//------------------------------// // Masky // Story: Wild Card // by Arreis Of Avalon //------------------------------// Card was running through the hospital in a hurry, all thoughts gone but for one: Find the room he needed. He had dashed to the hospital after Pinkie had waked him up. He had apparently been asleep when it had started, and no one had seen fit to wake him for the process. It was late, he knew. He didn’t actually know what time it was, but that didn’t matter at the moment. Nothing mattered but finding the right room. “Room 105, room 105,” he kept repeating to himself as he sprinted. It didn’t occur to him in his state to teleport with his shadows. Of course, all logic flew out the window when it came to his family. Finally, he reached room 105 and burst through the doors. “Mom, D-dad I’m he-“ He cut off, a big smile on his face. There sat his father, Hat Trick, smiling as he always did. His mother, Mimic, was lying in the bed, looking happy yet exhausted. Not that that was strange after what she had just gone through. And, of course, there was somepony else in the room. A very small, very new somepony. The newborn filly in her mother’s hooves looked at her brother curiously. Her coat was a light blue mixed with purple, much like her mothers. Her ears were pointed like her fathers and seemed to suit her nicely. Her eyes were slanted slightly like her mothers, giving her an almost kitten like persona. Card was happy to see her eyes were a bright magenta. The child was not blind, as he had been. He also noted her horn. Just like Mom he thought, unable to stop smiling. Her mane was purple with streaks of her father’s orange mane thrown in on the edges. All in all, she looked to be a very sleepy, adorable filly. More than that, however… she was Cards sister. Card walked slowly over to his mother and sister, his eyes shining with tears. “O-oh wow…” Mimic giggled at her son’s reaction. Lightly she passed the child to him, moving his hooves in such a way as to support her head. Card felt tears rolling down his face. “S-she’s… she’s so t-tiny…” Hat smiled as he always did. “Almost as small as you were~” He held his wife’s hoof gently, his eyes shut as they always seemed to be. “Say hello to Masky, Card~” Card couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the name. “H-hello, Masky~” He didn’t care if his voice cracked in his emotion. His little sister just stared up at him curiously, watching his eyes. She smiled softly and made a small movement, almost seeming to reach her hooves up to his eyes. Card leaned forward slightly to see what she wanted with his face. Her smile grew as her hoof brushed up against his nose. Card laughed again, ignoring his tears of joy. He hadn’t expected so many emotions all at once, and yet he loved every second of them. His little sister… Gently Card handed his mother Masky. Masky made a tiny yawn and curled up to her mother, her hoof straying up to her mouth. Card smiled softly as his sister began to suck on the edge of her hoof, almost on the verge of sleep. Then, suddenly, he remembered. “I have a gift for you, Masky~” Mimic watched Card curiously as he reached into his pack. Out of his bag he pulled a small mask, perfectly white. Card saw the mask as an appropriate gift. He himself could wear any mask and gain its power. When he had been newly born, he had gotten a mask such as this. This mask, however, was MUCH more powerful. It had the ability to take on ANY power. A clean slate, so to speak. The color of the mask would change to the power needed. He lightly placed the mask close to his sister’s tiny hooves, smiling as he realized the mask was much too big for the newborn. Masky pulled her hoof out of her mouth, looking at the mask. Mimic giggled again at Masky’s bewildered face. She lightly pushed the mask up to Masky’s face. The mask fit horribly and looked rather ridiculous on such a small filly. Even so, Masky put on a big smile at the gift. Reaching out, she pulled it in close and began to suck on the edge of the mask, her face content. Hat chuckled, Mimic smiled, and Card laughed. Together the Trick family sat the night. Hat Trick, Mimic, Card Trick, and the newest member… Masky.