//------------------------------// // Simply Brothers // Story: Wild Card // by Arreis Of Avalon //------------------------------// Card had had nearly enough of this. He had flown down to his cave in the Everfree forest to do some cleaning. He had found a cave deep in the forest one day, accidently crashing there in a storm. He had taken refuge in the cave, only to find somepony had found it before him. The entire cave was full of books and studious things. He had instantly fallen in love with the cave and the books inside. Yet, today had been his day off, and he had expected to go through his collection of books and clean out the damaged and useless books. If only that had been the case… “OW ASHLEY!” Card winced as the pony near him shrieked. A storm had flown in quickly, and these… ponies had invaded his cave to wait it out. They had been non stop pests since he had entered the cave, and they asked pointless questions that grated on his nerves. The one who liked to scream was somepony by the name of Ender. He was deathly afraid of water. The pony whom he was screaming at had learned this and now took every opportunity possible to dump water on his head. There was another pony there as well by the name of Studio. His tail had eyes, it seemed, and could move on its own accord. It managed to aggravate the one named Ashley. Quite honestly, Card thought EVERYTHING aggravated Ashley. She hadn’t stopped annoying everypony else since she had ran into the cave. Ender was howling in pain as his head burned from the water. “I CAN’T TOUCH WATER, IT BURNS!!!” Card closed his eyes tightly, slamming the book in his hooves shut. Quickly the bickering stopped. “May I PLEASE ask you all to TRY and KEEP it DOWN?!” Ashley rolled her eyes, smirking. “Poor colt, getting all worked up. Ashley is just having a bit of fun~” Card grimaced at her usage of the third person. Only conceited ponies spoke like that. Studios tail seemed to glare at Ashley. “Hey, Tail, come on,” he said, trying to make his tail calm down. Ashley glared back at the tail, and Card groaned as the bickering began once more. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to clean anything today, he summoned his cards. Ender glanced at him, watching the shadows. “What are you doing?” Card began to explain as best he could what was happening. “I am a colt training to fight the God, Discord. My main weapon will be these shadow cards. They are my only hope to defeat him.” Ender looked at him, uncomprehending. “I thought Discord had turned good…” Ashley laughed. “You, defeat a God like him?” Studio and his tail both looked at Card. “Endy has a good point, why are you fighting Discord?” Card attempted to reply but was cut off as Studio continued to talk. “I mean, Discords powers can be used to do a lot of good!” Ashley rolled her eyes. “Or cause a whole heck of a lot of harm. I’m for that one.” Studio and his tail glared at her and they began to argue again. Card sighed, holding his head. “They can’t handle such a truth.” Card smiled slightly as there was a burst of flame behind him. Ender shrieked, flinching back. Studio and his Tail were busy arguing with Ashley. Card chuckled, the voice having been familiar. “Hot, I fear you are right.” Turning, Card saw his boyhood friend, Hot Shot, standing there. Hot had always been there for Card, acting more like a brother than a mere friend. He had gained his father’s flame powers, able to control flames with incredible power. Hot laughed at his remark and walked over to him, completely ignoring the others around them. “Has dad been training you enough?” Card shook his head slightly, his concentration on a certain frayed card in his deck. He would have to keep them in better condition. “Honestly, I don’t know. Out last session was awhile ago.” Hot made a rueful grin. “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. Been keeping him occupied with sparring matches.” With a curious glance, he looked at the card in his brother’s hoof. “Say, isn’t that from that deck of disharmony thing?” Card nodded. “I’m unsure how the card came into disrepair… In any case, I’m sure it’s nothing.” Ender glanced up at card. “Deck of Disharmony?” Card waved the small question away. “The original weapon of Discord. He used to use cards.” Studio glanced back to Card, forgetting for an instant of his argument with Ashley. He has a very short attention span Card thought as Studio spoke. “Wait, this whole thing is a battle with Discord. Couldn’t you just give him the deck back and say screw it?” Hot glanced at Card with a look that quite plainly said ‘Is this idiot for real?’ Card shook his head sadly. “It would mean he would kill us all.” Enders eyes widened in fear as Studio stood, confused. “But no, Discord has changed. Besides, what if the cards had had control over him before or somethi-“ Hot cut him off quickly. “It’s not that simple.” Card closed his eyes angrily. “A card does not possess the wielder. That’s ridiculous. Each card has a dealer, and that card is laid down to its best potential.” “Besides,” Hot said, “this isn’t the same Discord you know. It’s got something to do with bleeding universes and stuff. This one is SERIOUSLY evil.” He turned to Card. “See what I mean? This is what I meant with the whole ‘can’t handle the truth’ thing.” Card chuckled slightly. “Yes, I think I understand that now~” Studio thought a second, brushing the words aside like nothing. “You mean you are talking about how the other Discords will be taking the power of this card, therefore taking controller over Equestria? Magic confuses me sometimes…” Card groaned in exasperation. “It’s not magic! It’s chaos! Completely different!” In the background, Ashley chuckled darkly. She had always loved chaos, personally. Hot rolled his eyes. “This isn’t about taking over Equestria. This is the end of the world as we know it. If Card and I don’t stop it, the world is doomed, no matter how strong our warriors may be.” Card said nothing to this, letting what Hot had said sink into his head. It was rather startling to hear it stated so bluntly. And yet, it was the truth. This was all up to them. “So I’m guessing you aren’t destroying the cards, then?” Card sighed. “Of course not, Studio. Why would I EVER destroy a card?” Card turned to the entrance of the cave. “The storm is dwindling. Come on, Hot, let’s get out of here. I’m tired of this place.” Hot nodded and walks out with him, leaving behind the ponies in the cave to bicker some more. Card walked out into the rain, unfazed by the storm. Hot glanced at him as they walked through the forest. “Alright, what’s wrong?” Card smiled slightly, a strange smile. “Who said anything is wrong? I’m just thinking.” Hot stopped him with a small face, much like the one he had given Card earlier. “I’ve known you for too long for you to get away with that. What’s up?” Card chuckled slightly. “Guess it’s hard to hide from your brother.” He resumed walking with Hot. “I had a visit last night from Valkyrie.” “The evil dude?” “He’s back to normal now, Hot~” “Alright then. Continue.” “We talked about what I truly feared.” Hot glanced at him. “And that is?” Card opened his eyes softly, watching the rainfall. “… I fear my strength.” Card wasn’t expecting the small laugh from Hot. “Isn’t that why we’re training, Card?” “I suppose, yes, but we’re also training to become stronger. I have a lot of power already, Hot.” “Dad’s helping you out with all of that, isn’t he?” Card nodded slightly, watching his hooves. Gently, shadows curled around them, softly swirling. They had a sort of beauty to them, he saw. “… Drake can help, yes… but he won’t be there in the final battle. What if I lose control, what if I…” He sighed slightly. Hot laid a hoof on his brother’s shoulder with a small smile. “That’s where I step in.” Card looked at him curiously and Hot smirked. “What, did you think Dad chose me to work with you to balance Chaos?” Card smiled slightly. “Hardly~” Hot laughed. “Exactly. He chose me to help you because I’ve always got your back.” Card couldn’t help but smile. Despite his doubts and fears, Hot had and always would be at his side. “Thank you, brother,” he said, unable to find better words to express how he felt. Hot smiled back at him, knowing without Card having to say how he felt. “Hey, what are bro’s for, right?” Card chuckled and began walking through the storm again, feeling much better after a short talk with his brother. Hot glanced up at the clouds with a sour expression and turned to Card once more. “Dude, you know we can teleport, right?” “Of course I do~” “So… why aren’t we?” Card laughed and turned back to his brother. “Afraid of a little water?~” Hot grinned back at him, rain running down his face. “Not in the slightest.” Together they walked back to the inn. The storm was still pouring as they entered Sugar Cube Corner. Card pulled a small towel out of his hat and began to dry off, not wishing to get the floor wet. Sitting on the couch was the familiar inn keeper, sipping hot chocolate on a rainy day. “Hello you two,” Pinkie said, snuggled up in a warm blanket. She looked at them curiously. “Why did you two walk all the way through that storm?” Card chuckled, running a hoof through his wet mane. “I just enjoy rain storms~” Hot made a face, shaking his head slightly to get the water out. “Well, I don’t.” Card laughed at this, yet stopped when he noticed Diane squinting at him. He made a puzzled face. “Diane, why are you staring at me like that?” Pinkie kept staring at him. “… I think you’ve got a bit of scruff.” Hot glanced at Card as well. “Huh… You know, think she’s right.” Card put his hoof to his chin, surprised to feel the starts of a beard there. Was he truly that old already? “… Huh.” For once, Card was speechless. Hot laughed. “You gotta shave, dude!” Card made a slightly pained face. “S-shave? Hot, really? Besides, maybe I’ll decide to keep it~” To this, all three of the ponies assembled laughed. Imagining Card with a beard was rather hilarious, for some reason. “Well, in any case, I’ll shave later. That should prove to be fun.” Hot stifled another laugh. “Yeah, ‘fun’. Well, I’m heading to my room.” Card smiled. “See you later?~” Hot laughed. “Duh, bro~” With that he trotted upstairs to his families room. Card watched his brother head upstairs and went to his own room, only to be surprised later that night with something fairly amazing… and something not even he could be truly prepared for.