//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: The Unexpected // Story: The Spark // by rikkuidol //------------------------------// Writer's Notes: Hello everypony! sorry for the Loooooooooooooooooong wait, i was very busy with work and stuff, anywho, i'll try to update more frequently and for those who tracked this story i thank you!!. On a more less serious note, i need a helping hoof on this story, i need pre-readers and spell checkers due to the fact that i write this stuff at work, cuz i cant at home, cuz i dont have time for it! (Even though my kids love MLP and my wife loves Magic that's the whole reason for this story anyway! =D; anyway...you know family stuff first! =D) so PM me if your interested! i dont need any SUPER experts or anything just a helping hand to make this story i bit more "Good" for viewers! thanks again everypony and enjoy reading! =D ------------------------------------- Canterlot "Garden" "Tezzerret! you blasted artificer! how dare you show your face here in equestria?" shouted jace as he came down from the hallway. In front of him standing next to the statue of celestia was the planeswalker tezzerret. A tall man with body half artifact half flesh, his face wore a a evil grin and eyes swimming with evil intent, and as he opened his mouth a seemingly blue mist came out. "Ice cage" And within a second jace's body began freezing from the bottom up. As jace's feet started to freeze he simply chanted: "Turn Aside" And the ice on his feet began to crack but to his shock tezzerret yet again spoke. "Negate" The cracking of the ice on jace's feet suddenly stopped and once again started to climb up his body. Jace only got irretated and screamed. "Dissipate!!" And as the ice from his body dissapeared completly jace uttered the words with hatred. "Enough with the games tezzerret, it ends now!" Tezzerret only grinned and uttered a maniacal laugh. He bagan to raise his artifact hand and pointed it towards jace and spoke. "It is not like you jace to loose your temper, what happened to your cool poise?" As his laugh echoed through the walls of the castle. jace suddenly realized that he was not here to for jace but he must be a distraction. "You sneaky rat!!" screamed jace as he turned around, but he was already surrounded with Nims and Memnites. "When did you?" "When did i what jace? summon these?" said tezzerret with an evil grin on his face. "Right when you countering my counter spell". Tezzerret uttered another manaical laugh and spoke once again. "What happened to you jace? you've grown...soft, is it because of these ponies?" As Tezzerret watched jace he was suddenly supriced when a purple unicorn pony suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Sir jace! are you alright?" said twilight sparkle "Miss sparkle? how did you----" "Flame Javelin!!" Jace was cut off when he heard the sound of chandra screaming. "It's not too late yet sir jace! we still have time to help!" said twilight Tezzeret could only snicker at the little pony wearing a crown on her head and said. "There is no way you can escape me jace, both you and your little pony." "Wanna bet?" said twilight with a grin on her face while stomping her hoof on the ground. "You are jesting little pony you do not have-----" Tezzerret was cut off when a purple realitly bubble appeared infront of him and holding both twilight and jace inside and within a second they teleported out. Tezzerret was speachless, but instead of being annoyed he simply grinned and said. "So that is the power of the elements of harmony....Interesting" --------------------------------------------- To Be Continued