The Black Coated Filly

by bellensnow

Chapter 1

"Ok Marble time for school, go make some new friends." Pinkie told her daughter excitedly. Today was Marbles first day of school at ponyville high..
"Ok mom." Marble said.
"Have fun!" Pokey yelled after her.
"See you after!" After a deep breath and a wave to her parents Marble went to the school field. She saw that some of the other filly's and colt's where playing hoofball.
"Can I join?" Marble asked when she got close to one player. This player was a gray pegusus colt with a black mane. "Sure!" He said. "You can be on my team.
"Cool, what's your name?" Marble asked the colt.
"Rumble, yours?" Rumble asked.
"Marble Tray but you can call me Marble." She told Rumble.
"Awesome." Rumble said. So Marble, Rumbke and some other filly's and colt's played hoofball until the bell rang.
"See you at recess." Rumble said as he galloped to get the ball.
"Ok!" Marble yelled back. "Wow my first friend..." She said to no pony in particular. School, as she had predicted, was boring. Marble couldn't wait to get to recess so she could play hoofball. As Miss Cherallie droned on and on about how equestria came to be a note fell on her desk.
"A note?" Marble whispered to herself. It said to pass it on so that's what she did she didn't want to get in trouble in class. She hoped she never would, but alas she was wrong. Something always happens to black coated foals.
Marble was more organized than the other filly's and colts, so it took her longer to get outside. When she got outside she heard somepony bullying somepony else. They shouldn't do that, I should go help. Marble thought to herself. When she got there a crowed was already there.
"Wow." Marble said astonished.
"There's so many ponies here already." Marble stood in the crowd until she heard the bully saying some meaner things. Now I need to help. Marble thought to herself.
"Hey!! Stop bullying them!" Marble said as she fought her way through the crowed. Diamond tiaras ears pricked up at the sound of another filly telling her not to do something.
"And who do you think you are!?!" DT shouted.
"Umm, hi, yeah that would have been me." Marble said now beginning to get scared.
"Why are you sticking up for them?" DT asked in a "I'm a rich filly" voice.
"Because they look like nice ponies." Marble said shooting them a smile.
"We'll no pony else here thinks so,so you're out of luck." DT said as she shot a demonic look at the other students. "Okay? How about because I don't have a cutie mark as well?" Marble questioned.
"Oh, then I'll stop. You seem like a cool pony who are you gonna pick me or the blackflanks? DT asked.
"Why did you call them that? I think I'll go with them. But I don't see why you're so mean to them." Marble told DT.
"Its because they not special." Silver Spoon said.
"They are to special!" Marble said.
"They are wonderful ponies. You two aren't."
"Hmph!" DT scoffed as she turned around.
"Fine we'll leave you four blankflanks alone then." DT said as she and Spoon walked off.
"Your just another pony to put in my black book." DT whispered.

"Hi!" Marble heard a voice say after that was done.
"Thanks for getting Diamond tiara off our backs." That was said by a Snow white unicorn.
"My names Sweetie Belle, that's Apple Bloom and Scootaloo."
"Hi, howdy." said the other two fillies.
"Umm "We where wondering if ya would like to hang out with us after school today." The filly, now known as Apple Bloom, asked her.
"Where would we be going?" Marble asked.
"Only to suger cube corner. We where gonna get milkshakes. The others filly, now known as Scootaloo said.
"Oh I'd have to ask mum when she comes to pick me up. I'm sure she'll say yes." BRIIIIIIIING
"Oh that's the bell we should get back inside." Sweetie Belle said see you after school um-
"Marble" the black coated filly supplied.
"Okay see you!" Sweetie said as she ran off. Marbles day was off to a good start. But you'll never know what'll happen tomorrow.