When Ponies Fly

by Bronze Gears

Chapter 7

After a week of practicing, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Big Macintosh were preparing for their preformance in the night sky. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wiped down the airplane with rags, giving it a shiny new look. Big Mac was filling the firework supply while Applebloom sat far off in the distance, huddled in a little ball, shaking.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Sweetie Belle whispered.

"Ah hope so, ah think she's just a lil' nervous..." Big Mac answered. Suddenly, the yellow filly rushed up to Macintosh with a worried and angered expression.


"Ok ok calm down Applebloom, I doubt any of that will happen, Big Macintosh has been practicing with you for a week. You'll be fine..." Scootaloo added.

"But.... What if-" Applebloom began, though a grey mare with a white mane and earpiece stopped her.

"You're on in five minutes," The mare stated, then walked away in a serious manner.

Sweetie Belle used her magic and gave the filly a brown paper bag, "Calm yourself down." She said, moving the bag closer to Applebloom.

Applebloom took the bag and threw it to the ground. "Big Mac, we'll need to get in the plane now..." She said in a quiet voice. Big Macintosh nodded and trotted over to the plane, and climbed into the front seat.

The engine gave an abrupt bump and whirred to life, and the propellors on the nose of the plane began to circle. From behind the stage, the four could hear the sound of two sets of hooves, a crowd cheering, and a microphone.

"Good evening fillies and gentlecolts!!!" Princess Celestia boomed. "Tonight we are here to celebrate Equestria day! A day in which 1000 years ago we became a free country!" Princess Luna added. "Though this year, we have received a request from three young fillies!" Celestia continued, waving off stage for the three to step up onto the stage, along with Big Macintosh.

The crowd roared as the four walked out, stinging the groups' ears.

"These four have designed a machine for Equestria day, to represent our freedom," Luna began. "What have you named this flying machine?" She said, tilting the microphone down to the yellow filly's mouth.

"A..... A-" Applebloom stuttered. "an Air..... Plane..." She finished, her eyes grew bigger the longer she stared at the huge crowd.

Celestia put a shoulder on the filly, "So how long did it take you all to build it?" The white princess asked with a bright smile.

Scootaloo stepped forward excitedly, "Actually! Applebloom did it ALL by herself! It only took her a TWO days!!" Luna and Celestia glanced back to each other with wide eyes, Applebloom began to blush a dark red.

"Well that's a very extreme skill." Luna added, Celestia nodded in agreement.

After a long silence, the alicorns began to speak to the crowd. "Fillies and gentlecolts!!! It is time for this group to preform their amazing airplane stunt!"

The princesses stood off to the edge of the stage, in their place stood Sweetie Belle along with Scootaloo, both smiling and glancing at their cutie marks. Applebloom slowly jumped into her machine, with Macintosh sitting up front, revving the engine.

"Ok.... Do ya remember what to do?" Applebloom asked quietly.

"Eeeyup!" Big Mac answered with a gleaming smile.

Applebloom sighed and aligned each firework properly. Applebloom tapped her brother's head, giving him the cue to take off, and also a cue for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. A few buttons later, Sweetie Belle was singing a beautiful melody, and the two siblings were gliding through the sky.

The plane soared, and bright golden and dark blue fireworks streaked the air, leaving a magnificent trail of light in the mid-night sky. As the white unicorn on the ground sang her heart out, the airplane above lit up the world. Applebloom peeked her head out of the side of the machine. The crowd's eyes were twinkling, the filly giggled and looked over at the two royal princesses.

The two looked shocked, dumbfounded, and amazed all tied into one. They couldn't believe it. One little filly. She didn't even have a cutie mark. Who outsmarted an adult pony by building something almost impossible. Princess Luna was swaying to the beat of Sweetie Belle's dazzling voice, though her eyes were locked on the flying earth ponies. Celestia was also staring at the couple in the sky, it was beautiful.

Every single pony not only in the crowd, but in town, were staring at the gorgeous machine. Windows were cracked open, with ponies and fillies watching the sky in amazement, everything was so graceful.

"Ok Mac, time to land!" Applebloom shouted nervously.

"Eeeyup!" The red stallion pushed a few more buttons, brought out the landing gear, and began to slow.

Slowly but surely, the plane gradually neared the ground. With a slight bump, the two earth ponies landed. Applebloom took the fireworks off, and her brother finally turned the machine off. The propellors stopped circling their axis, the engine made no sound, and there was no more whirring.

Everypony was silent. Dead silent. Even the princesses. Applebloom and Big Macintosh jumped out of the plane and slowly walked over to the princesses, who were staring at them in delight.

"Please tell me again," Luna began, "Who constructed this excellent machine?"

The yellow filly blushed, and shyly approached the princesses. Applebloom looked at both of them nervously.

"Yes..... Ma'am?" The filly asked quietly.

"Uh..." Luna tried to say, though Celestia stepped in, "What is your... Favorite thing to do young filly?" The white alicorn said with a weak smile.

"Build stuff..."

Luna pitched in, "And... What do you think you're good at?"

"Building stuff..." Applebloom said weakly.

And with that, the little filly felt a small burst inside of her. It spread throughout her entire body. From the tip of her tail to the end her muzzle. The burst gave her a start, making her jump a foot in the air. The princesses laughed at the filly's reaction.

Applebloom quickly looked at her flank. A white beam of light shone where her flank was. After a moment, the small, bright light dimmed, revealing a grid with an apple imprinted inside of it. A hammer and saw lay crossing over the apple.

It was Applebloom's cutie mark.

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't look away from the beauty on her flank. Applebloom stood completely still, staring directly at her cutie mark. She had done it. Applebloom had completed her life goal. The longer she stared, the wider her smile grew.

Suddenly, a loud and familiar voice broke the silence. Cheering and stomping, an orange earth pony plowed through the crowd to the front. Applejack was cheering for her little sister who had just earned her cutie mark. The filly's name was shouted over and over, and a small tear streamed down Applebloom's cheek.