//------------------------------// // The Princess Of The Night // Story: Liar, Liar // by MonsterousKat //------------------------------// When they arrived, Princess Luna met them at the entrance of the Castle. She smiled upon seeing the group all there just for Rainbow Dash. Her sister was right behind her, her hair tied back in a ponytail. Twilight eagerly ran up, hugging her teacher. "My faithful student.. I'm so proud of you for coming to help your friend." She said once the two parted. "My sister and I believe we have the solution to your ailment." She gestured for them to follow. As they walked, Celestia explained what she believed happened. "You see, on that night the wish was made, the planets were aligned, and magic was everywhere. This magic had a will of it's own, and apparently decided to grant the young filly's wish. I'm not sure why, but it was no work of any evil. Just a misfortunate accident." They soon arrived in the hall where a two thrones sat, and Luna gently grabbed Rainbow Dash's hand, and she closed her eyes, holding Dash's hand firmly. The group could only watch as a magical aura floated around Luna's horn, and to Rainbow Dash, traveling up and down her body like a lightning bolt. Luna's eyes opened, and she smiled. "Lie to me." Rainbow Dash bit her lip, and nervously answered. "I'm not a Pegasus." When that came out easy, Dash jumped excitedly, bouncing when she landed. "I am not a Pegasus!" She repeated this a few more times. When she finally settled down, Twilight placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go home." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------