting the tree!" Dash cried.

"Rainbow, dear, you're obviously confused and stressed out. Why don't you come with Fluttershy and I to the spa? I'm sure you will feel more calm and- "

"I'm not confused Rarity. I know what I saw! "

"Maybe you confused yourself." Fluttershy offered timidly. "There are many strange creatures in the Everfree. Maybe you saw a Manticore and confused it with something else. "

"There wasn't a manticore! It was unlike anything I've ever seen before."

"Can you describe it then?" Twilight asked.

"It was .. well ... was ... I couldn't see much, ok? It was all covered by rags and had a hood covering it's head. All I could see was that it was bipedal, bigger than a pony and smaller than a manticore. "

"So it was a pile of dirty clothes with legs?"

"Yes- NO! There wasn't a pile of dirty clothes with legs Pinkie Pie!"

"Then what was it?"

"I don't know. If I knew what it was, it wouldn't be a mysterious creature." Dash said rolling her eyes.

"Makes sense to me." Pinkie sang, smiling.

"I agree with Fluttershy. Maybe you just saw an animal in Everfree which for some reason had a blanket covering it and you mistook it as a mysterious creature."

Rainbow Dash looked down fighting to hold back tears of indignation. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"Sugarcube, believe me when Ah say that we want to, but this is a very strange story you're telling. And there isn't shame in confusion. You were just looking forward to your book and confused the things a bit. "AJ offered in a comforting tone.

"I didn't confuse me!" Rainbow finally exploded, she hated to yell at her friends, but hated even more when they doubted her. "I'll prove it to you! A mysterious creature exists and I'll prove it!" With a flick of her tail, Rainbow flew off, leaving behind five confused and worried ponies.


Days later…

A human was in the region between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest's edge. It was amazing how that particular region was never shown in the show. It was calm. And since she had discovered it a few weeks ago, she had only seen one or two pegasi flying over, and luckily they hadn't noticed her. It was uninhabited, quiet and just the perfect place for a human who had arrived in Equestria and didn't want to draw attention.

She was totally a city girl, but even those whose hearts are in the city dream to spend a quiet day in the meadow. To feel the sun on their skin and see the endless blue sky overhead. Fuck the spa! Now this was relaxing! She thought as she snuggled into the grass. “If I didn't have to worry about ponies, I could take a little nap here.”

But she knew she couldn’t stay there forever. The human world, her home world, was waiting for her return. She lazily stood, picking up her "bag of tricks" and went toward the Everfree Forest. She was glad the portal wasn't too far inside of the forest and that it wasn't too close to Ponyville. Giving her comfort in that nopony would stumble upon her.

Of course she couldn't delude herself. Everfree was still Everfree, so she always had to be alert, one of the reasons to take the backpack with her. Fortunately, the area was close enough to the edge and was not heavily populated by animals. Her trip was uneventful except for the usual feeling of being watched and she soon heard the familiar sound of of the vortex as it came into view in front of her.

The girl couldn't help but laugh at the irony. In all the stories of humans in Equestria which she had read, the human was abandoned in the woods with generally nothing and little to no chance to return home. Meanwhile, she had the door of to Equestria within easy reach. With a smirk of pleasure she crossed the portal and her surroundings flipped from an overgrown forest to her room.


Lidya's POV

With a familiar mixture of sadness and happiness I passed through the vortex to be greeted by the familiar sight of my messy room.

My room has cyan walls as the sky, or as the coat of Rainbow Dash, and was full of books of various subjects. There were some lovely plush monsters, replicas of famous surrealist paintings, some eccentric objects which I love, goggles of insect eyes, and some dolls from tv series.

Going to Equestria is always enjoyable, but returning home is comforting. I don't know how the guys of the stories I read can not miss their homes, but obviously I'm not one of those. In fics you eventually have to make the decision to stay in Equestria or go home. But when I read those stories I wonder why they have to choose between one or the other? Why can't they (pardon the plagiarism) have the best of both worlds? Go to Equestria when they want and return home when they are done? After all, haven't you ever wondered what life would be like if you might only choose one or the other without ever getting to reconcile the two? What would it be like with hot chocolate if people had to choose between milk or chocolate powder? For a hot chocolate lover such as myself, it would be a nightmare of epic proportions. Or choosing between syrup or pancakes? Horrible, isn't it? But this only further validates my point of view here.

But now in some universe where all this is a fic you may be wondering who I am. Well, I'm Lidya Martins. Medium height, light brown and fulfilled hair and brown eyes. And a few months ago that I am the proud bearer of a portal to Equestria. I'll explain.
It was a normal day, no earthquakes, no energy oscillations, no signs of cracks in the fabric of time and continuous space. I just opened my closet and it was there.

The first thing I did? First I closed the closet door and told myself that it was not real. After I gave a peek inside and saw that it was still there. Yeah, it was real. So I quietly went down to kitchen and made a hot chocolate (I already talked that Love hot chocolate?) and drank a few sips.

After I had calmed myself I returned to my room and stared at the thing while I drank my chocolate. I knew this wasn't going be the easiest thing, but I had to do something about it.

And what is the first thing that you do when you discover a portal in your room? Sticks things in it of course! Fun? Actually yes, but it also is scientific research. I started with objects such as hangers and spatulas. The first thing that I discovered is that this portal wasn't the type "touch me enough and I'll suck you like water in a straw" but the kind that reminds you of water, you touch it and only the immersed part is affected, the rest stays normal. Oh! And the second thing was that when I withdraw the object, the immersed part isn't deformed or destroyed, but normal and intact.

Ok, objects can travel safely. Next step: living beings. I started with fruits and then went to plants. They seemed fine as well. And finally I went through the portal myself (you may think that I was stupid in wasting time sticking things in the portal first, but if you're the type that prefers to jump into a unknown portal only to discover later that the world of the other side is, for example, so hot that it melts your skin, that's your problem).

So wearing goggles and holding my breath (better safe than sorry) I stuck my head in the portal. Tolerable temperature, no pain, no eyes jumping due to pressure. Yes, I was alive and well as I stared at a bleak and familiar forest in front of me. It took a few seconds for me to remember why it was so familiar when it hit me. It was the Everfree Forest of My Little Pony! The world most desired by all bronies was in front of me! In my closet!

Despite it being so cool I still had some things to do before the having fun. First, if it was really Everfree then it had all those dangerous creatures that could get out of there and come to my room! The first thing I should do would be to empty the closet and lock it in the best possible way (I wouldn't lock up forever, only when I'm not using it). I started removing the towels and when I picked the last pile up the gate closed.

After a few seconds of shock and disbelief, I put the towels back and the portal appeared again. I took the towels, it disappeared. I put the towels back, it appeared. After picking up the towels and putting them back thirty times I was sure. When I removed the towels the portal disappeared and when I put it back the portal returned. I tried several times exchanging some towels and stuff and the result was always the same. And I discovered it all in less than a day without having a psychotic breakdown. In my opinion: awesome. I had a portal that I could open and close whenever I wanted and it could take me to a place I've always dreamed of going. I felt like Lucy Pevensie, only better.

The first few times I didn't dare move more than a few feet from the portal. What if it started to disappear? Or if a manticore suddenly appeared? If I had any doubt that this place was Equestria, it disappeared when I saw my first timberwolf. After that encounter I closed the portal for a whole week before working up the courage to open it again. I kept thinking that thing was on the other side just waiting for me to stick my head out to attack.

After more than a month, I was sure that the portal wouldn't just close by itself. And I also knew that if I wanted to go ahead with this thing, I would have to be ready to deal with timberwolves and worse. I downloaded sounds of wildlife and car alarms onto my phone, bought animals repellent spray in the internet, and also picked up a baseball bat and a large dagger in case evverything else failed and I have to rely on combat. Ah! And I also took the liberty of using some of my knowledge and research on the internet to create a super smelly mixture I keep in a small jar in my pack. I put a few stink bombs, cans of cat food and other things I won't talk about now. Also, I didn't know if my stinky pot would work, but in my first test with a manticore, it ran away and didn't look back. My pot, sounds and spray proved effective, especially if I used them together.

Thanks to these tricks I was able to explore Everfree safely, discover where Ponyville was, see the ancient castle of the royal sisters, and even met Zecora. I stumbled upon her cabin and decided to introduce myself. She is the only pony with whom I spoke with in Equestria since I arrived. I thought she would be the best pony for me to speak to first since I knew my entry into Ponyville would have caused some commotion. And she knew what exclusion was like so she and I had some common ground.

Of course, when she saw the large primate standing on her doorstep she appeared to be a little worried. But after we started talking, we became quick friends. I still visit her sometimes and even showed her my stinky pot. I still remember what she said when she smelled it: "Seems like it comes from doom! Use it and nopony will come close of you". It was because of her that I was able to determine when in Equestrian history I was. I know that “Keep Calm and Flutter On” has happened, but Twilight has not become a princess yet. But that's all I could be sure about.

I couldn't be happier with my portal. I had always wanted to travel to other universes. Such as oooh, Narnia... I looked at my replica of Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali. I'd love to see a world that is made of Salvador Dali's works, it would be amazing.

In any case, travel to other universes made me extremely thirsty. What time is it? Hot Chocolate Time! (What? Technically I was on an adventure until now). I descended the stairs to the kitchen and started getting preparing some hot chocolate. You would think chatting with zebras, having to deal with strange and wild beings, as well as hiding a portal in your closet are things that would take time to adjust to. But I got used to it pretty quickly. I mean, I still fear timberwolves and manticores, but outside of that, it seems like second nature.

Now you must be thinking "if you've been to Equestria for months, why haven't you gone to Ponyville yet?" After all, one brony (or pegasister in my case) who can go to Ponyville and doesn't, is committing a serious sin against the Brony code. But I can't just show up in town. I would scare the shit out of everypony. And even if I didn't, what would I say? "Hi, I'm an evolved primate from an alternate universe and I got here through a portal located in my closet. Oh! And despite that you know nothing about me or my kind until now we've been watching you in secret all this time and we even have stories and toys based on you." What do you think they would say? I don't think it could be anything positive.

But I'd really love to meet them all. I want to know Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and the other characters. And of course ... him. I put my hand over the right thigh of my jeans, underneath it is the image of my favorite character of the show and of all time: Discord!

I just fell in love with him when I saw “The Return of Harmony”. And it just doubled after “Keep Calm and Flutter On.” I was totally obsessed with Discord, and to my relief and comfort I wasn't the only one. Bronies, pegasisters and even those not so fond of the show were completely mesmerized by the draconequus.

And believe me, I'm neither first nor the only one to get a tattoo of Discord on myself. And you have to agree, fan or not, a Discord tattoo is pretty cool. In fact I don't know what attracts me so much to him. It's just that he's so ... everything! He can be evil, charismatic, intelligent and adorable all at the same time. Maybe that's the magic of chaos.

My tattoo was done this year, shortly after my eighteenth birthday. Many get a Discord tattoo tribal style, but I opted for a version of it in color. My Discord resembles a Chinese dragon in a delicate style. And he isn't in the style of the show, but in a more realistic style. Maybe my Discord seems a bit too innocent compared to Discord in the show, but I couldn't be more proud of it. It is colorful, beautiful and so big that it almost covers the entire front of my thigh.

You may wonder what my parents thought about it, but they divorced four years ago. I live with my father who is always traveling due to work and is hardly ever at home (but now that this portal is here it's a good thing). And for him I can put whatever I want on my leg. And my mother? She said something about me being my leg, but what she said was if it were her choice she would put something more feminine, like a rose and not a multicolored dragon . Yeeyup, for my parents I has a tattoo of a weird Chinese dragon on my leg and not one of Discord. But now that I think about it, it could be a good thing. Better than knowing you have a daughter with tattoo of a character from a children's show about ponies and friendship.

I take a sip of my coco and close my eyes in bliss and pleasure from my delicious chocolate.

And that's another reason I'm not sure about meeting other ponies. If they find my tattoo I don't know what they would do. Even if he is reformed now. And what if Discord were to discover it?

I grab my mug and start going back to my room, I still have to close the portal.

So far, I managed to stay incognito while explore Ponyville, but I don't think I can keep going for long. First I was attacked by Rainbow Dash. In part, it was my fault for using a Rainbow Dash hoodie (I have one of Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy too). I should have dressed something more discreet, but the temptation was so great. Come on, use a pony hoodie in a world inhabited by them. Comic! Luckily I managed to dodge her. But how long until another pony sees me?

I talked to Zecora about it. I'll spare you the rhymes and say that she told me that I should show myself to the other ponies. They would love to meet me. And if I want to continue going to Equestria I'll have to introduce myself eventually. I think I can ask Zecora to introduce me to the mane 6. Surely it is better than appearing in the city to be attacked by ponies. It is a good plan.

I go back to my room to scream and jump backwards, knocking my mug full of chocolate on the floor.

Who brought a Rainbow Dash in my room?