by Hakirayleigh

Chapter four

Rainbow Dash didn't understand why the because of the Applejack's attitude. Since they are known, she only hiding things with the purpose of not embarrassing about somebody discover things that happened her. Equestria Rodeo Competition was that case, she spilled out her great number of medal, but none of first place and therefore, no money to fix the Ponyville town hall. She felt shameful for no brought money to city, breaking the promise she did.

At least, on that ocassion, she sent a telegram saying don't coming back to Ponyville soon. This time she acts like if made some illegal or we might not understand the best way and could break off our friendship. And for now I'll know that that will not happen. Rainbow thought that possiblity while running at full speed.

While she was on the search, simultaneously she remembered her persistent competitions to know who was the best pony uin diferent capacities. Strenght, speed, resistance, agility. In most cases, Rainbow said coolness was an important capacity to define a perfect pony. But in this point, Applejack said that her commentary was funny and she never denied Rainbow Dash is the Equestria coolest ponies, on the same floor as The wonderbolts.

And despite the rivalry they always displayed in each competition involved, her friendship was pure gold, like with her other friends, but she considered one minute of reconciliation as valuable as all life of friendship.

At the same instant as she reminded that phrase, outside the castle, Rainbow Dash see a yellow stain with green and another of brown, gray and black. It was Applejack with her frock, and the other pony is no other than Mayor Mare. She was dressed with a long black outfit and her accostumed glasses with golden frames. When Rainbow reaches to glimpse the presence of they two, She increased the speed of their wings, in that moment that approached started to shout:

"Applejack!!! We need to talk stealhty pony!!" The mayor did not understand what was happening, because the yell tone, listening to them with a tone of concern and not surprise, Applejack knew one of her friends the look, knowing that all are united to everything.

"Where were you? At this time Twilight is at an important time with Princess Celestia and you are not joining us." Said Rainbow Dash, waiting a convincing response.

"Hire yew Rainbow, Have you enjoyed the gala with the princesses and our friends? Asked Applejack

"Yeah, for the time everyone of us have fun, especially Pinkie Pie, but why you dissap..."

"And the food? Are the chefs a pistol? interrupted Applejack

"Applejack, answer!!" Said Rainbow Dash with contained rage.

"Rainbow, listen before I say something..."

WHAT!!! exclaimed Rainbow

"Before I say something, coulda you greet to mayor? It's impolite don't greet to other ponies " Said Applejack.

"Ohh...Sorry. Good night Mayor Mane. I apologise for my attitude."

"Good night Rainbow Dash. It neglects, I know you want urgently to talk to with your friend"

"Thanks Mayor, but I am curious to know why are Applejack and you talk outside of the castle? Asked Rainbow Dash

"Well Rainbow Dash, I'm here, because..."

"Hold a second mayor!!" said Applejack. Rainbow Dash from the start strongly suspects Applejack may be hiding some serious"

"Rainbow, Can you escort us toward Donut Joe restaurant?" Asked AJ.

"Yyyes Rainbow, please I'm going invite you some delicious donuts. Do you like donuts? Don't you Rainbow?" enquired Mayor Mane.

Rainbow Dash realized mayor Mane and Applejack want to building time. She was about to leave the conversation, but Twilight made the request about to know where was her friend.

"Ok Applejack, I shall accompany you with the mayor, but I hope good explenations from you." Finished Rainbow.

"All right Rainbow. C'mon Mayor I know a dessert you'd like it." Said Applejack

The ponies walk slowly toward the store, while she was flying behind, knowing that atmosphere of distrust grows up for every step forward. Then a smelly deep silence sherry to flowers trampled underfoot. Applejack and Mayor Mane full into their eyes themselves, each minute, thinking and thinking, how to explain to Rainbow the details of the conversation. They reached to whisper some words in your ears, but Rainbow Dash as she came closer came to listen.

Mayor Mane He came up with an idea efforting to break the silence. A little uncomfortable, but enough to buy time.

"So, Rainbow, I know now, you are a new Wonderbolts' member. It's true?" asked the mayor.

"Yes mayor, since a few months back I had to finish my studies and training in the academy. It was a long year, but I enjoyed and learnt too much and meet interesting pegasi.

"Uhhmm... interesting and how you was the theoretical subjects? I suppose that you also had a great performance in that part." Continue the mayor.

"Well, in the beginning, everything was a little hard, but my friends and especially was patient with me and he taught me everything I needed to know., for example in physics Twilight walked me through the whole process, like Applejack in maintaining physical fitness especially at my hind legs, Rarity helped me in aerial choreographies, Pinkie Pie in woodworking at scenarios and Fluttershy was esential in first aid, anatomy and was pursuing me some study nights." Rainbow Dash puted it succinctly her process in the academy."

"It's wonderful Rainbow, You have acquired such a quantity of knowledge in the academy thanks to your friends. But I bet that you met some special pony in the academy, Am I mistaken?" Said the mayor.

Thanks mayor, it was invested a great deal of effort each day and...What do you mean at the last part? Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, I'm sure a pony like you has nomerous suitors at that exciting time".

"Yeah Rainbow, why don't you talk about tell you to the mayor a bit more about your new boyfriend Soarin, ehhhh? Said Applejack with a morbid and sexy tone in her voice.

"Applejack, There is never a dull moment with those things, it's better run faster toward Donut Joe" said Rainbow Dash with a face feature looks flushed or blotchy. Applejack and Mayor Mane begin to go out of Donut Joe's way to talk of Rainbow's uncomfortable topics

"Awww...Rainbow, don't be shy, maybe Applejack and I can learn about your "seduction guide" to conquer to gentlecolts. And as you can see, because of my age I need your advice more than anyone else" Said Mayor Mane without pity.

"Tell us Rainbow, Soarin give some of sugar after of class?" breathed Applejack.

"Applejack, I'd prefer staying on the topic."

"And you unsolicited some sexual proposal, indecent or improper display of bodily parts, sexual
gestures or comment. That's so kinky and fun. Said the mayor with a shamed face too.

"Ohhh, c'moooon girls you should not have to ask me about anything." Rainbow Dash becomes fidgety"

"Rainbow, that not be the end of the story. Did you have some hard sex with him?" Applejack continued to push ahead without comprehending Rainbow's patience has its limits, and that limit it's very thin.

"have you tried some sexual positions with him or better, had you tried anal sex??" Mayor Mane forwarded this issue too far."

Rainbow Dash was feeling in that moment major shame:

"Accccckkkkkk! Make make stop, didn’t see that one coming! Just make this word, this vision now seared into my teenage head stop, better yet erase it. Pour me a glass of amnesia, stat! Ahhhh! I see it now, it’s too late and its gross, I want to throw up. I hope blacked out at that very moment of this walking, just passed out cold. I want to go soon of this. No more!, no more!"

Rainbow Dash after finishing that thought kept her deconcentrated, She noted that her friend and the mayor diverted from donut Joe's way. Rainbow couldn't bear more the Applejack and Mayor Mare game.

"I have had enough of hearing such words!!" Said Rainbow Dash showed her disapproval. "First I would like to make it clear Soarin and I have a stable relationship since several months behind us, and you two ponies, try embarrased me is uncool. Specially you Applejack. A great friend like you couldn't fall that low in life!

"And second, I know you don´t want go toward Donut Joe. You plan getting rid me and don´t talk whatever you don't show, but all our friends are concern for you and all time wanting to hide your problems with us, your best friends and only talk with the mayor, with all due respect and sympathy I have on you mayor." Rainbow Dash made a pause while finished her lecture.

"And you know what?? If you don't mean something, I'm fine. I only was upset for your behavior this month, even though Granny Smith is ill, Twilight, the princesses, our friends and I, will always just to be with you when you don't feel like talking. But remember in the end, We'll find out all even if you don't allow it." said Rainbow Dash let down and sad by her friend and high Ponyville local authority.

"Thank you for waste my time girls." Finished Rainbow Dash moved her wings and fliying slowly upward the castle. While she anabling her head and not adress to Applejack and the mayor. They two was felting guilty to conceal truth toward a pony, in the case of Applejack, one of your best friends and in the case of the mayor, a citizen who has the right to the truth. Applejack glanced down, while mayor observed a break and back-up stunning of a beautiful friendship.

Applejack's shoulder was touched by Mayor Mane and she whispered her: "It's enough Applejack, your friend need to know about our possible dealing" "Maybe she might help us in the future." Applejack understood Mayor's message,

"Rainbow Dash, wait ya!!" Called Applejack out.

"Now what Applejack, Didn't you like the short cut you chose it to lie me?" Asked sarcastically Rainbow Dash

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I was immature attitude hide my troubles, It's just at this time is passing through a difficult moment with a ornery Family Apple. I could't stand tall alongside Sweet Apple Acres Issues." Applejack moved to tears while talks.

"Granny Smith was really sick I believed No more than few months to the worst happens, the animals are in a state of rebellion, and destroyin' the farn and a lot of apple tree hectares , I don't know how Apple Bloom can help me besides of Granny Smith's Cares, cause she don't want go to the hospital. and prefer spend ther last days at Sweet Apple Acres."

"But what worries me most, is Big Macintosh the had taken drastic measures been taken to mitigate those animal behaviors." Each Applejack word was a sword right into his foe's chest.

"Applejack reassure yourself, If you can unable to continue, tomorrow we can talk with Rainbow Dash. Don't worries." Said Mayor Mane.

Rainbow Dash was shocked for Applejack pain, but she wanted to know all about Applejack.

"Whoo, wait a second Applejack? Big Macintosh had taken what??" Asked surprised Rainbow Dash.

"Yesss, Rainbow. My brother had begun to take extreme decisions. In this case he said me that want despatch towards Manehattan those animals who destroy Apple property or encouraged disobedience toward Big Mac's orders. I have tried to reason with him, but he don't want listen, He only says to fulfil with Granny Smith wishes:"

"Save Sweet Apple Acres" Emphatized Applejack.

"I can't believe it. Big macintosh is a good pony and he never unrespected the animals. But I don't understand something... said Rainbow Dash.

"What do you want know Rainbow? Asked Applejack.

"Why Manehattan? Why Big Mac chose that place?" In that instant Applejack remained mute and more regrettable once Rainbow Dash asked.

Mayor Mane removed Applejack's hat began stroking her mane: "No persist Applejack, let me continue with this" Said Mayor Mane reconfort to the sad pony.

"Thanks, mayor. I need all help that you can offer." "Thanks." Applejack couldn't said more words.

"Well Rainbow Dash, as Applejack was just saying, Big Macintosh send to animals to Manehattan, cause he has had some discussions with Manehattan Mayor, Caucus Rogue."

"Caucus Rogue?? talk me a bit more about that pony. Honestly I don't like these political topics, but if that affects to my friend, but it has a special attention will be devoted to the issue for my part" Said Rainbow Dash with seriousness.

"He is a earth pony, which has been recognized in recent years for for his knowledge and experience particularly in the area of planning, implementation about different topics of interest, like security, economics, inventory of infrastructure and basic sanitation work." Explained Mayor Mane.

"In the last year, the titular mayor resigned by health issues and has put in charge to Caucus. Since since he managed Manehattan, have gained in popularity due to social changes, like reduction of accidents, an important role in stability and growth in the local economy and to help those most in need pony.

"Well, It appears, such a one Caucus is somepony possesses good listening and problem-solving skills and be supported by a highly skilled professional team in his government. He Seems a awesome pony " Said Rainbow.

"If you believe it to be the fact, at the begin also do the other mayors and I , even the Princess Celestia had great references. But It was confirmed By some mayors, and the princesses Luna and Celestia, Caucus Rogue rules only with with the ponies and for the ponies."

"Other creatures have feel discrimanted by the mayor, like widespread firing of mules, cows, sheeps, griffons, zebras, and the occasional buffalos at public sector bodies, some ponies trying to use force and violent action to impose its point of view on the greatest number of creatures, but Rogue has not bothered condemn those intolerance acts. Besides I heard rumors about enforced disappearances occurred all over the city." From then on, Mayor Mane seems even more serious.

"Disappearances?? And you have suspiction of Rogue?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Recently, a professional research force, headed by Princess Luna have investigated if there are connections among the dissapearances and the mayor, but the clearest evidences are eyewitness reports testify last time they saw the creatures were taken in horse carriages, but the force doesn't know where that's going who leads them. There aren't firm grounds to suspect that criminal actors which are related to a specific band, much less with Rogue."

"And the princesses didn't talk with him on this matter?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Rogue has argued his government have done everything to find them and during this time to provide refugees with essential services in the areas of education, health care and social welfare to all creatures, but those services since in reality they are only for ponies and in previous days he said some Griffons and mules has been captured more than once and returned to detention after being determined once again to be a security threat, besides these measures were needed to protect its internal security." Said Mayor Mane.

"Perhaps, the princesses might have more compelling evidence, but until now this has not been discussed in detail with other mayors yet." Said Mayor Mane.

"Wait, there isn't something clear to me". Said Rainbow while put her hooves at her snout. If the main truble is Manehattan mayor, why is Applejack so worried about her brother? At the present time the only thing we know for sure is Bic Mac is a fool, who does not listen to their loved ones and banishes the animals that they do not want to obey him, but I know if we can talk with him and try to convince for leaving those crazy ideas, he wanna be the same pony that his sisters and friends always loved and respected." Said Rainbow while tried raising ponies' spirits.

"Ain't right Mayor Mane...?" Asked Rainbow. Mayor Mane was quiet at instead turning her head away to the forest.

"Applejack, Do you believe the same thing. Didn't it?...Didn't it?" In the brief span of time the exasperated silence and that terrible solitude, Rainbow felt them.

"This isn't hanging out from you, AJ"

"Rainbow...listen" softly said Applejack.

"I wouldn't have expected that from a friend loves her family and never gave up" Interrupted Rainbow

"Rainbow, stop..."

"A true friend would have told her "ring of friends" about encourage the troubles to work jointly and to encourage each other on this path." Applejack become fed up of Rainbow's disruptions.

"For a pony's sake Rainbow!!" Stop!!" Applejack brought up intense emotions with the yell and Rainbow was speechless.

"Mayor, could let us speak alone for a few moments?" Asked Applejack.

"No problem Applejack, in fact I want go to the castle to bring in food and drinks for you. What would you like it? Asked Mayor Mane.

Cider please!! Said Applejack and Rainbow united voice.

"Okay fillies, I'll back in 15 minutes, wait me here." Mayor Mane went to the castle,while the ponies continue discussing and prevent some of discomfort.

"Now listen Rainbow, I love my big brother so much and I think about him a lot. But now Y'all need to know is he chose the wrong track and things can get worse 'till. Said Applejack cutting to the chase.

"Get worse?? And you like Bic Mac' sister where you doing" Asked Rainbow."

Applejack At that moment which lifted her hoof and wanted to beat to Rainbow, but she acted with cool heads.

"I know you want I punchin' you and feel myself like a strong pony, but I need the full partnership of princesses, all my friends including you Rainbow".

"That's I want to hear of you Applejack, but I repeat my question: How the things can get worse??" Rainbow Dash was more relieved about Applejack's determination.

"Pay attention Rainbow: The Equestria municipal elections is only three months away and Mayor Mane cannot continue n' charge. two week ago, Caucus Rogue talked with my brother and me about the problems with the other cretures at Manehattan and my brother identifed himself with the mayor and we talk about with him during half an hour.

"He proposed to one of us if want could become Ponyville Mayor. I thought that was a joke, cause none of us, know politics and public speakin'. But to Caucus didn't seem to care that." Said Applejack. "He trusts my brother applies his policies in Ponyville"

And has he thought about it? Asked Rainbow Dash.

Well, obviously I don't care about these issues, but seems to my brother has been brought to his attention. Said Applejack.

"What!!! What is that he thinking?? First he was very quiet and introverted and now he wants be Ponyville Mayor!!?? Rainbow Dash could not believe what he was telling her friend.

"Exactly Rainbow, I tried persuadin' him these days, each coversation between us, but those ideas now are all in her head. Incredible, But now I haven't recognised to Big Mac". Said Applejack showed regret and voluntarily recalled its sorrows more secluded for not leaving her alone in the heartbreak.

"Don't be afraid Applejack, I'm sure Bic Mac would rahter his family and the farm than a politician purpose."

"I thought that, but I never can forget recent words of Granny Smith: "Applejack, Bic Mac, Apple Bloom, promise me you do what is necessary to save Sweet Apple Acres, I feel all my might is finishing each second and any time with or without notice, could rest in peace."

"And the princesses or you have thought who'll be a great candidate for facing with Bic Mac in the event he wants to become in mayor of Ponyville" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"The princess has a candidate to support in the elections, but Rogue has a much room for manoeuvre in politician things and I'd feel bad if no help to my brother. It's a big Sichy-ayshun." Said Applejack.

"Applejack, although Big Mac is your brother, he isn't make things the best way possible and if it's necessary, We'll defeat him and Rogue at three months." Finished Rainbow Dash.

Before Applejack could answer something, Mayor Mane come again, but this time with Soarin at great speed and with extreme alert faces at the air.

"Applejack, Rainbow!! "It's a disastrer, girls!!" Soarin get no time to rest and breathe. The Grand Galloping Gala is a disaster!!" Follow me girls!! Rainbow and Soarin could fly out the forest with the Mayor Mane at his backguard while Applejack galloped like a maniac horse.

"What's happen Soarin? tell us!!" Yelled Applejack while they through the royal small forest.

"Applejack, the castle has come under attack by some ponies!!" Said Soarin.

"Soarin and where are our friends and the princesses?" Applejack has a severe displeasuren with everything is really going on.

"And you know why Soarin?" Asked Rainbow.

"Apparently, princesses gave to Twilight powers at some Equestria cities" Said Mayor Mane.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are astounded. "But Mayor Mane, Twilight is too young to rules a city and much if there are major cities!!" Said Applejack.

"We know it Applejack, but is the decision princess taken. I bet they had good reasons to trust in Twilight with those responsabilities" Said Soarin.

"Faster Soarin I can see a long the castle!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

After four minutes of flying time, the girls and Soarin arrived to the castle. They began to run toward the main hall, but now then come the cries of terror they annulled the music, and the jubilation was annihilated by the panic of pain and confusion, of rage and despair.

When the ponies cross part of the castle, they came to main hall. The scene Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Mayor Mane and Soarin saw that all the ingredients are in place for bloody event: injured ponies, a lot of collapsed adornment and what seemed the the worst thing: excessive violence by the royal guards.